As the City of Toronto moves to Stage 3 tomorrow, July 31, additional amenities will safely and gradually reopen for everyone to enjoy.
COVID-19 continues to circulate in Toronto and it remains critical that residents continue to follow Toronto Public Health’s advice to stay home when ill, wash hands often, practise physical distancing and wear a face covering or mask in all indoor public spaces.
This weekend is not a designated fireworks weekend. Fireworks on private property may only be used without a permit on Victoria Day and Canada Day. To use fireworks on private property any other day of the year you must have a permit from Toronto Fire Services. More information is available online.
The sale of fireworks in Toronto requires a permit from Municipal Licensing and Standards. The issuance of these permits has been suspended while the City responds to the COVID-19 pandemic. To report the illegal sale or possible misuse of fireworks, contact 311.
Provincial orders and City bylaws for the reopening of restaurants and bars
Restaurants and bars are now permitted to offer indoor dine-in service, provided that all patrons are seated when eating or drinking and that tables are separated by at least two metres or have plexiglass or other impermeable barriers. Masks are required but can be removed when eating and drinking. On July 29, Council also voted to amend the licensing bylaw to require restaurants and bars to limit the indoor capacity of customers and employees to a maximum of 100 people and limit the number of customers seated at each table to no more than 10 customers at a time, maintain customer logs to be used by Toronto Public Health for contact tracing purposes, and establish staff screening protocols. Customers are required to remain seated at all times, except when entering or exiting, using the washroom, or paying.
The Province’s Stage 3 order sets capacity or occupant limits for businesses or facilities open to the public. Operators of businesses and facilities must limit the number of people in the premises so that every member of the public is able to maintain a physical distance of at least two metres from every other person unless the specific type of business or facility has a reopening condition that allows people to be closer together.
The City has received many complaints regarding restaurants and bars not following physical distancing requirements. A coordinated enforcement team will once again be conducting inspections of liquor-licensed establishments in the city and addressing businesses that, despite widespread efforts to educate them on public health requirements to keep their customers, employees and the public safe, continue to disobey provincial orders.
Restricted evening parking at beaches to address prohibited activities
The City has seen a significant increase in the number of people at Toronto beaches late into the evening who are not practising physical distancing, or who are setting up DJ equipment, lighting bonfires, setting off fireworks, drinking excessively and leaving large amounts of litter behind. As COVID-19 continues to circulate in the community, residents visiting a beach or park must practise physical distancing and avoid crowding.
Parking restrictions are in place at Toronto beaches on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. Parking restrictions will be in place at the following beaches starting at 7 p.m. on Friday: Marie Curtis Park, Humber Bay West Park, Humber Bay East Park, Cherry Beach and Bluffer’s Park. Toronto Police will be present at all parking lot entrances. Vehicles leaving beach parking lots after 7 p.m. will be able to do so freely.
Bylaw officers, Toronto Police and Toronto Fire will have a highly visible presence at beaches and parking lots to ensure that crowds, bonfires and other prohibited activities do not occur or are dealt with quickly should they occur. Parking enforcement will also have a significant presence this weekend, with tagging and towing of illegally parked vehicles in the vicinity of beaches where parking is restricted.
Bonfires are not permitted on beaches. Likewise, organized parties, with excessive drinking and DJs with amplification of sound, are also prohibited. Bylaw enforcement officers and Toronto Police will issue tickets related to bylaw infractions, including littering, and people are asked to take their garbage with them so it can be disposed of properly. Any overflowing bins or litter hot spots should be reported to 311.
ActiveTO road closures, cycling network, Quiet Streets and CaféTO
The following ActiveTO major road closure will be in place this weekend, from Saturday, August 1 at 6 a.m. to Monday, August 3 at 11 p.m.:
Residents planning to use these roads should access them by bike or as a pedestrian as nearby parking is limited and there is no onsite parking available. Parking lots at Sunnyside Park, Budapest Park and Sir Casimir Gzowski Park will be closed all weekend during ActiveTO closures. Overnight parking is not permitted in these lots and any vehicles should be moved before midnight on Friday.
More than 60 kilometres of Quiet Streets are available to local residents throughout the city this weekend. More information, including an online map of all locations, can be found on the ActiveTO webpage at
Toronto’s cycling network is rapidly expanding. New temporary bike lanes are now installed along Bayview Avenue and River Street, Brimley Road, Bloor Street, Dundas Street East, Wilmington Avenue/Faywood Boulevard, and University Avenue. New routes are actively being installed along Danforth Avenue and Huntingwood Avenue.
Curb lane closures will be in place this weekend to accommodate new cafés/patios for CaféTO locations throughout the city. The CaféTO program currently supports more than 500 restaurants with curb lane and new or expanded sidewalk cafés/patios.
City pools and splash pads
Torontonians can cool off at more than 300 aquatic amenities this summer as the City’s 140 splash pads, 100 wading pools, 56 outdoor swimming pools and select indoor pools are now open. Some pools are closed for repair. Pool status is available online. In order to allow for physical distancing, the capacity at outdoor and indoor pools will be significantly reduced to 25 per cent. Swimmers will be limited to 45-minute sessions to allow for cleaning. Full details are available at
Toronto beaches are open, including the four Toronto Island Park beaches. Lifeguards supervise swim areas from 11:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. daily. People should only swim in the swim zones marked by yellow and red flags as these areas are lifeguard supervised. Rouge Valley Beach remains closed. For more information on the City’s beaches visit
It can be unsafe to swim, even at designated swimming beaches, for 48 hours after a rainfall due to the possible presence of high levels of bacteria that could pose a risk to human health. Toronto Public Health posts water quality reports for local beaches online.
City parks
Most amenities in City parks are now open. Playgrounds and outdoor exercise equipment will reopen Friday. Following guidance from Toronto Public Health, outdoor playground equipment will not be sanitized. Updated signage with public health guidance will be posted. As COVID-19 continues to circulate in the community, residents visiting a beach or park must practise physical distancing and avoid crowding.
Toronto Island Park public ferry and beaches
The public ferry service recently resumed operations at 50 per cent capacity with COVID-19 guidelines and procedures in place to protect passengers and staff. Tickets are limited to 5,000 per day. Visitors must purchase tickets online in advance. Passengers are required to wear masks or face coverings. To reduce crowding, visitors are encouraged to travel outside of peak times of 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. from the ferry terminal to the island, and 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. for the return trip.
Lifeguards supervise the four Toronto Island Park swimming beaches. There is plenty of room on the Island beaches. If one beach is crowded, visitors are encouraged to go to a different area. Services and amenities that are open at Toronto Island Park include washrooms, a splash pad, a first aid station, William Meany Maze, some food and beverage outlets and disc golf. Other Toronto Island Park public and commercial amenities, including Centreville and boat rentals, remain closed under the current Province of Ontario emergency orders. Water taxi service to Toronto Island Park has resumed.
Public washroom facilities
Park washrooms are open to the public. In addition, the City has opened a number of facilities with showers, washrooms and drinking water for all individuals in need of these services. More details including health guidelines for washrooms are available on the City Services webpage. Residents using public washrooms should maintain a distance of two metres or six feet from others at all times while waiting in line and wash hands or use hand sanitizer.
St. Lawrence Market
The St. Lawrence Market continues to operate with enhanced precautions under the advisement of Toronto Public Health. The South Market is open Tuesday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 5 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Saturday Farmers’ Market indoor and outdoor areas are open weekly from 5 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Sunday Antique Market remains closed until further notice.
The use of a face mask or face covering is required at the St. Lawrence Market Complex and entrance screenings are conducted for customers and all personnel entering the market. Please remember to bring your face covering for your trip and wear it at all times at the St. Lawrence Market Complex. Customers are reminded that even when wearing a mask or face covering, keeping physical distance from others and washing your hands often are the best ways to help stop the spread of COVID-19. For more information visit
COVID-19 updates
The City of Toronto is preparing to oversee the safe restart of more businesses and services following the Province of Ontario announcement that Toronto can enter Stage 3 of the provincial reopening this Friday, July 31.
The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice and information about City services, social supports and economic recovery measures. Check for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311.
Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses. For more information visit the City’s website or follow us on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.