The City of Toronto is proposing changes on Wilby Crescent to fulfill the City’s commitment to the Vision Zero Road Safety Plan and City Council direction. The goal is to eliminate traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries by making our roads safer for everyone, especially for seniors, school children, and people walking and cycling.
The City plans to deliver the new sidewalk on Wilby Crescent through the Missing Sidewalk Installation Program and bundling sidewalk delivery with state-of-good-repair roadway work in 2025.
The project area on Wilby Crescent at Weston Road.
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City staff explored four conceptual design options for the new sidewalk installation on the west side of Wilby Crescent. A complete street approach including traffic calming, green infrastructure and safety improvements was taken for reviewing preliminary alignment. The conceptual designs aim to minimize impacts to existing right-of way elements while improving pedestrian comfort and safety on Wilby Crescent. Final sidewalk alignment and design elements to be confirmed during the projects detail design.
Community meetings took place on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 and Tuesday, December 10, 2024. These were opportunities for area residents to learn about the project, provide feedback and ask questions.
Provision of safe, comfortable and accessible sidewalks on all public streets is a fundamental objective of the Vision Zero 2.0 Road Safety Plan. Sidewalks support safety, accessibility, affordable transportation, physical activity, safe routes to school, aging in place and sustainable growth. These themes are reflected in the City’s Official Plan (2004), Pedestrian Charter (2002), Walking Strategy (2009), Seniors Strategy (2013), Healthy Streets (2014), Road Safety Plan (2016), and Vision Zero 2.0 Road Safety Plan Update (2019), among others. Local roads remain the largest gap in the walking network and generate the highest number of requests for new sidewalk installations.
Nearly one quarter of all local roads in Toronto, or 800 kilometres, are without a sidewalk. Most local roads have residential land uses, and where sidewalks are missing, pedestrians have no alternative but to walk on the roadway or on unpaved road shoulders. Learn more about the City’s Missing Sidewalks program.