Date Issued Effective Date
February 1, 2015 May 1, 2015

Applicability to Social Housing Programs

The policies and procedures in this City Guideline are to be implemented under the following programs.

Applicability Program
X Housing Services Act, Part VII Housing Projects, Market and Rent-Geared-to-Income, Section 78 Housing Providers (formerly 110)
X Housing Services Act, Part VII Housing Projects, 100% Rent-Geared-to-Income, Section 78 Housing Providers (formerly 110)
Federal Non-Profit Housing, Section 26/27
Federal Non-Profit Housing, Section 95
X Rent Supplement Programs for Sections 26, 27, 95 and New Affordable Housing Providers
X Toronto Community Housing Corporation

Please note: If your program is not checked, this City Guideline does not apply to your project.


City Guideline 2014-1 established the online RGI Administration Manual as the authority for RGI administration in the City of Toronto.

Chapter 8 of the RGI Administration Manual has been updated.

Regulation 367, s.45-51 of the Housing Services Act (HSA) sets out the requirements for City of Toronto’s rules for its “system for selecting waiting households”.  Chapter 8 sets out the City of Toronto’s rules and complies with the HSA.

Previously issued City Guidelines about waiting list management are included in Chapter 8, so the City Guidelines are no longer needed.

The following City Guidelines are revoked:

2003-1: Mandates for Social Housing Providers
2003-2: Minimum Age of Eligibility for Seniors Housing
2003-4: Local Access Priorities
2003-10: Use of centralized waiting list as of May 1, 2003
2003-11 (Revised September 14, 2007): Social housing market households applying for subsidy
2007-3: Internal reviews of refusal to offer
2008-1: SPP Adding to Application
2008-2: SPP Internal Transfer
2008-1: Housing Preferences for Overhoused Households on the Centralized Awaiting List
2010-7: Refusing the same unit more than once
2012-6: Market rent households applying for RGI assistance with their current housing provider
2012-7: Market rent households applying for RGI assistance within TCHC

The following are highlights of the changes in Chapter 8:

Maintaining an Application on the Centralized Waiting List

  • A household moves from the active to the inactive waiting list if the household has not confirmed their interest in the last 18 months.
  • After 18 months on the inactive waiting list, Access to Housing (formerly Housing Connections) cancels the application.

Overhoused households

  • Overhoused households who refused 3 offers remain on internal transfer waiting lists.
  • RGI Administrators must continue to offer vacant units to an overhoused household until the effective date of the Notice of Decision- Loss of Eligibility for RGI Assistance.

Market rent households applying for RGI assistance with their current housing provider

  • To request consent to provide RGI assistance to a market rent household, RGI Administrators must
  • The City of Toronto will not fund RGI assistance provided to a market rent household (s.78 and rent supplement housing providers) if the City has not approved the allocation.


  • Housing providers with a seniors mandate are eligible to apply for a mandate under s.18 of the Ontario Human Rights Code. The housing provider or its parent organization must own a long-term care facility accredited by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
  • New mandates approved will be subject to a 5 year renewable agreement.

Action Required

  1. RGI Administrators must comply with the online RGI Administration Manual when administering the RGI Program


If you have any questions, please contact your Housing Consultant or HSS:

Housing Stability Services
Shelter, Support & Housing Administration
City of Toronto
Metro Hall, 55 John Street, 6th floor
Toronto, ON M5V 3C6
Telephone: 416-392-4126