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The new City-wide Zoning By-law 569-2013 was enacted on May 9, 2013. It has been appealed under section 34(19) of the Planning Act. Even though it is under appeal, the City's Chief Building Official and the Committee of Adjustment will apply the new By-law to applications filed after its enactment. Please consult with your advisors to determine whether the new by-law has any impact.
Amendments to By-law 569-2013 have been incorporated into this office consolidation. The original by-law and its amendments are with the City Clerk's office.
Zoning By-law No. 569-2013, as
amended (office consolidation),
is available in PDF format from the
Zoning By-law 569-2013 homepage
City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended (Office Consolidation)
Version Date: July 31, 2023 - Including City-wide Amendments up to April 1, 2024
Table of Contents

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Chapter 1Administration
Chapter 2Compliance with this By-law
Chapter 5Regulations Applying to all Zones
Chapter 10Residential
Chapter 15Residential Apartment
Chapter 30Commercial
Chapter 40Commercial Residential
Chapter 50Commercial Residential Employment
Chapter 60Employment Industrial
Chapter 80Institutional
Chapter 90Open Space
Chapter 100Utility and Transportation
Chapter 150Specific Use Regulations
Chapter 200Parking Space Regulations
Chapter 220Loading Space Regulations
Chapter 230Bicycle Parking Space Regulations
Chapter 280Special Districts - Downtown
Chapter 300Special Districts - Centres
Chapter 400Special Districts - Avenues
Chapter 500Special Districts - Heritage
Chapter 600Regulations for Overlay Zones
Chapter 800Definitions
Chapter 900Site Specific Exceptions
900.2R - Zone
900.3RD - Zone
900.4RS - Zone
900.5RT - Zone
900.6RM - Zone
900.7RA - Zone
900.8RAC - Zone
900.10CL - Zone
900.11CR - Zone
900.12CRE - Zone
900.20E - Zone
900.21EL - Zone
900.22EH - Zone
900.24EO - Zone
900.30I - Zone
900.31IH - Zone
900.32IE - Zone
900.33IS - Zone
900.34IPW - Zone
900.34.10Exceptions for IPW Zone
900.40O - Zone
900.41ON - Zone
900.42OR - Zone
900.43OG - Zone
900.45OC - Zone
900.50UT - Zone
Chapter 970Appendices
Chapter 990Zoning By-law Map
Chapter 995Overlay Maps

Chapter 900 Site Specific Exceptions

900.34 IPW - Zone

900.34.1 General

(1)IPW Zone Exceptions
The regulations located in Article 900.34.10 apply only to the exceptions subject to the IPW zone and identified with the corresponding exception number.

900.34.10 Exceptions for IPW Zone

(1)Exception IPW 1
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)City of North York by-law 26795; and
(B)Schedule 'D' Airport Hazard Map from City of North York zoning by-law 7625.
(2)Exception IPW 2
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The maximum building height is the height of the building existing on the date of the enactment of this by-law;
(B)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 12.0 metres;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 3.0 metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a rear lot line is 7.5 metres;
(E)The maximum gross floor area of all buildings may not be more than 37% of the lot area;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 20%;
(G)The maximum gross floor area must not exceed 0.75 times the area of the lot;
(H)A structure used for below grade parking may encroach into a required yard setback that abuts a street if it is setback from a lot line the greater of:
(i)3.0 metres; and
(ii)a distance equal to distance from the elevation of the surface of the lowest floor used for parking to the elevation of finished grade; and
(I)A 1.5 metre wide strip of land along the entire length of the southerly lot line must be used for soft landscaping.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(3)Exception IPW 3
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The only use permitted is a place of worship;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line is:
(i)12.0 metres from a front lot line; and
(ii)7.5 metres from all other lot lines;
(C)A structure used for below grade parking may encroach into a required yard setback that abuts a street provided it is setback from a lot line the greater of:
(i)3.0 metres; and
(ii)a distance equal to distance from the surface of the lowest floor used for parking to the finished grade;
(D)The gross floor area of all buildings must not exceed 35% of the lot area; and
(E)Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 3.57 for each 100 square metres of building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(4)Exception IPW 4
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 12.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is the distance equal to the greater of:
(i)15.0 metres where the lot line abuts a lot in the RD zone or RS zone;
(ii)half the height of the building; and
(iii)half the width of the building;
(C)The minimum building setback from a rear lot line is 7.5 metres;
(D)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(F)The maximum height of a building or structure is the actual building height that existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law.
(E )The minimum separation between two buildings on the same lot is a distance equal to half the combined height of the two buildings; and
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(5)Exception IPW 5
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
Site Specific Provisions:
(A)For a transportation use:
(i)the following regulations and clauses do not apply:,,,,,, and; and
(ii)despite and a minimum 0.3 metre wide strip of soft landscaping must be provided along the part of the lot line abutting a lot in the Residential Zone category.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
[ By-law: 1115-2018 ]
(6)Exception IPW 6
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Bridletowne Circle is 12.0 metres;
(B)The maximum gross floor area permitted is 2583 square metres if there is a minimum of 87 parking spaces located on the lot;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line and rear lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(E)The minimum separation between two buildings on the same lot is a distance equal to half the combined height of the two buildings;
(F)The maximum height of a building or structure is the actual building height that existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law; and
(G)If the gross floor area of all buildings on the lot is greater than a gross floor area of 2583 square metres, parking spaces for the gross floor area in excess of 2583 square metres must be provided at the parking rate required in this by-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(7)Exception IPW 7
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 12.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line and rear lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The minimum separation between two buildings on the same lot is a distance equal to half the combined height of the two buildings; and
(D)A structure used for below grade parking may encroach into a required yard setback that abuts a street if it is setback from a lot line the greater of:
(i)3.0 metres; and
(ii)a distance equal to distance from the surface of the lowest floor used for parking to the finished grade.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(8)Exception IPW 8
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.
Site Specific Provisions:
(A)Despite regulation, an architectural element on the place of worship building may exceed the permitted maximum height of the building by 14.0 metres;
(B)Despite regulation, the required minimum building setback from a front lot line is 3.0 metres;
(C)Despite regulation, the required minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metre from the west side lot line and 8 metres from the east side lot line;
(D)Despite regulation, the required minimum rear yard setback is 41 metres;
(E)Despite regulation, a minimum of 36 percent of the required landscaping must be soft landscaping;
(F)Despite regulation, a minimum 1 metre wide strip of landscaping is required along the full length of the west lot line;
(G)Despite regulation, the minimum number of required parking spaces is 26, of which 2 parking spaces must comply with the minimum dimensions for an accessible parking space; and
(H)Despite regulation, waste and recyclable material may be stored within a fenced enclosure.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
[ By-law: 385-2019 ]
(9)Exception IPW 9
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The maximum height of an existing place of worship is the height of the existing building as it existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The maximum lot coverage is the percentage of the lot area covered by buildings as they existed on the lot on the date of the enactment of this By-law; and
(C)The minimum building setback from a lot line is the building setback from each respective lot line to the main wall of the building s on the lot as they existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(10)Exception IPW 10
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Birchmount Rd. is 22.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The minimum separation between two buildings on the same lot is a distance equal to half the combined height of the two buildings;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street other than Birchmount Rd. is 5.7 metres; and
(E)The maximum lot coverage is 30%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(11)Exception IPW 11
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line is 9.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from the centreline of Highland Creek is 15.0 metres; and
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 30%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(12)Exception IPW 12
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 25.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building; and
(C)The permitted maximum height of a building or structure is the actual height of the building as it existed on the date of the enactment of the by-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(13)Exception IPW 13
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 6.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building; and
(C)The permitted maximum height of a building or structure is the actual height of the building as it existed on the date of the enactment of the by-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(14)Exception IPW 14
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(B)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature; and
(C)The minimum building setback from a lot line is:
(i)from a side lot line, the distance between the side lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building; and
(ii)from a rear lot line, the distance between the rear lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(15)Exception IPW 15
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line is:
(i)from a front lot line, 7.5 metres;
(ii)from a side lot line, the distance between the side lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building; and
(iii)from a rear lot line, the distance between the rear lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building; and
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 50%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(16)Exception IPW 16
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Markham Rd. is 36.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line or rear lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building; and
(D)The maximum lot coverage is 50%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(18)Exception IPW 18
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Warden Ave. is 22.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 50%; and
(D)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(19)Exception IPW 19
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)30.0 metres where the lot line abuts Lawrence Ave., measured from the original centreline of the street; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 50%; and
(D)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(20)Exception IPW 20
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)27.0 metres where the lot line abuts Victoria Park Ave., measured from the original centreline of the street; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 50%; and
(D)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(21)Exception IPW 21
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Victoria Park Ave. is 24.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 50%; and
(D)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(22)Exception IPW 22
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Bellamy Rd., Scarborough Golf Club Rd., Orton Park Rd. or McCowan Rd. is 22.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The gross floor area on the lot must not be more than 80% of the lot area;
(D)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature; and
(E)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(24)Exception IPW 24
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Bellamy Rd., Scarborough Golf Club Rd., Orton Park Rd. or McCowan Rd. is 22.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street;;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is the greater of:
(i)5.7 metres; and
(ii)a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(D)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature; and
(E)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(25)Exception IPW 25
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Bellamy Rd. is 25.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The maximum gross floor area on the lot minus the gross floor area of the basement must not be more than 40% of the lot area;
(D)The minimum building setback from a rear lot line is 7.5 metres; and
(E)The maximum number of storeys is 4.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(27)Exception IPW 27
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)25.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street, if the front lot line abuts Danforth Ave., Danforth Rd. or Warden Ave.; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 50%; and
(D)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(28)Exception IPW 28
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 4.5 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(C)The gross floor area of all buildings must not be more than 70% of the area of the lot;
(D)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature; and
(E)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(29)Exception IPW 29
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line is:
(i)0.75 metres from the easterly most lot line; and
(ii)3.0 metres from all other lot lines; and
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 50%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(30)Exception IPW 30
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line is:
(i)17.5 metres from a front lot line, measured from the original centreline of the street;
(ii)from a side lot line, the distance between the side lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building; and
(iii)from a rear lot line, the distance between the rear lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building; and
(C)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(31)Exception IPW 31
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line is:
(i)from a front lot line is 30 metres where it abuts Ellesmere Rd., measured from the original centreline of the street;
(ii)from a side lot line, a distance equal to half the height of the building; and
(iii)from a rear lot line, the distance between the rear lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building; and
(C)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(32)Exception IPW 32
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 20.5 metres measured from the centreline of the street;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres; and
(C)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(33)Exception IPW 33
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Midland Ave. is 16.5 metres measured from the original centreline of the street;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is:
(i)2.4 metres if the side lot line that abuts a street; and
(ii)0.45 metres in all other cases;
(C)The gross floor area of all buildings must not exceed 30% of the lot area; and
(D)The maximum lot coverage is 33%;
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Schedule "C" Exception 29 of former City of Scarborough by-law 9364
(34)Exception IPW 34
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 14.5 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.45 metres; and
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 2.4 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(35)Exception IPW 35
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)24.0 metres where the front line abuts Kingston Rd., measured from the original centreline of the street; and
(ii)14.5 metres for all other streets, measured from the original centreline of the street.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(36)Exception IPW 36
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line is that abuts a street is 22 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street:
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is the distance equal to half the height of the building; and
(D)Gross floor area calculations do not include basements.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(37)Exception IPW 37
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 6.0 metres; and
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(38)Exception IPW 38
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line is:
(i)from a lot line that abuts Kennedy Rd. is 25.0 metres measured from the original centreline of the street;
(ii)from a side lot line, is a distance equal to half the height of the building; and
(iii)from a rear lot line, the distance between the rear lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building; and
(C)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(39)Exception IPW 39
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line is:
(i)from a front lot line, 16.0 metres measured from the original centreline of the street;
(ii)from a side lot line, the distance between the side lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building; and
(iii)from a rear lot line, the distance between the rear lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building; and
(C)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(40)Exception IPW 40
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)18.0 metres where the lot line abuts Finch Ave.;
(ii)12.0 metres where the lot line abuts Pharmacy Ave.; and
9.0 metres in all other cases;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line and rear lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 50%; and
(D)A structure used for below grade parking is permitted to encroach into a required yard setback that abuts a street if it is setback from a lot line a distance equal to distance from the surface of the lowest floor used for parking to the finished grade.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(42)Exception IPW 42
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line is:
(i)from a lot line that abuts a street, 3.0 metres;
(ii)from a side lot line, the distance between the side lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building; and
(iii)from a rear lot line, the distance between the rear lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building;
(B)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the greater of:
(i)the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law; or
(ii)40%; and
(C)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(43)Exception IPW 43
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line is:
(i)from a lot line that abuts a street, 3.0 metres;
(ii)from a side lot line, the distance between the side lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building; and
(iii)from a rear lot line, the distance between the rear lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building;
(B)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law; and
(C)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(44)Exception IPW 44
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A place of worship is permitted if a minimum of 86 parking spaces are provided for the first 2782 square metres of building used as a place of worship and any gross floor area in excess of 2782 square metres and used as a place of worship is provide parking in compliance with the requirements of this By-law;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 12.0 metres;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line and rear lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(D)The minimum separation between two buildings on the same lot is a distance equal to half the combined total height of the two buildings; and
(E)The maximum lot coverage is 40%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(45)Exception IPW 45
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)18.0 metres where it abuts Sheppard Ave., Neilson Rd. or Finch Ave.; and
(ii)9.0 metres in all other cases;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line or rear lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The minimum separation between the main wall of two buildings on the same lot is a distance equal to half the total combined height of the two buildings; and
(D)The maximum lot coverage is 50%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(46)Exception IPW 46
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line is:
(i)from a front lot line, the distance between the front lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building;
(ii)from a side lot line, the distance between the side lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building; and
(iii)from a rear lot line, the distance between the rear lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building;
(C)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature; and
(D)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(47)Exception IPW 47
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line is:
(i)from a front lot line, the distance between the front lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building;
(ii)from a side lot line, the distance between the side lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building; and
(iii)from a rear lot line, the distance between the rear lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building; and
(C)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(48)Exception IPW 48
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 9.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line is:
(i)from a side lot line, the distance between the side lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building; and
(ii)from a rear lot line, the distance between the rear lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building;
(C)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature; and
(D)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(49)Exception IPW 49
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line is:
(i)13.0 metres where the lot line abuts Sheppard Ave.;
(ii)9.0 metres where the lot line abuts Neilson Rd.; and
(iii)12.0 metres from any other lot line;
(B)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature; and
(C)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(50)Exception IPW 50
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line is:
(i)18.0 metres where the lot line abuts Sheppard Ave.;
(ii)12.0 metres where the lot line abuts Milner Ave.; and
(iii)12.0 metres from any other lot line;
(B)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law; and
(D)A gymnasium is also a permitted use on these lands.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(51)Exception IPW 51
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)dwelling unit are permitted if there is a minimum of 480 square metres used as a place of worship;
(B)The number of dwelling units must not be more than 1 dwelling unit for each 75.7 square metres of lot area;
(C)The gross floor area for all uses on the lot must not be more than 1.41 times the area of the lot;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(E)Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 1 parking space for dwelling unit, of which 30% must be for visitor parking;
(F)Of the required parking space 25% may have a minimum width of 2.5 metres; and
(G)The maximum height of a building or structure is the lesser of 10 storeys and 33 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Schedule "C" Exception 32, of former City of Scarborough by-law 14402.
(52)Exception IPW 52
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Ellesmere Rd., Lawrence Ave. or Markham Rd. is 36 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 6.0 metres;
(C)The gross floor area of all buildings must not be more than 40% of the area of the lot;
(D)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature;
(E)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law; and
(F)Parking spaces must be provided:
(i)at the minimum rate of 5.3 parking spaces for each 100 square metres of gross floor area up to a maximum of 1000 square metres; and
(ii)for the all gross floor area over 1000 square metres, at the rate required by the parking standards in Chapter 200.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(53)Exception IPW 53
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)For a place of worship and it ancillary uses, parking spaces must be provided at the minimum rate of 7.7 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area;
(B)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature;
(C)The minimum building setback from a lot line is:
(i)from a lot line that abuts a street, 3.0 metres;
(ii)from a side lot line, the distance between the side lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building; and
(iii)from a rear lot line, the distance between the rear lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building; and
(D)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(54)Exception IPW 54
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line or rear lot line is 7.5 metres;
(C)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature; and
(D)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(55)Exception IPW 55
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from the front lot line is 9.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line or rear lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature; and
(D)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(56)Exception IPW 56
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)22.0 metres where the lot line abuts Midland Ave. or Brimley Rd., measured from the original centreline of the street; and
(ii)33.0 metres where the lot line abuts Sheppard Ave., measured from the original centreline of the street;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line or rear lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 50%; and
(D)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(57)Exception IPW 57
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)33.0 metres where the lot line abuts Sheppard Ave., measured from the original centreline of the street; and
(ii)9.0 metres from all other streets;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line or rear lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 50%; and
(D)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(58)Exception IPW 58
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)33.0 metres where the lot line abuts Sheppard Ave., measured from the original centreline of the street; and
(ii)9.0 metres from all other streets;
(B)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature; and
(C)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(59)Exception IPW 59
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts:
(i)Heather Rd. is 9.0 metres; and
(ii)Brimley Rd. is 12.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line or rear lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The minimum separation between the main walls of two building on the same lot is a distance equal to half the combined total height of the two buildings;
(D)The maximum lot coverage is 20%; and
(E)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(60)Exception IPW 60
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Sheppard Ave. is 33.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line or rear lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 50%; and
(D)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(61)Exception IPW 61
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 12.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line or rear lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a lot in the RD zone is 7.5 metres; and
(E)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(63)Exception IPW 63
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 3.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a rear lot line is 6.0 metres;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 3.0 metres;
(D)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature; and
(E)For the first 1720 square metres of gross floor area a minimum of 5 parking space must be provided.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(64)Exception IPW 64
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(B)If the main wall of a building has an entrance to a parking space, that portion of the main wall must be set back from a lot line that abuts a street a minimum of 6.0 metres;
(C)Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 6 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area;
(D)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature; and
(E)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(66)Exception IPW 66
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The maximum lot coverage is 22%;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 12.0 metres;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line or rear lot line is 7.5 metres;
(D)An underground parking structure may be located in a required yard if it is setback from a lot line the greater of:
(i)3.0 metres; and
(ii)a distance equal to the distance between the elevation of the surface of the lowest floor and the elevation of grade at the nearest lot line; and
(E)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(68)Exception IPW 68
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Kingston Rd. is 36.0 metres measured from the original centreline of the street;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 7.5 metres;
(C)The gross floor area of all floors excluding basements must not be more than 40% of the area of the lot;
(D)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature; and
(E)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(70)Exception IPW 70
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Kingston Rd. is 30.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street;
(B)The minimum building setback from side lot line and rear lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building; and
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 50%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(71)Exception IPW 71
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 9.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from side lot line and rear lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building; and
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 50%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(72)Exception IPW 72
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Lawrence Ave. is 36.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street;
(B)The minimum building setback from side lot line and rear lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building; and
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 50%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(73)Exception IPW 73
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Lawrence Ave. is 36.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street;
(B)The minimum building setback from side lot line and rear lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(D)Indoor amenity space must be provided at a rate 1.5 square metres for each dwelling unit; and
(E)Parking space may be located in a yard that abuts a street.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Schedule "C" Exception 84, of former City of Scarborough by-law 10327.
(74)Exception IPW 74
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The gross floor are of all buildings must not be more that 30% of the area of the lot;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres; and
(C)The minimum building setback from the westerly lot line is 18.0 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(75)Exception IPW 75
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 6.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from side lot line and rear lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building; and
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 50%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(76)Exception IPW 76
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Galloway Rd., Morningside Ave., Manse Rd. and Beechgrove Dr. is 25.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street;
(B)The minimum building setback from side lot line and rear lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 50%; and
(D)All lands not covered by buildings and required parking must be landscaped.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(79)Exception IPW 79
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(B)Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 7.7 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(C)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(80)Exception IPW 80
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The gross floor area of all buildings must not be more than 40% of the area of the lot;
(B)Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 7.7 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area;
(C)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature;
(D)The maximum lot coverage is equal to the area of the lot covered by all buildings and structures that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law; and
(E)The minimum building setback from a lot line is:
(i)from a front lot line, the distance between the front lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building;
(ii)from a side lot line, the distance between the side lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building; and
(iii)from a rear lot line, the distance between the rear lot line and the closest main wall of a lawfully existing building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(81)Exception IPW 81
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Midland Ave. is 25.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line or rear lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The minimum separation between the main walls of two buildings on the same lot is a distance equal to half the combined total height of the two buildings; and
(D)The maximum lot coverage is 40%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(82)Exception IPW 82
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 10.8 metres;
(C)The gross floor area of all buildings must not be more than 30% of the lot area; and
(D)A minimum of 2 parking space must be provided for each dwelling unit.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(83)Exception IPW 83
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line is 7.5 metres;
(B)The maximum lot coverage is 20%; and
(C)The gross floor area of all buildings must not be more than 40% of the lot area.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(88)Exception IPW 88
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from the front lot line is 16.5 metres measured from the centre line of the original road allowance;
(B)The minimum side yard setback and rear yard setback is the distance equal to half the height of the building; and
(C)The maximum lot coverage for all buildings is 50%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(89)Exception IPW 89
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Ellesmere Rd. and Lawrence Ave. is 36.0 metres measured from the original centre line of the street;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The maximum gross floor area of all building minus the gross floor area of basements must not exceed 40% of the lot area.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(90)Exception IPW 90
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The maximum height of an existing place of worship is the height of the existing building as it existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The maximum lot coverage is the greater of:
(i)the percentage of the lot area covered by buildings as they existed on the lot on the date of the enactment of this By-law; or
(ii)50%; and
(C)The minimum building setback from a lot line is:
(i)3.0 metres if the lot line abuts Old Kingston Rd.;
(ii)13.0 metres if the lot line abuts Morrish Rd., measured from the centreline of Morrish Rd.;
(iii)from a side lot line, 1.7 metres for the south-west corner of the building and 1.55 metres for the north-west corner of the building; and
(iv)from a rear lot line, the building setback as it existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(91)Exception IPW 91
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line abutting a street is:
(i)30.0 metres if the lot line abuts Warden Ave., and is measured from the original centre line of the street; and
(ii)16.0 metres if the lot line abuts Huntingwood Dr., and is measured from the original centre line of the street;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line that does not abut a street is the building setback from each respective lot line to the main wall of the building s on the lot as it existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(D)A strip of land having a minimum width of 13.5 metres and running along all lot lines abutting a lot in the RD zone must be used for soft landscaping, other than a permitted driveway access from Huntingwood Dr.; and
(E)The maximum building height of an existing place of worship is the height of the existing building as it existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(92)Exception IPW 92
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Sheppard Ave. is 21.0 metres, measured from the original centre line of the street;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line or rear lot line is a distance equal to half the height of the building;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is the lot coverage the existed on the date of the enactment of this by-law;
(D)Gross floor area of all buildings must not exceed 40% of the lot area;
(E)The maximum height of a building is the height of the building that lawfully existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law, excluding any spire, belfry or similar architectural feature; and
(F)Parking must be provided at a minimum rate of 7.7 parking spaces for 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Schedule "C" Exception 11, of former City of Scarborough by-law 15907.
(93)Exception IPW 93
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The maximum height of a building or structure is the lawful height of the building or structure that existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum building setback is:
(i)25.5 metres from a lot line that abuts Lawrence Ave. East and Morningside Ave., measured from the original centre line of the street; and
(ii)from a side lot line and rear lot line, half the height of the building;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is the greater of:
(i)the percentage of the area of the lot covered by all building on the date of the enactment of this by-law; and
(ii)50%; and
(D)All lands not covered by permitted buildings may only be used for landscaping and parking spaces.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(94)Exception IPW 94
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Old Kingston Rd. is 22.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street; and
(B)The maximum lot coverage is 50%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None)
(95)Exception IPW 95
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line is 3.0 metres; and
(B)The maximum gross floor area is 33% of the area of the lot.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None)
(96)Exception IPW (x96)
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback is:
(i)22.0 metres from a lot line that abuts Bellamy Rd., measured from the original centre line; and
(ii)half the height of the building from any other lot line; and
(B)The maximum gross floor area excluding basements is 40% of the area of the lot.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None)
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