Watch the information video to learn more about the changes being made to the evaluation tool and how it will impact building owners and tenants.

RentSafeTO is modernizing and improving the evaluation process for apartment buildings. The redesign will create a more comprehensive tool that will prioritize issues that have a greater impact on the health and safety of tenants as well as ensure ongoing violations and issues of non-compliance factor into a building’s evaluation score.

Bylaw enforcement officers conduct building evaluations using a tool to measure how well a building complies with bylaws and to calculate scores for all registered buildings. Evaluation scores are posted on the RentSafeTO interactive web page and the results determine next steps for the City to action.

Currently, all buildings registered with RentSafeTO are evaluated at least once every three years to identify issues and bring apartment buildings into compliance with City bylaws. Starting in 2023, buildings will now be evaluated every two years to ensure that they are measured consistently and evaluated at the same frequency. This will help to simplify the scheduling of building evaluations, better allocate staff resources, and improve service delivery.

New for 2023

  • Evaluation categories
  • Weighting of categories that prioritize issues that have a greater impact on tenants
  • Evaluation scores that reflect in-suite and common area violations and outstanding property standards orders
  • New threshold to determine which buildings are audited and when
Current Process New (2023 to 2025)
Categories 20 50
Scoring Rating scale 1 to 5 Rating Scale 1 to 3
Weighting No weighting New weighting based on health and safety risks. Each category to be rated as High (3%), Moderate (2%) or Cosmetic (0.5%)
Evaluations If the RentSafe score is:

  • 65% or less – every year
  • 66% to 86% – every 2 years
  • 86% and above – every three years
Buildings will now be evaluated every two years
Audits All buildings that score 50% or below All buildings that score within the bottom 2.5 %
Measurements In-suite violations not factored into the buildings score Active violations will reduce the building evaluation score


At its meeting in December 2020, City Council directed staff to improve the evaluation tool and criteria for building evaluations. In 2022, staff began working on the redesign. The changes will prioritize issues that have a greater impact on the health and safety of tenants as well as ensure ongoing violations and issues of non-compliance factor into a building’s evaluation score. The updated evaluation tool has been applied to a pilot sample of RentSafeTO buildings to test its impact and inform the final design. The new tool will be phased in for building evaluations over the next two years with full implementation expected in 2025.

The City has been engaging with various stakeholders to understand their lived experiences and provide buy-in. To inform of the redesign, staff hosted stakeholder engagement sessions in 2022 and 2023 with tenants, social housing providers, tenant advocates, the Tenant Advisory Committee, building owners/operators, City staff and councillors.

In 2023, staff will deliver a report to the Planning & Housing Committee and City Council, which will include an update on the program and outstanding directives, and additional details on the ongoing improvements to the evaluation tool.

Resolving Issues With Your Apartment

Tenants who have issues with their apartments, should speak with their landlord first. If problems persist, a service request can be submitted to 311 to initiate an investigation by the RentSafeTO team. More information and resources is available on the Tenant and Landlord Rights and Responsibilities webpage.

Checking the Status of Your Complaints & All Complaints

If you submit a complaint (service request) to the City through 311, you can check the status using the reference number provided to you. Enter your reference number in the Status Tracking box at the bottom of the and click “GO.”

You can also check the history of bylaw violations at an address.

How Your Building Score is Calculated

Information about the evaluation process and inspection criteria is available on the Get to Know Your Building Score webpage.

Building Evaluations

Starting on June 1, 2023, the RentSafeTO team will begin evaluating apartment buildings every two years using the revised evaluation tool. All apartment buildings registered with the program will receive an evaluation and a new score within the next two years. Buildings have been systematically selected for evaluation – this means that if your building is selected, you will still be required to complete a building evaluation this year, even if your building was evaluated last year.

Evaluation Scores

Evaluation scores are available on the RentSafeTO interactive webpage.

Building information for properties registered with RentSafeTO including building evaluation data and investigation activity can also be found on the City’s Open Data portal.

The City does not share personal details of individual complaints made by members of the public.

When Audits are Conducted

Buildings that score in the bottom 2.5% will be required to undergo an audit. Learn more about the evaluation and audit process.

Reactive and Proactive Data

Reactive data includes any confirmed Notices of Violation, Orders to Comply or Emergency Orders. Proactive data is based on the scores of the 50 categories used when evaluating a building.

Improving Your Building’s Score

Make sure you are familiar with the bylaws that govern the RentSafeTO program. The Building Owner’s Handbook provides information about bylaw standards and how your building should be maintained.

You are also required to address tenant complaints and comply with any Orders or Notices of Violation issued to your building.

How Building Owners/Landlords Are Held Accountable

The focus of the RentSafeTO program is to bring building owners and operators into compliance, using progressive enforcement action if compliance is not achieved. Officers may issue a Notice of Violation and/or an Order to Comply to notify a building owner and/or operator that they must correct any property violations.

Ongoing violations and issues of non-compliance will be factored into a building’s evaluation score.

High Priority or Immediate Health & Safety Risks

If an immediate health and safety risk or high priority risk is identified, an order will be issued, and the related evaluation category will receive a rating of one.

Property Standards Appeal Committee (PSAC) or Court Appeals

The Order or NoV will still reduce the score. If the Order or NoV receives an extension, or if Order or NoV is overturned the reduction to the score will be removed.

Benefits of the Revised Tool

The changes to the evaluation tool are meant to enhance the ways in which the program brings building owners and operators into compliance. It is the goal of the program to improve how buildings are pro-actively maintained, and how owners and operators address complaints. With regards to timelines, the time for a service request to be resolved depends on a number of factors, including the nature of the request.

A two-year evaluation cycle will ensure that buildings are measured consistently and evaluated at the same frequency. Being able to plan for and conduct the same number of evaluations each year will help simplify the scheduling of building evaluations, better allocate staff resources, and improve service delivery.

Targeted Tenant Engagement

Targeted tenant engagement means that Bylaw Enforcement Officers will inspect  any buildings whose score has dropped by 5 per cent for two consecutive months. Staff will attend the building, set up an information kiosk, go door to door, and talk with tenants and ask them if they have any in-suite issues/complaints.

Have Your Say

You can take the survey to provide your comments and feedback on the revised evaluation tool.


  • Research and analysis of design options
  • Technology development
  • Engagement with building owners, tenants and other stakeholders on the evaluation tool redesign
  • Pilot test


  • Implementation of redesigned evaluation tool
  • Targeted tenant engagement beginning in 2024
  • Revised interactive web map that includes new categories and violations
  • Resource assessment


  • Monitor evaluation categories, scoring, weighting structure and audit threshold, and adjust where required

Watch the video to learn more about the changes being made to the evaluation tool.

Take the survey to share you feedback

If you require a hard copy of the survey, please email or call 416-396-7228, Monday to Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

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