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The Toronto Port Lands Company (TPLC), legally the Toronto Economic Development Corporation, is a City corporation that manages real estate assets and promotes development in Toronto’s Port Lands, an extensive industrial area southeast of Toronto’s downtown that is being redeveloped and revitalized.

TPLC is a key component of a City-wide real estate service delivery model adopted by City Council in May 2017 to centralize real estate and facilities management activities and ensure the effective use of the City’s real estate assets. The Corporation works with CreateTO which supports TPLC’s business operations through a service agreement and other City real estate entities including Build Toronto. TPLC also works with Waterfront Toronto.

TPLC is the largest landowner in the Port Lands with over 400 acres in its portfolio. The Corporation supports the redevelopment and revitalization of the Port Lands by:

  • Managing, leasing and selling properties, land interests and other assets following City Council direction
  • Providing grants or loans for promotional activities that support the establishment and ongoing operations of key industries
  • Providing expertise for the remediation of brownfield properties and the environmental approvals process to support development

Find out about TPLC’s recent activities in its latest Annual Report.


The Toronto Economic Development Corporation (TEDCO) was established in 1986 under the authority of the City of Toronto Act, 1985. Since 2009, TEDCO has operated under the name Toronto Port Lands Company. It is incorporated under the Business Corporations Act with the City of Toronto as the sole shareholder.

TPLC is governed by a Board of Directors (TPLC Board) responsible for supervising the management of the Corporation’s business and affairs.  A Council-approved Shareholder Direction sets out for the Board the City’s expectations and objectives for the Corporation, including its mandate, responsibilities, reporting requirements and relationship with the City.

The TPLC Board is cross-appointed by City Council from the CreateTO Board. The Board consists of eight members: six public members appointed through the City’s Public Appointments process and two City Council members, one of whom is the Mayor or Council member-designate. The Board Chair and Vice-Chair are appointed by City Council.

Find out about opportunities to serve on the TPLC Board and its current membership.

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