The 311 Contact Centre operates 24/7, 365 days a year.
311 staff provide information and refer requests to the appropriate City of Toronto division for response to the resident/situation; response times from divisions will vary depending on the service request.
311 offers assistance in more than 180 languages and has a 711 relay service for the hearing impaired.
Some service requests can also be made online.
Examples of City service requests to 311 include noise and property complaints; animal complaints; waste collection; road and sewer maintenance and tree requests.
Findhelp l 211 helps people connect to the complete range of government and community-based health and social services available in their communities.
Partnering with more than 200 community organizations, they’ve created a comprehensive human services database allowing them to provide individuals with the most appropriate referrals.
The Findhelp l 211 multilingual call centre operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week/7.
Where people or property are at risk and Police, Fire or Ambulance are required call 911 immediately.
Remember, calling 911 for non-emergency situations could cause a delay in someone else getting life-saving help in time.
This line is staffed 24/7, 365 days a year.
The public can file many police related reports online, some of which include: damage to property under $5000, driving complaints and parking complaints. For a full list of police related online reports, please visit for more details.