Use the City’s interactive map to view and print evaluation results for apartment buildings across Toronto.


Building evaluations are conducted using a tool to measure how well a building complies with bylaws and to calculate scores for all registered buildings.  During an evaluation, bylaw enforcement officers will inspect the interior and exterior of the building and ensure that building owners meet the requirements outlined under the Apartment Building and Property Standards bylaws.

Below you will find a list of categories and inspection criteria used when conducting a building evaluation broken down by exterior, interior and mandatory plans and building requirements. Each item is inspected and assigned a score from one to three with one being the lowest and three being the highest. Categories are weighted based on risk to health and safety.

  • High Risk = 3%
  • Moderate Risk = 2%
  • Cosmetic = 0.5%

Evaluation Scores

Evaluation scores are calculated using a combination of proactive data (scores from the 50 categories) and reactive data (active violations). The scores are then converted to a percentile ranking so buildings are scored in comparison to other buildings within the program. Buildings that score in the bottom 2.5 percentile are subject to an audit.

Formula: Proactive Data – Reactive Data = Total Building Score

Proactive Score = combined totals of evaluation categories

  • 17 High Risk categories x 3%
  • 23 Moderate Risk categories x 2%
  • 10 Cosmetic categories x 0.5%

Reactive Data

  • Orders to Comply and/or Notices of Violation (1% deduction applied for a minimum of 30 days)
  • Emergency Order (2% deduction applied for a minimum of 4 months)

Evaluation scores are refreshed daily on the interactive web map


If your building scored 70 per cent in its proactive category evaluation score but received two Property Standards Orders that have not been complied with for more than 30 days, the building evaluation score would be 68 per cent. The evaluation score will revert back to its score of 70 per cent once the building comes into compliance.

Category Name Inspection List Prioritization Ratings
Numbering of Property
  • Not clearly visible from driveway entrance
  • Not appropriate size based on setback
High Risk
  1. No numbers
  2. Numbers Present, not large enough
  3. No Violation
Exterior Grounds
  • Turf grass exceeds max height (20cm)
  • Trees and foliage not maintained
  • Prohibited weeds on property
  • Deficient light posts and
  • Loose litter and garbage
  • Water ponding on property
Moderate Risk
  1. All violations or multiple violations of larger scale (Sight-line obstruction, etc.)
  2. Minimal multiple deficiency violations (small amount of loose litter, minimal pruning, 1 lightbulb out, etc.)
  3. No Violation
  • Non-permitted material types Rusting
  • Condition not plumb
  • Damage/Missing pieces/sections
  • Exceeds max height (2.5 m)
  1. N/A
  2. Minimal cosmetic deficiency
  3. No Violation
Retaining Walls
  • Not plumb structure
  • Cracks
  • Exposed rebar
  • Deficient delineation of concrete
  • Broken/missing/damaged guards
High Risk
  1. Structural integrity concern
  2. Minimal cosmetic deficiency
  3. No Violation
Catch Basins and Storm Drainage
  • Drain/Basin is obstructed
  • Drain/Basin or immediate area ponding
  • Broken/missing covers
High Risk
  1. Obstructed, broken or missing covers, large pooling/ponding
  2. Minimal obstruction, minimal ponding/pooling
  3. No Violation
Building Exterior
  • Exposed rebar
  • Spalling brick
  • Brick deterioration/delamination
  • Peeling paint
  • Deteriorated shear walls
  • Deteriorated walls
  • Stained walls (ex: water)
  • Missing flashing
  • Deteriorated drainpipes
  • Loose/unsecured attachments
  • Deteriorated balcony slab
High Risk
  1. Singular significant violation or Multiple violations of a large scale or structural integrity
  2. Minimal multiple deficiency violation (cosmetic ex: peeling paint, staining)
  3. No Violation
Balcony Guards
  • Unsafe conditions
  • Balcony panels/guards rusted
  • Deteriorate/missing guards
  • Peeling paint
  • Does not meet height requirement (42″)
  • Openings exceed 4″
  • Structure facilitates climbing
  • Overhanging/overstorage
  • Balcony partially/fully enclosed
High Risk
  1. Singular significant violation or Multiple violations of a large scale or structural integrity
  2. Minimal multiple deficiency violation (cosmetic ex: peeling paint)
  3. No Violation
  • Broken/damaged
  • Deteriorated caulking
  • Leaking
  • Window screen damaged/missing
  • Window safety device missing/broken
  • Window not weathertight
  • Unstable air conditioning
High Risk
  1. Broken window, multiple violation or evident damage, void window safety device and unstable air conditioning
  2. Minimal deficiencies (one screen rip, some deteriorated caulking, etc.)
  3. No Violation
Exterior Receptacle Storage Area
  • Stain/sludge
  • Bins not maintained (holes, lids, wheels)
  • Excessive waste
  • Overflowing bins
  • Inadequate supply of bins
  • Waste area not properly screened
Moderate Risk
  1. No screening, excess waste and overflowing bins or hazardous/unsafe condition
  2. Minimal concern due to adequate supply of bins, stains and sludge, bin maintenance
  3. No Violation
Exterior Walkways
  • Pathway issues
  • Steps and stairs not maintained
  • Guards and/or handrails not maintained
  • Broken or cracked surface material
  • Trip hazard
  • Dirt pathway present
  • Drainage issues
  • Lighting issues present
High Risk
  1. Trip hazard, structural integrity concerns, missing or unstable guards and/or handrails
  2. Minimal concern of lighting, presence of dirt pathway, concern of pathway material, drainage
  3. No Violation
Clothing Drop Boxes
  • No permit
  • Not in good repair
  • Site line obstruction (within 3 m of a driveway or side property line)
  • No name of owner/operator
  • Not in well lit area
Moderate Risk
  1. No permit, unsafe condition, site line obstruction or no lighting
  2. Permit out of date, lack of owner/operator contact information, dim lit
  3. No Violation
Accessory Buildings
  • Not constructed with suitable and uniform materials.
  • Buildings are not maintained in a state of good repair.
  • Buildings are not free from hazards.
Moderate Risk
  1. Unsafe condition, obstructions, significant damage
  2. Minimal weather tight concerns, use of uniformed materials, damages
  3. No Violation
Exterior Doors
  • Missing doors
  • Broken or missing lock mechanism
  • Closure issues
  • Frame not in state of good repair
  • Frame is not weathertight (gaps, rot, etc.)
  • Door not in state of good repair (gaps, screen, rot, etc.)
  • Rust/Corrosion
  • Broken or missing hardware
High Risk
  1. Violation – multiple deficiencies, significant damage, failed locking mechanism, inability of door to self-close
  2. Minimal surface level damages, presence of screening
  3. No Violation


Category Name Inspection List Prioritization Ratings
  • System does not connect
  • No updated information
  • Damaged
  • System does not unlock door
High Risk
  1. Not functional (cannot connect/call or buzzer unlock door)
  2. N/A
  3. No Violation
Lobby – Walls and Ceiling
  • Scuffing
  • Peeling paint
  • Wall finish not reasonably matched
  • Cracked/damaged baseboard
  • Cracked or damaged tile
  • Unworkmanlike wall repair
  • Water damage
  • Dim/Missing lighting
Moderate Risk
  1. Significant damages, deterioration, or multiple deficiencies (rust, poor plastering, water damage)
  2. Minimal surface level, small area issue
  3. No Violation
Lobby – Floors
  • Scuffing
  • Deteriorated floor
  • Worn
  • Rips
  • Stain/discolouration
  • Damages/hazards
Moderate Risk
  1. Significant damages, deterioration, or multiple deficiencies
  2. Minimal surface level, small area issue
  3. No Violation
Laundry Room
  • Water basin (hot/cold) not operational
  • Lighting less than 200 lux
  • Lighting covers missing/damaged
  • Inoperable machines
  • Walls, floors, ceilings not in state of good repair
  • Obstructed drain
Moderate Risk
  1. Damages, deterioration, no lighting, above 10% inoperable machines, fully obstructed drain
  2. Minimal surface level, small area issue, dim lighting, 10% threshold inoperable, partially obstructed drain
  3. No Violation
Interior Receptacle Storage Area
  • Stain
  • Sludge
  • Odour
  • Wall issues
  • Floor issues
  • Ceiling issues
  • Lighting/cover issues
  • Bins not maintained
  • Inadequate supply of bins
  • Excessive waste
  • Overflowing bins
Moderate Risk
  1. Excess waste and overflowing bins, hazardous/unsafe condition, no lighting, multiple or significant damages and significant stains, sludge, or odour
  2. Minimal concern due to adequate supply of bins, stains and sludge, bin maintenance, dim lighting, minimal surface level damages
  3. No Violation
Mail Receptacles
  • Each dwelling unit does not have a separate and secure mailbox.
  • Mailboxes are not in a state of good repair.
  • Mailroom is not secure.
Moderate Risk
  1. Mailroom or mailbox unsecure, mailboxes significant damages
  2. Minimal damages to mailbox or mailroom
  3. No Violation
Storage Areas/Lockers – Maintenance
  • Unsafe overhang
  • Pathway obstruction
  • Hanging wires
  • Wall issues
  • Floor issues
  • Ceiling issues
  • Door issues
  • Door handle issues
  • Locking mechanism issues
  • Inadequate lighting (<50 lux)
  • Light cover issues
Moderate Risk
  1. Malfunctioning locking mechanism, pathway obstruction, no lighting, hanging wires, significant surface level deterioration
  2. Dim lighting, broken light covers, minimal surface level damages
  3. No Violation
Garbage/Compactor Room
  • Stain, sludge, odour
  • Wall issues
  • Floor issues
  • Ceiling issues
  • Lighting/cover issues
  • Excessive waste
  • Overflowing bins
Moderate Risk
  1. Excess waste and overflowing bins, no lighting or covers, strong odours or hazardous/unsafe condition
  2. Dim lighting, minimal overflow, waste, staining or odour
  3. No Violation
Elevator – Maintenance
  • 50% or more elevators not operating
High Risk
  1. More than 50% elevators not working
  2. N/A
  3. No Violation
Elevator – Cosmetics
  • Missing/damaged components
  • Not certified
  • Poor ventilation
  • Dirty cab
  • Burnt out light
Moderate Risk
  1. Ventilation not working, no lighting
  2. Minimal surface level concerns, dim lighting, partial ventilation
  3. No Violation
Interior Hallway – Walls and Ceiling
  • Scuffing
  • Peeling paint
  • Wall finish not reasonably matched
  • Cracked/damaged baseboard
  • Cracked or damaged tile
  • Unworkmanlike wall repair
  • Water damage
  1. Damaged surface level deterioration or multiple deficiencies
  2. Minimal surface level deterioration
  3. No Violation
Interior Hallway Floors
  • Scuffing
  • Deteriorated floor
  • Worn
  • Rips
  • Stain/discolouration
  • Damage
  • Hazards
Moderate Risk
  1. Damaged surface levels, Hazardous conditions, Trip Hazards
  2. Minimal surface level deterioration
  3. No Violation
Interior Lobby and Hallway Lighting Levels
  • Dim lighting levels (50 lux level)
  • Broken/missing lighting cover
  • Burnt out/ missing bulbs
  • Lights not clean
Moderate Risk
  1. Above 10% threshold of damaged / missing covers, burnt out or missing bulbs
  2. 10% threshold damage/missing cover or burnt out/ missing
  3. No Violation
Common Area Ventilation
  • Not clean
  • Not in state of good repair or maintained
High Risk
  1. Non functioning dampers, airflow, significant cleanliness concern, not in good repair
  2. Minimal cleanliness concerns, partially functioning dampers
  3. No Violation
Electrical Services and Outlets
  • Not in state of good repair
High Risk
  1. Missing faceplate, unsecure outlet, fire hazard, signs of fire damage
  2. Cracked faceplate, missing screw
  3. No Violation
Chute Rooms – Maintenance
  • Chute door not functional (self-close and latch)
  • Ceiling issues
  • Walls and floor issues
  • Lighting issues
Moderate Risk
  1. Hazardous condition, Fire Safety concerns, no lighting, significant deterioration of wall or ceiling
  2. Dim lighting, minimal surface level deterioration
  3. No Violation
Stairwell – Walls and Ceiling
  • Scuffing
  • Peeling paint
  • Wall finish not reasonably matched
  • Cracked/damaged baseboard
  • Cracked or damaged tile
  • Unworkmanlike wall repair
  • Water damage
Moderate Risk
  1. Multiple deficiencies, Severe deterioration or damages, Hazardous Condition
  2. Minimal surface level deterioration
  3. No Violation
Stairwell – Landing and Steps
  • Trip Hazards
  • Worn down finish deteriorated
  • Broken or cracked
High Risk
  1. Trip Hazard, Broken or Cracked
  2. Minimal deterioration of finishing
  3. No Violation
Stairwell – Lighting
  • Burnt out
  • No lighting
  • Lower than minimum 50 lux
  • Light cover missing/damage
  • Wiring
  • Hanging lights
Moderate Risk
  1. Violation
  2. Needs improvement – 10% threshold damage/missing cover or burnt out/ missing
  3. No Violation
Interior Handrail and Guard – Safety
  • Structural Integrity issues
  • Structure facilitates climbing
  • Guard height less than 42″
  • Guard height less than 43″
  • Opening exceeds 4″
  • Missing window guards
High Risk
  1. Any Violation
  2. N/A
  3. No Violation
Interior Handrail and Guard – Maintenance
  • Peeling paint
  • Grip broken/missing
  • Rust
  • Scuffed/scratched
  1. Multiple violations OR/ severe damage
  2. Minimal surface level deterioration
  3. No Violation
Building Cleanliness
  • Exterior Doors/Windows – stains
  • Exterior Doors/Windows – litter
  • Exterior Doors/Windows – dirt/dust
  • Exterior Doors/Windows – defecation
  • Lobby – stains
  • Lobby – litter
  • Lobby – dirt/dust
  • Lobby – defecation
  • Laundry room – stains
  • Laundry room – litter
  • Laundry room – dirt/dust
  • Laundry room – defecation
  • Storage/Lockers – stains
  • Storage/Lockers – litter
  • Storage/Lockers – dirt/dust
  • Storage/Lockers – defecation
  • Hallways – stains
  • Hallways – litter
  • Hallways – dirt/dust
  • Hallways – defecation
  • Chute rooms – stains
  • Chute rooms – litter
  • Chute rooms – dirt/dust
  • Chute rooms – defecation
  • Stairwells – stains
  • Stairwells – litter
  • Stairwells – dirt/dust
  • Stairwells – defecation
  1. Multiple areas of the lobby or numerous deficiencies
  2. Small area issue
  3. No Violation
Common Area Pests
  • Evidence of pest(s)
  • Observation of pest(s)
High Risk
  1. Evidence or observation of infestation
  2. N/A
  3. No Violation


Category Name Inspection List Prioritization Ratings
  • Damaged and/or deteriorated fencing
  • Pool/pool area not in state of good repair
  • Deficient access control
High Risk
  1. Significant cosmetic maintenance concerns, trip hazards, unsafe/hazardous conditions
  2. Minimal cosmetic maintenance concerns, minimal cleanliness
  3. No Violation
Other Amenities
  • Deficient access control or damaged
  • Dirty/Broken Element in Play Area
  • Community Room Not Maintained
  • Gym not maintained
  • Tennis Court not maintained
Moderate Risk
  1. Significant esthetic maintenance concerns, trip hazards, unsafe/hazardous conditions
  2. Minimal esthetic maintenance concerns, minimal cleanliness
  3. No Violation
Parking Areas
  • Inadequate lighting
  • Peeling paint ceiling/walls or pillars
  • Emergency exit signage missing
  • Deteriorating concrete on walls, ceiling/pillars,
  • Pavement deteriorated
  • Water penetration
  • Exit doors not secure
  • Dirty/excess garbage
  • Paint requirements not met
  • No/Missing suitable markings to indicate parking spaces
  • Garage door deteriorated/damaged
  • Sensor or Closing mechanism not operational
Moderate Risk
  1. Missing emergency signage, significant concrete or pavement deterioration, garage door malfunctioning
  2. Dim lighting, minimal peeling paint, minimal cleanliness concerns
  3. No Violation
Abandoned Equipment and Derelict Vehicles
  • Equipment or vehicles or parts that are damaged or inoperable
Moderate Risk
  1. Derelict equipment or vehicles
  2. N/A
  3. No Violation
  • Interior lobby
  • Interior halls
  • Interior stairwells
  • Exterior grounds
  • Parking garage
  • Hate, gang-related, inappropriate
  1. Larger than extended hand OR offensive/hate/gang
  2. Less than size of an extended hand and non-offensive/hate
  3. No Violation


Category Name Inspection List Prioritization Ratings
Emergency Contact Sign
  • Not present with required information
  • No physical sign
  • Not in prominent location
High Risk
  1. No Signage
  2. N/A
  3. No Violation
Tenant Notification Board
  • Not in easily accessible common area location
  • Missing RentSafeTO Program information
  • Missing most recent building evaluation results
  • No information on service disruptions (if applicable)
  • No emergency contact information
  • No information on nearest cooling centre
  • No information on upcoming audits (if applicable)
  • Major capital projects not posted (if applicable)
  • Pest management and certificate not posted
  • Cleaning plan not posted
  • Active Orders issued under Chapter 629 not posted (if applicable)
  • Active Notices issued under Chapter 485 not posted (if applicable)
  • Waste Management Plan not posted
Moderate Risk
  1. Not completed or properly updated
  2. N/A
  3. Complated/full
Pest Control Log
  • Past inspection and treatments not documented
  • Next inspection date not scheduled
  1. Not completed or properly updated
  2. N/A
  3. Completed/full
Maintenance Log
  • No information on past maintenance activities
  • No information on ongoing maintenance activity
  1. Not completed or properly updated
  2. N/A
  3. Completed/full
Cleaning Log
  • No information on past cleaning activities and dates
  1. Not completed or properly updated
  2. N/A
  3. Completed/full
Vital Service Plan
  • Not completed on City-provided template
  • Voluntary contact list not maintained or up to date
Moderate Risk
  1. Not completed or properly updated
  2. N/A
  3. Completed/full
Electrical Safety Plan
  • Not developed with licensed electrical contractor
  •  Not completed or up to date
Moderate Risk
  1. Not completed or properly updated
  2. N/A
  3. Completed/full
State of Good Repair Plan (Capital Plan)
  • Not completed on City-provided template or up to date
  1. Not completed or properly updated
  2. N/A
  3. Completed/full
Tenant Service Request Log
  • No process for recording/keep service requests
  • No updated logs (handwritten/ledger, excel, online portal)
  1. Not completed or properly updated
  2. N/A
  3. Completed/full


  • Entrance Lobby
  • Entrance Doors Windows
  • Security
  • Stairwells
  • Internal Guards Handrails
  • Garbage Chute Rooms
  • Garbage Bin Storage Area
  • Laundry Rooms
  • Elevators
  • Storage Areas Lockers
  • Interior Wall Ceiling Floor
  • Interior Lighting Levels
  • Graffiti
  • Exterior Cladding
  • Exterior Grounds
  • Exterior Walkways
  • Balcony Guards
  • Water Penetration of External Building Elements
  • Parking Area
  • Other Facilities