Following are some examples of the different types of projects to help manage stormwater.

Source Control

The source is where the flow of the stormwater originates  –  such as roofs, roads and driveways – before it enters the sewer system. Control refers to the methods that reduce the flow of stormwater entering the sewer pipes — it is about keeping rain where it fall. Source control initiatives include:


Conveyance refers to infrastructure methods that “convey” or move the stormwater, such as sewer pipes, to the point of discharge.

  • The Fairbank Silverthorn Storm Trunk Sewer Project, currently in the engineering design phase, includes a new 2.5 km long, 3 m diameter storm trunk sewer tunnel and the addition of new collector storm sewers on streets with combined sewers to partially separate the sewer system.
    • This project will reduce basement flooding for more than 2,500 properties and reduce combined sewer overflow to Black Creek through partial sewer separation of combined sewers in the area.


As the name indicates, this is the end of the ‘pipe journey,’ just before the stormwater enters a river or Lake Ontario.

Stream Restoration, Waterfront and Shoreline Management

  • The City of Toronto and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) are strong partners in the protection of life, water quality, property, parkland, ecological features and infrastructure from the hazards of erosion.
  • The TRCA has developed criteria to provide guidance in the planning and design of stormwater management infrastructure for developers, consultants and landowners.
  • The Wet Weather Flow Master Plan defines a series of stream restoration projects with a focus on correcting the major historical impacts of urbanization.
  • Stream restoration projects are developed through a careful analysis of the hydrology and geology of the watershed, taking into account the impacts of past and future urban development, the implementation of stormwater runoff controls and the impacts of climate change.

Additional Important Work