Business Travel

Staff may need to travel in order to carry out duties directly related to their job responsibilities   to conduct City business. Travel expenses include kilometrage, accommodation, air and ground transportation, parking, per diem, and other expenses.

Business Travel – Out of Town

Staff travel outside of the GTA to carry out duties directly related to their job responsibilities to conduct City business. Expenses include kilometrage, accommodation, air and ground transportation, parking, per diem, and other related expenses.

Business Travel – In Town

Staff travel within the GTA to carry out duties directly related to their job responsiblities to conduct City business.  Expenses include kilometrage, parking, taxi, and public transit.

Conferences & Seminars

Staff may be required to attend conferences, conventions, seminars, workshops or other training events to represent the City and advance its interests or for professional development. Expenses include registration, tuition, kilometrage, accommodation, air and ground transportation, parking, per diem, and other expenses.

Hospitality & Protocol

Staff may be hosting meetings or protocol events involving external business contacts related to City business. Expenses include receptions, catering services, meeting, and meal expenses at outside locations.


Training represents education provided to employees through an academic institution, or professional organization. It may include training on technical or management skills, presentations by a professional organization on best practices and case studies. Expenses include professional training services, registration and course fees, and tuition fees reimbursements.

Business Meetings

It may be necessary for staff to hold business and staff planning meetings to discuss, plan and make decisions on City business. Business meeting expenses may include food and refreshments, facility and equipment rentals, supplies, and other required expenses