Toronto Hydro Corporation (Toronto Hydro) is a holding company of the City of Toronto which, through its subsidiaries, distributes electricity, engages in conservation and demand management activities, and provides street lighting in Toronto.

Toronto Hydro provides corporate and management services, strategic direction, and supervises the operation of its two wholly-owned subsidiaries:

  • Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited is a regulated electricity distribution company that delivers electricity to approximately 768,000 residential, commercial, and industrial customers in Toronto and engages in conservation and demand management activities
  • Toronto Hydro Energy Services Inc. is a subsidiary that participates in non-regulated businesses including the provision of street lighting and expressway lighting services in Toronto

Read about Toronto Hydro’s recent activities in its latest Annual Report.


Toronto Hydro Corporation is incorporated under the Business Corporations Act under the authority of the Ontario Electricity Act, 1998. The City of Toronto is the sole shareholder.

Toronto Hydro’s electricity distribution subsidiary is regulated by the Ontario Energy Board and is a distributor subject to the Ontario Electricity Act. Toronto Hydro is a reporting issuer under the Ontario Securities Act and is subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the Ontario Securities Commission.

Toronto Hydro’s Board of Directors is responsible for supervising the management of the business and affairs of the Corporation. A Council-approved Shareholder Direction (as amended from time to time) provides the Board with the City’s fundamental principles regarding Toronto Hydro’s business and sets out the accountability, responsibility and relationship between the Board and the City. The Shareholder Direction was most recently amended and restated in 2024.

The Toronto Hydro Board consists of 11 members appointed by City Council. It comprises eight public members appointed through the City’s Public Appointments process and three City Council members, one of whom is the Mayor or Council member-designate. City Council appoints the Board Chair from one of the public members. The Board may appoint a Vice-Chair from among its members.

Find out about opportunities to serve on the Toronto Hydro Board and its current membership.

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