Engineering Improvements

Learn about speed humps and other traffic calming measures.

Watch Your Speed Program (WYSP)

Learn about the Mobile Watch Your Speed Program expansion and how to request a speed trailer in your area.

Red Light Cameras

Learn about the red light camera program.

Traffic Control

Learn about accessible pedestrian signals, leading pedestrian intervals and traffic lights.

Safety Zones

Learn about senior, school and community safety zones.

Cycling Network Implementation

Learn about the cycling network plan in the City.

Automated Speed Enforcement

Learn about the Automated Speed Enforcement program.

School Crossing Guard Program

Learn about the school crossing guard program.

Speed Limit Reduction

Learn about the speed limit reduction initiative and campaign.

Left-Turn Calming Pilot

Learn about the Left-Turn Calming Pilot that aims to proactively reduce the risk of left-turn collisions at signalized intersections.

Active & Safe Routes to School Pilot

Learn about the Active and Safe Routes to School pilot and how it can benefit you and your child.

Flexible In-Road Traffic Calming Sign Pilot

Learn about the flexible in-road traffic calming signs.