There has never been a better time to take advantage of incentives to green your home, business or community.
Search this list of all energy efficiency rebates and incentives available to homeowners from a variety of sources.
Get a low-interest loan from the City to cover the cost of your home energy retrofit.
All buildings in Toronto can apply for a low-interest loan to fund energy retrofits.
Funding to support small businesses that implement reuse systems to eliminate single-use and takeaway items.
Funding to support Indigenous-led projects that help to address the climate crisis and improve resilience.
Grants for resident-led and community group climate action projects at the neighbourhood-level.
Funding to support TDSB student-led groups who want to take actions that will help their schools and communities reduce local greenhouse gas emissions.
Need a new roof? Get a grant to install a green or cool roof.
Help enhance and expand our urban forest through tree planting and stewardship on private land.
Funding to support the creation of pollinator habitat in Toronto.
Low-cost financing available to apartment building owners to undertake a variety of building improvements.
Offers a partial building development charge refund to new construction projects that have demonstrated higher levels of sustainable design.