City of Toronto Logo Minutes


City Council

Meeting No. 30   Contact Marilyn Toft, Manager
Meeting Date Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
  Phone 416-392-7032
Start Time 9:30 AM
Location Council Chamber, City Hall

CALL TO ORDER - 9:40 a.m.


Speaker Bussin took the Chair and called the Members to order.


The meeting opened with O Canada.

Routine Matters - Meeting 30





Moment of Silence
City Council Decision

January 27, 2009


Members of Council observed a moment of silence and remembered the following persons who passed away:


John Clifford Tinkham

Liberal De Medeiros

Sylvia Kathleen Searles


January 28, 2009


Members of Council observed a moment of silence and remembered the following persons who passed away:


Donald D. Fisher

David Nowlan

Background Information (City Council)
Condolence Motion for John Clifford Tinkham

Condolence Motion for Liberal De Medeiros

Condolence Motion for Sylvia Kathleen Searles

Condolence Motion for Donald D. Fisher






Confirmation of Minutes
City Council Decision

City Council confirmed Minutes from the regular meeting held on December 1, 2 and 3, 2008 and the two special meetings held on December 10, 2008 .

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Adopt Minutes moved by Councillor Mike Del Grande (Carried)

That the Minutes of Council from the regular meeting held on December 1, 2 and 3, 2008 and the two special meetings held on December 10, 2008, be confirmed in the form supplied to the Members.






Introduction of Reports by Committee Chairs and Introduction of New Business Items
City Council Decision

Committee Reports and New Business Items were presented to City Council for consideration.

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Introduce Report moved by Mayor David Miller (Carried)

That the Report from Meeting 28 of the Executive Committee listed on the Agenda of Council be presented for consideration.

Motion to Introduce Report moved by Councillor Janet Davis (Carried)

That the Report from Meeting 21 of the Community Development and Recreation Committee listed on the Agenda of Council be presented for consideration.

Motion to Introduce Report moved by Councillor Kyle Rae (Carried)

That the Report from Meeting 18 of the Economic Development Committee listed on the Agenda of Council be presented for consideration.

Motion to Introduce Report moved by Councillor Gloria Lindsay Luby (Carried)

That the Report from Meeting 20 of the Government Management Committee listed on the Agenda of Council be presented for consideration.

Motion to Introduce Report moved by Councillor Paula Fletcher (Carried)

That the Report from Meeting 21 of the Parks and Environment Committee listed on the Agenda of Council be presented for consideration.

Motion to Introduce Report moved by Councillor Norman Kelly (Carried)

That the Report from Meeting 22 of the Planning and Growth Management Committee listed on the Agenda of Council be presented for consideration.

Motion to Introduce Report moved by Councillor Glenn De Baeremaeker (Carried)

That the Report from Meeting 21 of the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee listed on the Agenda of Council be presented for consideration.

Motion to Introduce Report moved by Councillor Frances Nunziata (Carried)

That the Report from Meeting 23 of the Etobicoke York Community Council listed on the Agenda of Council be presented for consideration.

Motion to Introduce Report moved by Councillor Maria Augimeri (Carried)

That the Report from Meeting 22 of the North York Community Council listed on the Agenda of Council be presented for consideration.

Motion to Introduce Report moved by Councillor Michael Thompson (Carried)

That the Report from Meeting 22 of the Scarborough Community Council listed on the Agenda of Council be presented for consideration.

Motion to Introduce Report moved by Councillor Pam McConnell (Carried)

That the Report from Meeting 22 of the Toronto and East York Community Council listed on the Agenda of Council be presented for consideration.

Motion to Introduce Report moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Carried)

That the New Business from City officials listed on the Agenda of Council be presented for consideration.






City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, received the following petition for information:


1.         (undated) submitted by Councillor Nunziata, from approximately 874 persons respecting the Air-Rail Link referred to in Member Motion MM30.14, headed "Georgetown South/Air Rail Link Project ".

Motions (City Council)
Point of Privilege by Councillor Adam Vaughan 

Councillor Vaughan rose on a point of privilege with respect to a petition filed by Councillor Ford at the October 29, 2008 session of City Council.  Councillor Ford had advised that the petition was from over 250 individuals with respect to the parking regulations in place for Denison Square, Denison Avenue and Wales Avenue.


Councillor Vaughan advised that the location referred to is within his ward.  On reviewing the petition, he noted that it actually contained 147 names, 20 percent of which were individuals residing outside of the City of Toronto.  Although the petition stated that there was no parking in the area, Councillor Vaughan advised that a “Green P” parking lot was located adjacent to the property.  He requested that it be noted that as Councillor for Ward 20, he responds to the concerns of his constituents, not those from outside of the Greater Toronto Area.


Speaker Bussin advised that Councillor Vaughan's remarks would be noted in the Minutes of this meeting.






Review of Order Paper
City Council Decision

January 27, 2009


City Council adopted the January 27, 2009 Order Paper, as amended, and all other Items not held on consent.


January 28, 2009


City Council adopted the January 28, 2009 Order Paper, without amendment.

Motions (City Council)
Review Order Paper 

January 27, 2009, at 10:15 a.m. - Speaker Bussin advised that Council would consider the Items in agenda order, with the following proposed change:


1.         Executive Committee Item EX28.1, headed “Yonge Subway Extension – Environmental Assessment Submission and Project Update Presentation Item (Ward All)” will be considered as the first Item of business tomorrow, Wednesday, January 28th.

Motion to Remove from Committee moved by Councillor Janet Davis (Carried)

January 27, 2009, at 10:17 a.m. - Speaker Bussin advised Council of the following:


New business Item CC30.3, regarding Emergency Repairs to the Coxwell Sanitary Trunk Sewer was considered by the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee on January 6, 2009.  The Committee subsequently forwarded its recommendations on this matter to the Budget Committee.  The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee recommendations were distributed to Members of Council yesterday afternoon as transmittal letter CC30.3a.


Due to the urgent nature of this matter, Council is being asked to consider this Item at this meeting.   To do so requires a procedural motion to remove this matter from the Budget Committee’s jurisdiction.   (This procedural motion requires a two-thirds vote to carry.)


January 27, 2009, at 10:18 a.m. - Councillor Davis moved that City Council remove from the Budget Committee, Public Works and Infrastructure Committee Item PW21.16, headed “Emergency Repair to Coxwell Sanitary Trunk Sewer”, which was forwarded, as amended, to the Budget Committee by the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee on January 6, 2009, and bring the amended Item [CC30.3a] forward to City Council for consideration.

Motion to Remove from Committee moved by Councillor Gloria Lindsay Luby (Lost)

January 27, 2009, at 10:19 a.m. - That City Council remove from Committee, Public Works and Infrastructure Committee Item PW21.4, headed “Polling Procedures for Front Yard Parking - Municipal Code Chapter 918”, noted and filed by the Committee on January 6, 2009, and bring the Item forward to City Council for consideration.  (This procedural motion requires a two-thirds vote to carry.)

Vote (Remove from Committee)

Jan-27-2009 10:20 AM

Result: Lost Remove PW21.4 from Committee and add to the agenda
Yes: 19 Augimeri, Bussin, Ford, Grimes, Hall, Jenkins, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, Mihevc, Milczyn, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Parker, Shiner, Stintz, Walker 
No: 26 Ainslie, Ashton, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Feldman, Filion, Fletcher, Giambrone, Heaps, Holyday, Kelly, Lee, McConnell, Moeser, Moscoe, Pantalone, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Saundercook, Thompson, Vaughan 
Absent: 0  

Motion to Amend the Order Paper moved by Councillor Rob Ford (Lost)

January 27, 2009, at 10:34 a.m. - That Council deem Member Motion MM30.1, headed "2009 Salary Freeze for the Mayor and Toronto City Council", to be an urgent matter, and consider it as the first Item of business.

Vote (Amend the Order Paper)

Jan-27-2009 10:36 AM

Result: Lost Deem MM30.1 urgent
Yes: 17 Del Grande, Feldman, Ford, Holyday, Jenkins, Lee, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Moeser, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Parker, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Walker 
No: 26 Ainslie, Ashton, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Heaps, Kelly, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Miller, Moscoe, Pantalone, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Saundercook, Vaughan 
Absent: 2 Augimeri, Fletcher 

Motion to Adopt Order Paper as Amended (Carried)

January 27, 2009, at 10:38 a.m. - That Council adopt the January 27, 2009 Order Paper, as amended, and all other Items not held on consent.

Motion to Reconsider Vote moved by Councillor Mike Feldman (Lost)

January 27, 2009, at 2:15 p.m. - That City Council reconsider the procedural motion to remove Item PW21.4 from the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee.  (This procedural motion requires a two-thirds vote to carry.)

Vote (Reconsider Vote)

Jan-27-2009 2:17 PM

Result: Lost Re-open Procedural Vote on Removing PW21.4
Yes: 20 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Feldman, Ford, Jenkins, Kelly, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Milczyn, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Parker, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Walker 
No: 11 Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Pantalone, Perks, Perruzza, Vaughan 
Absent: 14 Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Giambrone, Grimes, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Palacio, Rae, Saundercook 

Motion to Recess moved by Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong (Lost)

January 27, 2009, at 4:03 p.m. - That Council vary the Order Paper and now recess until 5:00 p.m. to watch the Federal Budget announcement.

Vote (Recess)

Jan-27-2009 4:05 PM

Result: Lost Recess until 5PM to watch the budget
Yes: 14 Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Feldman, Jenkins, Lee, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Palacio, Parker, Perruzza, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Walker 
No: 24 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Cho, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Grimes, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Kelly, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, Mihevc, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Pantalone, Perks, Rae, Thompson, Vaughan 
Absent: 7 Carroll, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Giambrone, McConnell, Miller, Moeser 

Motion to Adopt Order Paper (Carried)

January 28, 2009, at 9:46 a.m. - Speaker Bussin advised Council of the following:


            Our first item of business today is Executive Committee Item EX28.1 on the Yonge Subway Extension.


            In addition to the Yonge Subway Extension Item, we have two other items on the agenda which include supplementary information from the Toronto Transit Commission,  Items PW21.5 and PW21.6 on traffic signal installations.  Do Members have any questions of TTC staff on these Items?


Having regard that Members indicated that they did have questions, Council decided to consider the following Items immediately after Council completes Item EX28.1, so that officials from the Toronto Transit Commission can be available to respond to questions:


-           PW21.5, headed “Traffic Control Signal Study - Pharmacy Avenue and Arnall Avenue”; and


-           PW21.6, headed “Traffic Control Signal Study - St. Clair Avenue East and Jeanette Street”. 


Council adopted the January 28, 2009 Order Paper, without amendment.

Motion to Extend the Meeting moved by Councillor Howard Moscoe (Carried)

January 28, 2009, at 7:35 p.m. - That Council vary the Order Paper to remain in session past the scheduled 8:00 p.m. recess in order to complete the Agenda.  (This procedural motion requires a two-thirds vote to carry.)

Vote (Extend the Meeting)

Jan-28-2009 7:36 PM

Result: Carried Extend debate to complete the agenda
Yes: 21 Ainslie, Bussin, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Lindsay Luby, McConnell, Milczyn, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Palacio, Perks, Shiner, Thompson, Vaughan 
No: 8 Cho, Ford, Jenkins, Ootes, Pantalone, Parker, Perruzza, Walker 
Absent: 16 Ashton, Augimeri, Carroll, Del Grande, Feldman, Giambrone, Grimes, Kelly, Lee, Mammoliti, Mihevc, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Rae, Saundercook, Stintz 






Presentations, Introductions and Announcements
City Council Decision

Various presentations, introductions and announcements were made to City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009.  Refer to the Minutes of the Meeting for details.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

January 27, 2009


Pixels for Pistols Program

Mayor Miller, during the morning session of the meeting, made a presentation with respect to the Pixels for Pistols Program, a program which provides for the exchange of guns for digital cameras and photography lessons.  He acknowledged the program's sponsors, Henry's Camera and Nikon Canada for their outstanding commitment to the safety of Torontonians.  The Mayor noted that as a result of the program, there are almost 1,900 fewer guns in Toronto homes.  On behalf of Toronto City Council, he thanked Henry's Camera, Nikon Canada and the Toronto Police Service for their work in helping to save lives, and presented plaques to Andrew Stein from Henry's Camera, and Greg Flasch from Nikon Canada.


Deputy Chief Keith Forde of the Toronto Police Service addressed Council and spoke of the program's success in reducing firearms and enhancing community safety.  He commended the program sponsors for their assistance in keeping Toronto one of the safest cities in the world.


Andrew Stein from Henry's Camera thanked Council and the Toronto Police Service for making this partnership such a success.


Speaker Bussin, during the morning session of the meeting, announced that representatives from Six String Nation would be in the Members' Lounge during the lunch break taking portraits with the "Voyageur" guitar, which is made from historic artifacts.  She invited Members of Council and staff to attend.


Speaker Bussin, during the afternoon session of the meeting, welcomed students from Malvern Collegiate, present at the meeting.


January 28, 2009


Speaker Bussin, during the morning session of the meeting, introduced journalism students from Humber College, present at the meeting.


Speaker Bussin, during the afternoon session of the meeting, introduced journalism students from Humber College, present at the meeting.

Administrative Inquiries and Answers - Meeting 30





Fire Vehicle Access on St. Clair Avenue West
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, received Administrative Inquiry IA30.1 from Councillor Cesar  Palacio, Ward 17, Davenport, and the Answer from the City Manager, for information. 

Background Information (City Council)
Administrative Inquiry (November 18, 2008) from Councillor Palacio and Answer (January 26, 2009) from the City Manager.

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Receive Item (Carried)






Toronto's Readiness for the Pending Recession/Depression
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, received Administrative Inquiry IA30.2 from Councillor Michael Walker, Ward 22, St. Paul's, and the Answer from the City Manager, for information.

Background Information (City Council)
Administrative Inquiry (January 15, 2009) from Councillor Walker and Answer (January 23, 2009) from the City Manager.

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Receive Item (Carried)






Funding Sources for the City Planning Division
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, referred Administrative Inquiry IA30.3 from Councillor Michael Walker, Ward 22, St. Paul's, and the Answer from the Deputy City Manager, Cluster "B", to the Planning and Growth Management Committee.

Background Information (City Council)
Administrative Inquiry (January 15, 2009) from Councillor Walker and Answer (January 15, 2009) from the Deputy City Manager, Cluster "B".

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Refer Item moved by Councillor Michael Walker (Carried)

Motion 1 - That the Item be referred to the Planning and Growth Management Committee.






The City's Welfare Reserves
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, received Administrative Inquiry IA30.4 from Councillor Michael Walker, Ward 22, St. Paul's and the Answer from the Acting Deputy City Manager, Chief Financial Officer, for information.

Background Information (City Council)
Administrative Inquiry (January 15, 2009) from Councillor Walker and Answer (January 23, 2009) from the Acting Deputy City Manager, Chief Financial Officer.

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Receive Item (Carried)






One Cent Now Campaign – Further Questions
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, received Administrative Inquiry IA30.5 from Councillor Michael Walker, Ward 22, St. Paul's, and the Answer from Mayor Miller, for information.

Background Information (City Council)
Administrative Inquiry (January 15, 2009) from Councillor Walker and Answer (January 26, 2009) from Mayor Miller.

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Refer Item moved by Councillor Michael Walker (Lost)

Motion 1 - That the Item be referred to the Executive Committee.

Vote (Refer Item)

Jan-27-2009 10:01 AM

Result: Lost IA30.5 - Refer to Executive Committee
Yes: 18 Ashton, Cho, Del Grande, Feldman, Ford, Grimes, Holyday, Jenkins, Lee, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Nunziata, Ootes, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Walker 
No: 25 Ainslie, Augimeri, Bussin, Carroll, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Giambrone, Hall, Heaps, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Miller, Moeser, Moscoe, Palacio, Pantalone, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Vaughan 
Absent: 2 Kelly, Parker 

Executive Committee - Meeting 28




Ward: All 

Yonge Subway Extension – Environmental Assessment Submission and Project Update Presentation Item
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council, as co-proponent with York Region and TTC, approve the submission of the Environmental Project Report for the Yonge Subway Extension Project to the provincial Minister of the Environment and authorize the issuance of a joint Notice of Completion.


2.         City Council confirm that the major components of the Project on which the Environmental Project Report is based (and which are more fully described in this report and the accompanying TTC staff report) comprise:


a.         A 6.8 kilometre extension of the Yonge Subway line from its current terminus at Finch Station to the Richmond Hill Centre (Highway 7);


b.         The construction of six new stations at Cummer/Drewry, Steeles, Clark, Royal Orchard, Langstaff/Longbridge, and Richmond Hill Centre, resulting in an average station spacing of 1.13 kilometres;


c.         The provision of major inter-modal bus terminals at Steeles Station and Richmond Hill Centre Station and provision of a bus loop at Cummer/Drewry Station on the north side of Drewry west of Yonge Street;


d.         The provision of sufficient commuter parking facilities at the Langstaff/Longbridge station to serve existing Finch station customers (who will find it more convenient to park further north) and to attract new riders to the subway extension;


e.         The conversion of the existing Finch Station pocket track/tail track to a double ended configuration, a crossover at Steeles Station and a crossover/tail track arrangement at Richmond Hill Centre Station; and


f.          A bridge structure for the subway extension over the East Don River (between Clark and Royal Orchard Stations).


3.         City Council direct the City Manager and Chief General Manager of the TTC to commence discussions with Metrolinx, the Province of Ontario, York Region and Government of Canada for the purposes of securing the appropriate funding and service agreements on the basis of the following requirements:


a.         Consistent with the MoveOntario 2020 commitments, the City expects the Province of Ontario will be responsible for all capital costs, including property acquisition costs, necessary to implement the Yonge Subway Extension;


b.         Any increases in net operating costs resulting from the operation of the Yonge Subway Extension will be at no cost to the City of Toronto;


c.         TTC will be responsible for project management and delivery of the Yonge Subway Extension Project;


d.         TTC will operate and maintain the subway infrastructure (including commuter parking lots) but excluding passenger pick up and drop off and bus terminals in York Region;


e.         TTC will own the property, assets and subway facilities within York Region except for bus terminals and passenger pick up and drop off facilities/bus terminals located in York Region;


f.          Stations and bus interface facilities used by the TTC will be designed and built consistent with TTC design standards and practices;


g.         The Subway Rail Yard Needs Study to support the Yonge Subway Extension and service increases on the Yonge-University-Spadina (YUS) subway, being conducted by the TTC, may identify location options in York Region and may provide for further funding needs beyond those currently reflected in the preliminary budget;


h.         The Spadina Subway Extension and Automatic Train Operation/Control (ATO/ATC) system on the YUS line must be in place prior to the opening of the Yonge Subway Extension;


i.          The cost of measures to address potential capacity constraints at the Yonge-Bloor Station and North York Service Road arising from the proposed Yonge Subway Extension are to be included as project costs;


j.          The proposed new subway stations and related properties (e.g., bus loops, parking lots) be built in such a manner as to optimize the development potential of those sites;


k.         The EA process also identify development sites along the route and explore/protect for direct links into the proposed new subway stations from those sites;


l.          Metrolinx be requested to prioritize the Downtown Relief Line within its 15-year plan, noting that Transit City is the first priority for the Toronto Transit Commission and the City of Toronto; and


m.        Metrolinx be requested to prioritize the Downtown Relief Line in advance of the Yonge North Extension in order to accommodate capacity issues resulting from the extension of the Yonge Subway.


4.         The Toronto Transit Commission be requested to confirm that the SRT project as recommended as part of the Regional Transportation Plan includes the extension of the SRT to Malvern Town Centre in the first 15 years.


5.         The Toronto Transit Commission be requested to come up with a more inspiring name for the Downtown Rapid Transit Line that reflects the communities and neighbourhoods it will serve.


6.         The following motions be referred to the Toronto Transit Commission for consideration:


            Moved by Councillor Minnan-Wong:


            The Toronto Transit Commission be requested to commence the proper studies, including Environmental Assessments as required, to evaluate the merits of the Downtown Rapid Transit Line and Don Mills LRT for the purpose of moving these projects up on the priority list of Metrolinx and making it a greater priority for Transit City, and that these studies form part of the discussions occurring with the other project partners.


            Moved by Councillor Shiner:


                        a.         Recommendation 3 of the Executive Committee be amended by adding the following requirements:


i         The Steeles Avenue Station be designed in such a manner that if additional land is required that is not currently part of the Steeles Avenue road allowance, all new lands be on the north side of Steeles Avenue and there be no lands expropriated on the south side of Steeles Avenue.


              ii.        As part of the Yonge Street Subway Extension project into York Region, the Sheppard Subway line be extended from Yonge Street to the Downsview Station and Maintenance Yards so as to provide an alternative route to the Yonge Street subway line into downtown Toronto and access the Downsview Toronto Transit Commission subway maintenance facility.


                          iii.       There be no capital cost to the City of Toronto for the construction of the Yonge Street Extension and the Sheppard Subway Extension.


b.         The Toronto Transit Commission be requested to proceed with the studies necessary to construct the Downtown Relief Line.


7.         City Council provide a copy of this report and Council’s recommendations to York Region, Metrolinx, and Province of Ontario for information. 

Background Information (Committee)
Yonge Subway Extension - Environmental Assessment Submission and Project Update

Yonge Subway Extension - Final Report on Transit Project Assessments Process and Future Actions

Background Information (City Council)
(January 22, 2009) communication from the Chief General Manager, Toronto Transit Commission (EX28.1b)

(January 22, 2009) communication from the General Secretary, Toronto Transit Commission (EX28.1c)

(January 23, 2009) supplementary report from the City Manager (EX28.1d)

Presentation material submitted by the Chief General Manager, Toronto Transit Commission (EX28.1e)

Communications (Committee)
(January 5, 2009) presentation from the Toronto Transit Commission to the Executive Committee on January 5, 2009 (EX.Main.EX28.1.1)
(January 5, 2009) presentation from Karl Junkin (EX.Main.EX28.1.2)
Motions (City Council)
Point of Privilege by Councillor Michael Walker 

That officials from the Toronto Transit Commission be requested to give a presentation to Council on this matter.

Vote (Point of Privilege)

Jan-28-2009 10:02 AM

Result: Carried EX28.1 - Ask the TTC for a presentation
Yes: 15 Augimeri, Bussin, Del Grande, Feldman, Giambrone, Holyday, Jenkins, Minnan-Wong, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Parker, Shiner, Thompson, Walker 
No: 14 Carroll, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Hall, Heaps, Lindsay Luby, McConnell, Moscoe, Pantalone, Perks, Rae, Saundercook, Vaughan 
Absent: 16 Ainslie, Ashton, Cho, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Grimes, Kelly, Lee, Mammoliti, Mihevc, Milczyn, Miller, Moeser, Perruzza, Stintz 

Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Michael Thompson (Amended)

Motion 1 - That Recommendation 3 of the Executive Committee be amended by adding the following new requirements:


1.         Metrolinx be requested to prioritize the Downtown Relief Line within its 15-year plan.


2.         Metrolinx be requested to prioritize the Downtown Relief Line in advance of the Yonge North Extension in order to accommodate capacity issues resulting from the extension of the Yonge Subway.


(Amended by motion 5a)

Vote (Amend Item)

Jan-28-2009 4:43 PM

Result: Carried EX28.1 - Thompson Motion 1 - Part 1 as amended
Yes: 31 Ainslie, Ashton, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Jenkins, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Milczyn, Miller, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Palacio, Pantalone, Rae, Saundercook, Thompson, Vaughan 
No: 13 Augimeri, Davis, Heaps, Holyday, Kelly, Minnan-Wong, Ootes, Parker, Perks, Perruzza, Shiner, Stintz, Walker 
Absent: 1 Feldman 

Vote (Amend Item)

Jan-28-2009 4:45 PM

Result: Carried EX28.1 - Thompson Motion 1 - Part 2
Yes: 23 Carroll, Cho, Del Grande, Fletcher, Ford, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Jenkins, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Moeser, Nunziata, Palacio, Rae, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 21 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Heaps, Holyday, Kelly, Miller, Moscoe, Ootes, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Perruzza, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz 
Absent: 1 Feldman 

Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor David Shiner (Referred)

Motion 2a - That Recommendation 3 of the Executive Committee be amended by adding the following requirement:


1.          The Steeles Avenue Station be designed in such a manner that if additional land is required that is not currently part of the Steeles Avenue road allowance, all new lands be on the north side of Steeles Avenue and there be no lands expropriated on the south side of Steeles Avenue.

Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor David Shiner (Referred)

Motion 2b - That Recommendation 3 of the Executive Committee be amended by adding the following requirements:


1.         As part of the Yonge Street Subway Extension project into York Region, the Sheppard Subway line be extended from Yonge Street to the Downsview Station and Maintenance Yards so as to provide an alternative route to the Yonge Street subway line into downtown Toronto and access the Downsview Toronto Transit Commission subway maintenance facility.


2.         There be no capital cost to the City of Toronto for the construction of the Yonge Street Extension and the Sheppard Subway Extension.

Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor David Shiner (Referred)

Motion 2c - The Toronto Transit Commission be requested to proceed with the studies necessary to construct the Downtown Relief Line.

Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor John Parker (Lost)

Motion 3 - That Recommendation 3c of the Executive Committee be deleted and replaced with the following:


3c.       The TTC will be permitted to bid on the contract to manage the construction project relating to the proposed subway extension, and the successful bidder will be chosen on the merits with due regard to considerations of cost and quality.

Vote (Amend Item)

Jan-28-2009 4:48 PM

Result: Lost EX28.1 - Parker - Motion 3
Yes: 14 Del Grande, Ford, Grimes, Holyday, Jenkins, Kelly, Minnan-Wong, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Parker, Shiner, Stintz, Walker 
No: 30 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Giambrone, Hall, Heaps, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Milczyn, Miller, Moeser, Moscoe, Pantalone, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Saundercook, Thompson, Vaughan 
Absent: 1 Feldman 

Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong (Referred)

Motion 4a - The Toronto Transit Commission be requested to commence the proper studies, including Environmental Assessments as required, to evaluate the merits of the Downtown Rapid Transit Line and Don Mills LRT for the purpose of moving these projects up on the priority list of Metrolinx and making it a greater priority for Transit City, and that these studies form part of the discussions occurring with the other project partners.

Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong (Carried)

Motion 4b - The Toronto Transit Commission be requested to come up with a more inspiring name for the Downtown Rapid Transit Line that reflects the communities and neighbourhoods it will serve.

Vote (Amend Item (Additional))

Jan-28-2009 4:49 PM

Result: Carried EX28.1 - Motion 4B - Minnan-Wong
Yes: 37 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Carroll, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Jenkins, Kelly, Lee, Lindsay Luby, McConnell, Mihevc, Milczyn, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Perks, Perruzza, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Walker 
No: 7 Cho, Davis, Mammoliti, Parker, Rae, Thompson, Vaughan 
Absent: 1 Feldman 

Motion to Amend Motion moved by Councillor Suzan Hall (Carried)

Motion 5a - That Part 1 of motion 1 by Councillor Thompson be amended by adding the words “noting that Transit City is the first priority for the Toronto Transit Commission and the City of Toronto”, so that Part 1 now reads:


1.         Metrolinx be requested to prioritize the Downtown Relief Line within its 15-year plan, noting that Transit City is the first priority for the Toronto Transit Commission and the City of Toronto.

Vote (Amend Motion)

Jan-28-2009 4:42 PM

Result: Carried EX28.1 - Hall - Motion 5A
Yes: 32 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Heaps, Jenkins, Lindsay Luby, McConnell, Mihevc, Miller, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Palacio, Pantalone, Perks, Rae, Saundercook, Thompson, Vaughan 
No: 11 Holyday, Kelly, Lee, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Ootes, Parker, Perruzza, Shiner, Stintz, Walker 
Absent: 2 Feldman, Mammoliti 

Motion to Refer Motion moved by Councillor Suzan Hall (Carried)

Motion  5b - The following motions be referred to the Toronto Transit Commission for consideration:


-            motions 2a, 2b and 2c by Councillor Shiner; and

-            motion 4a by Councillor Minnan-Wong.

Vote (Refer Motion)

Jan-28-2009 4:47 PM

Result: Carried EX28.1 - Hall - Motion 5B
Yes: 27 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Hall, Heaps, Kelly, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Miller, Moeser, Moscoe, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Saundercook, Thompson, Vaughan 
No: 17 Del Grande, Ford, Giambrone, Grimes, Holyday, Jenkins, Lee, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Parker, Shiner, Stintz, Walker 
Absent: 1 Feldman 

Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Raymond Cho (Carried)

Motion 6 - The Toronto Transit Commission be requested to confirm that the SRT project as recommended as part of the Regional Transportation Plan includes the extension of the SRT to Malvern Town Centre in the first 15 years.

Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Karen Stintz (Lost)

Motion 7 - Council request the Toronto Transit Commission to seek a third-party analysis on how the Yonge Subway Project should be managed to ensure the project is delivered on time and cost-effectively, such analysis to be submitted to the Executive Committee.

Vote (Amend Item (Additional))

Jan-28-2009 4:51 PM

Result: Lost EX28.1 - Stintz - Motion 7
Yes: 18 Ainslie, Del Grande, Ford, Grimes, Holyday, Jenkins, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, Minnan-Wong, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Parker, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Walker 
No: 26 Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Giambrone, Hall, Heaps, Kelly, McConnell, Mihevc, Milczyn, Miller, Moeser, Moscoe, Pantalone, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Thompson, Vaughan 
Absent: 1 Feldman 

Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Adam Vaughan (Out of Order)

Motion 8 - The Vehicle Registration Tax be raised by $10.00 per car to pay for the external consultants referred to in motion 7 by Councillor Stintz.

Ruling by Deputy Speaker Gloria Lindsay Luby
Deputy Speaker Lindsay Luby ruled motion 8 by Councillor Vaughan out of order because it is beyond the scope of the Item under consideration.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)

Vote (Adopt Item as Amended)

Jan-28-2009 4:52 PM

Result: Carried EX28.1 - Adopt the item as amended
Yes: 42 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Jenkins, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Milczyn, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 2 Kelly, Mihevc 
Absent: 1 Feldman 

1a Yonge Street Subway Extension - Final Report on Transit Project Assessment Process and Future Actions
Background Information (Committee)
Yonge Subway Extension - Final Report on Transit Project Assessment Process and Future Actions

Analysis of Yonge Subway Extension Final Report on TPAP and Future Actions by Karl Junkin





Ward: All 

Donation of Decommissioned Ambulances
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.        City Council authorize Toronto EMS to donate two of its decommissioned ambulances, vehicles that would normally go to auction, at no cost to the City of Soyapango, El Salvador. 

Background Information (Committee)
Donation of Decommissioned Ambulance

Appendix 1 - Letter from Carlos Alberto Garcia Ruiz, Municipal Mayor of Soyapango

Appendix 2 - Letter from Father Hernan Astudillo, San Lorenzo Anglican Church

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Receive Item moved by Councillor Rob Ford (Lost)
Motion 1 - That the Item be received for information.

Vote (Receive Item)

Jan-27-2009 11:13 AM

Result: Lost Ex28.2 - Ford - Motion 1
Yes: 4 Augimeri, Del Grande, Ford, Holyday 
No: 35 Ainslie, Ashton, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Heaps, Jenkins, Kelly, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Minnan-Wong, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Palacio, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
Absent: 6 Feldman, Milczyn, Miller, Ootes, Perruzza, Stintz 

Motion to End Debate moved by Councillor John Parker (Carried)

In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27, Council Procedures, Council end the debate on this Item and take the vote immediately.  (This procedural motion requires a two-thirds vote to carry.)

Vote (End Debate)

Jan-27-2009 11:12 AM

Result: Carried EX28.2 - Motion to End Debate
Yes: 32 Ainslie, Augimeri, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Heaps, Kelly, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Moeser, Moscoe, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 6 Ashton, Ford, Holyday, Jenkins, Nunziata, Palacio 
Absent: 7 Feldman, Milczyn, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Ootes, Perruzza, Stintz 

Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)

Vote (Adopt Item)

Jan-27-2009 11:14 AM

Result: Carried EX28.2 - Adopt the item
Yes: 37 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Heaps, Jenkins, Kelly, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Minnan-Wong, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Palacio, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 2 Ford, Holyday 
Absent: 6 Feldman, Milczyn, Miller, Ootes, Perruzza, Stintz 



Adopted on Consent


Ward: All 

Federal Gas Tax Funding Agreement – Amendment for Extension from 2010 to 2014
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council ratify the September 3, 2008 agreement to extend the Canada-Ontario-AMO-City of  Toronto Agreement for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues under the New Deal for Cities and Communities to 2014. 

Background Information (Committee)
Federal Gas Tax Funding Agreement - Amendment for Extension from 2010 to 2014

Appendix 1 - Federal Gas Tax Agreement Extension



Adopted on Consent


Ward: All 

AOCC Settlement of Operating Results for Year 2007
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         The accumulated surpluses of $16,120 be paid to the City of Toronto for three AOCCs and be used to partially fund the payment of operating deficits of $228,182 for the other seven AOCC’s core administration operations resulting in a net payment of $212,062 to AOCC (as detailed in Attachment 1) to be funded from under-expenditures reported through the final 2008 year-end variance report.


Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (December 15, 2008) from the Acting Deputy City Manager and  Chief Financial Officer remains confidential in its entirety, in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it contains information related to labour relations or employee negotiations.

Confidential Attachment - Labour relations or employee negotiations
Background Information (Committee)
AOCC Settlement of Operating Results for Year 2007



Adopted on Consent


Ward: All 

Operating Variance Report for the Nine-month Period Ended September 30, 2008
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve an expenditure increase of $0.300 million in the 2008 Non-Program Operating Budget funded from the Arbitration and Legal Awards Reserve to enable the City Solicitor to pay court orders and legal settlement faster and more efficiently.


2.        City Council approve the technical adjustments detailed in Appendix D to amend the 2008 Council Approved Operating Budget between Programs with no Net Budget impact in order to ensure accurate reporting and financial accountability. 

Background Information (Committee)
Operating Variance Report for the Nine-month Period Ended September 30, 2008






Proposed Amendment to Chapter 27, Council Procedures – Deletion of Part (b) of Section II Special Committees Public Notice
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         Chapter 27, Council Procedures, be amended by deleting the following from “Section II – Special Committees - B. Composition”, Part (2) (b), to provide that a Chair of a Community Council will be able to sit on the Audit Committee:


                                       “(2) (b) Chair of a Community Council”.


2.         City Council appoint the following members-at-large to the Audit Committee for a term of office starting on January 28, 2009, and  ending on November 30, 2010, and until successors are appointed:


             Councillor Mike Del Grande

             Councillor Rob Ford

             Councillor Doug Holyday

             Councillor Chin Lee

             Councillor John Parker

             Councillor Anthony Perruzza


            (The Audit Committee elects its Chair from its Members)


Background Information (Committee)
Proposed Amendment to Chapter 27, Council Procedures - Deletion of Part (b) of Section II Special Committees

Background Information (City Council)
(December 8, 2008) transmittal from the City Clerk (EX28.8a)

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)

Speaker Bussin advised Council of the following:


 Members of Council, I will now bring forward the Striking Committee's recommendation on the appointment of the Audit Committee.  Council deferred this appointment in December until the Executive Committee's recommendation on the removal of restrictions for Community Council Chairs was before Council. That Item is before Council as EX28.8.  The Striking Committee's recommendation is contained in Transmittal EX28.8a.

Vote (Adopt Item)

Jan-27-2009 10:23 AM

Result: Carried EX28.8a - Adopt the Item
Yes: 45 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Feldman, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Jenkins, Kelly, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Milczyn, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 0  
Absent: 0  



Adopted on Consent



Response to Fiscal Update, Expectations from Provincial Government and Implications for Action
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council advocate the following, that:


i.          The Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada address fairness in artists’ incomes.


ii.          To this end:


a.         The Federal Government consider the early adoption of an income averaging system for artists.


b.         The Federal Government exempt a reasonable portion of income derived from royalties and residuals from income tax, on the model of the Quebec Government’s artistic exemption program.


c.         The Government of Ontario implement similar measures in the provincial income tax system. 

Background Information (Committee)
Response to Fiscal Update, Expectations from Provincial Government and Implications for Action

Economic Measures to Help Artists






Toronto Transit Commission - Public Forum on Accessible Services
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council receive, for information, the letter (December 18, 2008) from the General Secretary, Toronto Transit Commission, entitled “Public Forum on Accessible Services”.

Background Information (Committee)
Toronto Transit Commission - Public Forum on Accessible Services

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)

Community Development and Recreation Committee - Meeting 21




Ward: All 

2009 Federal Homelessness Funding: Update #2 on Negotiation of a New Federal Agreement and Transition to the New Program
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, received this Item and the supplementary report (January 26, 2009) from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration (CD21.2a), for information.

Background Information (Committee)
cd21.2-2009 Federal Homelessness Funding: Update #2 on Negotiation of a New Federal Agreement and Transition to the New Program-Staff Report

Background Information (City Council)
(January 26, 2009) supplementary report from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration (CD21.2a)

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Receive Item moved by Councillor Janet Davis (Carried)
Motion 1 - That the Item and the supplementary report (January 26, 2009) from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration (CD21.2a), be received for information.



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 18 

Transfer of 11 Randolph Avenue Social Housing Community Owned by Canrise Non-Profit Housing Inc. to Toronto Community Housing Corporation
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council consent to the transfer of 11 Randolph Avenue by Mintz and Partners as receiver and manager of the assets of Canrise Non-Profit Housing Inc. to Toronto Community Housing Corporation.


2.         That as a condition of approval, the Toronto Community Housing Corporation commit to a communication program by which tenants will have an opportunity to be made aware of the short term management plan in respect of the subject buildings.


3.         The City Clerk provide a certificate, in registrable form, to Mintz and Partners pursuant to subsection 453.1(9) of the City of Toronto Act, 2006.


4.         Confidential Attachment 1 to the report from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, remain confidential in its entirety in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it deals with personal matters about identifiable persons.


Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (December 17, 2008) from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, remains confidential in its entirety, in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it contains personal information about identifiable individuals.

Confidential Attachment - Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees
Background Information (Committee)
cd21.3-Transfer of 11 Randolph Avenue Social Housing Community Owned by Canrise Non-Profit Housing Inc. to Toronto Community Housing Corporation-Staff Report

cd21.3-Transfer of 11 Randolph Avenue Social Housing Community-Confidential Attachment





Ward: All 

Installation of Sub-meters in Residential Rental Units and Its Impact on Tenant Affordability Units
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council request the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to move quickly to enact sections 137 and 138 of the Residential Tenancies Act, and develop regulations which will ensure that comprehensive and effective energy efficiency measures are in place prior to hydro being removed from the rent, and that rent reductions be calculated in a fair and transparent manner.


2.         Until such time as sections 137 and 138 are enacted, City Council request the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to immediately take steps to improve protection for tenants from negative impacts of sub-metering, including:


a.         implementing interim information and communication programming to support tenants in understanding and enforcing their rights under section 125 of the Residential Tenancies Act;


b.         legislative amendments to section 125 to ensure fair practices in the transfer of hydro costs from landlords to tenants, including requirements for informed consent; and


c.         regulatory amendments to section 125 to ensure a fair and transparent determination of rent reductions.


3.         City Council request the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure to review the provincial regulatory and incentive environment as it applies to sub-metering in multi-residential rental properties, and to move quickly to put in place measures to ensure fair practices and protect tenants, including licensing of sub-meter providers operating in rental residential buildings.


4.         City Council request the Chair of the Cabinet Committee on Poverty Reduction to support enhanced funding to programs that help low-income tenants to pay hydro costs when they cannot afford the cost of this vital service, and to take other actions towards reducing energy poverty.


5.         City Council delegate authority to the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, to allocate up to $25,000 from the Tenant Defence Grant Fund to support tenant dispute applications, in partnership with one or more Toronto community legal clinics, on issues related to the removal of hydro as a service included in the rent, and to report to the Tenant Defence Sub-committee on the results of any cases funded under this recommendation.


6.         City Council send a copy of this report to the Ontario Energy Board, the Ontario Power Authority, Ontario’s Chief Energy Conservation Officer, the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Landlord and Tenant Board, and Toronto Hydro to advise of Council’s concerns about tenant protection and fair rent reductions where hydro is removed as a service included in the rent.


7.         City Council request the Province of Ontario to put a hold on the installation of "smart meters" in residential rental units until such time as the appropriate legislative amendments and/or regulations have been brought into force.


8.         City Council forward these recommendations to all municipalities in Ontario with a population of over 30,000.

Background Information (Committee)
cd21.4-Letter from Tenant Defence Sub-Committee

cd21.4-Installation of Sub-meters in Residential Rental Units and Its Impact on Tenant Affordability-Staff Report dated December 3, 2008

cd21.4-Installation of Smart Meters in Residential Units and Its Impact on Tenant Affordability-Staff Report dated June 12, 2008

cd21.4-Information Sheet for Tenants Prepared by ACTO-Appendix A to Staff Report dated June 12, 2008

cd21.4-Letter from Shelter, Support and Housing Administration Division

Communications (Committee)
(January 12, 2009) presentation from Mike Chopowick, Manager of Policy, Federation of Rental-housing Providers of Ontario (CD.Main.CD21.4.1)
Motions (City Council)
Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)

Vote (Adopt Item)

Jan-27-2009 11:25 AM

Result: Carried CD21.4 Adopt the item
Yes: 29 Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Ford, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Jenkins, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, Mihevc, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Perks, Rae, Saundercook, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 1 Parker 
Absent: 15 Ainslie, Di Giorgio, Feldman, Filion, Fletcher, Kelly, McConnell, Milczyn, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Moeser, Moscoe, Perruzza, Shiner, Stintz 

Economic Development Committee - Meeting 18




Ward: All 

Agenda for Prosperity – Implementation Update
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council request the Government of Canada to direct Statistics Canada to gather, process and disseminate more comprehensive economic data with a view to providing Canadian business and labour leaders, academic researchers and political decision makers with information and levels of detail in line with that available to their counterparts in the United States and Western Europe.


2.          City Council request the Economic Development Committee to hold a special meeting to which all Members of Council and the public are encouraged to attend, to brainstorm and develop strategies to improve Toronto’s economic advantage and minimize the economic impact of the current recession.


3.         City Council request Deputy City Manager Sue Corke to report to the April 22, 2009 meeting of the Economic Development Committee on the feasibility of the City establishing clear and understandable metrics, to be reported regularly by the City, in order to measure the economic health of the City of Toronto.  The information would include:


            a.         the number of jobs lost and created, sectorally and identify whether they are short term or long term jobs;


b.         the number of businesses that have been created or lost, identified by sector;


            c.         a summary of those large business that have been attracted to Toronto as well as the number of large businesses that have left the City of Toronto;


d.         a summary of those business that have significantly downsized their operations in the City of Toronto;


e.         the possible reasons that the changes reported with respect to Parts a to d above have occurred; and


f.          metrics of our performance compared to other GTA municipalities.


4.         City Council request Deputy City Manager Sue Corke to report to the Economic Development Committee in September 2009, on how the City could establish economic-friendly zones (i.e. remove property taxes and business taxes) but incorporate infrastructure costs in these zones.


5.         City Council request the General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, in consultation with the Interdivision Economic Growth Team:


a.         continue to implement the Agenda for Prosperity with increased focus in 2009 on expanding and deepening a Can-Do approach within the City's administration, increasing Toronto's international presence, anchoring and expanding priority industry sectors and growing strategic new sectors, and working with communities to support job creation and local hiring; and


b.         report back to the Economic Development Committee, semi-annually, on significant changes in the Toronto economy and progress in implementing the Agenda for Prosperity.


6.         A copy of the report be forwarded to:


a.         the citizen members of the Mayor's Economic Competitiveness Advisory Committee reconfirming the City's commitment to implement the Agenda for Prosperity and work collaboratively with business, labour, educators and the community, and requesting their continued participation and support to sustain and advance Toronto's  economy in these difficult economic times; and


b.         the members of the Board of Directors of Invest Toronto and Build Toronto.

Background Information (Committee)
Agenda for Prosperity - Implementation Update

Agenda for Prosperity Publication - Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Presentation by Roger Martin

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Michael Thompson (Amended)

Motion 1 - That Recommendation 1b of the Economic Development Committee be amended by deleting the words “at least annually”, and inserting instead the word “quarterly”, so that Recommendation 1b now reads as follows:


b.         report back to the Economic Development Committee, quarterly, on significant changes in the Toronto economy and progress in implementing the Agenda for Prosperity.


(Amended by motion 11)

Vote (Amend Item)

Jan-27-2009 4:16 PM

Result: Carried ED18.2 - Motion 1 - as amended
Yes: 40 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Cho, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Feldman, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Jenkins, Kelly, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 0  
Absent: 5 Carroll, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Miller, Moeser 

Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong (Amended)

Motion 2 - City Council request Deputy City Manager Sue Corke to report to the April 22, 2009 meeting of the Economic Development Committee on the feasibility of the City establishing clear and understandable metrics, to be reported regularly by the City, in order to measure the economic health of the City of Toronto.  The information would include:


1.         the number of jobs lost and created, sectorally and identify whether they are short term or long term jobs;


2.         the number of businesses that have been created or lost, identified by sector;


3.         a summary of those large business that have been attracted to Toronto as well as the number of large businesses that have left the City of Toronto;


4.         a summary of those business that have significantly downsized their operations in the City of Toronto; and


5.         metrics of our performance compared to other GTA municipalities.


(Amended by motion 7)

Vote (Amend Item (Additional))

Jan-27-2009 4:18 PM

Result: Carried ED18.2 - Minnan-Wong - Motion 2 as amended
Yes: 38 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Cho, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Feldman, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Holyday, Jenkins, Kelly, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Parker, Perruzza, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 2 Heaps, Perks 
Absent: 5 Carroll, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Miller, Moeser 

Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Mike Del Grande (Carried)

Motion 3 - City Council request Deputy City Manager Sue Corke to report to the Economic Development Committee in September 2009, on how the City could establish economic-friendly zones (i.e. remove property taxes and business taxes) but incorporate infrastructure costs in these zones.

Vote (Amend Item (Additional))

Jan-27-2009 4:19 PM

Result: Carried ED18.2 - Del Grande - Motion 3
Yes: 21 Bussin, Del Grande, Feldman, Ford, Giambrone, Grimes, Holyday, Jenkins, Kelly, Lee, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Parker, Perruzza, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Walker 
No: 19 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Cho, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Hall, Heaps, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Moscoe, Pantalone, Perks, Rae, Saundercook, Vaughan 
Absent: 5 Carroll, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Miller, Moeser 

Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Chin Lee (Carried)

Motion 4 - City Council request the Economic Development Committee to hold a special meeting to which all Members of Council and the public are encouraged to attend, to brainstorm and develop strategies to improve Toronto’s economic advantage and minimize the economic impact of the current recession.

Vote (Amend Item (Additional))

Jan-27-2009 4:20 PM

Result: Carried ED18.2 - Lee - Motion 4
Yes: 33 Ashton, Bussin, Cho, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Feldman, Fletcher, Ford, Grimes, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Jenkins, Kelly, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Walker 
No: 7 Ainslie, Augimeri, Filion, Giambrone, Mihevc, Moscoe, Vaughan 
Absent: 5 Carroll, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Miller, Moeser 

Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor John Parker (Carried)

Motion 5 - City Council request the Government of Canada to direct Statistics Canada to gather, process and disseminate more comprehensive economic data with a view to providing Canadian business and labour leaders, academic researchers and political decision makers with information and levels of detail in line with that available to their counterparts in the United States and Western Europe.

Vote (Amend Item (Additional))

Jan-27-2009 4:20 PM

Result: Carried ED18.2 - Parker - Motion 5
Yes: 38 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Cho, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Feldman, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Grimes, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Jenkins, Kelly, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 2 Giambrone, Thompson 
Absent: 5 Carroll, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Miller, Moeser 

Motion to Amend Motion moved by Councillor Howard Moscoe (Withdrawn)

Motion 6 - That motion 4 by Councillor Lee be amended by deleting the word "brainstorm" and inserting instead the word "grandstand", so that motion 4 by Councillor Lee now reads as follows:


            City Council request the Economic Development Committee to hold a special meeting to which all Members of Council and the public are encouraged to attend, to grandstand and develop strategies to improve Toronto’s economic advantage and minimize the economic impact of the current recession.

Motion to Withdraw a Motion moved by Councillor Howard Moscoe (Carried)

With the permission of Council, Councillor Moscoe withdrew his motion 6.

Motion to Amend Motion moved by Councillor Doug Holyday (Carried)

Motion 7 - That motion 2 by Councillor Minnan-Wong be amended by inserting the following new Part 5, and renumbering the remaining part accordingly:


5.         the possible reasons that the changes reported with respect to Parts 1 to 4 above have occurred.

Vote (Amend Motion)

Jan-27-2009 4:17 PM

Result: Carried ED18.2 - Holyday - Motion 7
Yes: 37 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Cho, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Feldman, Filion, Ford, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Jenkins, Kelly, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, Mihevc, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 3 Fletcher, McConnell, Palacio 
Absent: 5 Carroll, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Miller, Moeser 

Motion to Refer Motion moved by Councillor Raymond Cho (Withdrawn)

Motion 8 - That motion 4 by Councillor Lee be referred to the Economic Development Committee for consideration.

Motion to Withdraw a Motion moved by Councillor Raymond Cho (Carried)

With the permission of Council, Councillor Cho withdrew his motion 8.

Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti (Withdrawn)

Motion 9 - The General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism be requested to report to the Economic Development Committee on how the Ambassador Program works in other cities around the world and how this program could be implemented in Toronto.

Motion to Withdraw a Motion moved by Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti (Carried)

With the permission of Council, Councillor Mammoliti withdrew his motion 9.

Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Michael Walker (Out of Order)

Motion 10 - City Council endorse the proposed 2009 Federal Budget in so far as it pertains to social housing funding proposals and request that this funding be immediately applied to rebuilding the Toronto Community Housing Corporation’s (TCHC) rental housing units in order to provide for tenants a reasonable expectation of quality of life today and attempt to address the current backlog for State of Good Repair (SOGR) maintenance in its housing stock, most particularly the 326 apartment units and 45 single-family homes the TCHC proposed to sell but recently deferred the sale of.

Ruling by Speaker Sandra Bussin(Upheld)
Speaker Bussin ruled motion 10 by Councillor Walker out of order because it is not possible for Council to endorse the Federal Budget in advance of it being formally announced, and it is beyond the scope of the Item under consideration.
Challenged by Councillor Michael Walker 


Jan-27-2009 4:02 PM

Result: Carried ED18.2 uphold the Chair - ruling Walker 10 out of order
Yes: 28 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Cho, Davis, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Grimes, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Kelly, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mihevc, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Moscoe, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Saundercook, Vaughan 
No: 11 Feldman, Ford, Jenkins, Mammoliti, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Walker 
Absent: 6 Carroll, De Baeremaeker, Giambrone, McConnell, Miller, Moeser 

Motion to Amend Motion moved by Councillor Kyle Rae (Carried)

Motion 11 - That motion 1 by Councillor Thompson be amended by deleting the word "quarterly" and replacing it with the word "semi-annually", so that Recommendation 1b now reads as follows:


1b.       report back to the Economic Development Committee, semi-annually, on significant changes in the Toronto economy and progress in implementing the Agenda for Prosperity.

Vote (Amend Motion)

Jan-27-2009 4:15 PM

Result: Carried ED18.2 - Rae - Motion 11
Yes: 39 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Cho, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Feldman, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Jenkins, Kelly, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Vaughan 
No: 1 Walker 
Absent: 5 Carroll, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Miller, Moeser 

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)

Vote (Adopt Item as Amended)

Jan-27-2009 4:21 PM

Result: Carried ED18.2 - Adopt the item as amended
Yes: 40 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Cho, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Feldman, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Jenkins, Kelly, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 0  
Absent: 5 Carroll, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Miller, Moeser 





Ward: All 

Economic Development Investment and Partnership Programs Review Report
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve the creation of a new Competitiveness, Creativity and Collaboration investment program to:


a.         build on the fundamental principles identified in the Agenda for Prosperity;


b.         work in partnership with business and industry non-profit organizations to improve Toronto's economic prosperity;


c.         increase employment opportunities;


d.         attract new investment and retain businesses; and


e.         involve members of the business community to assist with the review and adjudication process.


2.         Four existing grant programs, Community Festivals and Special Events (CFSE), Commercial Research Investment Program (CRIP), Economic Development Sector Investment Program (EDSIP), and the Economic Sponsorship Initiatives (ESI) Program be terminated on December 31, 2009 and all associated funds ($456,260 in the 2008 Council approved Operating Budget) be re-allocated through the Community Partnership and Investment Program (CPIP) to a new Competitiveness, Creativity and Collaboration investment program in 2010.


3.         The new Competitiveness, Creativity and Collaboration investment program be administered by the General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism Division.

Background Information (Committee)
Economic Development Investment and Partnership Programs Review Report

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 14, 19 

Appointment of Members of Council to the Collections, Conservation and Shared Resources Board and the Fort York Management Board
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council appoint Deputy Mayor Joe Pantalone to the Fort York Community Museum Management Board for a term of office ending November 30, 2010 and until a successor is appointed.


2.         The one Councillor position on the Collections, Conservation and Shared Resources Museum Management Board be filled by a nominee from one of the other museum boards that is not represented on the Board, for the remainder of the current Council term.

Background Information (Committee)
Appointment of Members of Council to the Collections, Conservation and Shared Resources Board and the Fort York Management Board



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 17 

Intention to Expand the Regal Heights Village Business Improvement Area (BIA)
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve the designation of the area described in Attachment 1 of the report as an expanded Business Improvement Area (BIA), under Chapter 19 of the City of Toronto Municipal Code.


2.         City Council authorize and direct the City Clerk to send out a notice of Council's intention to expand the boundary of the Regal Heights Village Business Improvement Area (BIA) to include the area shown in Attachment 1, in accordance with Chapter 19 of the City of Toronto Municipal Code.


3.         The Executive Director of Technical Services be requested to prepare designation by‑law maps of the area, as described in Attachment 1, and submit them to the City Solicitor.

Background Information (Committee)
Intention to Expand the Regal Heights Village Business Improvement Area



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 13, 14 

Junction Gardens Business Improvement Area (BIA) Board of Management Deletions
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve the deletions to the Junction Gardens BIA Board of Management as set out in Attachment 1 of the report.


2.         Schedule A of the Municipal Code Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas, be amended to reflect the changes to the BIA Board of Management.

Background Information (Committee)
Junction Gardens Business Improvement Area (BIA) Board of Management Deletions





Ward: All 

2009 Business Improvement Area Operating Budgets: Report No. 2
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.          City Council approve the 2009 expenditure requests and levy requirements of the following Business Improvement Areas:


Business Improvement Area

2009 Expenditure



    2009 Levy

Funds Required


Bloor by the Park



Bloor Street






Church-Wellesley Village



Crossroads of the Danforth



Danforth Village



Dovercourt Village



Downtown Yonge






Eglinton Hill



Forest Hill Village



Gerrard India Bazaar



Greektown on the Danforth



Harbord Street



Hillcrest Village



Liberty Village



Long Branch



Mimico by the Lake



Mimico Village



Old Cabbagetown



Pape Village



Riverside District



Roncesvalles Village



Rosedale Main Street



St. Clair Gardens



St. Lawrence Market Neighbourhood



Sheppard East Village



The Danforth



The Kingsway



Toronto Entertainment District



Upper Village



Uptown Yonge



West Queen West



Weston Village



Wexford Heights



Wychwood Heights




Background Information (Committee)
2009 Business Improvement Area Operating Budgets: Report No. 2

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)

Government Management Committee - Meeting 20


Adopted on Consent


Ward: 10 

Property Tax Exemption Agreement for Properties Owned by Bathurst Jewish Centre and United Jewish Welfare Fund (4588 and 4600 Bathurst Street)
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         Former City of North York By-law No. 29454 be amended to delete references to “Jewish Immigrant Services of Canada, Toronto Hebrew Re-Establishment Services and Jewish Family and Child Service of Metro Toronto”, and to replace these with: “the United Jewish Welfare Fund (or its successor organization) and its related organizations”, and to make other consequential amendments as necessary.


2.         City Council affirm that the transfer of portions of land between the parcels known as 4588 Bathurst Street and 4600 Bathurst Street, as described in this report, will not trigger the requirement to repay property taxes foregone in the preceding 10-year period, as provided for in agreements between the property owners and the former City of North York.


3.         Former City of North York By-law No. 33142 be repealed and the related tax cancellation agreement between the former City of North York and the Bathurst Jewish Centre (4588 Bathurst Street) dated February 2, 1998 be terminated and removed from title to the property.


4.         Authority be granted for the introduction of the necessary bills to give effect thereto.


5.         The appropriate City Officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.

Background Information (Committee)
Report - Property Tax Exemption Agreement for Properties Owned by Bathurst Jewish Centre and United Jewish Welfare Fund (4588 and 4600 Bathurst Street)

Communications (Committee)
(January 13, 2009) letter from David Bronskill, Goodmans, Barristers & Solicitors (GM.Main.GM20.2.1)

2a Property Tax Exemption Agreement for Properties Owned by Bathurst Jewish Centre and United Jewish Welfare Fund (4588 and 4600 Bathurst Street)
Background Information (Committee)
Report - Property Tax Exemption Agreement for Properties Owned by Bathurst Jewish Centre and United Jewish Welfare Fund (4588 and 4600 Bathurst Street)



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 8 

Real Estate Acquisitions - Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Project (South of Steeles)
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council authorize the Director of Real Estate to negotiate to acquire the property listed in Appendix A as required for the construction of a portion of the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Project (the “Project”) within the geographical boundaries of the City (attached as Appendix A to this report) and to initiate expropriation proceedings, where necessary.


2.         City Council authorize the Director of Real Estate to serve and publish Notices of Application for Approval to Expropriate the Required Property, to forward any requests for hearing that are received to the Chief Inquiry Officer, to attend the hearings in order to present the City’s position, and to report the Chief Inquiry Officer’s recommendations back to City Council for its consideration.


Background Information (Committee)
Report - Real Estate Acquisitions - Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Project (South of Steeles)

Appendix A - GM20-4

Appendix B1 - GM20-4

Appendix B2 - GM20-4

Appendix B3 - GM20-4

Appendix B4 - GM20-4





Ward: 27 

Sale of the Public Lane between 51 Grosvenor Street and 76 Grenville Street
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         Subject to City Council authorizing the permanent closure of the public lane between 51 Grosvenor Street and 76 Grenville Street, being part of Lane on Plan 159 and shown as Part 1 on Sketch No. PS-2008-160 (the “Lane”), the City of Toronto enter into an Agreement of Purchase and Sale with the adjoining owner, Women’s College Hospital (the “Purchaser”), for the sale of the Lane, in the amount of $980,000.00, substantially on the terms and conditions outlined in Appendix “A” to this report.


2.         City Council make a Grant to the Hospital of $980,000.00 in accordance with section 83 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as the Hospital is not an entity to which such a grant is prohibited under section 82 of the City of Toronto Act, provided the Hospital enters into a grant agreement with the City which requires the Hospital to re-pay the grant to the City by paying the current market value of the Lane at that time, in the event that the Lane and the Hospital's adjoining properties on either side of the Lane are not redeveloped for hospital purposes and/or are sold for a use other than hospital purposes, and on such other terms and conditions as the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer deems appropriate.


3.         City Council determine that it is in the interests of the municipality to make the grant to the Hospital.


4.         City Council direct that Women’s College Hospital reimburse all legal, appraisal and associated costs.


5.         Authority be granted to direct a portion of the proceeds of closing to fund the outstanding expenses related to the Lane and the completion of the sale transaction.


6.         The City Solicitor be authorized to complete the transaction on behalf of the City, including paying any necessary expenses, amending the closing, due diligence and other dates, and amending or waiving terms and conditions, on such terms as she considers reasonable.


7.         The following motion be referred to the Community Development and Recreation Committee for consideration:


Moved by Councillor Del Grande:


This land be provided to Women’s College Hospital conditional upon the Hospital agreeing not to charge ambulance costs to residents, as they are already paid by the City.

Background Information (Committee)
Report - Sale of the Public Lane between 51 Grosvenor Street and 76 Grenville Street

Appendix A - GM20-5

Appendix B - GM20-5

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Doug Holyday (Lost)

Motion 1 - That the recommendation of the Government Management Committee be deleted and Council adopt instead the following recommendations contained in the report  (December 17, 2008) from the Chief Corporate Officer:


1.         Subject to City Council authorizing the permanent closure of the public lane between 51 Grosvenor Street and 76 Grenville Street, being part of Lane on Plan 159 and shown as Part 1 on Sketch No. PS-2008-160 (the “Lane”), the City of Toronto enter into an Agreement of Purchase and Sale with the adjoining owner, Women’s College Hospital (the “Purchaser”), for the sale of the Lane, in the amount of $980,000.00, substantially on the terms and conditions outlined in Appendix “A” to this report.


2.          Authority be granted to direct a portion of the proceeds of closing to fund the outstanding expenses related to the Lane and the completion of the sale transaction.


3.          The City Solicitor be authorized to complete the transaction on behalf of the City, including paying any necessary expenses, amending the closing, due diligence and other dates, and amending or waiving terms and conditions, on such terms as she considers reasonable.

Vote (Amend Item)

Jan-27-2009 5:30 PM

Result: Lost GM20.5 - Holyday - Motion 1
Yes: 11 Ainslie, Del Grande, Ford, Grimes, Holyday, Jenkins, Moscoe, Ootes, Parker, Thompson, Walker 
No: 23 Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Cho, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Hall, Heaps, Kelly, Lee, Lindsay Luby, McConnell, Mihevc, Moeser, Nunziata, Palacio, Pantalone, Perks, Rae, Saundercook, Stintz, Vaughan 
Absent: 11 Carroll, Davis, Feldman, Fletcher, Giambrone, Mammoliti, Milczyn, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Perruzza, Shiner 

Vote (Amend Item)

Jan-27-2009 5:32 PM

Result: Lost GM20.5 - Revote on Holyday - Motion 1
Yes: 10 Ainslie, Del Grande, Ford, Grimes, Holyday, Jenkins, Moscoe, Ootes, Parker, Thompson 
No: 24 Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Cho, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Hall, Heaps, Kelly, Lee, Lindsay Luby, McConnell, Mihevc, Moeser, Nunziata, Palacio, Pantalone, Perks, Rae, Saundercook, Stintz, Vaughan, Walker 
Absent: 11 Carroll, Davis, Feldman, Fletcher, Giambrone, Mammoliti, Milczyn, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Perruzza, Shiner 

Motion to Reconsider Vote moved by Councillor Michael Walker (Carried)

That in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27, Council Procedures, Council reconsider the vote on motion 1 by Councillor Holyday.


Council re-voted on Motion 1 by Councillor Holyday as noted above.

Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Mike Del Grande (Referred)

Motion 2 - This land be provided to Women’s College Hospital conditional upon the Hospital agreeing not to charge ambulance costs to residents, as they are already paid by the City.

Motion to Refer Motion moved by Councillor Gloria Lindsay Luby (Carried)

Motion 3 - That motion 2 by Councillor Del Grande be referred to the Community Development and Recreation Committee for consideration.

Vote (Refer Motion)

Jan-27-2009 5:33 PM

Result: Carried GM20.5 - Lindsay Luby - Motion 3
Yes: 20 Augimeri, Bussin, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Hall, Heaps, Kelly, Lindsay Luby, McConnell, Mihevc, Moeser, Nunziata, Palacio, Pantalone, Perks, Saundercook, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 15 Ainslie, Ashton, Cho, Del Grande, Ford, Grimes, Holyday, Jenkins, Lee, Moscoe, Ootes, Parker, Rae, Stintz, Thompson 
Absent: 10 Carroll, Davis, Feldman, Giambrone, Mammoliti, Milczyn, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Perruzza, Shiner 

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)

Vote (Adopt Item as Amended)

Jan-27-2009 5:34 PM

Result: Carried GM20.5 - Adopt the item as amended
Yes: 26 Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Cho, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Hall, Heaps, Kelly, Lee, Lindsay Luby, McConnell, Mihevc, Moeser, Nunziata, Palacio, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Rae, Saundercook, Stintz, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 9 Ainslie, Del Grande, Ford, Grimes, Holyday, Jenkins, Moscoe, Ootes, Thompson 
Absent: 10 Carroll, Davis, Feldman, Giambrone, Mammoliti, Milczyn, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Perruzza, Shiner 



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 27 

City Hall Leases for Media Offices
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve Lease agreements with each of the current and future (if changed during the term) City Hall media tenants on the terms and conditions as set out in Appendix “A” of this report, together with such other terms and conditions as may be deemed appropriate by the Chief Corporate Officer and in a form approved by the City Solicitor.


2.         City Council direct the Chief Corporate Officer to negotiate and adjust rent for the current media tenant leases for 2008 in accordance with Schedule “A” of this report.


3.         City Council direct the Chief Corporate Officer to administer and manage the lease agreements including the provision of any consents, approvals, notices and notices of termination, provided that the Chief Corporate Officer may, at any time, refer consideration of such matter (including their content) to City Council for its determination and direction.

Background Information (Committee)
Report - City Hall Leases for Media Offices

Appendix A - GM20-8

Appendix B - GM20-8





Ward: 15 

Amendment to the Lease Agreement with the Toronto District School Board for the Use of the Tennis/Basketball Courts at Bathurst Heights Secondary School
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         The General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation, in conjunction with the City Solicitor,  amend the “Use” clause in the existing lease agreement with the TDSB for the use of the tennis courts at Bathurst Secondary School, to allow for the installation and operation of a skateboard park.


2.         The General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation be requested to consult with the Toronto Catholic District School Board on this matter.

Background Information (Committee)
Report - Amendment to the Lease Agreement with the Toronto District School Board for the Use of the Tennis/basketball Courts at Bathurst Heights Secondary School

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Rob Ford (Carried)

Motion 1 - The General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation be requested to consult with the Toronto Catholic District School Board on this matter.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 30 

Lease of Unit A, 348 Unwin Avenue for Solid Waste Management Services from City of Toronto Economic Development Corporation
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council grant authority to enter into a 5 year lease agreement (the "Lease") with respect to the parcel of vacant land known as Unit A, 348 Unwin Avenue (the "Leased Premises"), such Lease to be between the owner of the Leased Premises, City of Toronto Economic Development Corporation (the "Landlord") and City of Toronto, as tenant, substantially on the terms and conditions in Appendix "A" and on such terms and conditions as may be acceptable to the General Manager of Solid Waste Management Services and the Chief Corporate Officer, and in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor.


2.         City Council grant authority for the General Manager of Solid Waste Management Services to utilize funds from its budget to make payments for the rent payable under the Lease, as stated herein.


3.         City Council grant authority to the Chief Corporate Officer to administer and manage the Lease, including the provision of any consents, approvals, notices and notices of termination provided that the Chief Corporate Officer may, at any time, refer consideration of such matter (including their content) to City Council for its determination and direction.


4.         City Council pass a by-law pursuant to section 252 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, providing authority to:


a.         enter into a municipal capital facility agreement with the Landlord in respect of Leased Premises for the operation of a wood chipping and garden waste processing facility by Solid Waste Management Services; and


b.         exempt the Leased Premises from taxation for municipal and school purposes, which tax exemption is to be effective from the latest of the following dates: the commencement date of the Lease between the City and the Landlord; the date the municipal capital facility agreement is signed; and the date the tax exemption by-law is enacted.


5.         City Council direct the City Clerk to give written notice of the by-law to the Minister of Education, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, the Toronto District School Board, the Toronto Catholic District School Board, the Conseil Scolaire de District du Centre-Sud-Ouest, and the Conseil Scolaire de District du Catholique Centre-Sud.


6.         City Council grant authority  for the introduction of the necessary bills to give effect to the foregoing.

Background Information (Committee)
Report - Lease of Unit A, 348 Unwin Avenue for Solid Waste Management Services from City of Toronto Economic Development Corporation

Appendix A - GM20-10

Appendix B - GM20-10





Ward: 20 

Damage to Western Gap Breakwall - Update
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff contained in Attachment 1.


2.         If adopted by Council, only Recommendations 2 and 3 be made public at the end of the Council meeting.


The following Recommendations 2 and 3 contained in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (December 18, 2008) from the City Solicitor, are now public. The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 remains confidential, in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it contains information related to litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board:


2.         Authority be granted to the City Solicitor to commence legal action against the federal and provincial Crown and any other party deemed appropriate seeking contribution and indemnity or any other claim as a result of the National Yacht Club's legal action.


3.         The authority in Recommendation 2 include the authority to settle claims without commencing formal legal action where appropriate, to commence legal action where appropriate against any party deemed proper by the City Solicitor, to discontinue or settle such legal action once commenced where it is concluded that it is reasonable to do so, to appeal any decision where warranted, to take collection proceedings to enforce judgements and orders where necessary, to write-off amounts that are uncollectible where it is appropriate to do so, or otherwise to deal with the recovery of such claims, and to execute any documents in furtherance thereof.

Confidential Attachment - Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board
Background Information (Committee)
Report - Damage to Western Gap Breakwall - Update

Confidential Attachment 1 - GM20-12
Motions (City Council)
Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 19 

Proposed Licence Agreement for the Operation of Concession Services in Christie Pits Park with Mr. Jack Dominico, President of the Toronto Maple Leaf Baseball Club
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council grant authority to enter into a licence agreement with Mr. Jack Dominico, President of the TMLBC to operate a food and beverage concession at the Concession Facility within Christie Pits Park for five (5) seasons, during the period from May 1, to October 31, in each of the years 2009 to 2013 inclusive, at a licence fee of $1,000.00 for each season.

Background Information (Committee)
Report - Proposed Licence Agreement for the Operation of Concession Services in Christie Pits Park with Mr. Jack Dominico, President of the Toronto Maple Leaf Baseball Club



Adopted on Consent


Ward: All 

Records Retention By-law Amendment
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council authorize the necessary amendments to Municipal Code Chapter 217, Records Corporate (City), to add a new disposition category of “Archival and Permanent” to enable the future deletion of the existing disposition categories of “Permanent/ Archival Review” and “Permanent” after records series with these retention periods have been revised.


2.         City Council approve the revisions to the records series schedule as noted in Appendix 2 and adding the new record series detailed Appendix 3.


3.         City Council repeal record retention by-laws of former municipalities as set out in Appendix 4.


4.         City Council grant authority to introduce the necessary bills in the City Council to give effect to the foregoing.


5.         City Council authorize the appropriate City of Toronto officials to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.

Background Information (Committee)
Report - Records Retention Bylaw Amendment

Appendix 1 - GM20-15

Appendix 2 - GM20-15

Appendix 3 - GM20-15

Appendix 4 - GM20-15

Parks and Environment Committee - Meeting 21


Adopted on Consent


Ward: 19 

Outcome of June Callwood Park Design Competition and Award of Contract to Winner
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council endorse the decision of the Competition Jury to select the proposal for June Callwood Park by gh3 as the winner of the June Callwood Park Design Competition.


2.         City Council authorize Parks, Forestry and Recreation to enter into and execute an agreement on behalf of the City with gh3 to provide professional landscape architectural services for June Callwood Park, based on a proposed fee of up to 12 percent of the construction costs for the Phase 3 project, or up to $0.200 million net of GST, depending on the final budget of construction phase.

Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report




Adopted on Consent


Ward: All 

Proposed Amendment to Municipal Code, Chapter 608, Parks, to Prohibit Smoking around Playgrounds and Other Areas in City of Toronto Parks
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         Smoking tobacco and the holding of lighted tobacco be prohibited within a 9-metre radius of the edge of playground safety surfaces or any playground equipment in Toronto parks, and within a 9-metre radius of the edge of wading pool basins or safety surfaces of splash pads operated by Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division.


2.         Smoking tobacco and the holding of lighted tobacco also be prohibited within zoos and farms managed by Parks, Forestry and Recreation.


3.         The City Solicitor be directed to amend Municipal Code Chapter 608, Parks, to prohibit smoking tobacco and holding lighted tobacco within a 9-metre radius surrounding the edge of playground safety surfaces or any playground equipment in Toronto parks, within a 9-metre radius surrounding the edge of wading pool basins or safety surfaces of splash pads, and within zoos and farms operated by Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division, substantially as outlined in Appendix A of this report, subject to any necessary minor substantive or stylistic refinements as may be identified by the General Manager and the City Solicitor.


4.         The amendments to Municipal Code Chapter 608, Parks, come into force the day after the set fine order is issued by the Province.


5.         Signage be designed and installed identifying the smoking prohibition and identify the relevant provisions of Municipal Code, Chapter 608, Parks.


6.         The City Solicitor be authorized to introduce the necessary bills to give effect to these recommendations.

Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report

Background Information (City Council)
(January 19, 2009) transmittal from the Board of Health (PE21.5a)

Communications (Committee)
(January 13, 2009) e-mail from Heidi Loney (PE.New.PE21-5-1)
(January 16, 2009) submission from Andrew Noble, Sr. Coordinator, Canadian Cancer Society, Ontario Division (PE.New.PE21-5-2)
Motions (City Council)
Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Howard Moscoe (Lost)

Motion 1 - The General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation be requested to report back to the Parks and Environment Committee on the feasibility of installing some kind of container to dispose of cigarette butts near signage locations.

Vote (Amend Item (Additional))

Jan-27-2009 6:44 PM

Result: Lost PE21.5 - Moscoe
Yes: 18 Ashton, Augimeri, Carroll, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Hall, Heaps, Kelly, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Milczyn, Moscoe, Nunziata, Perks, Perruzza, Walker 
No: 19 Ainslie, Di Giorgio, Feldman, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Holyday, Jenkins, Lee, Mihevc, Moeser, Ootes, Pantalone, Parker, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Vaughan 
Absent: 8 Bussin, Cho, Giambrone, Grimes, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Palacio, Thompson 

Motion to Receive Item moved by Councillor Rob Ford (Lost)
Motion 2 - That the Item be received for information.

Vote (Receive Item)

Jan-27-2009 6:43 PM

Result: Lost PE21.5 - Ford - Motion 2
Yes: 9 Ashton, Feldman, Ford, Kelly, Milczyn, Ootes, Parker, Shiner, Stintz 
No: 28 Ainslie, Augimeri, Carroll, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Jenkins, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Pantalone, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Saundercook, Vaughan, Walker 
Absent: 8 Bussin, Cho, Giambrone, Grimes, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Palacio, Thompson 

Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)

Vote (Adopt Item)

Jan-27-2009 6:45 PM

Result: Carried PE21.5 - Adopt the item
Yes: 31 Ainslie, Augimeri, Carroll, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Feldman, Filion, Fletcher, Hall, Heaps, Jenkins, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 6 Ashton, Ford, Holyday, Kelly, Milczyn, Ootes 
Absent: 8 Bussin, Cho, Giambrone, Grimes, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Palacio, Thompson 





Ward: All 

Commercial Dog Walkers Permit Policy Annual Review and Appeal Process
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve amendments to the Commercial Dog Walker Permit Policy outlined in bold print in Attachment 1 of this report, subject to any necessary minor, substantive, or stylistic refinements as may be identified by the General Manager and City Solicitor, and including the following:


             a.         replacement of the former “Revoked Permit” section in the Commercial Dog Walker Permit Policy with the “Permit Suspension” section;


b.         the establishment of an Appeal Process for Commercial Dog Walkers who have been notified that their permit  will be suspended; and


c.         the establishment of a three-member Commercial Dog Walker Permit Appeal Committee composed of the Managers of Animal Services, and Policy and Planning Services, both of Municipal Licensing and Standards; and the Project Manager of the Clean and Beautiful City Secretariat of Transportation Services.


2.         City Council approve the corresponding amendments to Municipal Code Chapter 608, Parks to implement the revisions to the Commercial Dog Walker Permit Policy, as outlined in Attachment 2 of this report, subject to any necessary minor, substantive or stylistic refinements as may be identified by the General Manager and the City Solicitor.


3.         City Council approve the terms of reference for the Commercial Dog Walker Permit Appeal Committee, and that Municipal Code Chapter 608, Parks, be amended accordingly, substantially as outlined in Attachment 3 of this report, subject to any necessary minor substantive or stylistic refinements as may be identified by the General Manager and the City Solicitor.


4.         City Council approve a $200.00 non-refundable application fee to appeal the suspension of a commercial dog walker permit and that Municipal Code Chapter 441, Fees and Charges, be amended to include the new fee.


5.         The General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation be requested to provide notification of the changes in the by-law by mail, to each licensed commercial dog walker.


6.         The City Solicitor be authorized to introduce the necessary bills to give effect to these recommendations.


Public Notice

Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Howard Moscoe (Carried)

Motion 1 - The General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation be requested to provide notification of the changes in the by-law by mail, to each licensed commercial dog walker.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)

Planning and Growth Management Committee - Meeting 22




Ward: 14, 19, 20 

Official Plan Amendment for Front Street West – Final Report
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council amend the Official Plan substantially in accordance with the draft official plan amendment presented in Attachment 1 of the report.


2.         City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft official plan amendment as may be required.

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
Background Information (Committee)
Official Plan Amendment for Front Street West Final Report

Communications (Committee)
(November 25, 2008) letter from Hamish Wilson (PG.Main.PG22.2.1)
(January 6, 2009) fax from Hamish Wilson (PG.New.PG22.2.2)
Communications (City Council)
(January 23, 2009) letter from Hamish Wilson  (CC.Supp.PG22.2.3)
Motions (City Council)
Motion to Receive Item moved by Councillor Doug Holyday (Lost)
Motion 1 - That the Item be received for information.

Vote (Receive Item)

Jan-27-2009 7:51 PM

Result: Lost PG22.2 - Holyday - Motion 1
Yes: 11 Ford, Holyday, Lindsay Luby, Milczyn, Moeser, Nunziata, Ootes, Pantalone, Parker, Perruzza, Saundercook 
No: 18 Ainslie, Carroll, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Filion, Hall, Heaps, Jenkins, Kelly, Lee, McConnell, Mihevc, Moscoe, Perks, Rae, Vaughan 
Absent: 16 Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Cho, Feldman, Fletcher, Giambrone, Grimes, Mammoliti, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Palacio, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Walker 

Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)

Vote (Adopt Item)

Jan-27-2009 7:52 PM

Result: Carried PG22.2 - Adopt the item
Yes: 18 Ainslie, Carroll, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Filion, Hall, Heaps, Jenkins, Kelly, Lee, McConnell, Mihevc, Moscoe, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Vaughan 
No: 11 Di Giorgio, Ford, Holyday, Lindsay Luby, Milczyn, Moeser, Nunziata, Ootes, Pantalone, Parker, Saundercook 
Absent: 16 Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Cho, Feldman, Fletcher, Giambrone, Grimes, Mammoliti, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Palacio, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Walker 





Ward: All 

Amendment to the Official Plan – Additional Site Plan Control Powers – Final Report
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council amend the Official Plan substantially in accordance with the draft Official Plan Amendment attached as Attachment 1 to the report (January 20, 2009) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning (PG22.3a).


2.         City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Official Plan Amendment as may be required.


3.         City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director to bring forward the Site Plan Control By-law amendments to implement the additional Site Plan Control powers dealing with exterior design and sustainable design in adjacent rights-of-way in the second quarter of 2009 upon the proposed Official Plan policies coming into effect.

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
Background Information (Committee)
Amendment to the Official Plan Additional Site Plan Control Powers Final Report

Background Information (City Council)
(January 20, 2009) supplementary report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning (PG22.3a)

Communications (Committee)
(January 6, 2009) e-mail from Paula J. Tenuta, Building Industry and Land Development Association (PG.New.PG22.3.1)
(January 6, 2009) e-mail from John P. Wilson, Chair, Task Force to Bring Back the Don (PG.New.PG22.3.2)
(January 8, 2009) e-mail from Jeffrey L. Davies, Davies Howe Partners (PG.New.PG22.3.3)
(January 8, 2009) letter from Chris Sherriff-Scott, MintoUrban Communities (PG.New.PG22.3.4)
Communications (City Council)
(January 8, 2009) letter from Ian MacLeod, Pemberton Group (CC.Main.PG22.3.5)
(January 23, 2009) e-mail from Jeffrey L. Davies, Davies Howe Partners, Lawyers on behalf of Ambercroft Construction Ltd.  (CC.Supp.PG22.3.6)
(January 23, 2009) e-mail from Jeffrey L. Davies, Davies Howe Partners, Lawyers on behalf of Bay-Elizabeth Construction ltd. (CC.Supp.PG22.3.7)
(January 23, 2009) e-mail from Jeffrey L. Davies, Davies Howe Partners, Lawyers on behalf of Damaris Developments Inc.  (CC.Supp.PG22.3.8)
(January 23, 2009) e-mail from Jeffrey L. Davies, Davies Howe Partners, Lawyers on behalf of Fancy Dell Developments Inc.  (CC.Supp.PG22.3.9)
(January 23, 2009) e-mail from Jeffrey L. Davies, Davies Howe Partners, Lawyers on behalf of B-Major Homes (Ontario) Inc.  (CC.Supp.PG22.3.10)
(January 23, 2009) e-mail from Jeffrey L. Davies, Davies Howe Partners, Lawyers on behalf of GCD Trustee Ltd.  (CC.Supp.PG22.3.11)
(January 23, 2009) e-mail from Jeffrey L. Davies, Davies Howe Partners, Lawyers on behalf of Hollydowns Developments Inc.  (CC.Supp.PG22.3.12)
(January 23, 2009) e-mail from Jeffrey L. Davies, Davies Howe Partners, Lawyers on behalf of Jasamax Holdings Inc.  (CC.Supp.PG22.3.13)
(January 23, 2009) e-mail from Jeffrey L. Davies, Davies Howe Partners, Lawyers on behalf of Ringley Developments  (CC.Supp.PG22.3.14)
(January 23, 2009) e-mail from Jeffrey L. Davies, Davies Howe Partners, Lawyers on behalf of Rosedale Developments Inc.  (CC.Supp.PG22.3.15)
(January 23, 2009) e-mail from Jeffrey L. Davies, Davies Howe Partners, Lawyers on behalf of Smye Homes Ltd.  (CC.Supp.PG22.3.16)
(January 23, 2009) e-mail from Jeffrey L. Davies, Davies Howe Partners, Lawyers on behalf of Top of the Tree Developments  (CC.Supp.PG22.3.17)
(January 23, 2009) e-mail from Jeffrey L. Davies, Davies Howe Partners, Lawyers on behalf of The Conservatory Group  (CC.Supp.PG22.3.18)
(January 23, 2009) e-mail from Jeffrey L. Davies, Davies Howe Partners, Lawyers on behalf of FRAM Building Group  (CC.Supp.PG22.3.20)
(January 23, 2009) e-mail from Jeffrey L. Davies, Davies Howe Partners, Lawyers on behalf of Hollybar High Rise Developments Inc.  (CC.Supp.PG22.3.21)
(January 26, 2009) e-mail from Jeffrey L. Davies, Davies Howe Partners, Lawyers on behalf of Osmington Inc. (CC.Supp.PG22.3.22)
(January 27, 2009) fax from Mary Bull, Wood Bull LLP (CC.New.PG22.3.23)
Motions (City Council)
Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Norman Kelly (Carried)

Motion 1 - That Council adopt the following recommendation contained in the report (January 20, 2009) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning [PG22.3a], in order to replace Attachment 1, the Proposed Official Plan Amendment, with a revised version:


1.         City Council delete and replace Recommendation 1 of Planning and Growth Management Committee’s decision on PG22.3 with the following:


City Council amend the Official Plan substantially in accordance with the draft Official Plan Amendment attached as Attachment 1.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)





Ward: All 

Correspondence from Industry Canada on the City of Toronto Telecommunication Tower Protocol
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve the following amendments to the Telecommunication Tower Protocol:


i.          All City Agencies, Boards and Commissions and City Divisions be advised that they should not lease space for the erection of a cellular tower without consultation with the local Councillor and specific authorization from City Council.


ii.          Agencies, Boards and Commissions and City Divisions be advised of the protocol and their requirement to observe it.


iii.         Require that notice be sent to residents within 120 metres of the proposed tower or three times the height of the tower (whichever is greater), and that this be communicated to Industry Canada and their concurrence be requested.


iv.         Upon receipt of an application for a permit and prior to notification, staff consult with the Local Councillor to determine if it is necessary to expand the notification area.


v.         Staff, in consultation with the Local Councillor be authorized to extend the notification area of a Tower or Antenna, and that the costs associated with extending the notification area be paid by the applicant.


vi.         For notification purposes, the height of  a Tower or Antenna be defined as the distance between the tip of the highest point and the crown of the adjacent road.


vii.        The Local Councillor or the staff of the Local Councillor be invited to attend the required preliminary consultation meeting and may attend if they so wish.


viii.       Notification be sent to both property owners and tenants within the notification area.

Background Information (Committee)
Correspondence from Industry Canada on the City of Toronto Telecommunication Tower Protocol

Background Information (City Council)
Telecom Protocol amended by City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009

Communications (City Council)
(January 21, 2009) fax from Mitch St. Jacques, Director, Operations, Toronto District, Industry Canada, Spectrum, Information, Technologies and Telecommunications  (CC.Main.PG22.4.1)
Motions (City Council)
Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Howard Moscoe (Carried)

Motion 1 - That Recommendation 1 of the Planning and Growth Management Committee be amended by adding the following additional amendments to the Telecommunications Tower Protocol:


1.         Upon receipt of an application for a permit and prior to notification, staff consult with the Local Councillor to determine if it is necessary to expand the notification area.


2.         Staff, in consultation with the Local Councillor be authorized to extend the notification area of a Tower or Antenna, and that the costs associated with extending the notification area be paid by the applicant.


3.         For notification purposes, the height of  a Tower or Antenna be defined as the distance between the tip of the highest point and the crown of the adjacent road.


4.         The Local Councillor or the staff of the Local Councillor be invited to attend the required preliminary consultation meeting and may attend if they so wish.


5.         Notification be sent to both property owners and tenants within the notification area.

Vote (Amend Item)

Jan-28-2009 5:38 PM

Result: Carried PG22.4 - Moscoe - Motion 1
Yes: 30 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Cho, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Holyday, Jenkins, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 4 Davis, Heaps, Milczyn, Perks 
Absent: 11 Carroll, Feldman, Kelly, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Parker, Perruzza, Stintz 

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)

4a Comments from Councillor Moscoe in reference to the Report
Background Information (Committee)
Letter from Councillor Moscoe

4b Amendment to PG22.4
Background Information (Committee)
Letter from Councillor Palacio

Public Works and Infrastructure Committee - Meeting 21




Ward: 39 

Traffic Control Signal Study - Pharmacy Avenue and Arnall Avenue (Ward 39 - Scarborough Agincourt) (SC20.20)
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve the installation of traffic control signals at the intersection of Pharmacy Avenue and Arnall Avenue.


2.         The appropriate by-law(s) be passed or amended accordingly.

Background Information (Committee)
pw21.5-Letter from Scarborough Community Council

pw21.5-Traffic Control Signal Study-Pharmacy Avenue-Staff Report

pw21.5-Map of Pharmacy Avenue at Arnall Avenue

Background Information (City Council)
(January 26, 2009) communication from the Chief General Manager, Toronto Transit Commission (PW21.5b)

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Receive Item moved by Councillor Doug Holyday (Lost)
Motion 1 - That the Item be received for information.

Vote (Receive Item)

Jan-28-2009 5:16 PM

Result: Lost PW21.5 - Holyday - Motion 1
Yes: 2 Ford, Holyday 
No: 31 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Grimes, Hall, Jenkins, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mihevc, Milczyn, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Perks, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
Absent: 12 Carroll, Feldman, Giambrone, Heaps, Kelly, Mammoliti, McConnell, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Parker, Perruzza, Stintz 

Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)

Vote (Adopt Item)

Jan-28-2009 5:17 PM

Result: Carried PW21.5 - Adopt the item
Yes: 31 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Grimes, Hall, Jenkins, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mihevc, Milczyn, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Perks, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 2 Ford, Holyday 
Absent: 12 Carroll, Feldman, Giambrone, Heaps, Kelly, Mammoliti, McConnell, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Parker, Perruzza, Stintz 

5a Traffic Control Signal Study - Pharmacy Avenue and Arnall Avenue (Ward 39) (SC20.20)
Background Information (Committee)
pw21.5a-Letter from Councillor Mike Del Grande





Ward: 36 

Traffic Control Signal Study - St. Clair Avenue East and Jeanette Street (Ward 36 - Scarborough Southwest) (SC20.15)
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve the installation of traffic control signals at the intersection of St. Clair Avenue East and Jeanette Street.


2.         The appropriate by-law(s) be passed or amended accordingly.


3.         City Council request the TEDCO Board of Directors, or its successor, and Monarch Corporation to make a contribution towards the cost of the traffic signals.


4.         The General Manager, Transportation Services, be requested to work with Toronto Transit Commission staff and the local City Councillor to examine the issue of traffic lights in the Waltonice Road area with the goal of improving traffic efficiency and pedestrian safety, and report back to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee if necessary.

Background Information (Committee)
pw21.6-Letter from Scarborough Community Council

pw21.6-Traffic Control Signal Study-St. Clair Avenue East-Staff Report

pw21.6-Map of St. Clair Avenue East at Jeanette Street

Background Information (City Council)
(January 26, 2009) communication from the Chief General Manager, Toronto Transit Commission (PW21.6a)

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Receive Item moved by Councillor Doug Holyday (Lost)
Motion 1 - That the item be received for information.

Vote (Receive Item)

Jan-28-2009 5:20 PM

Result: Lost PW21.6 - Holyday - Motion 1
Yes: 3 Davis, Ford, Holyday 
No: 31 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Cho, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Jenkins, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mihevc, Milczyn, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Perks, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
Absent: 11 Carroll, Feldman, Heaps, Kelly, Mammoliti, McConnell, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Parker, Perruzza, Stintz 

Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Glenn De Baeremaeker (Carried)

Motion 2 - The General Manager, Transportation Services, be requested to work with Toronto Transit Commission staff and the local City Councillor to examine the issue of traffic lights in the Waltonice Road area with the goal of improving traffic efficiency and pedestrian safety, and report back to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee if necessary.

Vote (Amend Item (Additional))

Jan-28-2009 5:21 PM

Result: Carried PW21.6 - De Baeremaeker - Motion 2
Yes: 34 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Holyday, Jenkins, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mihevc, Milczyn, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Perks, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 0  
Absent: 11 Carroll, Feldman, Heaps, Kelly, Mammoliti, McConnell, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Parker, Perruzza, Stintz 

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)





Ward: All 

Street Events - By-law Consolidation and Implementation Guidelines
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         Authority be granted to submit any Bills required to amend Municipal Code Chapter 743, Streets and Sidewalks, pertaining to a consolidated street event by‑law, generally in accordance with Appendix A of this report, subject to:


a.         any necessary refinements as may be identified by the General Manager of Transportation Services and the City Solicitor; and


            b.         deleting the words “each directly affected Business Improvement Area and” from Subsection 743-34 E.(1) of Appendix A, so that it reads as follows:


“(1)      The General Manager shall refuse an application for a street event where a prior street event permit has been applied for or issued for a full road closure on the same local, collector or arterial road within the same Ward and in the same calendar month, unless the General Manager receives written approval from each Councillor in whose Ward the road closure is requested;”; and


c.         longstanding major events (at least five years) that use major arterial roads continue to have the privilege of occupying their traditional locations and occurring during their traditional times.


2.         At such time as the General Manager of Transportation Services, and the City Solicitor deem appropriate, the existing provisions in the Code Chapters and by-laws, or relevant sections thereof, of the former municipalities as set out below, and any other provisions that may be identified by the General Manager or City Solicitor, that relate to and have been superseded or replaced by the new Code Chapter, be repealed:


a.         By-law No. 92-91 Streets Closings, as amended, to provide for the temporary closing of highways (East York);


b.         Article IIA, Temporary Closures of Streets for Special Events of Municipal Code Chapter 231, Streets and Sidewalks (Etobicoke);


c.         Municipal Code Chapter 233, Sunday Activities (Etobicoke);


d.         Section 4(5) of By-law No. 211-74, to regulate the use of Metropolitan Roads (Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto);


e.         Section 1(1)(d) of By-law No. 41-93, to delegate to certain area municipalities the authority to lease or license the use of sidewalks, boulevards and untravelled portions of Metropolitan Roads (Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto);


f.          By-law No. 27433 (North York);


g.         Section 3 of By-law No. 21208, being a by-law to prohibit the obstructing, encumbering, or fouling of highways and the sale by retail in a highway or on a vacant lot adjacent to a highway (Scarborough);


h.         Sections 313-19, 313-19.1, 313-25 and 313.19.21 of Municipal Code Chapter 313, Street and Sidewalks (former Toronto);


i.          Sections 313-19 and 313-25 of Schedule A of Municipal Code Chapter 313, Street and Sidewalks (former Toronto);


j.          Sections 937-3, 937-3.1, 937-4 and 937-5 of Municipal Code Chapter 937, Temporary Closing of Highways (City of Toronto); By-law No. 455-2000, Street Event definition; By-law No. 869-2000, Street Event definition; and By-law No. 398-2005, Grand Prix; and


k.         Articles 4 and 14 of Municipal Code Chapter 1004, Street (York); Section 2 of By-law No. 3343-79, Streets; and Section 3E of By-law No. 3823-81, Temporary Sidewalk Sales; Article 4 could include a closure for an event.


3.         The City Solicitor, in consultation with the General Manager of Transportation Services, be authorized and directed to make application to the Senior Regional Justice of Ontario Court of Justice for set fines with respect to the offences created by the above noted proposed section of Municipal Code Chapter 743, Streets and Sidewalks.


4.         City Council adopt the Street Event Implementation Guidelines and grant authority to the General Manager, Transportation Services, to amend the Street Event Implementation Guidelines from time to time to ensure the most up to-date requirements of the affected agencies are in place.

Background Information (Committee)
pw21.7-Street Events-By-law Consolidation-Staff Report

pw21.7-Appendix A

pw21.7-Appendix B

Communications (Committee)
(January 6, 2009) letter from Councillor Paula Fletcher, Ward 30 - Toronto-Danforth (PW.New.PW21.7.1)
Motions (City Council)
Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)





Ward: All 

Confirmation of Levels of Service for Roadway and Roadside Winter Maintenance Services (PW20.10)
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council confirm the current levels of service for winter maintenance respecting roadway de-icing, roadway snow ploughing, driveway windrow opening, sidewalk snow clearing, and snow removal as outlined in Appendices 1, 3, 5 and 6 as continuing to be appropriate.


2.         City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to undertake a pilot project for the removal of windrows at entrances to public laneways at a cost of approximately $50,000 subject to additional funding being allocated to the 2009 Transportation Services Operating Budget.


3.         Part 2 above be referred to the Budget Committee for consideration as part of the 2009 Operating Budget Process.


4.         At the end of each snow clearing season, the City Manager be requested to engage all Members of Council in a standardized comprehensive evaluation of the roadway and roadside winter maintenance service for that season, and the results become the basis for improving and building a roadway and roadside winter maintenance plan for the following season.


5.         The General Manager, Transportation Services, be requested to report to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee on:


a.         possible amendments to the policies adopted as a result of the Development Infrastructure Policy and Standards Review (DIPS) as they relate to snow storage and snow removal;


b.         options for the provision of snow ploughing and snow removal on residential public laneways in new and existing residential developments, including requirements for smaller equipment; and


c.         the feasibility of clearing snow around school drop-off areas from curb to curb.

Background Information (Committee)
pw21.8-Letter from City Clerk

pw21.8-City Council Decision

pw21.8-Confirmation of Levels of Service for Roadway-Staff Report

pw21.8-Appendix 1

pw21.8-Appendix 2

pw21.8-Appendix 3

pw21.8-Appendix 4

pw21.8-Appendix 5

pw21.8-Appendix 6

Communications (Committee)
(January 6, 2009) letter from Councillor Peter Milczyn, Ward 5 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore (PW.New.PW21.8.1)
Motions (City Council)
Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Frances Nunziata (Lost)

Motion 1 - The General Manager, Transportation Services be requested to implement a communication plan advising residents in affected areas of the City, that sidewalk snow clearing and driveway windrow services are not provided.

Vote (Amend Item (Additional))

Jan-28-2009 7:11 PM

Result: Lost PW21.8 - Nunziata - Motion 1
Yes: 8 Di Giorgio, Ford, McConnell, Milczyn, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Parker 
No: 26 Ainslie, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Filion, Fletcher, Grimes, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Jenkins, Lindsay Luby, Mihevc, Minnan-Wong, Moeser, Moscoe, Pantalone, Perks, Perruzza, Shiner, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
Absent: 11 Ashton, Augimeri, Feldman, Giambrone, Kelly, Lee, Mammoliti, Miller, Rae, Saundercook, Stintz 

Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Howard Moscoe (Carried)

Motion 2 - At the end of each snow clearing season, the City Manager be requested to engage all Members of Council in a standardized comprehensive evaluation of the roadway and roadside winter maintenance service for that season, and the results become the basis for improving and building a roadway and roadside winter maintenance plan for the following season.

Vote (Amend Item (Additional))

Jan-28-2009 7:12 PM

Result: Carried PW21.8 - Moscoe - Motion 2
Yes: 29 Ainslie, Bussin, Carroll, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Grimes, Hall, Holyday, Jenkins, Lindsay Luby, Mihevc, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Perruzza, Thompson, Walker 
No: 5 Cho, Heaps, McConnell, Stintz, Vaughan 
Absent: 11 Ashton, Augimeri, Feldman, Giambrone, Kelly, Lee, Mammoliti, Miller, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner 

Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Peter Milczyn (Carried)

Motion 3 - The General Manager, Transportation Services, be requested to report to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee on:


1.         possible amendments to the policies adopted as a result of the Development Infrastructure Policy and Standards Review (DIPS) as they relate to snow storage and snow removal; and


2.         options for the provision of snow ploughing and snow removal on residential public laneways in new and existing residential developments, including requirements for smaller equipment.

Vote (Amend Item (Additional))

Jan-28-2009 7:13 PM

Result: Carried PW21.8 - Milczyn - Motion 3
Yes: 27 Ainslie, Bussin, Cho, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Grimes, Hall, Holyday, Jenkins, Lindsay Luby, Mihevc, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Parker, Perruzza, Shiner, Thompson, Walker 
No: 7 Carroll, Davis, Heaps, McConnell, Pantalone, Perks, Vaughan 
Absent: 11 Ashton, Augimeri, Feldman, Giambrone, Kelly, Lee, Mammoliti, Miller, Rae, Saundercook, Stintz 

Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Cesar Palacio (Lost)

Motion 4 - The General Manager, Transportation Services, report to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee meeting on April 8, 2009 on the feasibility of sidewalk snow removal being given special attention for seniors and the disabled, due to medical appointments, which are essential for their health and well-being, with such service to be co‑ordinated between Solid Waste Management and Transportation Services.

Vote (Amend Item (Additional))

Jan-28-2009 7:14 PM

Result: Lost PW21.8 - Palacio - Motion 4
Yes: 14 Cho, Ford, Grimes, Holyday, Jenkins, Mihevc, Moeser, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Parker, Perruzza, Thompson, Walker 
No: 20 Ainslie, Bussin, Carroll, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Hall, Heaps, Lindsay Luby, McConnell, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Moscoe, Pantalone, Perks, Shiner, Vaughan 
Absent: 11 Ashton, Augimeri, Feldman, Giambrone, Kelly, Lee, Mammoliti, Miller, Rae, Saundercook, Stintz 

Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Doug Holyday (Lost)

Motion 5 - The General Manager, Transportation Services be requested to report to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee on:


a.         the efficiency of the City’s sidewalk snow clearing procedures

b.         the cost of providing these services

c.         the percentage of sidewalks cleared before the plough arrives

d          the cost of damages caused by City equipment, and

e.         any alternatives to providing these services.

Vote (Amend Item (Additional))

Jan-28-2009 7:15 PM

Result: Lost PW21.8 - Holyday - Motion 5
Yes: 13 Ainslie, Davis, Del Grande, Fletcher, Ford, Grimes, Holyday, Lindsay Luby, Milczyn, Nunziata, Ootes, Parker, Walker 
No: 21 Bussin, Carroll, Cho, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Hall, Heaps, Jenkins, McConnell, Mihevc, Minnan-Wong, Moeser, Moscoe, Palacio, Pantalone, Perks, Perruzza, Shiner, Thompson, Vaughan 
Absent: 11 Ashton, Augimeri, Feldman, Giambrone, Kelly, Lee, Mammoliti, Miller, Rae, Saundercook, Stintz 

Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Anthony Perruzza (Carried)

Motion 6 - The General Manager, Transportation Services, be requested to report to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee on the feasibility of clearing snow around school drop-off areas from curb to curb.

Vote (Amend Item (Additional))

Jan-28-2009 7:16 PM

Result: Carried PW21.8 - Perruzza - Motion 6
Yes: 23 Ainslie, Cho, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Grimes, Hall, Holyday, Jenkins, Milczyn, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Parker, Perruzza, Shiner, Thompson, Walker 
No: 11 Bussin, Carroll, Davis, Heaps, Lindsay Luby, McConnell, Mihevc, Minnan-Wong, Moeser, Perks, Vaughan 
Absent: 11 Ashton, Augimeri, Feldman, Giambrone, Kelly, Lee, Mammoliti, Miller, Rae, Saundercook, Stintz 

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)





Ward: All 

The Suspension of Non-Emergency City Construction Work on Significant Religious Holy Days
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009:


1.         adopted the following:


            The General Manager, Transportation Services, be requested to develop guidelines for municipal construction projects that would require staff to determine dates of significant religious events at any adjacent religious institutions and to take any appropriate action to minimize the impact of construction activities during those times.


2.         received, for information, the following recommendations contained in the Member Motion dated November 4, 2008, from Councillor Stintz, seconded by Councillor Feldman:


 1.        That City Council direct the City Manager, in consultation with the Deputy City Manager of Citizen Centred Services, Cluster B, to report to the appropriate Standing Committee on the suspension of construction work in neighbourhoods with large Jewish communities during Jewish High Holy Days.  The report should include recommendations on how best to implement this mechanism.


2.         That City Council direct the City Manager, in consultation with the Deputy City Manager of Citizen Centred Services, Cluster B, to report to the appropriate Standing Committee on the extension of this special condition to other religious groups and Wards in the City of Toronto.

Background Information (Committee)
pw21.10-Letter from the City Clerk

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Karen Stintz (Carried)

Motion 1 - The General Manager, Transportation Services, be requested to develop guidelines for municipal construction projects that would require staff to determine dates of significant religious events at any adjacent religious institutions and to take any appropriate action to minimize the impact of construction activities during those times.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)





Ward: 7 

Roadside Memorials in Ward 7 (York West)
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, received, for information, the following recommendation contained in the Member Motion from Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti:


1.         That City Council recommend to all City of Toronto Agencies, Boards and Commissions, including The Toronto Community Housing Corporation, the removal of all temporary memorials that commemorate the death of an individual who the Toronto Police Service have known to be either a drug dealer or a gang member in Ward 7.

Background Information (Committee)
pw21.13-Letter from Etobicoke York Community Council

pw21.13-Member Motion-Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti

Etobicoke York Community Council - Meeting 23


Adopted on Consent


Ward: 5 

98 Index Road and 150 North Queen Street – Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application – Final Report
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council amend the Official Plan substantially in accordance with the draft Official Plan Amendment attached as Attachment 6.


2.         City Council amend the former City of Etobicoke Zoning Code substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment described in this report including the use of a Holding designation in accordance with Section 36 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. cP.13, as amended, which Holding Symbol (H) will be removed from the lands upon satisfactory completion of the following:


a.          The owner must enter into an agreement with Ontario Realty Corporation for use of their property for access (two driveways to North Queen Street), services and surface storm drainage. The applicant/owner must provide this agreement to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor.


b.         The owner shall make satisfactory arrangements, including submitting satisfactory plans and providing financial guarantees, with the Executive Director of Technical Services regarding:


i.          prohibiting turning movements for the west driveway except for right turns into the development by means of signage and a raised centre median constructed on North Queen Street;


ii.          providing sufficient funding to install, when required, traffic control signals at the North Queen Street/main site driveway/165 North Queen Street west driveway intersection, including all related intersection improvements as well as any required modifications to the driveway leading to 165 North Queen Street;


iii.         extending the existing left turn auxiliary lanes at the west and east approaches to the proposed signalized intersection to provide 95m and 65 metres of vehicle storage, respectively, with appropriate transition tapers;


iv.         designing and constructing the north approach of the Index Road/North Queen Street intersection to reflect Etobicoke Engineering Design Standard No. 245. This design shall incorporate a southbound auxiliary left turn storage lane at the north intersection approach providing at least 30 metres of vehicle storage, with an appropriate transition taper;


v.         designing and constructing an eastbound left turn auxiliary lane providing 30 metres of vehicle storage at the west approach of the Index Road/North Queen Street intersection, with an appropriate transition taper;


vi.         resurfacing the full width of Index Road; and


vii.        resurfacing the full width of North Queen Street, between the east and west limits of the works required on this section of road.


c.         The owner shall make a $200,000 contribution towards the cost of a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for the extensions of North Queen Street to The West Mall.


d.         The owner shall satisfy the City of Toronto and Toronto Transit Commission’s requirements for protecting for a future subway alignment and emergency exit building associated with the westerly extension of the Bloor-Danforth subway.


e.         Issuance of Site Plan Application Notice of Approval Conditions to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Planning, Etobicoke York District for the subject development of the lands.


f.          The owner shall submit confirmation to the Director, Community Planning Etobicoke York District that the owner has purchased the CP rail lands required to be added to 98 Index Road.


g.         The owner shall make a payment of $50,000 for the installation of signal priority at two intersections near the site as required by the Toronto Transit Commission.


3.         City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Official Plan Amendment and draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.


4.         City Council include the North Queen Street Extension project in the City of Toronto 10 year Capital Plan.

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
Background Information (Committee)
December 16, 2008 report

Public Meeting Notice


1a 98 Index Road and 150 North Queen Street – Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application – Supplementary Report
Background Information (Committee)
December 22, 2008 supplementary report



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 6 

347 Royal York Road – Extension of By-law 111-2008 Exempting the Lands from Part Lot Control – Final Report
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council enact a By-law to extend the term of By-law 111-2008 to allow the unsold lots formally known as 347 Royal York Road (Registered Plan 1015, designated as Parts 1, 3, 6, 7, 9 & 10, 11, 17, 20, 49, 26 & 34 & 37, 24 & 32 & 39, 23 & 31 & 40 on Reference Plan 66R-23489) to be exempt from Part Lot Control for an additional one year period substantially in accordance with the draft By-law included as Attachment 2 of this report.


2.         City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft By-law as may be required.


3.         City Council authorize and direct the appropriate City Officials to register the By-law on title.

Background Information (Committee)
December 15, 2008 report



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 1 

Thistle Down Boulevard – Parking Regulation Amendments
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council rescind the existing “No Parking, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday” prohibition on the south side of Thistle Down Boulevard from a point 40.0 metres east of Bankfield Drive to a point 39.5 m west of Alhart Drive/Bridgenorth Crescent.


2.         City Council enact a “Maximum 10 Minute Limit, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday” parking restriction on the south side of Thistle Down Boulevard from a point 40 metres east of Bankfield Drive to a point 66 metres east of Belfield Drive.


3.         City Council enact a “No Parking, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday” prohibition on the south side of Thistle Down Boulevard from a point 66 metres east of Bankfield Drive to a point 39.5 metres west of Alhart Drive.

Background Information (Committee)
December 8, 2008 report




Adopted on Consent


Ward: 2 

International Boulevard – U-Turn Prohibitions
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council rescind the U-turn prohibition anytime for eastbound traffic on International Boulevard between a point 30.5 metres east of Carlingview Drive and a point 100.0 metres east of Carlingview Drive.


2.         City Council approve a U-turn prohibition anytime for eastbound traffic on International Boulevard between a point 30.5 metres east of Carlingview Drive and a point 153 metres east of Carlingview Drive.

Background Information (Committee)
December 8, 2008 report




Adopted on Consent


Ward: 5 

The Queensway, East of Penhurst Avenue – Parking Prohibition Amendment
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council remove the “No Parking Anytime” prohibition on the south side of The Queensway between Penhurst Avenue and Wesley Street.


2.         City Council install a “No Parking Anytime” prohibition on the south side of The Queensway between a point 40 metres east of Penhurst Avenue and Wesley Street.


3.         City Council install a Pay and Display Machine on the south side of The Queensway between a point 15 metres east of Penhurst Avenue and a point 25 metres east thereof, to operate from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Saturday, for a maximum period of three hours at a rate of $1.00/hour.


4.         City Council designate a taxicab stand for three taxi-cabs on the south side of The Queensway, between a point 15 metres east of Penhurst Avenue and a point 25 metres east thereof, from the hours of 6:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.

Background Information (Committee)
December 9, 2008 report




Adopted on Consent


Ward: 5 

The West Mall, South of Sherway Drive - Parking Regulation Amendment
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council rescind the 'No Parking Anytime' regulation on the west side of The West Mall between the north limit of the road and Evans Avenue.


2.         City Council enact a 'No Parking Anytime' regulation on the west side of The West Mall between the north limit of the road and Sherway Drive.


3.         City Council enact a 'No Stopping Anytime' regulation on the west side of The West Mall between Sherway Drive and Evans Avenue.

Background Information (Committee)
December 10, 2008 report




Adopted on Consent


Ward: 7 

Wilson Avenue and Beverly Hills Drive – Traffic Control Signals
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve the installation of traffic control signals at the intersection of Wilson Avenue and Beverly Hills Drive.

Background Information (Committee)
December 8, 2008 report




Adopted on Consent


Ward: 11 

Scarlett Road and Clairton Crescent – Traffic Control Signal Studies; and, Scarlett Road between East Drive and Edinborough Court – Speed Studies
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council not approve the installation of traffic control signals at the intersection of Scarlett Road and Clairton Crescent (both north and south intersections) at this time, as the Traffic Control Signal Warrant is not achieved.


2.         City Council not approve the implementation of a 40 km/h speed limit on Scarlett Road between East Drive and Edinborough Court, as the requirements of the 40 km/h Speed Limit Warrant is not achieved.

Background Information (Committee)
December 11, 2008 report

Appendix A




Adopted on Consent


Ward: 17 

Installation of On-Street Parking Space for Persons With Disabilities - Dovercourt Road
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve the installation of an on-street parking space for persons with disabilities on the west side of Dovercourt Road, between a point 163.7 metres south of Davenport Road and a point 5.5 metres further south.

Background Information (Committee)
December 12, 2008 report



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 4 

Designation of Fire Routes and Amendment to Chapter 880 – Fire Routes (208 La Rose Avenue)
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council designate part or those parts of the private road or roads shown on the site plan filed with the Fire Chief in respect of the municipal addresses set out below as fire routes pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 880 – Fire Routes - 208 La Rose Avenue.


2.         City Council authorize the Fire Chief and City Solicitor to take the appropriate action to make a designated Fire Route.

Background Information (Committee)
December 11, 2008 report




Adopted on Consent


Ward: 2 

Designation of Fire Routes and Amendment to Chapter 880 – Fire Routes (215 Carlingview Drive)
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council designate part or those parts of the private road or roads shown on the site plan filed with the Fire Chief in respect of the municipal addresses set out below as fire routes pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 880 – Fire Routes - 215 Carlingview Drive.


2.         City Council authorise the Fire Chief and City Solicitor to take the appropriate action to make a designated Fire Route.

Background Information (Committee)
December 11, 2008




Adopted on Consent


Ward: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 17 

Appointment of Members of Council to Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Humber and Etobicoke-Mimico Watersheds Sub-Committees
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council appoint Councillor Saundercook to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Humber Watershed Alliance for a term of office ending November 30, 2010, and until a successor is appointed.


2.         City Council request the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Humber Watershed Alliance to give consideration to adding a second Councillor to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Humber Watershed Alliance and if so approved, Councillor Hall be appointed for a term of office ending November 30, 2010, and until a successor is appointed.


3.         City Council appoint Councillor Milczyn  to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Etobicoke‑Mimico Watersheds Coalition for a term of office ending November 30, 2010, and until a successor is appointed.

Background Information (Committee)
December 11, 2008 report



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 17 

Appointment of Members of Council to the Community Museum Management Boards and Etobicoke York Community Preservation Panel
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council appoint Councillor Milczyn to the Montgomery’s Inn Museum Management Board for a term of office ending November 30, 2010, and until their successors are appointed.


2.         City Council appoint  Councillor Saundercook to the Colborne Lodge/Spadina House/Mackenzie House Community Museum Management Board Panel for a term of office ending November 30, 2010, and until a successor is appointed.


3.         City Council appoint Councillors Milczyn, Nunziata and Palacio to the Etobicoke York Community Preservation Panel for a term of office ending November 30, 2010, and until their successors are appointed.


4.         City Council appoint Councillor Di Giorgio to the York Museum Management Board for a term of office ending November 30, 2010 and until their successors are appointed.

Background Information (Committee)
December 11, 2008 report



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 17 

Recommended Candidate to Fill Mid-term Vacancy on the Etobicoke York Community Preservation Panel
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council nominate the candidates listed in the confidential Attachment 1 effective January 1, 2009 to the Etobicoke York Community Preservation Panel for a term coincident with Council or until their successors are appointed.


2.         City Council authorize the release of the confidential Attachment 1 once it has dealt with this staff report.


Confidential Attachment 1 is now public in its entirety and contains the names of the following individuals nominated for appointment to the Etobicoke York Community Preservation Panel effective January 1, 2009, for a term coincident with Council or until their successors are appointed:


-           Judith Leach

-           David Wencer.

Confidential Attachment - Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees
Background Information (Committee)
December 15, 2008 report





Ward: 13 

Electrocution of a Second Dog on Keele Street
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, received Item EY23.40 for information.

Background Information (City Council)
(January 21, 2009) communication from the President and Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Hydro Corporation (EY23.40a)

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Receive Item moved by Councillor Howard Moscoe (Carried)
Motion 1 - That the Item be received for information.

North York Community Council - Meeting 22


Adopted on Consent


Ward: 16 

Payment In-Lieu of Parking - 1977 Avenue Road
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council exempt the applicant from the former City of North York Zoning By-law 7625 requirement of 18 parking spaces, subject to payment-in-lieu for 9 parking spaces.


2.         City Council request the applicant to enter into an agreement with the City of Toronto for the payment-in-lieu of 9 parking spaces, which is the difference in parking for the previous and proposed land use, amounting to a payment of $22,500.00 instead of $45,000.00.

Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report - Payment In-Lieu of Parking - 1977 Avenue Road

Map - Payment In-Lieu of Parking - 1977 Avenue Road

9a Request that the Proposed Restaurant at 1977 Avenue Road be Subject to Payment-in-Lieu of Parking for 9 Spaces instead of 18 Spaces
Background Information (Committee)
Member Motion - Payment-in-Lieu of Parking - 1977 Avenue Road



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 26 

Conservation Review Board Decision and Designation of 1325, 1351 and 1365 Bayview Avenue
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council pass a by-law to designate the property at 1325 Bayview Avenue under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.


2.         City Council pass a by-law to designate the property at 1351 Bayview Avenue under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.


3.         City Council pass a by-law to designate the property at 1365 Bayview Avenue under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.

Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report - 1325, 1351 & 1365 Bayview Avenue

Attachment 1 - Conservation Review Board Hearing Report - 1325, 1351 & 1365 Bayview Avenue

Attachment 2 - Map of Properties Recommended for Designation

Attachment 3 - Photo of Properties Recommended for Designation

Attachment 4 - Reasons for Designation - Glen-Leven Apartments, 1325 Bayview Avenue

Attachment 5 - Reasons for Designation - Strathavon Apartments, 1351 Bayview Avenue

Attachment 6 - Reasons for Designation - Kelvingrove Apartments, 1365 Bayview Avenue

Background Information (City Council)
(January 22, 2009) communication from the Toronto Preservation Board (NY22.10a)

Communications (Committee)
(January 12, 2009) submission from Howard Cohen, Context Development Inc. (NY.New.NY22.10.1)
Communications (City Council)
(January 26, 2009) letter from Howard Cohen, President, Context Development Inc.  (CC.Supp.NY22.10.2)



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 26 

Turn Restriction - Laird Drive at Parkhurst Boulevard
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council prohibit southbound right turns from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., Monday to Friday, on Laird Drive at Parkhurst Boulevard, bicycles excepted. 

Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report - Turn Restriction - Laird Drive at Parkhurst Boulevard

Map - Turn Restriction - Laird Drive at Parkhurst Boulevard



Adopted on consent


Ward: 23 

Designation of Fire Routes and amendment to Chapter 880 - 5 & 15 Tangreen Court
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council designate part or those parts of the private road or roads shown on the site plan filed with the Fire Chief in respect of the municipal addresses set out below as fire routes pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 880 - Fire Routes – 5 & 15 Tangreen Court.


2.         City Council authorize the Fire Chief and City Solicitor to take the appropriate action to make a designated Fire Route. 

Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report - Fire Routes - 5 & 15 Tangreen Court

Draft By-law - Fire Routes - 5 & 15 Tangreen Court



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 24 

Designation of Fire Routes and amendment to Chapter 880 - 650, 660 & 662 Sheppard Avenue East
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council designate part or those parts of the private road or roads shown on the site plan filed with the Fire Chief in respect of the municipal addresses set out below as fire routes pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 880- Fire Routes – 650 Sheppard Ave East, 660 Sheppard Ave East and 662 Sheppard Ave East.


2.         City Council authorize the Fire Chief and City Solicitor to take the appropriate action to make a designated Fire Route. 

Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report - Fire Routes - 650, 660 & 662 Sheppard Ave East

Draft By-law - Fire Routes - 650, 660 & 662 Sheppard Ave East



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 25 

Designation of Fire Routes and amendment to Chapter 880 - Fire Routes - 3501 Yonge Street
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council designate part or those parts of the private road or roads shown on the site plan filed with the Fire Chief in respect of the municipal addresses set out below as fire routes pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 880 - Fire Routes – 3501 Yonge Street.


2.         City Council authorize the Fire Chief and City Solicitor to take the appropriate action to make a designated Fire Route. 

Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report - Fire Routes - 3501 Yonge Street

Draft By-law - Fire Routes - 3501 Yonge Street



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25, 26, 33, 34 

Appointment of Members of Council to Toronto & Region Conservation Authority Humber and Don Watersheds Sub-Committees
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council appoint Councillor Parker to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Don Watershed Regeneration Council for a term of office ending November 30, 2010, and until a successor is appointed.


2.         City Council appoint Councillor Perruzza to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Humber Watershed Alliance for a term of office ending November 30, 2010, and until a successor is appointed. 

Background Information (Committee)
Report from City Clerk & Attachment 1 - Watershed Sub-Committees - Interested Members



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25, 26, 33, 34 

Appointment of Members of Council to the Community Museum Management Board & North York Community Preservation Panel
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council appoint Councillor Filion to the Gibson House/Zion Schoolhouse Museum Management Board for a term of office ending November 30, 2010, and until a successor is appointed.


2.         City Council appoint Councillor Moscoe and Councillor Parker to the North York Community Preservation Panel for a term of office ending November 30, 2010, and until their successors are appointed. 

Background Information (Committee)
Report from City Clerk & Attachment 1 - Appointment to Museum Board & Preservation Panel - Interested Members

Revised Attachment 1 - Appointment to Museum Board & Preservation Panel - Interested Members



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25, 26, 33, 34 

Recommended Candidate to Fill Mid-term Vacancy on the North York Community Preservation Panel
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council nominate the candidate listed in the confidential Attachment 1 to the report (December 15, 2008) from the Director, Policy and Research, City Planning Division, effective January 1, 2009, to the North York Community Preservation Panel for a term coincident with Council or until their successors are appointed.


2.         City Council authorize the release of the confidential Attachment 1, once it has dealt with the report (December 15, 2008) from the Director, Policy and Research, City Planning Division. 


Confidential Attachment 1 is now public in its entirety and contains the name of the following individual nominated for appointment to the North York Community Preservation Panel effective January 1, 2009, for a term coincident with Council or until a successor is appointed:


Geoff Kettel

Confidential Attachment - Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees
Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report - Recommended Candidate for the North York Community Preservation Panel





Ward: 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25, 26, 33, 34 

Zoning Amendments to Regulate Reverse Slope Driveways in the North York Community Council District Boundary
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council enact the Zoning By-law Amendments for regulating reverse slope driveways in the zoning by-laws of the former cities of  Toronto, North York, York, East York (Township and Leaside bylaws) as they may apply to the district boundary of the North York Community Council substantially in accordance with the draft zoning by-laws identified as Attachment No. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 to the report (December 16, 2008) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division.


2.         City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft zoning by-law amendment as may be required.

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report & Attachments 1-5 - Reverse Slope Driveways

Letter from City Clerk - North York Community Council Decision letter

Letter from City Clerk - Recommendations to Council

Letter from City Clerk - Planning & Growth Management Committee Decision

Staff Report to Planning & Growth Management

Letter from City Clerk - North York Community Council Decision

Member Motion - North York Community Council

Communications (Committee)
(December 30, 2008) fax from Donald Kerr (NY.New.NY22.34.1)
(January 11, 2009) e-mail from A. A. (Sandy) Robertson, President, Bayview Cummer Neighbourhood Association (NY.New.NY22.34.2)
Communications (City Council)
(January 13, 2009) fax from Adam J. Brown, Sherman Brown Dryer Karol, Barristers and Solicitors (CC.Main.NY22.34.3)
Motions (City Council)
Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25, 26, 33, 34 

Zoning Amendments to Change the Definition of ‘Boarding or Lodging House’ in the North York Community Council District Boundary
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council enact the Zoning Bylaw Amendment to the definition of ‘Boarding and Lodging House’ found in the former City of North York Zoning Bylaw No. 7625 substantially in accordance with the draft zoning by-law identified as Attachment No. 1 to the report (December 16, 2008) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division.


2.         City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft zoning by-law amendment as may be required.

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report & Attachment 1 - Definition of Boarding or Lodging House

Letter from City Clerk - North York Community Council Decision

Letter from City Clerk - Recommendations to City Council

Letter from City Clerk - Planning & Growth Management Committee Decision

Staff Report to Planning & Growth Management Committee

Letter from City Clerk - North York Community Council Decision

Staff Report to North York Community Council

Communications (Committee)
(January 11, 2009) e-mail from A. A. (Sandy) Robertson, President, Bayview Cummer Neighbourhood Association (NY.New.NY22.35.1)



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 15 

Appeal of Committee of Adjustment Decision and Staff Representation at the Ontario Municipal Board - 10 Staynor Avenue
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate Planning Staff to attend the Ontario Municipal Board hearing to uphold the decision of the Committee of Adjustment.

Background Information (Committee)
Member Motion - 10 Staynor Avenue

Staff Report to the Committee of Adjustment - 10 Staynor Avenue

Minutes - Committee of Adjustment - 10 Staynor Avenue

Notice of Decision - Committee of Adjustment - 10 Staynor Avenue



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 25 

Appeal of Committee of Adjustment Decision & Legal & Planning Staff's Attendance at the Ontario Municipal Board - 1 St. Edmund's Drive, A0715/08NY
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council authorize the City Solicitor and City Planning Staff to attend the Ontario Municipal Board hearing to uphold the decision of the Committee of Adjustment.

Background Information (Committee)
Member Motion - 1 St. Edmund's Drive

Staff Report to Committee of Adjustment - 1 St. Edmund's Drive

Notice of Hearing - Committee of Adjustment - 1 St. Edmund's Drive

Notice of Decision - Committee of Adjustment - 1 St. Edmund's Drive

Site Plan - 1 St. Edmund's Drive

Garage Plan - 1 St. Edmund's Drive



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 16 

Payment in Lieu of Parking - 2015 Avenue Road
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council exempt the applicant from the former City of North York Zoning By-law 7625 requirement of 24 parking spaces, subject to payment-in-lieu of parking for 5 parking spaces at $2,500.00 per parking space.

Background Information (Committee)
Member Motion - Payment in Lieu of Parking - 2015 Avenue Rd

Parking Study for 2015 Avenue Road





Ward: 23 

Ontario Municipal Board hearing - Committee of Adjustment Application - 182 & 184 Norton Avenue
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council authorize the City Solicitor to retain outside Planning Consultants and attend the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing to oppose the severance and minor variance applications.

Background Information (Committee)
Member Motion - 182 & 184 Norton Avenue

Staff Report to the Committee of Adjustment - 182 & 184 Nortion Avenue

Communication (December 5, 2008) addressed to Mayor Miller, from Hue Sun Chan, submitted to the North York Community Council by Councillor Filion

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)

Vote (Adopt Item)

Jan-28-2009 7:24 PM

Result: Carried NY22.40 - Adopt the Item
Yes: 30 Ainslie, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Jenkins, Lindsay Luby, McConnell, Milczyn, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Perruzza, Shiner, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 0  
Absent: 15 Ashton, Augimeri, Del Grande, Feldman, Giambrone, Grimes, Kelly, Lee, Mammoliti, Mihevc, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Rae, Saundercook, Stintz 

Scarborough Community Council - Meeting 22


Adopted on Consent


Ward: 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 

Appointment of Members of Council to the Community Museum Management Board and Scarborough Community Preservation Panel
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council appoint Councillor Norman Kelly to the Scarborough Historical Museum Management Board for a term of office ending November 30, 2010, and until his successor is appointed.


2.         City Council appoint Councillor Paul Ainslie and Councillor Chin Lee to the Scarborough Community Preservation Panel for a term of office ending November 30, 2010, and until their successors are appointed.

Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report - Appointment - Museum Board





Ward: 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 

Appointment of a Member of Council to Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Don Watershed Regeneration Council
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council appoint Councillor Norman Kelly to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Don Watershed Regeneration Council for a term ending November 30, 2010, and until a successor is appointed.

Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report - Appointment - Don Watershed Regeneration Council

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)





Ward: 37 

1-95 Ellesmere Road - Inclusion on Heritage Inventory
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council include the property at 1-95 Ellesmere Road (specifically the portion with the convenience address of 15 Ellesmere Road) on the City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties.

Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report

Attachment 1 - Map

Attachment 2 - Photographs

Attachment 3 - Reasons for Listing

Communications (Committee)
(November 26, 2008) fax from Brian T. Parker, Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP (SC.New.22.4.1)
Motions (City Council)
Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)

Vote (Adopt Item)

Jan-28-2009 7:34 PM

Result: Carried SC22.4 - Adopt the Item
Yes: 30 Ainslie, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Jenkins, Lindsay Luby, McConnell, Milczyn, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Perruzza, Shiner, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 0  
Absent: 15 Ashton, Augimeri, Del Grande, Feldman, Giambrone, Grimes, Kelly, Lee, Mammoliti, Mihevc, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Rae, Saundercook, Stintz 

4a 1-95 Ellesmere Road - Inclusion on Heritage Inventory
Background Information (Committee)
Letter from Toronto Preservation Board



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 40 

Assumption of Services – Graywood Investment Ltd. (former Ontario Hydro Corridor Lands) - Registered Plan of Subdivision 66M-2363 - Highway 401 to Sheppard Avenue East
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council assume the services installed for Registered Plan 66M-2363 and that the City formally assume the roads within the Plan of Subdivision.


2.         City Council authorize the Legal Services Division to release the portion of the performance guarantee held with respect to this development Plan 66M-2363.


3.         City Council prepare an assumption By-law to assume the public highways and municipal services in Subdivision Plan 66M-2363.


4.         City Council authorize and direct the City Solicitor to register the assumption By-law in the Land Registry Office, at the expense of the Owner.


5.         City Council authorize the City Clerk and Treasurer to sign any release or other documentation necessary to give effect thereto.


6.         City Council authorize the appropriate City officials to transfer ownership of the street lighting system constructed with Plan of Subdivision No. 66M-2363 to Toronto Hydro.

Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report - Assumption of Services - Graywood Investments Ltd.



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 37 

Rescind Left-Turn Prohibition Regulation – 615 Ellesmere Road
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council rescind the “Prohibited Turns” regulation, as identified in the Appendix 1 of this report.


2.         City Council pass or amend the appropriate by-law(s) accordingly.

Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report - Rescind Left-turn Prohibition Regulation - 615 Ellesmere Road

Location Plan - 615 Ellesmere Road



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 38 

Proposed All-Way Stop Control – Bushby Drive at Grangeway Avenue
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve the installation of an All-Way Stop Control at the intersection of Bushby Drive at Grangeway Avenue.


2.         City Council adopt the “Compulsory Stops” regulation, as identified in the Appendix 1 of this report.


3.         City Council amend the appropriate by-law accordingly.

Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report - All-Way Stop Control - Bushby Drive at Grangeway Avenue

Location Plan - Bushby Drive at Grangeway Avenue



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 41 

Proposed Traffic Control Signals – McNicoll Avenue at Silver Star Boulevard
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve the installation of traffic control signals on McNicoll Avenue at Silver Star Boulevard.


2.         City Council amend the appropriate by-law(s) accordingly.

Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report - Traffic Control Signals - McNicoll Avenue at Silver Star Boulevard

Location Plan - McNicoll Avenue



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 35 

1 Seminoff Street, 330-398B Danforth Road, 2 Pilkington Drive and 35-55 Wilkes Crescent (350 Danforth Road) – Part Lot Control Exemption Application – Final Report
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council enact a part lot control exemption by-law with respect to the subject lands as generally illustrated on Attachment 1, to be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and to expire two years after registration following enactment by City Council.


2.         City Council require the owner to provide proof of payment of all current property taxes for the subject lands to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, prior to the enactment of the part lot control exemption by-law.


3.         Prior to the introduction of the part lot control exemption Bill, City Council require the owner to register, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, a Section 118 Restriction under the Land Titles Act agreeing not to transfer or charge any part of the lands without the written consent of the Chief Planner or his designate.


4.         City Council authorize the City Solicitor to take the necessary steps to release the Section 118 Restriction from title at such time as confirmation is received that the associated common elements condominium has been registered.


5.         City Council authorize and direct the City Solicitor to register the part lot control exemption by-law on title.


6.         City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft part lot control exemption by-law as may be required.

Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report - Part Lot Control Exemption Application - 350 Danforth Road



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 37 

975 Kennedy Road – Zoning and Site Plan Control Applications - Request for Direction Report
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council direct the City Solicitor to attend the OMB on the revised proposal consisting of a 4-storey, 120-unit residential development as generally illustrated on Attachments 1 and 2.  The applicant is required to submit revisions to this proposal based on the latest review by City staff to address, among other matters, improvements to the lower level entrances and balconies facing Kennedy Road, additional tree planting along Kennedy Road and within the site, information and clarifications on the stormwater and arborist reports, details on the waste and recycling management facilities, and additional details and dimensions for the landscaping including the building rooftop area, walkways, truck turning radii and parking spaces.


2.         City Council authorize the City Solicitor to, upon the applicant making satisfactory revisions to plans, drawings and reports to address outstanding matters, and in consultation with City Planning staff, prepare and make such stylistic and technical changes to the zoning by-law amendment to establish the appropriate development standards including a maximum floor area, building height, and lot coverage and for establishing appropriate setbacks, landscaping and parking ratio requirements for the revised development scheme.


3.         City Council support the OMB approval of the site plan control application upon the satisfactory resolution of the outstanding issues including the requirement for the owner to enter into the City of Toronto’s standard site plan control agreement that is registered on title to the subject lands.


4.         City Council authorize the execution of any agreement that may be required to secure matters in this report or to implement any OMB decision.


5.         City Council instruct the City Solicitor to request, if necessary, that the OMB withhold its Order pending completion of any outstanding matters.

Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report - Zoning and Site Plan Control Applications - 975 Kennedy Road



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 44 

North Side Sheppard Avenue East (Lands Adjacent to Boydwood Lane) – Zoning and Subdivision Applications - Request for Direction Report
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council direct the City Solicitor and necessary City staff to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) in opposition to the applications in their current form as the applicant has not adequately demonstrated that the proposed 10 metre setback adequately addresses the Official Plan and Provincial Policy Statement with respect to the protection of the Provincially significant Area of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI) and Official Plan policy concerning set back from the top of bank.


2.         City Council authorize City staff and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) to continue to work together with the applicant to define the appropriate developable land based on a 30 metre, publicly-owned, set back from the top of bank.


3.         Subject to determining the appropriate developable lands based on a 30 metre, publicly-owned, set back on the subject lands, City Council authorize City staff to support one or more residential lots for single detached dwellings.


4.         City Council authorize the City Solicitor and any appropriate City staff to take actions as necessary to give effect to the recommendations of this report to ensure an acceptable setback and appropriate residential performance standards are developed to protect the Provincially significant Area of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI) and to ensure the City's interests are appropriately represented and secured.

Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report - North Side Sheppard Avenue East



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 41 

160 Nashdene Road - Zoning Application - Final Report
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council amend the zoning by-law for 160 Nashdene Road substantially in accordance with the draft zoning by-law amendment attached as Attachment 5.


2.         City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft zoning by-law amendment as may be required.

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
Background Information (Committee)
Staff Report - Zoning Application - 160 Nashdene Road

Toronto and East York Community Council - Meeting 22


Adopted on Consent


Ward: 32 

Permanent Closure of an Untravelled Portion of Musgrave Street at Dengate Road
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council enact the draft by-law from the City Solicitor to permanently close a portion of Musgrave Street as a public highway.

Statutory - City of Toronto Act, 2006
Background Information (Committee)
Draft By-Law - Closure of Portion of Musgrave Street



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 27 

Permanent Closure of a Portion of the Public Lane West of Yonge Street, Extending Northerly from Gerrard Street West
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following: 


1.         City Council enact the draft by-law from the City Solicitor to permanently close a portion of the public lane west of Yonge Street, extending northerly from Gerrard Street West, as a public highway and be sold upon the terms and conditions set out in Toronto and East York Community Council Item 15.60, as adopted by City Council at its meeting on May 26 and 27, 2008.

Statutory - City of Toronto Act, 2006
Background Information (Committee)
Draft By-Law - Closure of Portion of Public Lane West of Yonge Street



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 27 

Inclusion on Heritage Inventory - 76 Grenville Street
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council include the property at 76 Grenville Street (Women's College Hospital) on the City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties.


2.         The Reasons for Listing be as follows:
“Women's College Hospital was designated a National Historic Site in 1995 because:

-           with its emphasis on women as health care professionals and on women's health issues, it is an institution which is unique in Canadian history and the buildings that house it symbolize women's struggle to claim a place of their own in the medical profession and in the built environment;


-           the hospital was founded at a time when women's access to medical education, to hospital practice and to medical teaching was extremely restricted and it provided women medical professionals with opportunities that were unavailable, or extremely limited, elsewhere in the country;


-           Women's College Hospital has always been a pacesetter in medical practice and health care generally and important Canadian research centre.”


3.         The Heritage Attributes in the “Revised Reasons for Listing:  76 Grenville Street, Women's College Hospital”, referred to in Attachment 3 to the report (September 22, 2008) from the Director, Policy and Research, City Planning Division, be deleted.

Background Information (Committee)
Heritage 76 Grenville Street Report

Heritage 76 Grenville Street - Attachment 1 - Location Map

Heritage 76 Grenville Street - Attachment 2 - Photographs

Heritage 76 Grenville Street - Attachment 3 - Revised Reasons for Listing

3a Inclusion on Heritage Inventory - 76 Grenville Street
Background Information (Committee)
Heritage 76 Grenville St.TPB Letter

Heritage 76 Grenville St.TPB-Attachments





Ward: 20 

Final Report - Rezoning and Site Plan Applications - 306-322 Richmond Street West
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve the application for rezoning of 306-322 Richmond Street West.

2.         The proposed Zoning By-law and Section 37 agreement shall:

a.         secure an appropriate financial contribution to community benefits within Ward 20;


b.         secure architectural plans, elevations and landscaping including 1:50 elevations to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner, and require the owner, in conjunction with each Site Plan Application, to submit 1:50 scale drawings in conformity with this requirement;


c.         secure 10% of the proposed residential dwelling units as 3-bedroom units and/or have knock-out panels to enable the conversion;


d        prohibit an entertainment facility-nightclub use on the lot, as defined by By-law 301-2006;


e.         address such additional technical issues that may be identified by commenting divisions; and


f.          accommodate the taxi stand to service the hotel within the development parcel (i.e. on site), given that it is now Council’s Policy to locate taxi stands for hotels on-site and that it is not possible to locate a taxi stand on Richmond Street West.


3.         City Council authorize an amendment to Zoning By-law 438-86 for the former City of Toronto substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By‑law attached as Attachment No. 1 to the report (January 28, 2009) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning (TE22.9a).


4.         The City Solicitor be authorized to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.


5.         Before introducing the necessary Bill to City Council for enactment, City Council require the owner to enter an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act to secure the following:


-           Payment of $50,000 within 30 days of the Zoning By-law, being final and binding for capital improvements to social housing in Ward 20.


-           Payment of $500,000 prior to the issuance of the first above grade building permit, towards streetscape improvements for Richmond Street West between John Street and Spadina Avenue, and John Street between Wellington Street West and Queen Street West.


-           Payment of $150,000 prior to the earliest of first occupancy or condominium registration, towards streetscape improvements for Richmond Street West between John Street and Spadina Avenue, and John Street between Wellington Street West and Queen Street West.


-           The owner shall construct the development in accordance with elevations on file with the Chief Planner, and shall make such refinements to the elevations as are required by, and to the satisfaction of, the Chief Planner, and the owner shall thereafter maintain the building and any replacement building, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner, in accordance with such elevations and shall further secure these obligations in the associated site plan agreement and any condominium agreement.


-           The owner shall construct the development with such high quality building landscaping features, including plants located throughout the vertical face and balconies/terraces of the Proposed Building, as are required by, and to the satisfaction of, the Chief Planner.


-           As part of the site plan application the owner shall pay for a peer review of the viability of the landscape features, and provide a letter of credit to secure their installation and maintenance for at least two years.


-           Thereafter maintain the said landscaping for the life of the building, and any replacement building, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner, and


-           shall further secure these obligations in the associated site plan agreement and any condominium agreement.


-           The owner to use reasonable commercial efforts to obtain LEED Platinum Certification of the development and provide to the City documentation respecting certification for the development.


-           The owner shall agree that, at least 10% of the total number of Dwelling Units contained within the building shall contain three or more bedrooms and, for the purpose of calculating the number of Dwelling Units containing three or more bedrooms.


a.         in the event the building contains adjacent Dwelling Units, each of which have less than three bedrooms and which are separated by knock-out panels that would allow the two adjacent Dwelling Units to be combined into one Dwelling Unit containing three or more bedrooms, then


b.         each such pair of adjacent Dwelling Units shall be counted as one Dwelling Unit containing three or more bedrooms.


             -          The owner shall enter into an agreement with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, to secure the provision of the said facilities, services and matters, in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor with conditions providing for indexed escalation of financial contributions, no credit for development charges, indemnity, insurance, GST, termination and unwinding, and registration and priority of agreement.


6.         The Section 37 Agreement be executed prior to the City Council's passage of the Zoning By-law.

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
Background Information (Committee)
Final Report - 306-322 Richmond Street West

Background Information (City Council)
(January 28, 2009) supplementary report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning (TE22.9a)

Communications (Committee)
(January 9, 2009) letter from Michael Emory, Chair, Entertainment District BIA Master Plan Advisory Committee, and Janet Solomon, Executive Director, Toronto Entertainment District Business Improvement Area (TE.New.TE22.9.1)
(January 12, 2009) e-mail from Ralph J. Daley, Chair, Grange Community Association (TE.New.TE22.9.2)
Motions (City Council)
Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Howard Moscoe (Carried)

Motion 1 - That the following new Part f be added to Recommendation 2 of the Toronto and East York Community Council:


2f.        accommodate the taxi stand to service the hotel within the development parcel (i.e. on site), given that it is now Council’s Policy to locate taxi stands for hotels on-site and that it is not possible to locate a taxi stand on Richmond Street West.

Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Shelley Carroll (Lost)

Motion 2 - That:


1.         The recommendation of the Toronto and East York Community Council be deleted;


2.         Council adopt instead, the recommendations contained in the report (December 11, 2008) from the Acting Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District;


3.         Council receive, for information, the report (January 28, 2009) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning [TE22.9a].

Vote (Amend Item)

Jan-28-2009 8:34 PM

Result: Lost TE22.9 - Carroll - Motion 2
Yes: 11 Carroll, Del Grande, Fletcher, Ford, Holyday, Jenkins, Minnan-Wong, Moscoe, Nunziata, Shiner, Walker 
No: 17 Ainslie, Bussin, Cho, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Hall, Heaps, Lindsay Luby, McConnell, Milczyn, Moeser, Palacio, Pantalone, Perruzza, Thompson, Vaughan 
Absent: 17 Ashton, Augimeri, Davis, Feldman, Giambrone, Grimes, Kelly, Lee, Mammoliti, Mihevc, Miller, Ootes, Parker, Perks, Rae, Saundercook, Stintz 

Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Adam Vaughan (Carried)

Motion 3 - That Council adopt the following recommendations contained in the report (January 28, 2009) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning:


1.         City Council authorize an amendment to Zoning By-law 438-86 for the former City of Toronto substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By‑law attached as Attachment No. 1 to the report (January 28, 2009) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning (TE22.9a).


2.         The City Solicitor be authorized to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.


3.         Before introducing the necessary Bill to City Council for enactment, City Council require the owner to enter an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act to secure the following:


-           Payment of $50,000 within 30 days of the Zoning By-law, being final and binding for capital improvements to social housing in Ward 20.


-           Payment of $500,000 prior to the issuance of the first above grade building permit, towards streetscape improvements for Richmond Street West between John Street and Spadina Avenue, and John Street between Wellington Street West and Queen Street West.


-           Payment of $150,000 prior to the earliest of first occupancy or condominium registration, towards streetscape improvements for Richmond Street West between John Street and Spadina Avenue, and John Street between Wellington Street West and Queen Street West.


-           The owner shall construct the development in accordance with elevations on file with the Chief Planner, and shall make such refinements to the elevations as are required by, and to the satisfaction of, the Chief Planner, and the owner shall thereafter maintain the building and any replacement building, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner, in accordance with such elevations and shall further secure these obligations in the associated site plan agreement and any condominium agreement.


-           The owner shall construct the development with such high quality building landscaping features, including plants located throughout the vertical face and balconies/terraces of the Proposed Building, as are required by, and to the satisfaction of, the Chief Planner.


-           As part of the site plan application the owner shall pay for a peer review of the viability of the landscape features, and provide a letter of credit to secure their installation and maintenance for at least two years.


-           Thereafter maintain the said landscaping for the life of the building, and any replacement building, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner, and


-           shall further secure these obligations in the associated site plan agreement and any condominium agreement.


-           The owner to use reasonable commercial efforts to obtain LEED Platinum Certification of the development and provide to the City documentation respecting certification for the development.


-           The owner shall agree that, at least 10% of the total number of Dwelling Units contained within the building shall contain three or more bedrooms and, for the purpose of calculating the number of Dwelling Units containing three or more bedrooms.


a.         in the event the building contains adjacent Dwelling Units, each of which have less than three bedrooms and which are separated by knock-out panels that would allow the two adjacent Dwelling Units to be combined into one Dwelling Unit containing three or more bedrooms, then


b.         each such pair of adjacent Dwelling Units shall be counted as one Dwelling Unit containing three or more bedrooms.


            -           The owner shall enter into an agreement with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, to secure the provision of the said facilities, services and matters, in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor with conditions providing for indexed escalation of financial contributions, no credit for development charges, indemnity, insurance, GST, termination and unwinding, and registration and priority of agreement.

Vote (Amend Item)

Jan-28-2009 8:35 PM

Result: Carried TE22.9 - Vaughan - Motion 3
Yes: 20 Ainslie, Bussin, Cho, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Giambrone, Hall, Heaps, Lindsay Luby, McConnell, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Moeser, Moscoe, Palacio, Pantalone, Perruzza, Thompson, Vaughan 
No: 9 Carroll, Del Grande, Fletcher, Ford, Holyday, Jenkins, Nunziata, Shiner, Walker 
Absent: 16 Ashton, Augimeri, Davis, Feldman, Grimes, Kelly, Lee, Mammoliti, Mihevc, Miller, Ootes, Parker, Perks, Rae, Saundercook, Stintz 

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 27 

Final Report - Rezoning Application - 568-580 Jarvis Street, 99-103 Charles Street East
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council amend the Zoning By-law for the former City of Toronto substantially in accordance with the Draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 5.


2.         City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.


3.         Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council require the applicant to submit an application under Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 813, Trees, Article III, ‘Tree Protection’ for the three private trees that qualify for protections and are proposed to be removed as part of the proposal, and complete the application review process.


4.         Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, require the owner to enter into an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act to secure the following public benefits:


a.         prior to the issuance of the first above grade permit, pay to the City the sum of $1,000,000 towards the proposed Community Centre pool at Sherbourne Street and Wellesley Street and the Jarvis Street Improvement Project;


b.         provide and maintain works of public art within the lot, or provide cash in lieu thereof, of a value not less than $400,000, implemented under the City’s Public Art Program to be paid at time of first building permit;


c.         require that the cash amounts identified in a. and b. above shall be indexed annually in accordance with the Non-Residential Construction Price Index for the Toronto CMA, reported quarterly by Statistics Canada in Construction Price Statistics Publication No. 62-007-XPB, or its successor, calculated from the date of execution of the Section 37 Agreement to the date of submission of the funds by the owner to the City;


d.         provide and maintain an irrigation system at the owner’s expense for any proposed trees within the public road allowance, including an automatic timer designed to be water efficient by a Certified Landscape Irrigation auditor (CLIA) and constructed with a back flow preventer to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Technical Services;


e.         provide and pay for any municipal service upgrades required to support the development as determined by the Executive Director of Technical Services as part of the required Site Servicing Review;


f.          provide building materials and landscaping on the lot as shown on the plans submitted by Wallman Architects (elevations) date stamped November 19, 2008 and Janet Rosenberg (landscape plans) date-stamped November 19, 2008 as on file with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division;


g.         undertake improvement of the street right-of-way abutting the lot, including streetscaping and tree installation, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division, the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division, and the Executive Director, Technical Services Division;


h.         build in conformity with the Green Development Standard Checklist submitted by the applicant and date stamped as received on June 28, 2008, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director;


i.          reasonable commercial efforts to obtain LEED certification of the development and provide documentation respecting the certification process for the development to the City;


j.          require the applicant to enter into a Site Plan Agreement under Section 41 of the Planning Act; and


k.         provide continuous weather protection with a minimum clear depth of three metres on Jarvis Street.


5.         City Council authorize City officials to take all necessary steps, including the execution of agreements and documents, to give effect to the above-noted recommendations.

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
Background Information (Committee)
Final Report - 568 Jarvis St. 99-103 Charles Street East

Communications (Committee)
(December 28, 2008) e-mail from Jack Brannigan (TE.New.TE22.10.1)





Ward: 18 

Request for Direction Report - Rezoning Application - 2 Gladstone Avenue
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council direct staff to support a Zoning By-law amendment for 2 Gladstone Avenue at the Ontario Municipal Board if the conditions set out in this report are met to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division.


2.         City Council request the Ontario Municipal Board not to release any orders until the proposed private garbage collection model has been deemed satisfactory by the Executive Director, Technical Services.


3.         The appropriate City officials direct the cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication, which is in excess of 5%, to park improvements in the immediate area.


4.         City Council direct staff to consult with the community upon receipt of the Site Plan application for the proposals for 2 Gladstone Avenue, 2-6 Lisgar Street, and 1093 Queen Street West, and all other proposals within the Queen West Triangle, to address, among other details:


a.         character, scale, appearance and design features of buildings, and their sustainable design;


b.         design elements on public rights of way including the alleys;


c.         size of retail units and width of retail frontage; and


d.         the application of Section 37 benefits.


5.         City Council instruct the City Solicitor, together with the appropriate staff and experts as needed, to attend the Ontario Municipal Board hearing in support of the position recommended in this report.


6.         City Council direct the City Solicitor to secure the green features listed in Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (January 26, 2009) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning (TE22.11a), within the Site Plan agreement for 2 Gladstone Avenue.


7.         The City Solicitor be directed to request the Ontario Municipal Board not release any orders on the zoning for 2 Gladstone Avenue prior to the applicant executing an undertaking agreeing to secure the "green" features as part of the site plan approval process.


8.         City Council direct staff to take such other steps as may be required to implement these recommendations.

Background Information (Committee)
Directions Report - 2 Gladstone Avenue

Background Information (City Council)
(January 26, 2009) supplementary report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning (TE22.11a)

Communications (Committee)
(January 12, 2009) letter from Marc P. Kemerer, WHITE, DUNCAN, LINTON LLP (TE.New.TE22.11.1)
(January 13, 2009) submission from Steve Heuchert, Active 18 Association (TE.New.TE22.11.2)
Motions (City Council)
Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Adam Giambrone (Carried)

Motion 1 - That:


A.          Council adopt the recommendations contained in the report (December 8, 2008) from the Acting Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District, amended to now read as follows:


1.         City Council direct staff to support a Zoning By-law amendment for 2 Gladstone Avenue at the Ontario Municipal Board if the conditions set out in this report are met to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division.


2.         City Council request the Ontario Municipal Board not to release any orders until the proposed private garbage collection model has been deemed satisfactory by the Executive Director, Technical Services.


3.         The appropriate City officials direct the cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication, which is in excess of 5%, to park improvements in the immediate area.


4.         City Council direct staff to consult with the community upon receipt of the Site Plan application for the proposals for 2 Gladstone Avenue, 2-6 Lisgar Street, and 1093 Queen Street West, and all other proposals within the Queen West Triangle, to address, among other details:


a.         character, scale, appearance and design features of buildings, and their sustainable design;


b.         design elements on public rights of way including the alleys;


c.         size of retail units and width of retail frontage; and


d.         the application of Section 37 benefits.


5.         City Council instruct the City Solicitor, together with the appropriate staff and experts as needed, to attend the Ontario Municipal Board hearing in support of the position recommended in this report.


6.         City Council direct staff to take such other steps as may be required to implement these recommendations. 


B.         Council adopt the following recommendation contained in the supplementary report (January 26, 2009) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning [TE22.11a]:


              1.       City Council direct the City Solicitor to secure the green features listed in Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (January 26, 2009) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning (TE22.11a), within the Site Plan agreement for 2 Gladstone Avenue.


C.        The City Solicitor be directed to request the Ontario Municipal Board not release any orders on the zoning for 2 Gladstone Avenue prior to the applicant executing an undertaking agreeing to secure the "green" features as part of the site plan approval process. 

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 18 

Request for Direction Report - Rezoning Application - 2-6 Lisgar Street
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council direct staff to continue to negotiate with the applicant to amend the application in accordance with the conditions outlined in this report.


2.         City Council direct staff to support a Zoning By-law amendment for 2-6 Lisgar Street at the Ontario Municipal Board if the conditions set out in this report are met to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division.


3.         City Council request that staff secure benefits under Section 37 of the Planning Act towards any or all of the following: the development of Lisgar Park, the renovation of the Carnegie Library into a performing arts hub, affordable arts studios in the West Queen West Triangle, public art and affordable housing and that the Ontario Municipal Board not release any final orders approving the required zoning by-law amendments until the applicant has executed the Section 37 agreement.


4.         City Council instruct the City Solicitor, together with the appropriate staff to attend the Ontario Municipal Board hearing, and retain any experts as needed, in support of the position recommended in this report.


5.         City Council direct that, prior to any above grade building permit issuance, 200 square metres of land at the north end of the property be conveyed to the City for parkland purposes.  The land is to be free and clear, above and below grade, of all physical obstructions and easements, encumbrances and encroachments, including surface and subsurface easements, unless the easement, encumbrance or encroachment is otherwise approved by the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation.


6.         City Council direct that, prior to any parkland dedication, the owner shall be responsible for an environmental assessment of the parkland and any associated costs or remediation works required as a result of that assessment to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks Forestry and Recreation, in consultation with the Executive Director, Technical Services.


7.         City Council direct the owner to pay for the costs of the transfer of the parkland, including any Land Transfer Tax and the preparation and registration of all relevant documents.  Prior to dedication, the owner shall provide, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, all legal descriptions and applicable reference plans of survey for the new parkland.


8.         Prior to any above grade building permit issuance, the owner shall pay to the City cash in lieu for the value of the base park improvements for the 200 metres to be dedicated to the City for park construction.  The estimate of the value of the base park improvements will be to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation.


9.         Prior to the issuance of any building permit, the owner shall enter into a Limiting Distance agreement with the City, related to Lisgar Park.


10.       City Council direct that the residential portions of the development be subject to parkland dedication By-law 07-1420. Any commercial or industrial components of the project will be subject to Chapter 165 of the former City of Toronto.


11.       The parkland dedication for this site will be satisfied by the 200 square metres dedicated to the City as well as a cash-in-lieu of parkland payment.  The value of the cash in lieu payment shall be the difference between 5% of the site area and the fair market value of the 200 square metres being conveyed to the City, as per the Minutes of Settlement between Baywood Homes and the City of Toronto dated December 13, 2007. Such payment must be paid to the City prior to issuance of any above grade building permit.


12.       The Chief Building Official be directed to apply the reduced parkland dedication rate of 5% on this site.


13.       City Council direct staff to consult with the community upon receipt of the Site Plan application for the proposals for 2 Gladstone Avenue, 2-6 Lisgar Street, and 1093 Queen Street West, and all other proposals within the Queen West Triangle, to address, among other details:


a.         character, scale, appearance and design features of buildings, and their sustainable design;


b.         design elements on public rights of way including the alleys;


c.         size of retail units and width of retail frontage; and


d.         the application of Section 37 benefits.


14.       City Council direct staff to take such other steps as may be required to implement these recommendations.

Background Information (Committee)
Directions Report - 2-6 Lisgar Street

Communications (Committee)
(January 13, 2009) submission from Steve Heuchert, Active 18 Association (TE.New.TE22.12.1)
(January 13, 2009) submission from Ronald M. Kanter, Macdonald Sager Manis LLP (TE.New.TE22.12.2)



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 18 

Request for Direction Report - Rezoning Application - 1093 Queen Street West
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council direct staff to support a Zoning By-law amendment for 1093 Queen Street West at the Ontario Municipal Board if the conditions set out in this report are met to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division.


2.         City Council request that staff secure benefits under Section 37 of the Planning Act towards any or all of the following: the development of Lisgar Park, the renovation of the Carnegie Library into a performing arts hub, affordable arts studio in the West Queen West Triangle, public art and/or affordable housing and that the Ontario Municipal Board not release any final orders until the applicant has executed the Section 37 agreement.


3.         City Council direct that the entire acquisition portion of the base 5% of the cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication be paid to the South District Parkland Acquisition Fund XR2208 as per City Council’s direction from its meeting on September 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th of 2006 (Administration Committee Report 6, Clause 43).


4.         City Council determine that the development of the lands at 1093 Queen Street West reflects the pattern of development for this segment of Queen Street West as determined by the City’s West Queen West Triangle Zoning Review, that overall infrastructure is available and that development can proceed prior to the completion of an Avenue Study.


5.         City Council direct staff to consult with the community upon receipt of the Site Plan application for the proposals for 2 Gladstone Avenue, 2-6 Lisgar Street, and 1093 Queen Street West, and all other proposals within the Queen West Triangle, to address, among other details:


a.         character, scale, appearance and design features of buildings, and their sustainable design;


b.         design elements on public rights of way including the alleys;


c.         size of retail units and width of retail frontage; and


d.         the application of Section 37 benefits.


6.         A construction Management Plan be secured as a condition of Site Plan Control Approval for the 1093 Queen Street West site, and that the Plan address noise, dust, traffic and other impacts to adjacent residents.


7.         City Council instruct the City Solicitor, together with the appropriate staff and experts as needed, to attend the Ontario Municipal Board hearing in support of the position recommended in this report.


8.         City Council direct staff to take such other steps as may be required to implement these recommendations.

Background Information (Committee)
Directions Report - 1093 Queen Street West

Communications (Committee)
(January 13, 2009) submission from Steve Heuchert, Active 18 Association (TE.New.TE22.13.1)
(January 13, 2009) submission from Ronald M. Kanter, Macdonald Sager Manis LLP (TE.New.TE22.13.2)





Ward: 30 

Final Report - Rezoning Application - Removal of the Holding Symbol "H" - 14 St. Matthews Road, 430 Broadview Avenue, 548, 550-558 Gerrard Street East (Bridgepoint Health)
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council amend Zoning By-law 157-2006 substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment No. 1.


2.         City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law as may be required.


3.         City authorize the introduction of the necessary Bill by the City Solicitor for enactment by City Council immediately upon finalization of the requirements set out in Section 5 of By-law No.157-2006 respecting the removal of the holding ("h") symbol.

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
Background Information (Committee)
Final Report - Bridgepoint Health

Background Information (City Council)
(January 28, 2009) supplementary report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning (TE22.14a)

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)





Ward: 30 

Final Report - Site Plan Control Application - 130 and 150 Cherry Street
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve, in principle, subject to any required revisions and resubmission of information as outlined in the conditions set out in Attachment No. 7 to the report (December 15, 2008) from the Acting Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York, the proposal for dockwall uses, a one-storey office/waiting area and a parking lot at 130 and 150 Cherry Street.


2.         Further to Part 1 above, City Council remove pre-conditions 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 as outlined in Attachment No. 7 to the report (December 15, 2008) and approve in principle, the proposal for dockwall uses, a one-storey office/waiting area and a parking lot at 130 and 150 Cherry Street substantially in accordance with the amended conditions contained in Attachment No. 1 of the supplementary report (January 28, 2009) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning (TE22.15a).


3.         City Council direct City Planning and City Legal staff to draft and enter into an Undertaking with TEDCO which will contain conditions and requirements substantially in accordance with the conditions outlined in Attachment 2 of the supplementary report (January 28, 2009) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


4.         City Council direct City Planning staff to work further with RCYC to refine the proposed one-storey building to the satisfaction of City Planning and to amend the necessary drawings as listed on the draft Notice of Approval Conditions.  (See Attachment No. 1 of the supplementary report (January 28, 2009) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning).


5.         City Council grant the Chief Planner and Executive Director, or his designate, the authority to issue Site Plan Approval in accordance with the amended draft Notice of Approval Conditions (See Attachment 1 of the supplementary report (January 28, 2009) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning).


6.         City Council grant TEDCO up to two years from the date of Site Plan Approval to satisfy the execution and completion of all Ministry and Toronto City Council approved environmental policies related to land conveyance for 4.76 metre wide strip of land abutting the west limit of Cherry Street, for road widening purposes, as described as PART 7 on the draft Reference Plan of Survey stamped received by City Planning staff on July 17, 2008.  In this particular case, the owner has elected to proceed using the risk assessment and risk management process approved by Council in 2006 for the use of Risk Assessment methodology for the conveyance of land to the City.


7.         City Council require a financial security from TEDCO for all of the costs associated with the risk assessed and risk management process for PART 7.  The amount of the security will be determined following the submission and review of the Phase 1 and 2 Environmental Site Assessment reports, and the Risk Assessment report to the City for Peer Review to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Technical Services.


8.         City Council require that TEDCO will arrange for the risk assessment and risk management of the 4.76 metre wide strip of land abutting the west side of Cherry Street, as identified as PART 7 on the draft Reference Plan of Survey stamped received by City Planning staff on July 17, 2008 to the standard as determined by the City of Toronto and the Ministry of Environment and shall thereafter convey such land to the City of Toronto free of all encumbrances for eventual dedication for highway purposes.  This will be secured through an undertaking.  (See Attachment No. 2 of the supplementary report (January 28, 2009) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning).


9.         City Council grant the Chief Planner and Executive Director, or his designate, the authority to issue Site Plan Approval.


10.       The Waterfront Secretariat, in consultation with appropriate City staff, report and make recommendations to the Executive Committee on an appropriate process to secure lands from TEDCO or its successors, to achieve infrastructure improvements, including roads and road widenings, that are City priorities in the Designated Waterfront Area.

Background Information (Committee)
Final Report - Site Plan Control Application - 130 and 150 Cherry Street

Background Information (City Council)
(January 28, 2009) supplementary report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning (TE22.15a)

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Paula Fletcher (Carried)

Motion 1a - That Council adopt the following recommendations contained in the report (January 28, 2009) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning (TE22.15a):


1.         City Council amend Toronto and East York Community Council Recommendation to remove pre-conditions 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 as outlined in Attachment No. 7 to the report (December 15, 2008) from the Acting Director of Community Planning, Toronto and East York, and approve in principle, the proposal for dockwall uses, a one-storey office/waiting area and a parking lot at 130 and 150 Cherry Street substantially in accordance with the amended conditions contained in Attachment No. 1 of this report.


2.         City Council direct City Planning and City Legal staff to draft and enter into an Undertaking with TEDCO which will contain conditions and requirements substantially in accordance with the conditions outlined in Attachment 2.


3.         City Council direct City Planning staff to work further with RCYC to refine the proposed one-storey building to the satisfaction of City Planning and to amend the necessary drawings as listed on the draft Notice of Approval Conditions  (See Attachment No. 1).


4.         City Council grant the Chief Planner and Executive Director, or his designate, the authority to issue Site Plan Approval in accordance with the amended draft Notice of Approval Conditions (See Attachment 1).


5.         City Council grant TEDCO up to two years from the date of Site Plan Approval to satisfy the execution and completion of all Ministry and Toronto City Council approved environmental policies related to land conveyance for 4.76 metre wide strip of land abutting the west limit of Cherry Street, for road widening purposes, as described as PART 7 on the draft Reference Plan of Survey stamped received by City Planning staff on July 17, 2008.  In this particular case, the owner has elected to proceed using the risk assessment and risk management process approved by Council in 2006 for the use of Risk Assessment methodology for the conveyance of land to the City.


6.         City Council require a financial security from TEDCO for all of the costs associated with the risk assessed and risk management process for PART 7.  The amount of the security will be determined following the submission and review of the Phase 1 and 2 Environmental Site Assessment reports, and the Risk Assessment report to the City for Peer Review to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Technical Services.


7.         City Council require that TEDCO will arrange for the risk assessment and risk management of the 4.76 metre wide strip of land abutting the west side of Cherry Street, as identified as PART 7 on the draft Reference Plan of Survey stamped received by City Planning staff on July 17, 2008 to the standard as determined by the City of Toronto and the Ministry of Environment and shall thereafter convey such land to the City of Toronto free of all encumbrances for eventual dedication for highway purposes.  This will be secured through an undertaking.  (See Attachment No. 2).

Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Paula Fletcher (Carried)

Motion 1b - The Waterfront Secretariat, in consultation with appropriate City staff, report and make recommendations to the Executive Committee on an appropriate process to secure lands from TEDCO or its successors, to achieve infrastructure improvements, including roads and road widenings, that are City priorities in the Designated Waterfront Area.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)





Ward: 19 

Parking Regulations – Dundas Street West, from Bathurst Street to Dovercourt Road
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council rescind the “No Parking, from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., Monday to Friday” regulation on the north side and the “No Parking, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday” regulation, on the south side of Dundas Street West, between Bathurst Street and Dovercourt Road, and adopt the regulatory changes listed in Appendices A to D, with Part 2 of Appendix C amended to read as follows:


“2.        Implement a parking meter regulation, to operate from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday and 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Saturday for a maximum period of three hours on the north side of Dundas Street West, between Manning Avenue and Claremont Street, at a rate of $1.50 per hour.”


2.         Transportation Services review and evaluate with the Ward Councillor the need to implement left turn prohibitions so as to minimize potential delays to streetcars caused by left turn queuing.


3.         Should City Council rescind the present alternate parking on Dundas Street West, west of Dovercourt Road, Transportation Services report to the Toronto and East York Community Council at the earliest possible time on whether and how these recommendations need to be changed to achieve consistency.

Background Information (Committee)
Parking Regulations - Dundas St. West from Bathurst to Dovercourt - TE20.66

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D


Communications (Committee)
(November 18, 2008) e-mail from Armindo Silva, Chair, Little Portugal BIA, submitting a petition signed by 70 individuals (TE.Main.TE22.16.1)
Motions (City Council)
Motion to Defer Item moved by Councillor Howard Moscoe (Withdrawn)

Motion 1 - That this Item be deferred to the April 29, 2009 meeting of City Council in order to allow Council to consider it with the results of the Pilot Project, which will also be before Council at that time [Item TE20.65, headed “Parking Regulations – Dundas Street West, Dovercourt Road to Sterling Road – One Year Review”].

Motion to Withdraw a Motion moved by Councillor Howard Moscoe (Carried)

With the permission of Council, Councillor Moscoe withdrew his motion 1.

Motion to Amend Item moved by Deputy Mayor Joe Pantalone (Carried)

Motion 2 - That Recommendation 1 of the Toronto and East York Community Council be amended to now read as follows:


1.          City Council rescind the “No Parking, from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., Monday to Friday” regulation on the north side and the “No Parking, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday” regulation, on the south side of Dundas Street West, between Bathurst Street and Dovercourt Road, and adopt the regulatory changes listed in Appendices A to D, with Part 2 of Appendix C amended to read as follows:


“2.         Implement a parking meter regulation, to operate from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday and 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Saturday for a maximum period of three hours on the north side of Dundas Street West, between Manning Avenue and Claremont Street, at a rate of $1.50 per hour.”

Vote (Amend Item)

Jan-28-2009 8:45 PM

Result: Carried TE22.16 - Pantalone - Motion 2
Yes: 30 Ainslie, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Giambrone, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Jenkins, Lindsay Luby, McConnell, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Perks, Perruzza, Shiner, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 1 Ford 
Absent: 14 Ashton, Augimeri, Del Grande, Feldman, Grimes, Kelly, Lee, Mammoliti, Mihevc, Miller, Parker, Rae, Saundercook, Stintz 

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 22 

Sign Variance - 2180 Yonge Street
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council refuse the requested variances to permit, for identification purposes, an illuminated fascia sign consisting of a full colour LED Video Display Copy unit, on the building column at the southeast corner of the building at 2180 Yonge Street.  The requested variances are major and not within the general intent and purpose of the Municipal Code.

Background Information (Committee)
Sign Variance - 2180 Yonge Street



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 28 

106 King Street East - Authority to Amend Section 37 Agreement and Heritage Easement Agreement
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council authorize the amendment of the Heritage Easement Agreement and the Section 37 Agreement for the subject property, both dated September 22, 2003, to extend the date for commencement of the work on the Parish House and Diocesan Centre at 106 King Street East from December 30, 2008 to December 31, 2009.

Background Information (Committee)
106 King St. East - Authority to Amend Section 37 Agreement and Heritage

106 King Street East - Attachment 1

106 King Street East - Attachment 2



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 20, 28 

18 York Street Public Art Plan
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve the attached 18 York Street Public Art Plan.

Background Information (Committee)
18 York Street Public Art Plan



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 22 

Lay-by Construction – Front of 282 St. Clair Avenue West
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve the widening of St. Clair Avenue West, from a width of about 20.8 metres to a width of about 23.3 metres by the construction of a lay-by on the north side of St. Clair Avenue West, from a point 19.5 metres west of Parkwood Avenue to a point 33.1 metres further west, generally as shown on the attached print of Drawing 421F‑9510, dated December 2008.


2.         City Council adopt the following parking regulations subject to the conditions outlined in this report, and in conjunction with construction of the lay-by:


a.         Rescind the “No Stopping, from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, except Public Holidays” regulation on the north side of St. Clair Avenue West, between a point 57 metres west of Russell Hill Road and a point 30.5 metres east of Spadina Road.


b.         Rescind the “Two-hour maximum parking, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday and from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Saturday” regulation, on the north side of St. Clair Avenue West, between a point 57 metres west of Russell Hill Road and a point 30.5 metres east of Spadina Road.


c.         Prohibit stopping, from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, except Public Holidays, on the north side of St. Clair Avenue West, between a point 57 metres west of Russell Hill Road and a point 19.5 metres west of Parkwood Avenue.


d.         Prohibit stopping, from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, except Public Holidays, on the north side of St. Clair Avenue West, between a point 52.6 metres west of Parkwood Avenue and a point 30.5 metres east of Spadina Road.


e.         Prohibit parking at all times on the north side of St. Clair Avenue West, between Parkwood Avenue and a point 19.5 metres west of Parkwood Avenue.


f.          Restrict parking to a maximum period of two hours, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday and from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Saturday, on the north side of St. Clair Avenue West, between a point 57 metres west of Russell Hill Road and Parkwood Avenue.


g.         Restrict parking to a maximum period of two hours, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday and from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Saturday, on the north side of St. Clair Avenue West, between a point 52.6 metres west of Parkwood Avenue and a point 30.5 metres east of Spadina Road.


h.         Restrict parking to a maximum period of 15 minutes at all times, on the north side of St. Clair Avenue West, between a point 19.5 metres west of Parkwood Avenue and a point 33.1 metres further west.

Background Information (Committee)
Lay-by Construction - 282 St. Clair Avenue

Attachment 1

Attachment 2



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 14 

On-Street Loading Zone for Disabled Persons - 1700 Bloor Street West
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council rescind the "No Stopping Anytime" regulation on the north side of Bloor Street West, from a point 18.5 metres east of Indian Grove to a point 11 metres further east.


2.         City Council rescind the "No Stopping, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00, p.m., Monday to Friday except Public Holidays" regulation on the north side of Bloor Street West, from a point 29.5 metres east of Indian Grove to Spadina Avenue.


3.         City Council approve installation of a loading zone for disabled persons on the north side of Bloor Street West, from a point 18.5 metres east of Indian Grove to a point 11 metres further east.


4.         City Council prohibit stopping, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, except Public Holidays on the north side of Bloor Street West, from a point 18.5 metres east of Indian Grove to Spadina Avenue.

Background Information (Committee)
On-Street Loading Zone for Disabled Persons - 1700 Bloor Street West

On Street Loading Zone for Disable Persons - Drawing 421F-9507



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 22 

Removal of a Parking Prohibition - Davisville Avenue
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council rescind the “No Parking Anytime” regulation on the south side of Davisville Avenue, from a point 30.5 metres west of Pailton Crescent to a point 30.5 metres east of Pailton Crescent.

Background Information (Committee)
Removal of a Parking Prohibition - Davisville Avenue

Removal of a Parking Prohibition - Davisville Avenue-Drawing



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 27 

Proposed Permanent Closure of the Public Lane at the Rear of 51 Grosvenor Street and 76 Grenville Street
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council permanently close the public lane shown as Part 1 on the attached Sketch No. PS-2008-160 (the “Lane”), subject to compliance with the requirements of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 162, and subject to City Council declaring the Lane surplus and authorizing the sale of the Lane to the abutting owner, Women’s College Hospital (WCH).


2.         City Council authorize Transportation Services staff to give notice to the public of a proposed by-law to close the Lane, in accordance with the requirements of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 162, with the Toronto and East York Community Council to hear any member of the public who wishes to speak to the matter during consideration of the proposed draft by-law.


3.         City Council authorize Transportation Services staff to advise the public of the proposed closure of the Lane prior to implementation, in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for Schedule “A+” activities, by posting notice of the proposed closure on the notice page of the City’s web site for at least five working days prior to the Toronto and East York Community Council meeting at which the proposed by-law to close the Lane will be considered.

Background Information (Committee)
Proposed Permanent Closure of the Public Lane-51 Grosvenor & 76 Grenville

Proposed Permanent Closure of the Public Lane-51 Grosvenor & 76 Grenville-Sketch



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 27 

Turn Prohibitions - No. 21 Carlton Street
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council prohibit northbound and westbound left turns from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday to and from Carlton Street at the driveway serving No. 21 Carlton Street.

Background Information (Committee)
Turn Prohibitions - No. 21 Carlton Street

Turn Prohibitions - No. 21 Carlton Street-Drawing





Ward: 31 

Traffic Control Signals - Lumsden Avenue and Gledhill Avenue
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council replace the pedestrian crossover with traffic control signals at the intersection of Lumsden Avenue and Gledhill Avenue.

Background Information (Committee)
Traffic Control Signs-Lumsden Ave and Gledhill Ave

Traffic Control Signs-Lumsden Ave and Gledhill Ave-Drawing

Communications (Committee)
(January 9, 2009) e-mail from Ben Ball (TE.New.TE22.44.1)
(January 10, 2009) e-mail from Jeff Paulin (TE.New.TE22.44.2)
(January 10, 2009) e-mail from Karen Sappleton (TE.New.TE22.44.3)
(January 11, 2009) e-mail from Helen Antoniades (TE.New.TE22.44.4)
(January 11, 2009) e-mail from Tom and Evelyn Carter (TE.New.TE22.44.5)
(January 11, 2009) e-mail from Bruce Lyne (TE.New.TE22.44.6)
(January 11, 2009) e-mail from Penny Papamanolopoulos (TE.New.TE22.44.7)
(January 11, 2009) e-mail from Mitchell Shore (TE.New.TE22.44.8)
(January 12, 2009) e-mail from Brian and Donna Singleton (TE.New.TE22.44.9)
(January 12, 2009) e-mail from Sean Webb (TE.New.TE22.44.10)
(January 12, 2009) e-mail from Janet Zablocki, R.N. (TE.New.TE22.44.11)
(January 12, 2009) e-mail from Angela Matich, Business Development Director, Belladonna Communications (TE.New.TE22.44.12)
(January 12, 2009) e-mail from Ciara Behan (TE.New.TE22.44.13)
(January 12, 2009) e-mail from Allison Dell (TE.Main.TE22.44.14)
(January 12, 2009) e-mail from Lois Volk (TE.New.TE22.44.15)
(January 12, 2009) letter from Pat L. Foreman, Principal, D.A. Morrison Middle School (TE.New.TE22.44.16)
(January 12, 2009) letter from Kathleen Cowan, Superintendent of Education, SE6 Family of Schools, Toronto District School Board, South East Education Office (TE.New.TE22.44.17)
(January 12, 2009) letter from Sheila Cary-Meagher, Trustee, Toronto District School Board (TE.New.TE22.44.18)
(November 24, 2008) e-mail from Cheryl Mason (TE.New.TE22.44.19)
Motions (City Council)
Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 19 

Sale of Vacant Land at the Rear of 79 Niagara Street
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council accept the Offer to Purchase from Antonio Zerrudo Villanueva and Marion Teresa Villanueva to purchase the City-owned parcel of vacant land, located at the rear of 79 Niagara Street, and being part of Block A, Plan 655, City West, designated as Part 15 on Plan 64R-15954, City of Toronto (the “Property”), in the amount of $9,784.71, substantially on the terms and conditions outlined in Appendix “A” to this report.


2.         City Council authorize severally the Chief Corporate Officer and the Director of Real Estate Services to accept the Offer to Purchase on behalf of the City.


3.         City Council direct that a portion of the proceeds of closing fund the outstanding expenses related to the Property and the completion of the sale transaction.


4.         City Council authorize the City Solicitor to complete the transaction on behalf of the City, including paying any necessary expenses, amending the closing, due diligence and other dates, and amending and waiving terms and conditions, on such terms as she considers reasonable.

Background Information (Committee)
Sale of Vacant Land at the Rear of 79 Niagara Street

Sale of Vacant Land at the Rear of 79 Niagara Street -Appendix A

Sale of Vacant Land at the Rear of 79 Niagara St-Appendix B



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 

Appointment of Members of Council to the Community Museum Management Boards and Toronto and East York Community Preservation Panel
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council appoint Councillor Case Ootes to the Todmorden Mills Museum Management Board for a term of office ending November 30, 2010, and until a successor is appointed.


2.         City Council appoint Councillor Michael Walker to the Colborne Lodge/Spadina House/Mackenzie House Community Museum Management Board for a term of office ending November 30, 2010, and until his successor is appointed.


3.         City Council appoint Councillor Kyle Rae to the Toronto and East York Community Preservation Panel for a term of office ending November 30, 2010, and until a successor is appointed.

Background Information (Committee)
Appointment of Members of Council to the Toronto and East York Community Preservation Panel



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 

Appointment of Members of Council to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Humber and Don Watershed Sub-Committees
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council appoint Councillor Janet Davis to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Don Watershed Regeneration Council for a term of office ending November 30, 2010, and until a successor is appointed.


2.         City Council appoint Councillor Gord Perks to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Humber Watershed Alliance for a term of office ending November 30, 2010, and until a successor is appointed.

Background Information (Committee)
Appointments to TRCA Humber and Don Watershed Sub-Committees



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 28 

389 Berkeley Street - Ontario Municipal Board Hearing
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council authorize the City Solicitor and necessary City staff to attend at the Ontario Municipal Board to oppose the development at 389 Berkeley Street in its current form.

Background Information (Committee)
389 Berkeley Street - Letter from Councillor McConnell

Attachment 1 - 389 Berkeley Street - Notice of Decision

Attachment 2 - 389 Berkeley Street - Planning Staff Report



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 20 

73 Walmer Road - Ontario Municipal Board Hearing
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council request the City Solicitor to appear at the Ontario Municipal Board with appropriate independent consultant(s), if necessary, in support of refusal.


2.         City Council concur in the action taken by the Toronto and East York Community Council authorizing the City Solicitor to seek any necessary adjournment of the hearing for 73  Walmer Road until City Council has the opportunity to approve of the above recommendation at its January 27 and 28, 2009 meeting.

Background Information (Committee)
73 Walmer Road - Ontario Municipal Board Hearing

Attachment - 73 Walmer Road - Notice of Decision



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 20 

Railway Lands West Daycare Agreement
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council direct the City Solicitor to amend the Daycare Agreement that is currently in place between Concord Adex Developments Inc. and the City of Toronto by:


a.         moving the obligation for the construction of the daycare to Block 26E (formerly 422 Bremner Boulevard, now 100 Fort York Boulevard), to permit the condominium registration at 4A Spadina; and


b.         allowing for a cash contribution from Concord Adex to the City, in lieu of construction of the daycare on a site owned by Concord Adex at the discretion of the Chief Planner, City Planning, in consultation with the General Manager, Children's Services.

Background Information (Committee)
TE22.69 -Letter from Councillor Vaughan - Railway Lands West Daycare Agreement



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 20 

82 Robert Street - Ontario Municipal Board Hearing
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council direct the City Solicitor to file a notice of appeal in respect of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment with regards to 82 Robert Street (Committee of Adjustment File No. A0020/09TEY) and appear at the Ontario Municipal Board hearing in support of refusal of the requested variances.

Background Information (Committee)
82 Robert Street - Letter from Councillor Adam Vaughan

82 Robert Street - Sketches

82 Robert Street - Map

82 Robert Street - Committee of Adjustment Decision

Communications (Committee)
(January 7, 2009) e-mail from Susan Dexter, on behalf of the Board of Harbord Village Residents' Association (TE.New.TE22.70.1)

City Council New Business - Meeting 30




Ward: 24 

716 Sheppard Avenue East – Recommended Settlement of Superior Court Action
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, deferred consideration of Item CC30.1 to its next regular meeting on February 23, 2009.


Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (November 24, 2008) from the City Solicitor, remains confidential in its entirety, in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it contains information that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, that is related to litigation that affects the City and that seeks instructions with respect to settlement of an action commenced against the Toronto Transit Commission.

Confidential Attachment - Litigation that affects the City, solicitor-client privilege and seeking instructions with respect to settlement of an action commenced against the Toronto Transit Commission
Background Information (City Council)
(November 24, 2009) report from the City Solicitor (CC30.1)

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Defer Item moved by Councillor David Shiner (Carried)

That consideration of Item CC30.1 be deferred to the next regular meeting of City Council on February 23, 2009.





Ward: 28 

101-115 Sherbourne Street – Section 45(9) Agreement
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         The City Clerk and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer be authorized to execute an Agreement, entered into pursuant to Section 45(9) of the Planning Act, in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor, to secure cash contributions for the purpose of rebuilding sidewalks on Sherbourne Street and a Heritage Signage Interpretation Plan, required as conditions to the minor variance approval granted by the Ontario Municipal Board for a 17 storey building at 101-115 Sherbourne Street.

Background Information (City Council)
(January 12, 2009) report from the City Solicitor (CC30.2)





Ward: 29 

Emergency Repair to the Coxwell Sanitary Trunk Sewer
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council authorize the General Manager, Toronto Water, to retain the various professional and engineering consultants and to procure the various goods and/or services identified below, either on a sole source basis or by such other means of procurement, in consultation with the Director of Purchasing and Materials Management, and on such terms and conditions, as he considers appropriate in the circumstances, to:


a.         undertake technical assessments of sewer performance and ground subsidence inclusive of geotechnical review and analysis; and to further procure any goods and services necessary to satisfy compliance with any regulatory approval requirements;


b.         undertake the engineering design, general office administration, site supervision and the construction of physical works to support the implementation of emergency by-passes;


c.         provide engineering services for the preparation of any design/build procurement documents; to oversee engineering design and provide general office administration and site supervision services during construction and post construction services, all associated with the temporary and/or permanent by-passes;


d.         implement the design/build for a permanent by-pass option, including in conjunction therewith, the construction of temporary by-passes;


e.         provide spill containment and waste disposal services associated with any by-passing of flows from the Don Sanitary Trunk Sewer System;


f.          provide the legal, valuation, negotiation, surveying and other services required to obtain the temporary and permanent interests in real estate needed for the construction, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of temporary and permanent by-passes and any ancillary works;


g.         provide public consultation and communication services associated with providing regular updates and briefings to the local community and City Council; and


h.         provide any other goods, services or professional services necessary to complete the emergency repairs.


2.         The General Manager, Toronto Water, be authorized to negotiate, enter into and execute any one or more agreements or related documents to give effect thereto on terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager, Toronto Water, with the approval of the City Manager, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


3.         The General Manager, with the approval of the City Manager, in consultation with the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer and City Solicitor, be authorized to negotiate, enter into and execute on behalf of the City any indemnity agreements and/or limitations of liability as may be required in favour of such consultants, as identified by the General Manager, Toronto Water, and their respective subsidiaries, subcontractors, consultants, agents, officers, directors, and employees, to secure the performance of the necessary emergency repair or replacement work or services in relation to the Coxwell Sanitary Trunk Sewer, such agreements and/or limitations of liability to be on such terms as deemed necessary by the General Manager, Toronto Water and the City Manager without limitation.


4.         Authority be delegated to the General Manager, Toronto Water, with the approval of the City Manager, in consultation with the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer and City Solicitor, to authorize the acquisition of the temporary and permanent interests in real estate needed for the construction, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of temporary and permanent by-passes and any ancillary works including negotiating, entering into and executing on behalf of the City all necessary agreements and other documents, on terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager and in form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


 5.        Toronto Water's 2009 Capital Budget and 2010-2013 Capital Plan be increased by up to $30 million to include a new sub-project entitled CWW472-04 - Emergency Repair to Coxwell Sanitary Trunk Sewer to fund the recommended additional expenditures as contemplated in Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 requiring a cashflow of $10 million in 2009 and $20 million in 2010, to be funded from the Wastewater Capital Reserve Fund XR6004.


6.         The General Manager, Toronto Water, be requested to report to the April 8, 2009, meeting of the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee on the results of the geotechnical studies and other pertinent matters related to the Coxwell Sanitary Trunk Sewer, including the actions taken pursuant to Part 1 above.


7.         The General Manager, Toronto Water, be requested to explore the possibility of using the infrastructure funding recently announced by the Federal Government to fund these repairs.


8.         The appropriate City staff be authorized and directed to take the necessary action and to execute any documents necessary to give effect to the above recommendations.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted a procedural motion to remove from the Budget Committee, Public Works and Infrastructure Committee Item PW21.16, headed “Emergency Repair to Coxwell Sanitary Trunk Sewer”, which was forwarded, as amended, to the Budget Committee by the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee on January 6, 2009, and bring the amended Item [CC30.3a] forward to City Council for consideration.

Background Information (City Council)
(January 19, 2009) report from the Acting Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer (CC30.3)

(January 6, 2009) report from the Acting Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer and the General Manager, Toronto Water

Presentation dated January 6, 2009 from the General Manager, Toronto Water headed "Emergency Repair - Coxwell Sanitary Trunk Sewer (CSTS)"

(January 26, 2009) transmittal from the City Clerk (CC30.3a)

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Doug Holyday (Carried)

Motion 1 - That Item CC30.3 be amended by adding the following:


That the General Manager, Toronto Water, be requested to explore the possibility of using the infrastructure funding recently announced by the Federal Government to fund these repairs.





Ward: All 

Annual Report of the Lobbyist Registrar – 2008
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, received Item CC30.4, for information.

Background Information (City Council)
(January 20, 2009) report from the Lobbyist Register (CC30.4)

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Defer Item moved by Councillor Frances Nunziata (Lost)

Motion 1 - That consideration of Item CC30.4 be deferred to the next regular meeting of City Council on February 23, 2009.

Vote (Defer Item)

Jan-28-2009 9:19 PM

Result: Lost CC30.4 - Nunziata - Motion 1
Yes: 9 Hall, Jenkins, Milczyn, Moeser, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Perruzza, Shiner 
No: 18 Ainslie, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Giambrone, Heaps, Holyday, Lindsay Luby, McConnell, Moscoe, Pantalone, Perks, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
Absent: 18 Ashton, Augimeri, Del Grande, Feldman, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Grimes, Kelly, Lee, Mammoliti, Mihevc, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Parker, Rae, Saundercook, Stintz 

Motion to Receive Item moved by Councillor Janet Davis (Carried)
Motion 2 - That Item CC30.4 be received for information.

City Council Member Motions - Meeting 30




Ward: All 

2009 Salary Freeze for the Mayor and Toronto City Council - Moved by Councillor Ootes, seconded by Councillor Stintz
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, referred Motion MM30.1 to the Executive Committee.

Background Information (City Council)
Member Motion MM30.1

Fiscal Impact Statement (January 28, 2009) from the Acting Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Waive Referral (Lost)

Speaker Bussin advised the Council that the provisions of Chapter 27, Council Procedures, require that Motion MM30.1 be referred to the Executive Committee. A two‑thirds vote of the Council Members present is required to waive referral.

Vote (Waive Referral)

Jan-28-2009 2:18 PM

Result: Lost MM30.1 - waive referral
Yes: 22 Ainslie, Ashton, Del Grande, Feldman, Ford, Grimes, Heaps, Holyday, Jenkins, Lee, Minnan-Wong, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Parker, Perks, Perruzza, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 19 Augimeri, Bussin, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Giambrone, Hall, Kelly, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Miller, Moscoe, Pantalone, Rae, Saundercook 
Absent: 4 Carroll, Cho, Milczyn, Moeser 





Ward: All 

Number on the Rear of Properties - Moved by Councillor Moscoe, seconded by Councillor Vaughan
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, referred Motion MM30.2 to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee.

Background Information (City Council)
Member Motion MM30.2

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Waive Referral (Lost)

Speaker Bussin advised the Council that the provisions of Chapter 27, Council Procedures, require that Motion MM30.2 be referred to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee. A two‑thirds vote of the Council Members present is required to waive referral.

Vote (Waive Referral)

Jan-28-2009 2:20 PM

Result: Lost MM30.2 - waive referral
Yes: 24 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Cho, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Filion, Grimes, Hall, Heaps, Jenkins, Kelly, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Milczyn, Miller, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Palacio, Perks, Perruzza 
No: 19 Bussin, Davis, Di Giorgio, Feldman, Ford, Giambrone, Holyday, Mihevc, Minnan-Wong, Ootes, Pantalone, Parker, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
Absent: 2 Carroll, Fletcher 





Ward: All 

Development and Site Plan Applications – Safety In Numbers - Moved by Councillor Moscoe, seconded by Councillor Vaughan
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, referred Motion MM30.3 to the Planning and Growth Management Committee.

Background Information (City Council)
Member Motion MM30.3

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Waive Referral (Lost)

Speaker Bussin advised the Council that the provisions of Chapter 27, Council Procedures, require that Motion MM30.3 be referred to the Planning and Growth Management Committee. A two‑thirds vote of the Council Members present is required to waive referral.

Vote (Waive Referral)

Jan-28-2009 2:21 PM

Result: Lost MM30.3 - waive referral
Yes: 19 Ainslie, Ashton, Cho, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Hall, Heaps, Jenkins, Kelly, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, Milczyn, Miller, Moeser, Moscoe, Palacio, Perks, Perruzza 
No: 24 Augimeri, Bussin, Davis, Di Giorgio, Feldman, Filion, Ford, Giambrone, Grimes, Holyday, McConnell, Mihevc, Minnan-Wong, Nunziata, Ootes, Pantalone, Parker, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
Absent: 2 Carroll, Fletcher 





Ward: All 

Requesting the Province to Proclaim Hispanic Heritage Month - Moved by Councillor Palacio, seconded by Mayor Miller
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City of Toronto formally request the Province of Ontario to proclaim April "Hispanic Heritage Month" for the entire Province.

Background Information (City Council)
Member Motion MM30.4

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Waive Referral (Carried)

Speaker Bussin advised the Council that the provisions of Chapter 27, Council Procedures, require that Motion MM30.4 be referred to the Executive Committee. A two‑thirds vote of the Council Members present is required to waive referral.

Vote (Waive Referral)

Jan-28-2009 2:23 PM

Result: Carried MM30.4 - waive referral
Yes: 40 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Feldman, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Heaps, Jenkins, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Milczyn, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Walker 
No: 5 Del Grande, Holyday, Kelly, Mihevc, Vaughan 
Absent: 0  

Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Adam Vaughan (Lost)

Motion 1 - That Motion MM30.4 be amended by deleting from Recommendation 1 the word "April" and requesting the Province to decide which month.

Vote (Amend Item)

Jan-28-2009 9:28 PM

Result: Lost (tie) MM30.4 - Vaughan - Motion 1
Yes: 14 Ainslie, Carroll, Cho, Davis, Di Giorgio, Filion, Giambrone, Heaps, McConnell, Moscoe, Pantalone, Perks, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 14 Bussin, De Baeremaeker, Hall, Holyday, Jenkins, Lindsay Luby, Milczyn, Moeser, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Perruzza, Shiner, Thompson 
Absent: 17 Ashton, Augimeri, Del Grande, Feldman, Fletcher, Ford, Grimes, Kelly, Lee, Mammoliti, Mihevc, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Parker, Rae, Saundercook, Stintz 

Motion to End Debate moved by Councillor Adam Giambrone (Lost)

That, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27, Council Procedures, Council end the debate on Motion MM30.4 and take the vote immediately. A two-thirds vote is required to end debate.

Vote (End Debate)

Jan-28-2009 9:25 PM

Result: Lost MM30.4 - End debate
Yes: 11 Carroll, Cho, Davis, Di Giorgio, Giambrone, Heaps, McConnell, Milczyn, Perks, Shiner, Walker 
No: 16 Ainslie, Bussin, De Baeremaeker, Hall, Holyday, Jenkins, Lindsay Luby, Moeser, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Perruzza, Thompson, Vaughan 
Absent: 18 Ashton, Augimeri, Del Grande, Feldman, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Grimes, Kelly, Lee, Mammoliti, Mihevc, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Parker, Rae, Saundercook, Stintz 





Ward: All 

Establishment of a Toronto Water "Lead Content Mitigation Subsidy Program" - Moved by Councillor Palacio, Seconded by Councillor Ashton
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, referred Motion MM30.5 to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee.

Background Information (City Council)
Member Motion MM30.5

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Waive Referral (Lost)

Speaker Bussin advised the Council that the provisions of Chapter 27, Council Procedures, require that Motion MM30.5 be referred to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee. A two‑thirds vote of the Council Members present is required to waive referral.

Vote (Waive Referral)

Jan-28-2009 2:24 PM

Result: Lost MM30.5 - waive referral
Yes: 15 Ashton, Feldman, Ford, Grimes, Jenkins, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Moeser, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Walker 
No: 30 Ainslie, Augimeri, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Giambrone, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Kelly, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Miller, Moscoe, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Thompson, Vaughan 
Absent: 0  





Ward: All 

Property Tax Exemption for LEED Certified Buildings - Moved by Councillor Palacio, seconded by Councillor Jenkins
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, referred Motion MM30.6 to the Executive Committee.

Background Information (City Council)
Member Motion MM30.6

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Waive Referral (Lost)

Speaker Bussin advised the Council that the provisions of Chapter 27, Council Procedures, require that Motion MM30.6 be referred to the Executive Committee. A two‑thirds vote of the Council Members present is required to waive referral.

Vote (Waive Referral)

Jan-28-2009 2:25 PM

Result: Lost MM30.6 - waive referral
Yes: 12 Feldman, Ford, Grimes, Jenkins, Lee, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Walker 
No: 33 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Giambrone, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Kelly, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Milczyn, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Moeser, Moscoe, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Thompson, Vaughan 
Absent: 0  





Ward: All 

Developing a “Made in Toronto” Building Code - Moved by Councillor Palacio, seconded by Councillor Moscoe
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, referred Motion MM30.7 to the Planning and Growth Management Committee.

Background Information (City Council)
Member Motion MM30.7

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Waive Referral (Lost)

Speaker Bussin advised the Council that the provisions of Chapter 27, Council Procedures, require that Motion MM30.7 be referred to the Planning and Growth Management Committee. A two‑thirds vote of the Council Members present is required to waive referral.

Vote (Waive Referral)

Jan-28-2009 2:26 PM

Result: Lost MM30-7 - waive referral
Yes: 5 Grimes, Jenkins, Moeser, Palacio, Perruzza 
No: 40 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Feldman, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Giambrone, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Kelly, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Milczyn, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
Absent: 0  





Ward: All 

Personal Vehicle Tax Refund - Moved by Councillor Del Grande, seconded by Councillor Palacio
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, referred Motion MM30.8 to the Executive Committee.

Background Information (City Council)
Member Motion MM30.8

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Waive Referral (Lost)

Speaker Bussin advised the Council that the provisions of Chapter 27, Council Procedures, require that Motion MM30.8 be referred to the Executive Committee. A two‑thirds vote of the Council Members present is required to waive referral.

Vote (Waive Referral)

Jan-28-2009 2:28 PM

Result: Lost MM30.8 - waive referral
Yes: 20 Ashton, Del Grande, Feldman, Grimes, Hall, Holyday, Jenkins, Lee, Milczyn, Minnan-Wong, Moeser, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Parker, Perruzza, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Walker 
No: 25 Ainslie, Augimeri, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Giambrone, Heaps, Kelly, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Miller, Moscoe, Pantalone, Perks, Rae, Saundercook, Vaughan 
Absent: 0  





Ward: All 

Waive Litigation Cost Request on Community and Resident Public Interest Groups at Public Tribunals - Moved by Councillor Del Grande, seconded by Councillor Palacio
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, referred Motion MM30.9 to the Executive Committee.

Background Information (City Council)
Member Motion MM30.9

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Waive Referral (Lost)

Speaker Bussin advised the Council that the provisions of Chapter 27, Council Procedures, require that Motion MM30.9 be referred to the Executive Committee. A two‑thirds vote of the Council Members present is required to waive referral.

Vote (Waive Referral)

Jan-28-2009 2:29 PM

Result: Lost MM30.9 - waive referral
Yes: 9 Del Grande, Feldman, Jenkins, Lee, Moeser, Palacio, Parker, Shiner, Stintz 
No: 36 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Ford, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Heaps, Holyday, Kelly, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Milczyn, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Moscoe, Nunziata, Ootes, Pantalone, Perks, Perruzza, Rae, Saundercook, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
Absent: 0  





Ward: All 

Safer Bars Program as Mandatory Municipal Licensing Requirement - Moved by Councillor Perks, seconded by Mayor Miller
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, referred Motion MM30.10 to the Licensing and Standards Committee.

Background Information (City Council)
Member Motion MM30.10

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Waive Referral (Lost)

Speaker Bussin advised the Council that the provisions of Chapter 27, Council Procedures, require that Motion MM30.10 be referred to the Licensing and Standards Committee. A two‑thirds vote of the Council Members present is required to waive referral.

Vote (Waive Referral)

Jan-28-2009 2:31 PM

Result: Lost MM30.10 - waive referral
Yes: 29 Augimeri, Bussin, Carroll, Cho, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Di Giorgio, Filion, Fletcher, Giambrone, Hall, Heaps, Lee, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, McConnell, Mihevc, Milczyn, Miller, Moeser, Nunziata, Palacio, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Rae, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
No: 16 Ainslie, Ashton, Del Grande, Feldman, Ford, Grimes, Holyday, Jenkins, Kelly, Minnan-Wong, Moscoe, Ootes, Perruzza, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz 
Absent: 0  





Ward: All 

Development Applications - Ensuring Capacity For Snow Clearing Adjacent To Laneways - Moved by Councillor Moscoe, seconded by Councillor De Baeremaeker
City Council Decision

City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009, referred Motion MM30.11 to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee.

Background Information (City Council)
Member Motion MM30.11

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Waive Referral (Lost)

Speaker Bussin advised the Council that the provisions of Chapter 27, Council Procedures, require that Motion MM30.11 be referred to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee. A two‑thirds vote of the Council Members present is required to waive referral.

Vote (Waive Referral)

Jan-28-2009 2:32 PM

Result: Lost MM30.11 - waive referral
Yes: 10 Bussin, Cho, Filion, Heaps, Jenkins, Lee, Mammoliti, Milczyn, Moscoe, Perruzza 
No: 35 Ainslie, Ashton, Augimeri, Carroll, Davis, De Baeremaeker, Del Grande, Di Giorgio, Feldman, Fletcher, Ford, Giambrone, Grimes, Hall, Holyday, Kelly, Lindsay Luby, McConnell, Mihevc, Miller, Minnan-Wong, Moeser, Nunziata, Ootes, Palacio, Pantalone, Parker, Perks, Rae, Saundercook, Shiner, Stintz, Thompson, Vaughan, Walker 
Absent: 0  





Ward: All 

Appointment of Director and Deputy Chief Building Official - Moved by Councillor Kelly, seconded by Councillor Milczyn