Temporary resident or visitor permits may be obtained to provide 24-hour, 48-hour and weekly on-street parking within the limits of a permit parking street or area, provided space is available.

Temporary parking permits may be obtained to provide 24-hour, 48-hour and weekly on-street parking within the limits of a permit parking street or area, provided space is available.

  • Temporary permits purchased online and at the Permit Parking office can be purchased up to a maximum of 2 weeks in advance of the date required.
  • Temporary permits purchased at the Permit Parking office can be issued for up to a maximum of 8 consecutive weeks at a time.

Permits for motorcycles and scooters are free, but must be picked up from the Permit Parking office.

Recreational vehicles, including trailers, are not eligible for on-street parking permits in Toronto.

To determine whether your street or area is designated for permit parking, contact the Permit Parking office.

Apply for Temporary Parking Permit


All fees are subject to an annual inflationary increase based on the City’s User Fee Policy and change without prior notice.

If purchasing in person: cash, credit card (VISA, MasterCard, or American Express), debt card and personal cheque or money order, made payable to “Treasurer, City of Toronto.”

If purchasing by mail: personal cheque or money order, made payable to “Treasurer, City of Toronto.”

Description Fee Basis User Fee
24 hour Per space $19.74 + HST
48 hour Per space $28.54 + HST
7 days Per space $42.83 + HST


For further clarification on permit fees, contact the Permit Parking office.

How Permit Parking is Implemented

Permit parking is implemented on either a street name basis where parking is restricted to one specific street, or on an area basis where a number of streets have been grouped into permit areas in order to maximize the available parking.

  • In area based permit parking, residents may park on any licenced street within their permit area, but are not guaranteed a parking space on their specific street.
  • Area based permit parking provides greater flexibility by enabling permit holders to park not only on their licenced street but on other licenced street within their area should space not be available on the street where they live.
  • Within each permit area there may be significant differences in the operating hours of the permit parking program. For example, in the Toronto community, there are currently over 70 unique combinations of permit parking operating hours which were developed over time, in consultation with area Councillors and community representatives, in response to specific concerns e.g. long-term non-resident parking. These operating hours are clearly posted at regular intervals on each street licenced for permit parking within the area. If you would like a boundary map of your permit parking area, email or visit the Permit Parking office.
  • Recreational vehicles, including trailers, are not eligible for on-street parking permits in Toronto.

Restrictions/Exemptions for Permit Parking Holders

A permit holder who parks on a street authorized for permit parking must park in a legal space during licenced parking hours shown on the signs on the street. Though subject to other existing traffic regulations, permit holders generally have the privilege of parking their vehicles overnight and are exempt from the 1, 2, and 3 hour parking restrictions. Conversely, vehicles without parking permits may be tagged if parked in parking spaces designated for those with permits. The permit parking by-law is enforced by Toronto Police Services, Parking Enforcement Unit. Contravention of the by-law may result in the loss of your permit parking privilege.

  • Where permit parking signs and Pay & Display signs co-exist, a valid permit holder will not be required to pay the meter or parking machine.
  • Where there is a change in parking from one side of the street to the other side, a permit holder shall be given a grace period to move their vehicle from 9 p.m. the previous night to 9 a.m. the next morning on changeover days.
  • For a permit to remain in effect, the permit must be visible and affixed to the lower windshield on the driver’s side and the vehicle registration and licence plate must remain valid as per Service Ontario requirements.