The St. Lawrence Market Precinct Advisory Committee is an advocate for the Market Precinct. The Committee will provide assistance to the City in making key management decisions so that the Precinct maximizes its excellence as a vital, dynamic and beautiful space that celebrates its heritage. The Committee will also ensure that the Market continues to be a renowned destination for both residents and tourists.

The St. Lawrence Market Precinct Advisory Committee is comprised of twelve members.

There are six stakeholder representatives from each of the following groups:

  • Suzanne Kavanagh – St. Lawrence Neighbourhood Association – Committee Chair
  • Paul Moyer – North Market Farmers Association
  • Robert Biancolin – South Market Tenants Association
  • Allison Bain – Heritage Toronto
  • Larry Smith – St. Lawrence Hall
  • Graham Hnatiw – St. Lawrence Market Neighbourhood Business Improvement Area

There are six skill based public members recruited on a city-wide basis with expertise in areas such as tourism and hospitality, food service or retailing, marketing, real estate, event management or facilities management, and environmental management.

  • Elizabeth Seibert – Skill based public member – Committee Vice Chair
  • Marina Queirolo – Skill based public member
  • Katheryn Wakefield – Skill based public member
  • Jeremy Roach – Skill based public member
  • Vacant – Skill based public member
  • Vacant – Skill based public member