Any new or expanded residential development subject to Zoning By-law 569-2013, located in Bicycle Zone 1, can receive relief for up to 50 per cent of their short-term bicycle parking requirements. This provision gives residential development flexibility to meet its short-term bicycle parking requirements by contributing to the expansion of Toronto Bike Share, instead of providing the full amount of spaces on site. This program is also aligned with the City’s Official Plan policies which call for the expansion of the public Bike Share system to facilitate the use of the bicycle for short and multi-modal trips.
For more background information about the provision, see PH29.3.
An applicant is eligible to apply for a payment-in-lieu for bicycle parking exemption, from a portion of their short-term bicycle parking requirements, if all of the following apply to the development site:
If all of the above apply, an applicant can make a payment-in-lieu of providing up to 50 per cent of the short-term residential bicycle parking required (Zoning By-law 569-2013 230.10.20(1)). The proceeds of the program will be used to fund the expansion of the Bike Share system.
To receive a reduction in their short-term bicycle parking requirements, eligible applicants must submit an exemption request letter with their Site Plan Control Application, or any subsequent resubmission. An applicant may choose to identify their intent for a payment-in-lieu contribution earlier in the approvals process, however the approval for the payment-in-lieu of bicycle parking exemption is only given at the Site Plan Control application stage.
In instances where an applicant wishes to request a payment-in-lieu of bicycle parking exemption but the proposed development does not require a Site Plan Control application, please contact the Toronto Building representative on your file. The Toronto Building representative assigned to your file will identify the appropriate Community Planning area manager/staff to receive your exemption request letter and review the application for payment-in-lieu of bicycle parking.
With the adoption of this payment-in-lieu of bicycle parking provision, Zoning By-law amendments and minor variances for short-term bicycle parking requirements will not be supported by staff.
An exemption request letter must be included with your Site Plan Control Application or resubmission, or with your Building Permit Application or subsequent submissions in instances where a Planning Application is not required, if you wish to request a payment-in-lieu of bicycle parking exemption. The exemption request letter shall include the following information:
For any payment-in-lieu of bicycle parking application that is not tied to a Site Plan Control Application the applicant must also include ownership and legal description information in order for the applicant to enter into an agreement with the City. In this case, the applicant must include: a current copy of the Parcel Register(s) for the land that is the subject of the application.
The exemption request information should also be identified in the Transportation Impact Study’s bicycle parking chapter, where applicable.
On December 15, 2021, Council adopted PH29.3 Recommended Parking Requirements for New Development. Within this report City Council directed the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to use $500 per “short-term” bicycle parking space reduced, adjusted for inflation, as the basis upon which payments under Clause of Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, be calculated. The dollar value will be adjusted for inflation annually and will be updated on this webpage each year.
The dollar value for the January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 period is:
The dollar value for the July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 period is:
The dollar value for the July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 period is:
The applicant is required to make payment directly to Toronto Buildings (Customer Service) prior to issuance of the Building Permit.