The Compliance Audit Committee receives and makes decisions on applications for compliance audits of campaign finances for Council candidates and registered third party advertisers in a municipal election or by-election.

The Committee’s functions include:

  • Considering whether an application for a compliance audit filed by an elector should be granted or rejected
  • Appointing an auditor, if the application is granted
  • Receiving and considering the auditor’s report and deciding whether legal proceedings should be commenced

The Committee also considers reports from the City Clerk identifying contributors who appear to have contravened election contribution limits and decides whether legal proceedings should commence.

Compliance Audit Committee meetings and decisions can be found in the Toronto Meeting Management Information System (TMMIS).

The City Clerk’s Office provides the Committee’s operating budget and meeting management support.


The Municipal Elections Act, 1996 requires an outgoing municipal council to establish a Compliance Audit Committee on or before October 1 in the year of an election. The powers and functions of the Committee are provided under the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The Committee operates with Rules of Procedures for the 2022-2026 Compliance Audit Committee By-law 1.

The Compliance Audit Committee consists of three public members appointed by City Council through the City’s Public Appointments process. The Committee elects a Chair from among its members.

Find out about opportunities to serve on the Compliance Audit Committee and its current membership.

Key Council Decisions

  • City Council adopted CC.45.4 – Appointment of Public Members to the Compliance Audit Committee (June 2022)

Search for other City Council decisions about the Compliance Audit Committee.