Issued: November 2017
Last updated: January 2021
Reference: Chapter 354 of Toronto Municipal Code, Apartment Buildings, Subs. 354-3.2
This bulletin applies to the RentSafeTO: Apartment Building Standards Program regarding notification board requirements for rental apartment buildings.
The owner or operator must erect or install a notification board in a location within the apartment building that is central or accessible to tenants.
If the building does not have a lobby to place the board, a sign needs to be posted in the main entrance of the building informing tenants where to find the notification board.
The notification board does not have to be locked.
Electronic notification boards are allowed as long as all required information can be displayed and easily read by tenants. Hard copies of the required information must be made available to tenants and prospective tenants upon request.
§ 354-3.2.B of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 354, Apartment Buildings, specifies the information that must be posted on notification boards. This information includes orders issued by Toronto Fire Services that apply to common areas.
Building owners and operators must either post the original order or notice on the notification board or, post information that includes: