The Toronto Local Appeal Body (TLAB) hears and decides on appeals of Committee of Adjustment decisions for minor zoning variances and land severances, also known as consents.

On May 3, 2017, the TLAB assumed all the powers and authority of the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) for hearing appeals to Committee of Adjustment for minor variance and consent applications.

Court Services Division provides administrative support to the Toronto Local Appeal Body.


The Toronto Local Appeal Body is established under the City of Toronto Act, 2006 which provides the basis for TLAB’s authority to hear appeals of local planning matters under Sections 45 and 53 of the Planning Act. The TLAB is governed by Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 142, Local Appeal Body which sets out the mandate and composition of the TLAB and Ontario Regulation 552/06.

The TLAB operates with the rules set out in the Statutory Powers Procedure Act, 1990, TLAB Rules of Practice and Procedure and TLAB Procedure By-law.

The TLAB consists of ten public members appointed by City Council through the City’s Public Appointments process. TLAB’s Chair is appointed by City Council and the Vice Chair is appointed by TLAB from among its members.

Find out about opportunities to serve on the Toronto Local Appeal Body and its current membership.

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