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A - Z list of Licensed Child Care Centres

The City helps eligible families with the cost of child care through a Child Care Fee Subsidy. A family can use their Child Care Fee Subsidy at the centres identified below.

Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) is a Federal-Provincial agreement to reduce the cost of child care for families. CWELCC participating centres are identified below.

Centre Name CWELCC participating Fee subsidy accepted
C.A.S.P. Catholic After School Program
C.D.Farquharson Jr YMCA Yes Yes
Calico Saints Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Cambridge Leaf Montessori School
Cambridge Place Centre For Early Learning Yes Yes
Campus Community Co-Operative Day Care Yes Yes
Canadiana Court Early Learning & Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Candy Factory Swallows Day Care (The) Yes Yes
Cardinal Leger Child Care Centre (Scarborough) Yes Yes
Carefree Preschool Yes
Carleton Village Early Learning Centre Yes Yes
Carmelite Missionary Sisters Of Saint Theresa Of The Child Jesus Yes
Carousel Child Care Development Centre Yes Yes
Casa Del Zotto Children's Centre Yes Yes
Casa Vera Montessori School
Cast For Kids Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Castlebar YMCA Yes Yes
Castle Park Playschool
Caterpillar & Co
Cedarbrae Day Nurseries (20 Greencrest) Yes Yes
Cedarbrae Day Nursery Yes Yes
Cedarbrae Day Nursery (1375 Midland) Yes Yes
Cedarvale Community School, Extended Day Program Yes
Centenary Seven Oaks Early Learning & Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Centennial College Early Childhood Education Centre(550 Mortimer) Yes Yes
Centennial College East York Day Care (Plains Rd) Yes Yes
Centennial College Progress Campus Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Centennial Infant And Child Centre Yes Yes
Central Eglinton Childrens' Centre Yes Yes
Central Montessori School Yes
Central Montessori Schools - Maplehurst Campus
Central Montessori Schools - Willowdale Campus Yes
Central Montessori Schools - York Mills Campus Yes
Centre De La Petite Enfance - Les Amis Du Monde Yes Yes
Centro Clinton Day Care Centre Yes Yes
Chabad Lubavitch Of York Mills Yes
Chabad Of Midtown Yes
Chabad Of Midtown - Bathurst Yes
Chabad Of Midtown - St Clair Yes
Champions Children's Centre Yes Yes
Charlottetown Blvd. Childcare Centre Yes
Charlottetown Kindergarten Extended Care Program Yes Yes
Chartland Child Care Inc Yes Yes
Cheer Day Care Centre Yes Yes
Chester Jr YMCA Yes Yes
Chester Le Early Learning & Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Children's Circle Of St. Barnabas Yes Yes
Children's Creative Corner Co-Op Nursery School Yes
Children's Garden Junior School - Early Start
Children's Garden Nursery School
Children's Land Learning Centre Inc.
Children's Magic Moments Child Care And Nursery School Yes
Children's Playgarden /Toronto Military Family Resource Centre Yes Yes
Children's Primary Centre Yes
Children's Village Day Care Centre #1 Yes Yes
Children's Village Day Care Centre #3 Yes Yes
Children Are People Education Yes Yes
Children Of Tomorrow Yes Yes
Children Of Tomorrow - John McCrae Yes Yes
Childspace Day Care Corporation # 1 (50 Woodmount) Yes Yes
Childspace Day Care Corporation # 2 (690 Carlaw) Yes Yes
Childspace Day Care Corporation # 3 (49 Felstead Avenue) Yes Yes
Chine Drive Licensed Before And After School Program Yes Yes
Churchill Chums School Age Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Church Street School Day Care Service Inc. Yes Yes
City Kids Early Learning & Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Clairlea Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Clearview Child Care Centre Yes
Cliffwood Community Child Care Yes Yes
Club ABC (ABC Academy Queen B & A) Yes
Cole Street Early Learning & Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Columbus Early Learning Centres Yes Yes
Columbus Early Learning Centres - Regina Mundi Yes Yes
Columbus Early Learning Centres - St Charles Yes Yes
Columbus Early Learning - St Raphael Yes Yes
Community Centre 55-Adam Beck Yes Yes
Community Centre 55 - Children Services (97 Main Street) Yes
Community Centre 55 - Kimberly Public School Yes Yes
Community Centre 55 -Ted Reeves Arena Yes Yes
Cottingham Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Cougar Court Child Care Centre 15 Yes Yes
Cougar Court Child Care Centre 25 Yes Yes
Courtleigh Place Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Coxwell Early Learning & Child Care Centre Yes Yes
Creative Minds Montessori Academy Yes
Crestview School Age Program YMCA Yes Yes
Curious Caterpillars - College View Yes
Curious Caterpillars - Petman Avenue Yes
Curlew Montessori School Yes

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