Exercise, learn, and meet new people through free or low-cost access to sports facilities, recreation programs, social activities or hobby classes.
Explore recreation and cultural programs online, learn how to use the online registration and booking system or find out how to register for recreation programs by phone or in person.
Find free and discounted community recreation programs for adults aged 60+. Residents living on a low income can apply for a recreation fee subsidy through the Welcome Policy recreation fee subsidy.
There are also many Seniors Active Living Centres (SALCs) across Toronto that are run by not-for-profit organizations and offer a variety of programs, groups, and courses for seniors. Many offer virtual programming, and some serve specific language and cultural groups. Find a variety of programs, groups and courses for seniors.
Find a Seniors Active Living Centre program near you or call 1-888-910-1999.
Find a variety of programs, groups and courses for seniors through Older Adult Centre’s Association of Ontario.
Borrow books, music, e-books, DVDs, or free passes to museums and attractions. Attend free programs and events, get computer training or use free computers and wi-fi. Residents who cannot leave home for three months or longer because of age, illness or disability can arrange for free home delivery through the Home Library Service at 416-395-5557.
Get a 40 per cent seniors discount on adult daytime programs and evening classes in the arts, computers, business, outdoors, cooking, handiwork, languages, and music through Learn 4 Life.
Find information about free and paid courses, and classes for seniors through Senior Toronto. Contact local universities and colleges for auditing opportunities or for tuition discounts.