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A - Z list of Licensed Child Care Centres

The City helps eligible families with the cost of child care through a Child Care Fee Subsidy. A family can use their Child Care Fee Subsidy at the centres identified below.

Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) is a Federal-Provincial agreement to reduce the cost of child care for families. CWELCC participating centres are identified below.

Centre Name CWELCC participating Fee subsidy accepted
Palisades Centre For Early Learning Yes Yes
Palmerston Community Daycare Yes Yes
Pape Children's House Yes Yes
Parkdale Childcare Centre Yes Yes
Parkdale Early Learning Centre - CDI - 119 Close Ave. Yes Yes
Park Lawn Preschool Yes Yes
Parkside Elementary School, Extended Day Program Yes
Parkway Forest YMCA Yes Yes
Pat Schulz Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Pauline Johnson School Age YMCA Yes Yes
Percy Williams YMCA Yes Yes
Perth Avenue Early Learning Centre Yes Yes
Petitecare Yes
Petite Luminaries Childcare Yes
Petite Maison Montessori Yes
Petit Pearson Child Care Yes Yes
Phoenix Child Centre Yes Yes
Phoenix Montessori School Inc.
Pineway Child Care Learning Center Yes Yes
Pinnacle Jr YMCA Yes Yes
Plains Road Child Care Inc. Yes Yes
Plasp All Saints Catholic School Yes Yes
Plasp Bennington Heights Ps Yes Yes
Plasp Blessed Sacrament C.S. Yes Yes
Plasp Blythwood Junior Public School Yes Yes
Plasp - David Hornell Junior School Yes Yes
Plasp Divine Mercy C.S. Yes Yes
Plasp Father Serra Catholic School Yes Yes
Plasp Holy Angels Catholic School Yes Yes
Plasp Humber Valley Village Junior Middle School Yes Yes
Plasp Inglewood Heights Junior Public School Yes Yes
Plasp Islington Junior Middle School Yes Yes
Plasp James Culnan Catholic School Yes Yes
Plasp James S Bell Junior Middle School Yes Yes
Plasp Kingsview Village Junior School Yes Yes
Plasp Lanor Junior Middle School Yes Yes
Plasp Mother Cabrini Catholic School Yes Yes
Plasp Nativity Of Our Lord Catholic School Yes Yes
Plasp North Bridlewood Junior Public School Yes Yes
Plasp Parkfield Junior School Yes Yes
Plasp Pauline Junior Public School Yes Yes
Plasp St. Albert Catholic School Yes Yes
Plasp St. Cecilia Catholic School Yes Yes
Plasp St. Clement Catholic School Yes Yes
Plasp St. Conrad Catholic School Yes Yes
Plasp St. Elizabeth Catholic School Yes
Plasp St. Isaac Jogues Catholic School - Tor Yes Yes
Plasp St. Louis C.S. Yes Yes
Plasp St. Margaret C.S. Yes Yes
Plasp St. Norbert Catholic School Yes Yes
Plasp St. Pius X Catholic School Yes Yes
Plasp St. Simon C.S. Yes Yes
Plasp Steelesview Public School Yes Yes
Plasp St Eugene Catholic School Yes Yes
Plasp Sts. Cosmas And Damian C.S Yes Yes
Plasp Transfiguration Of Our Lord Catholic School Yes Yes
Plasp Twentieth Street Junior School Yes Yes
Play And Grow Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Playhouse Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Playland Ltd - Daycare Centre Yes
Play Loft Yes
Pleasant Child Care Of North York Yes Yes
Plp Early Learning At St. Mark Yes Yes
Pope Francis (North York Little Prints Daycare) Yes Yes
Port Royal Jr YMCA Yes Yes
Posluns Education Centre Yes
Precious Blood Jr YMCA Elp Yes Yes
Precious Ones Bilingual Preschool Corp. Yes
Pride In Heritage Children's Centre Yes Yes
Prince Edward Montessori School Of Toronto
Princess Margaret Nursery School
Prodigy Learning Centre Yes Yes
Progress Childcare (Scarborough Inc. #1 (3 Glamorgan) Yes Yes
Prosserman Jcc - Daycare And Preschool Yes Yes
Purple Tree Child Care Inc. Yes

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