In February 2024, City Council endorsed the RapidTO: Surface Transit Network Plan (2024.EX11.8). The City of Toronto and the TTC are conducting a three-phase consultation process to develop and implement the plan.
Subject to City Council approval, the City and TTC will study, design, consult with the public on and deliver transit priority roadways (in red) as part of multi-year capital transportation projects.
Long-term planning studies (in blue) may be advanced earlier to align with emerging local priorities or to bundle with other City projects.
For roadways where Metrolinx is leading rapid transit projects, interim transit priority solutions will be considered (e.g., Kennedy and Midland bus lanes to replace Line 3).
Transit priority roadways serve all equity-deserving neighbourhoods and will benefit the City’s most vulnerable residents.
Phase 2 consultation asked for your feedback on the list of roadways to be prioritized for study, consultation and installation over the next 10 years.
Five virtual public meetings were held from March to April 2022. Each meeting included a presentation and Question & Answer period. View the presentation below.
A virtual presentation was made to the TTC’s Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit Service Planning Subcommittee (ACAT SPS) on April 6, 2022. Opportunities for questions and feedback followed the presentation.
A total of 2,164 respondents provided feedback through an online survey, which was available in multiple languages. Among them, 45 surveys were completed in a language other than English.
A total of one interest group submission and nine emails were received, recorded and reviewed for response and consideration.
Phase 1 consultation focused on understanding public and interest group priorities to identify and prioritize bus and streetcar roadways that would benefit the most from priority solutions.
Six virtual public meetings were held in October and November 2021. Each meeting included a presentation and Question & Answer period. View the presentation below.
Virtual presentations were made to several TTC and City advisory groups in August and November 2021, including:
Opportunities for questions and feedback followed each presentation.
A total of 5,200 respondents provided feedback in an online survey, which was available in multiple languages. Among them, 137 surveys were completed in a language other than English.
A total of two interest group submissions, 715 emails and five phone calls were received, recorded and reviewed for response and consideration.
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