Use the Zoning By-law Interactive Map to find the zoning on a property. View links for by-law chapters, sections and exceptions (if applicable) in the text of the Office Consolidation Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended.


Zoning By-law 569-2013 is a comprehensive, city-wide zoning by-law, made up of zoning regulations that apply to properties across the city. Before the amalgamation of the City of Toronto in 1998, each of the former municipalities had their own zoning by-laws. Zoning By-law 569-2013 harmonizes many zoning regulations of Toronto’s pre-amalgamation municipalities.

Zoning By-law 569-2013 is available in digital format on-line. Both the text and the interactive map can be found at the link below. These links let you look up the zoning that applies to properties across the city.

Zoning Information for your Property

The Zoning By-law is updated regularly to ensure that the regulations accurately reflect any changes to the by-law due to amendments or the outcome of appeals to the Ontario Land Tribunal. The Office Consolidation was last completed on July 31, 2023, and also includes city-wide amendments up to April 1, 2024.

Zoning By-law (Web Version):

To confirm those sections of Zoning By-law 569-2013 which remain under appeal, please review the PDF version of the by-law, where the text of the sections which remain under appeal are highlighted. The web version of the by-law does not include bright yellow highlighting to reflect regulations which were appealed when Zoning By-law 569-2013 was first enacted by City Council on May 9, 2013.

Zoning By-law (PDF Version):

PDF Accessibility Notice

The PDF versions of Zoning By-law 569-2013 may contain information that you have difficulty viewing. If you require a more detailed explanation, please contact Toronto Building Customer Service at (416) 397-5330.

Multi-Tenant Housing Zoning Amendment

The office consolidation of Zoning By-laws 569-2013 contains Multi-Tenant Housing zoning amendments By-law 156-2023 and By-law 256-2024.

Together, these zoning amendments replace the regulations for Rooming Houses in Section 150.25 of Zoning By-law 569-2013. The existing Rooming House Overlay in the Interactive Zoning By-law Map will be removed and the new Multi-Tenant House Overlay Map will be added. In the interim, By-laws 156-2023 and 256-2024 can be read in conjunction to determine permitted maximum dwelling rooms.

For more information on the new framework for Multi-Tenant Housing, please visit the study website.

King-Parliament Secondary Plan Amendments

Zoning by-law amendments for the King-Parliament Secondary Plan area that were adopted by Council on May 5, 2021, are included in the Interactive Map. However, these amendments are under appeal. Maps of the in-force zoning and height for the area are provided for convenience.

Yonge-Eglinton Plan Amendments

Zoning by-law amendments for the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan area that were adopted by Council on June 15, 2022, are included in the Interactive Map. However, these amendments are under appeal. Maps of the in-force Zoning and height for the area are provided for convenience.

OLT Orders for the Residential Apartment (RA) Zone and the Commercial Residential (CR) Zone

The office consolidation of Zoning By-law 569-2013 does not include Order OLT-22-002465 issued April 19, 2024 by the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) regarding changes to the Residential Apartment (RA) Zone and Commercial Residential (CR) Zone. The Order can be reviewed by searching “OLT-22-002465” from the OLT Decisions website and selecting the Order dated April 19, 2024: Decisions, Ontario Tribunal.

Web Maps

Interactive Map and Office Consolidation

The Zoning By-law Interactive Map and the Office Consolidation of Zoning By-law 569-2013 is provided for convenience purposes only. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, however, for legal and planning application purposes, reference should be made to the original certified documents which are on file with the City Clerk including the Zoning By-law and subsequent Zoning By-law amendments.

Properties Shown in Grey

If your property is shown in grey, it is subject to a Former Municipal Zoning By-law. If you have questions please contact Toronto Building Customer Service either at a Customer Service Counter or by phone at (416) 397-5330.