The Union Station to Queens Quay Link and the East Bayfront Light Rail Transit (referred to as the Waterfront East LRT (WELRT) is a priority Waterfront Transit Network project, and a joint effort on the part of the City, TTC, and Waterfront Toronto. The scope of the project runs from Union Station to the foot of Bay Street, along Queens Quay to the Distillery Loop on Cherry Street and into the western Port Lands area.

The existing underground streetcar infrastructure, consisting of an approximately 540-metre long tunnel, under Bay Street from Queens Quay Station to Union Station, opened in 1990. This existing link provides connections between the central-western waterfront, TTC Line 1, GO trains and buses, and the lower downtown core. The existing streetcar loop at Union Station is currently inadequate for current service levels, with insufficient space for volumes of waiting and alighting customers. Consequently, significant infrastructure improvements and expansion are required to accommodate the future easterly extension of the LRT service.

As directed by Council, the City, TTC, and Waterfront Toronto worked with an external consultant team to complete a focused feasibility study and evaluation of higher-order transit options to connect Union Station to existing and approved light rail transit lines east and west of Bay Street along Queens Quay.

In April 2019, staff provided an update on the Union Station to Queens Quay Link and the East Bayfront LRT. City Council approved the streetcar option as the preferred technology for the Union Station to Queens Quay Link and directed staff to undertake the preliminary design and engineering phase of the extension of streetcar service to the East Bayfront.

Staff also reported on the concept plan to improve the existing turnaround loop at Union Station. This concept plan proposed four platforms at Union Station to meet the 2041 forecast for transit ridership, as well as upgrades to the existing underground LRT station at Queens Quay and Bay.

The latest phase of work has seen the City, TTC and Waterfront Toronto advance the design for Segments 1, 2, and 3 to the 30% level, while completing a Constructability Review, Business Case, and associated Class 3 Cost Estimates. These materials were brought forward in a report to City Council in November 2023, with the recommended alignment from Union Station to a new loop on Ookwemin Minising (formerly Villiers Island) receiving approval. Staff were further directed to advance the design of Segments 2 and 3 (Queens Quay from Bay Street to Cherry Street, Cherry Street from Distillery Loop to Commissioners Street, and Commissioners Street from Cherry to Villiers Park Road) to the 60% level. Environmental approvals will be sought through the Transit Project Assessment Process for the portion of the project running from Union Station to Silo Street, with the remainder being covered by an update letter to the Lower Don Lands Environmental Assessment Master Plan. Work on the 60% design phase will commence in 2024.


Waterfront East Light Rail Transit – Recommended Alignment and Project Segments
Waterfront East Light Rail Transit – Recommended Alignment and Project Segments

Waterfront East LRT Extension – Overview

An overview of pans for the extension of the Waterfront LRT East from Union Station to Ookwemin Minising (formerly Villiers Island) in the Port Lands. This project will provide improved transit service connecting rapidly growing parts of Toronto’s Waterfront to the country’s busiest transit hub at Union Station and the surrounding Financial District. The alignment will follow Bay Street, Queens Quay East, the realigned Cherry Street, and Commissioners Street.

Waterfront East LRT Extension – Segment 1, Design

An overview of Segment 1 of the Waterfront East LRT extension. This segment covers underground work spanning from Union Station to Queens Quay, including a rebuilt western portal and a new eastern portal. The existing streetcar facilities at Union Station will be expanded to accommodate additional platforms and entrances. Queens Quay Station will feature improved access on the west side with wider stairs and a larger elevator, while protecting for expansion in the future.

Waterfront East LRT Extension – Segment 1, Construction

An overview of construction staging and methodology for Segment 1 of the Waterfront East LRT extension. Construction will be phased in order to minimize the impacts on traffic, transit service, and active transportation.




The City of Toronto, Waterfront Toronto, and the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) have published the Notice of Completion for the Transit and Rail Project Assessment Process (TRPAP), in support of the Waterfront East Light Rail Transit (LRT) network. The updated Environmental Project Report (EPR) is now available for a 30-day final review period, and the EPR and Notice of Completion can be found at the links below.

The Waterfront East LRT network comprises an LRT line that would connect Union Station with Toronto’s eastern waterfront. We completed a Transit and Rail Project Assessment Process (TRPAP) for the area of the network spanning from Union Station extending south underneath Bay Street and east on Queens Quay (see figure below). This TRPAP is intended to replace the previously approved 2010 East Bayfront Transit Class Environmental Assessment (EA), which has since expired. Areas of the network to the east of the future Street A are covered under other approved environmental assessments (refer to Exhibits 1.1 and 1.2 of the EPR, below, for more details). This project will bring much needed higher order transit service from Union Station to the eastern waterfront for current and future residents, visitors, and workers.

Materials and notices related to the TRPAP are provided on this webpage, including the final EPR.

Map of the Waterfront East LRT TRAP Project Footprint
Map of the Waterfront East LRT TRPAP Project Footprint

TRPAP Documents
