A person cycles in a cycle track separated from the roadway by concrete curbs.The City of Toronto has moved forward with the installation of a number of cycling and pedestrian safety upgrades on Davenport Road between Dupont Street and Yonge Street in 2021, 2022 and now, in 2024. Davenport Road has become a key link in the City’s bikeway network, providing connections to existing routes on Bay Street, and Avenue Road/University Avenue. Bikeway design is constantly evolving to meet the City’s current best practices, which is reflected in the upgrades on Davenport Road. This project was approved by the City’s Infrastructure and Environment Committee on March 23, 2021 and City Council on April 7, 2021 (IE20.13).

Phase 3

Phase 3 of the Davenport Road Safety upgrades is planned for installation in Fall 2024. In partnership with the City’s Engineering and Construction Services division, cycle tracks on both sides of Davenport Road between Bedford Road and Dupont Street are planned for installation, in addition to bio-retention planters on each side of the north-side parking.

Phase 3 Installation Notice (August 2024)

Phase 2

In 2022, the existing painted bike lanes were upgraded to cycle tracks on Davenport Road between Bedford Road and Bay Street as part of Phase 2.

Phase 2 Installation Notice (July 2022)

Phase 1

In 2021, cycle tracks on Davenport Road were installed between Bay Street and Yonge Street as part of Phase 1.

Map of phased upgrades on Davenport Road
Map of phased upgrades on Davenport Road.
  • Phase 1, Bay Street to Yonge Street, was installed in fall 2021.
  • Phase 2, Bedford Road to Bay Street, was installed in summer 2022.
  • Phase 3, Dupont Street to Bedford Road, will be installed in 2024.


From 2016 to 2020, there were 27 reported collisions involving people walking or cycling on Davenport Road between Dupont Street and Yonge Street. Almost half of these collisions involved people walking, resulting in one fatality and one serious injury, and the other half involved people cycling, resulting in one serious injury. In 2015, a fatality involving a person cycling occurred at the Davenport Road and Avenue Road intersection. This project’s focus is to reduce the number of collisions along the corridor and to improve safety.

What would this change mean for you?

If you drive or park on the street:

  • Existing vehicle travel lanes at mid-blocks and at intersections would be maintained.
  • 24/7 on-street parking would be maintained on one side of Davenport Road between Dupont Street and Yonge Street. It is proposed that approximately 96 spaces be maintained and 16 spaces be removed. Between Dupont Street and Belmont Street/New Street, parking would be maintained on the north side and between Belmont Street/New Street and Yonge Street, parking would be maintained on the south side.
  • All laneway and driveway access would remain unchanged.

If you cycle:

  • Existing bike lanes between Dupont Street and Bay Street will be upgraded to curbside cycle tracks, which are buffered and physically separated with low curbs and posts, where feasible. Physical separation would reduce conflict with motor vehicles, lower the risk of dooring from parked cars, and provide a safer experience for people cycling.
  • Bike lanes with painted buffers and physical separation, where feasible, will be added between Bay Street and Yonge Street.

If you walk:

  • Bay Street, Avenue Road and Dupont Street intersections will be improved to increase safety for people cycling and pedestrians. Planned improvements include signal timing and phasing changes as well as raised bus-bike platforms to avoid conflict with right turning vehicles and TTC buses.

If you live or work in the neighbourhood:

  • City services such as fire, emergency medical services, solid waste pick-up, and snow clearing will continue as usual. There will be no impact to existing sidewalks, traffic flow, or speed limits.

City Council approved network plan

The Cycling Network Plan Update was approved by City Council in July 2019. This plan builds on the Ten Year Cycling Network Plan with a strengthened focus on safety and equity, and includes a long-term overall proposed network and three-year Near-Term Implementation Program. Davenport Road has been identified as a ‘Renew’ program in the Cycling Network Plan Update.

Public Consultation

A virtual public meeting was held on Thursday, February 4, 2021 from 6:30 – 8:30pm.

Read the final Public Consultation Report for more details on the event and the public feedback received and considered.