As of September 4, 2018, a Residential Infill Construction Public Notice is required to be posted on the site of all new residential infill construction and demolition projects, including additions greater than 100 m². The Public Notice contains key information about the project and is is a important component of the City’s Residential Infill Strategy.

Service Description

A building permit for an addition to a small residential building, such as a detached house, semi-detached house, or townhouse.

Service Outcome

Building Permit

All drawings to be drawn on standardized sized sheets, drawn to scale, fully dimensioned, signed and dated. If drawings were prepared by a qualified designer (as defined under Div. C, Part 3, Section 3.2 of the Ontario Building Code), drawings must include the designer’s name, registration number, qualification identification number, signature, and stamp/statement that the person has reviewed and taken responsibility for the design activities.

Applications including drawings with the seal of a professional engineer must include a completed Assumption of Responsibility for Engineering Content Form.

All drawings, reports, and forms, including the completed Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish, must be provided in a PDF format.

Municipal Road Damage Deposit payment and form not required for applications which qualify for the Residential FASTRACK Program.

Site Plan

  • Survey or site plan showing property lines, lot area, right-of-way or easements (referenced to a current survey)
  • Location of existing/proposed buildings with overall dimensions and include setback dimensions to property lines and adjacent buildings.
  • Summary of permitted and proposed zoning provisions to include lot area, building area (GFA), coverage, and grade elevations to confirm height.
  • Indicate dimensioned parking areas, driveways, hard & soft landscape treatments, accessory structures (sheds, decks, detached garages, etc).

Floor Plans

  • Fully dimensioned, for each level showing existing & proposed uses of all spaces, including location of smoke alarms & carbon monoxide detectors and all plumbing fixtures.
  • Provide existing/proposed construction with foundation & exterior wall information, showing interior partitions and structural framing above.

Roof Plan

Existing/proposed roof layout showing roof structure, skylights, roof slopes, hips/valleys/peaks and ventilation.


  • Exterior finishes with roof slopes, window/door type, locations & sizes including height of sills above floor level.
  • Provide area of exposed building face, percentage/area of unprotected openings and required limiting distance(s).
  • Show exterior decks/landings, stairs, guards/handrails.
  • Provide overall building height dimension.


  • Cross section(s) to show existing/proposed building construction and specifications of all floor, wall, & roof assemblies.
  • Provide footing & foundation wall details including height of exterior grade above basement floor.
  • Show floor to floor, floor to ceiling and overall building heights.
  • Detail stairs, landings, guards & handrails.

Residential Garages or Accessory Structures

  • Garages or Accessory Structures to be shown on Site Plan, showing the location of all existing and proposed buildings on the lot, setbacks to property lines, distance between proposed structure and other buildings on the lot.
  • Dimensions and locations of all required vehicle parking spaces and the driveway used to access the spaces(s).
  • Floor Plans, Elevations, Sections, Construction Details of the structure, including the details of the concrete floor slab, such as the concrete strength and re-enforcement proposed.

Decks and Verandahs

Plans including decks or verandahs must also show the following:

  • Details of footings, including footing size, spacing, depth, height above grade and frost protection details.
  • Sizes and Locations of all Columns; sizes, locations and spans of all beams.
  • Stair Construction Details, including height and depth of stair treads and headroom above stairs (where applicable).
  • Guard Construction Details, including information about openings and climbability, and the location of the guards with respect to stairways, landings, and edges of the proposed platform.

Application to Construct or Demolish Form

Building permit application form required for all submissions


Energy Efficiency Design Summary – Part 9 Residential

Required when applying to construct a new Part 9 residential building or an addition to an existing Part 9 residential building, to establish compliance with the energy efficiency requirements stipulated in Supplemental Standard SB-12 of the Ontario Building Code.

Compliance using prescriptive method:

Prescriptive Energy Efficiency Design Summary Form

Compliance using performance and other acceptable compliance methods:

Performance Compliance Methods Form


Infill Public Notice Declaration Form

This is a declaration form to be submitted to Toronto Building in order for the Owner or authorised agent of the owner to request an electronic copy of the Residential Infill Public Notice from Toronto Building for all additions with a proposed floor area greater than 100 m².


Municipal Road Damage Form

Applicant/owner is required to pay a damage deposit as a protection guarantee against damage to the curb, sidewalk, road, public laneway, boulevard and other services as well as tracking mud on City streets, or failing to clear snow and ice from sidewalks while construction is in progress.


Schedule 1: Designer Information Form

Required for all designers, except Engineers and Architects when applying for any Construction Permit. Property Owners, if exempted from Qualification/Certification, must fill-in the form to specify the reason for exemption.


Assumption of Responsibility for Engineering Content Form

Where the permit drawings and/or documents submitted with a building permit application for a design of a new house or material alteration to an existing house bear the seal of a professional engineer, the professional engineer who sealed drawings and/or documents shall confirm the content for which the engineer is assuming professional responsibility by completing the Assumption of Responsibility for Engineering Content Form.


Tree Declaration Form

Required for all projects where there is a potential for damage to private or City trees. Applicant is also responsible to comply with other tree protection bylaws.

To submit an application by email please use the ‘Email’ button on top of the Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish.

Detailed steps for the email submission process are also available to assist in making your application.

Fee (per m², unless otherwise stated)

Effective Jan. 1, 2025

Residential Unit Fee
Each new residential unit included in an application
Single Family Dwellings, Semis, Townhouses, Duplexes, Live/Work Units $17.85
Interior alterations (partitions, finishings, etc.) Group C, E and F $4.93


The permit fees shown above are shown as as Service Index per square metre of proposed work, unless otherwise specified. For full details of permit fee calculation and a complete list of fee rates, please see the Building Permit Fees page.

Protect Your Privacy

Please do not include any personal information on your Building Plans (e.g., the homeowner’s name or phone number). Building Plans submitted for Permit are subject to disclosure in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).