Proposed alterations to municipal drinking water and sewage infrastructure are subject to approval from the City or the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) prior to construction. An alteration refers to additions, modifications, replacements or extensions to municipal drinking water and sewage infrastructure that is owned by or to be assumed by the City. The City reviews requests for alterations that require approval.
Development corporations or organizations, third-party agencies and administrators of municipal capital projects are the typical entities that request alterations to municipal drinking water and sewage infrastructure.
Prior to submitting an alteration application to the City for review and approval, the application must be reviewed and signed by Engineering and Construction Services or Development Review for compliance with:
Applications will also be reviewed for compliance with applicable provincial and municipal policies including, but not limited to:
The documents and references below are intended to assist applicants completing alteration applications for drinking water and sewage infrastructure.
Alterations to drinking water infrastructure that require approval refer to watermains. The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) grants the City the authority to review and accept pre-authorized alterations to watermains in Toronto under the City’s Drinking Water Works Permit (DWWP).
Only alterations that meet the conditions and requirements in the DWWP Schedule B can submit an application to the City.
An alteration to a watermain longer than 6.1 metres requires an approved Form 1 application prior to construction:
Modification or replacement of an existing watermain that is 6.1 metres in length (i.e. short length watermain) or less is exempt from requirements that:
Conditions and submission requirements are available in the Requirements for Modification or Replacement of Short Length Watermain.
The following alterations are not pre-authorized and must be submitted directly to MECP for approval through a Schedule C amendment application:
Exemptions from approval for alterations to drinking water infrastructure under the Safe Drinking Water Act (O. Reg. 170/03: Drinking Water Systems) include:
Alterations to sewage infrastructure that require approval refer to sewer mains, forcemains, pumping stations and stormwater management facilities. These alterations are reviewed by the City and recommended to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) for Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) under the Transfer of Review (TOR) Program.
Applications that can and can not be reviewed under the TOR Program are listed in the TOR Agreement – Schedule A.
Applicants can prepare their ECA applications in accordance with the Application Checklist for Sewage Works. The ECA form must be filled and signed by an authorized person of the proponent, the consultant and a City representative.
Exemptions from approval for sewage works under the Ontario Water Resource Act (O. Reg 525/98: Approval Exemptions) include:
All forms must be signed by authorized persons from all parties before submitting an application for alterations to drinking water and sewage infrastructure. A complete application should be submitted by the designated City case manager responsible for primary review or delivery of the project.
A City review engineer with MECP-designated authority will review the application following the receipt of a complete application package. Comments will be provided to the case manager and copied to the consultant(s) within 10 business days from receipt of the application and each subsequent re-submission.
The City offers optional pre-application meetings to clarify the objectives of the proposal and to identify the necessary documentation required. Contact us to request a pre-application meeting.
Infrastructure type | Municipal service fee per application (2025) |
Watermain (drinking water) | $3,203.37 |
Sanitary, storm and/or combined sewers | $1,100* |
Forcemains | $2,000* |
Sewage pumping station | $2,000* |
Stormwater management facilities | $2,200* |
*Current ECA fees as per the MECP fee schedule. Each fee indicated above includes a $200 administration fee. If one application is submitted for multiple types of infrastructure, only one $200 administration fee will apply.
**The watermain fee is reviewed annually and adjusted as determined by the City’s Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Payments can be made via:
Payments should be payable to “Treasurer, City of Toronto” and include the payer’s name and mailing address.
For EFT or wire payment, payment/remittance advice is required, including the caption “ECA/DWWP Works Review Fee” and additional payment details (i.e., project name, location, payment date, reference number).
Contact us to request the City’s account information for EFT or wire payments.
Contact us to drop off a certified cheque, bank draft or money order to:
Approvals & Partnerships, Water Infrastructure Management, Toronto Water
Metro Hall, 18th Floor
55 John St, Toronto, ON M5V 3C6