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A - Z list of Licensed Child Care Centres

The City helps eligible families with the cost of child care through a Child Care Fee Subsidy. A family can use their Child Care Fee Subsidy at the centres identified below.

Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) is a Federal-Provincial agreement to reduce the cost of child care for families. CWELCC participating centres are identified below.

Centre Name CWELCC participating Fee subsidy accepted
Rainbow's End Day Care Satellite Yes Yes
Rainbow Village Childcare Centre (Mid-Scarborough Child Care) Yes Yes
Ranchdale Rompers Day Care Yes Yes
Ranleigh Rascals Yes Yes
Rawlinson B & A School Program Yes Yes
Rawlinson Early Learning & Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Rec Room Child Care @mimico Yes
Red Apple Day Care (Overlea) Yes Yes
Red Apple Day Care - Rouge River Yes
Red Apple Day Care - St John XXIII Yes Yes
Regent Park Early Learning & Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Rejoyce Caledon Community Child Care Yes Yes
Rendezvous Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Rene Gordon School Age YMCA Yes Yes
Rexdale Day Nursery Yes Yes
Rexdale Women's Centre Nursery
Rhyme & Reason Day Care
Ridley Orchard School Ltd. Yes
Rippleton Roadsters Child Care Program Yes Yes
Rippleton Roadsters Satellite Program Yes Yes
Riverdale Learning Loft Inc.
Riverdale Mighty Kids Corp Yes
Robbins Hebrew Academy Yes
Rockford Child Care Yes Yes
Roden Community Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Rolph Road Day Care Yes Yes
Rolph Road - Leaside Day Care Centres (St. Anselm) Yes Yes
Romero Bears Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Rosalie Hall Early Learning And Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Rosedale Moore Park Association/Mooredale Preschool - Coach House
Rosedale Moore Park Association/Mooredale Preschool - Main House
Roseland Day Care Centre Yes Yes
Rosethorn Before And After School Program Yes Yes
Rouge Valley Jr YMCA Yes Yes
Rowntree Early Learning & Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Royal Day Care Weston Inc Yes Yes
Royal York Childcare Inc
Royal York Road School Yes
Roywood Child Care North York Yes Yes
Runnymede Adventure Club Yes Yes
Ryerson Early Learning Centre (Ryerson University) Yes Yes

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