The Denison-Bellevue cycling route was identified in the Cycling Network Plan. The route provides a connection along quiet local streets between the existing bicycle lanes on College Street and Queen Street West with a connection to the cycle tracks on Richmond Street and Adelaide Street via Augusta Avenue and Portland Street.

The previous one-way southbound operation of Denison Avenue and Bellevue Avenue did not allow people cycling to legally travel in both directions. The contra-flow bike lane allows northbound travel from Queen Street West to College Street. In addition, sharrow markings were installed in the southbound direction. Read the council decision on bike lane installations.


Bellevue cross section of the cycling infrastructure. Shows parking on the west side with a shared southbound travel lane beside the parking and a northbound contraflow lane beside the travel laneBellevue Avenue is a one-way street between 40m south of College Street West and Dundas Street for vehicles. A northbound-only bicycle lane was installed so that residents travelling by bicycle may travel both southbound and northbound lawfully.  Shared lane pavement markings (“sharrows”) were painted in the existing shared southbound traffic lane and the parking was permanently located on the west side of the roadway.

This design was also recommended for Denison Avenue for the section which is one-way southbound between Carr Street and Queen Street West.  For the section between Wolseley Street and Queen Street West, the existing no parking bylaws were maintained.

cross section of the Denison cycle infrastructure. Shows parking on the east-side. a north northbound contraflow lane beside the parking and a shared southbound lane on the other side of the contraflow lane.Between Grange Avenue and Carr Street, a number of west-side driveways prevent parking from being supplied on this side of the street.  For this block, between Grange Avenue and Carr Street, parking was maintained in its existing location.  A northbound bike lane may be installed adjacent to this existing on-street parking supply.