Calculated based on the work you propose in your application, the fee schedule lists the fee rate charged for each type of work proposed, and explains your payment options.
PLEASE NOTE: Payment by cheque is no longer accepted.
Building Permit Fees may be paid by credit card or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)/ wire transfer, subject to the limits below:
The Toronto Building Payments Online service allows applicants of Building Permits or other Toronto Building services to pay the required fees online, by credit card, at any time of the day.
To make a payment online, you must be the Applicant listed on the application form, and also have:
To use the Toronto Building Fee Payment Line service, please call 416-397-5222.
Before you make your call:
Toronto Building will process the payment for the authorized credit card holder and he/she will receive a receipt by email.
Permit fees shall be calculated based on the formula given below unless otherwise specified in this schedule:
Minimum fee of $206.53 (2025) shall be charged for all work.
An hourly fee $89.22 (2025) shall be charged for examination and inspection activities.
Fee Calculation Formula:
Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025 | |
All Recreation Facilities, Schools, Libraries, Places of Worship, Restaurants (finished), Theatres, Arenas/Gymnasiums/Pools, etc. | $29.75 |
Restaurants (shell) | $24.90 |
Open Public Swimming Pools | $8.00 |
Transit Stations, Subways, Bus Terminals | $23.03 |
All other Group A Buildings | $29.75 |
Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025 | |
Institutional, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, and other Group B Buildings | $31.66 |
Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025 | |
Residential Unit Fee Each new residential unit included in an application |
$54.16/unit |
Single Family Dwellings, Semis, Townhouses, Duplexes, Live/Work Units | $17.85 |
Motels above two storeys and hotels | $28.25 |
Certified Plans – Housing | |
(i) For Certification of Plans | $8.93 |
(ii) Permits for Certified Plans | $15.14 |
All other multiple unit buildings and any other residential occupancies | $17.85 |
Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025 | |
Office Buildings (Shell), all other Group D Buildings (shell) | $18.71 |
Office Buildings (finished), Banks, Medical Clinics, Fire Halls, and all other Group D Buildings (finished) | $23.52 |
Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025 | |
Mercantile Occupancies, Retail Stores (shell) | $15.15 |
Retail Stores (finished), Department Stores, Supermarkets and all other Group E Buildings (finished) | $19.97 |
Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025 | |
Industrial Buildings, Warehouses, Self-Storage Buildings (shell less than 7 500 m2) | $11.89 |
Industrial Buildings (finished, less than 7 500 m2) | $16.36 |
Industrial Buildings, Warehouses, Self-Storage Buildings (shell greater than 7 500 m2) | $9.63 |
Industrial Buildings (finished, greater than 7 500 m2) | $14.45 |
Gas Stations, Car Washes | $14.87 |
Parking Garages (Underground, Open Air) | $7.79 |
All other Group F Buildings | $16.36 |
Interior alterations (partitions, finishings, etc.) | Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025 |
Group A, B and D | $5.32 |
Group C, E and F | $4.93 |
Alterations/renovations, residential occupancies, floor replacement | $5.73 |
Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025 | |
All Buildings and Occupancies | $0.17 |
Environmental Review (in addition to Service Index) | $991.34 |
Implosion (in addition to Service Index) | $2,230.54 |
Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025 | |
Communication Tower | $408.94/structure |
Crane Runway | $408.94/structure |
Exterior Tank and Support | $408.94/structure |
Pedestrian Bridge | $408.94/structure |
Retaining Wall | $11.89/linear metre |
Satellite Dish, Solar Collector | $408.94/structure |
Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025 | |
Air Supported Structures | $8.17 |
Application intake, plan review, and inspection activities for energy efficiency devices and equipment (for Solar collector system on a small residential building or any other building less than 5 sq. m) | $206.53/installation |
Balcony Guards (replacements) | $2.22/linear metre |
Balcony Repairs | $20.83/balcony |
Basements – Finishing – in Dwellings/Townhouses | $5.73 |
Basements – Unfinished – Non Residential | $5.73 |
Canopy without enclosure | $6.39 |
Ceilings (added or replacement) | $0.58 |
Demising Walls (no other construction) | $5.73/linear metre |
Electromagnetic Locks | $44.62 each, maximum $446.12 |
Emergency Lighting | $52.05/storey, maximum $520.46 |
Farm Buildings | $10.39 |
Fire Alarms | $74.35/storey, maximum $743.50 |
Fire doors (retrofit) | $29.75 each, maximum $446.12 |
Fireplaces, Wood Stoves | $206.53 each |
Mechanical Service Spaces and Penthouses | $10.39 |
Slab Reconstruction | $5.96 |
All other repairs | $2.22 |
Pool Fence Enclosures | $206.53 |
Permits for Non-certified Portable Classrooms | $206.53/portable |
For Certification | $206.53/portable |
Permits for Certified Portable Classrooms | $74.34/portable |
Repairs or Re-cladding of Walls, Re-roofing (non-structural) | $0.73 |
Re-roofing with structural work, raise roof structure | $5.96 |
Residential Decks, Porches, Carports | $206.53 |
Shoring | $11.89/linear metre |
Sign structure | $67.95/installation |
Single Family Detached Garages, Accessory Structures | $206.53 each |
Sprinklers | $0.56 |
Standpipes (retrofit) | $52.05 each, maximum $520.46 |
Tent (to certify) | $206.53 (up to two tents) |
(Each additional tent) | $37.18 |
Permits for certified tents | $206.53/tent |
All other temporary tents | $1.49/m² |
(up to 225 m²) | |
All other temporary tents |
for additional area $0.38/m² |
(over 225 m²) | |
Trailers, Sales Pavilions and Temporary Buildings | $14.87 |
Underpinning | $11.89/linear metre |
Window Replacements (except for SFD) | $2.91 each |
Permit for Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) | Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025 |
Group A & B – All Assembly, Institutional, Restaurants | $1.84/m |
Group C – Single Family Detached or Attached Dwellings, Townhouses: | |
Heating and Ventilating only, with no ductwork | $206.53 flat fee |
Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning | $260.23 flat fee |
Boiler/Furnace Replacement | $206.53 flat fee |
A/C Unit Addition | $206.53 flat fee |
Other Group C – Buildings | $1.34/m2 |
Group D & E – All Offices, Retail Stores, Mercantile Occupancies | $1.49/m2 |
Group F – Industrial, Garages, Gas Stations: | |
Small Buildings (up to 230 m2) | $223.05 flat fee |
Laboratories | $1.84/m2 |
Parking Garages | $0.38/m2 |
Other Group F – Buildings (More than 230 m2) | $1.03/m2 |
HVAC Alterations | |
Add on System, (Unit Heater, Make-up Air Unit, Exhaust Fan) and/or Ductwork Alterations | $206.53 flat fee |
Boiler/Furnace Replacement or A/C unit | $371.75 flat fee |
Special Ventilation Systems | |
Commercial Kitchen Exhaust, Spray Booth, Dust Collector, etc. | $446.11 flat fee |
Plumbing and Drainage Systems – Fixtures/Equipment/Roof Drains: | |
Single Family Dwelling | $22.31 each |
All other Buildings | $29.75 each |
Piping for Single Family Detached or Attached Dwellings: | |
Water services, Sanitary and Storm Buried Piping | $206.53 flat fee |
Repairs, Replacement and Additions of Buried Plumbing and Drainage Piping, Pool Drains | $206.53 flat fee |
Piping for all other buildings: | |
Inside Sanitary and Storm Piping | $2.52/linear metre |
Outside Water Services, Sanitary and Storm Piping | $2.52/linear metre |
Other Plumbing Work | |
Backwater Valves, Manholes, Catchbasins, Interceptors and Sumps Complete with Pumps | $37.18 each |
Backflow Prevention Devices (devices requiring testing) | $89.22 each |
Private Sewage Systems: | |
Holding Tank | $371.75 flat fee |
Septic System | $743.52 flat fee |
Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025 | |
Alternative Solution Submission | $2,277.23 |
Occupancy Permit (Authority to occupy before completion) | Minimum $446.11/permit |
Examination and inspection beyond 5 hours | $89.22/hour |
Additional or revised info submitted for a permit which applies to some or all of the permit which has been reviewed | The greater of $206.53/permit or $89.22/hour |
Construction without permit; |
50% of permit or $206.53, whichever is greater – max. $28,324.03/permit |
If construction begins before the issuance of a building permit | |
Conditional Permit under Section 8(3) of Building Code Act | Additional 10% of full fees |
Min. $297.41/permit | |
Max $2974.02/permit | |
Part Permit, Additional Fee | $297.40/permit |
Permit for Change of Use | Minimum fee $297.41/permit |
Permit for Change of Use, each additional hour | $89.22/hour |
Permit to Revise an Issued Permit, per hour of examination and inspection time | $89.22/hour |
Special Inspection Fee, per hour of time | $89.22/hour |
Request to the Chief Building Official to evaluate a building material, system or design | $5,693.06/evaluation |
Transfer of Permit | $206.53/permit |
Fees for Classes of Permits or Services not in schedule: | |
With a Prescribed Construction value | $20.02/$1,000.00 of prescribed construction value |
Where there is no Prescribed Construction value | $89.22/hour |
Fees related to Marijuana Grow Operation: | |
Marijuana Grow Operation assessment report, remediation plan review and clerical administration costs of Toronto Public Health | $853.96 |
Marijuana Grow Operation Enforcement, Inspection Fee Per Property | $698.13 |
Marijuana Grow Operation Enforcement, Court/Tribunal Attendance Fee Per Property | $698.13 |
Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025 | |
Routine Compliance Search Fee for a Property Information Report (per request) | $206.53 |
Routine Disclosure (for each plan, file, drawing or record) | $74.02 |
A Zoning Applicable Law Certificate application provides a review of a proposal to determine its compliance with the City’s Zoning By-law and other Applicable Laws. The fees for the program are as follows:
Type of Application | Fee Effective January 1, 2025 (Non-refundable) |
Accessory residential buildings and structures, e.g. garages, porches, balconies | $206.53 |
New House and additions, conversions, and alterations to houses | $619.60 |
New buildings, additions, and alterations to a building other than a house less than or equal to 300m2 | $853.98 |
New buildings, additions, and alterations to a building other than a house greater than 300m2 | $1792.13 |
All other proposals (i.e. driveway widening, landscaping, pool fence enclosure, etc.) | $206.53 |
As described in Chapter 363-4.2 A.
Preliminary Project Review (PPR) for Sign by-law compliance:
Type of Request | Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025 Per Request (Non-refundable) |
Sign – First-Party Identification Signs, first 2 signs | $87.18 (first 2 signs)
$29.06 for each additional sign |
Sign – Third-Party Advertising Signs | $87.18 for each sign |
The Zoning Use Review provides an assessment of whether the requested use is permitted for a specific location, under the current applicable Zoning By-law.
Type of Request | Fee Effective January 1, 2025 Per Request (Non-refundable) |
Zoning Use Review | $206.53 |
The fee for a Zoning Certificate shall be 25 per cent of the total prescribed building permit fee. Additional reviews resulting from a response to an Examiners Notice or the voluntary submission of new information to make minor alterations to a project will be subject to a non-refundable re-submission fee equal to 10 per cent of the initial Zoning Certificate fee or the minimum additional hourly fee, whichever is greater, as per the Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 441.
Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025 | |
Roof signs | $43.48 per square metre (minimum of $243.96) |
Topiary signs | $321.66 per sign |
Signs other than roof signs and topiary signs | $36.26 per square metre (minimum of $253.72) |
Sign plan revisions; alterations/relocation of existing signs on same property, and permit renewals | $321.66 per application |
Transfer of ownership of a Sign Permit | $206.53 |
Additional Review or Inspection of a Sign Permit Application | $91.09 per hour |
Additional administration and inspection services for Sign Structures erected or displayed prior to the issuance of a sign permit | $926.64 (per sign face) |
Third party sign permit for a sign other than a topiary sign, subject to a five year renewal, that is being renewed | $21.78 per square metre of sign face |
Sign permit for a topiary sign, subject to a five year renewal, that is being renewed | $152.33 per sign |
Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025 | |
Application for a variance to Chapter 694 with respect to a First-Party Sign | $933.81 per application |
Application for a variance to Chapter 694 with respect to a Third-Party Sign | $1,961 per application |
Application for a variance to Chapter 694 to enact a Signage Master Plan | $3,196.49 per application |
Appeal to Sign Variance Committee with respect to a First Party Sign variance application | $849.04 application |
Additional Administration and Inspection Services for Sign Structures erected or displayed prior to the commencement of an application for a variance to Chapter 694 | $926.64 (per sign face) |
Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025 | |
To obtain a site-specific amendment to Chapter 694 or to enact a Signage Master Plan | $3,088.75/ application |
Additional administration and inspection services for Sign Structures erected or displayed prior to commencement of an application to obtain a site-specific amendment to Chapter 694 or to enact a Signage Master Plan | $926.64 (per sign face) |
Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025 | |
Inspection status report | $88.90 |
Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025 | |
Unsafe Order Clearance Fee | $1,666.87/order |
The following are explanatory notes for the calculation of permit fees:
The occupancy categories in Municipal Code Chapter 441, Fees and Charges, correspond with the major occupancy classifications in the Building Code. For mixed occupancy floor areas, the Service Index for any of the applicable occupancy categories may be used except where an occupancy category makes up less than 10 percent of the floor area.
In the case of an incomplete application; If the preliminary estimate of the fees required is more than $20,000 the deposit shall be the greater of $20,000 or an amount equal to 60 per cent of the estimated full building permit fees required
Requests for refunds must be submitted in writing to the Chief Building Official who will determine the amount of fees, if any, that may be refunded, provided that the request is received no later than one year after:
Withdrawal of the application; Abandonment of an application; Refusal to issue a permit;
A request for revocation of a permit under clause 8(10)(e) of the Ontario Building Code Act.
The amount of fees refundable shall be calculated based on the total required fee, as follows:
The refund shall be made payable to the party who paid the permit fees, or to other persons authorized in writing by the party who paid the permit fees.
Refunds shall be issued up to two years from the date of withdrawal, abandonment, refusal to issue a permit or request for revocation of a permit.
Refunds shall be calculated in accordance with the refund schedule in effect at the time the refund request is made.