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The new City-wide Zoning By-law 569-2013 was enacted on May 9, 2013. It has been appealed under section 34(19) of the Planning Act. Even though it is under appeal, the City's Chief Building Official and the Committee of Adjustment will apply the new By-law to applications filed after its enactment. Please consult with your advisors to determine whether the new by-law has any impact.
Amendments to By-law 569-2013 have been incorporated into this office consolidation. The original by-law and its amendments are with the City Clerk's office.
Zoning By-law No. 569-2013, as
amended (office consolidation),
is available in PDF format from the
Zoning By-law 569-2013 homepage
City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended (Office Consolidation)
Version Date: July 31, 2023 - Including City-wide Amendments up to April 1, 2024
Table of Contents

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Chapter 1Administration
Chapter 2Compliance with this By-law
Chapter 5Regulations Applying to all Zones
Chapter 10Residential
Chapter 15Residential Apartment
Chapter 30Commercial
Chapter 40Commercial Residential
Chapter 50Commercial Residential Employment
Chapter 60Employment Industrial
Chapter 80Institutional
Chapter 90Open Space
Chapter 100Utility and Transportation
Chapter 150Specific Use Regulations
Chapter 200Parking Space Regulations
Chapter 220Loading Space Regulations
Chapter 230Bicycle Parking Space Regulations
Chapter 280Special Districts - Downtown
Chapter 300Special Districts - Centres
Chapter 400Special Districts - Avenues
Chapter 500Special Districts - Heritage
Chapter 600Regulations for Overlay Zones
Chapter 800Definitions
Chapter 900Site Specific Exceptions
900.2R - Zone
900.3RD - Zone
900.4RS - Zone
900.4.10Exceptions for RS Zone
900.5RT - Zone
900.6RM - Zone
900.7RA - Zone
900.8RAC - Zone
900.10CL - Zone
900.11CR - Zone
900.12CRE - Zone
900.20E - Zone
900.21EL - Zone
900.22EH - Zone
900.24EO - Zone
900.30I - Zone
900.31IH - Zone
900.32IE - Zone
900.33IS - Zone
900.34IPW - Zone
900.40O - Zone
900.41ON - Zone
900.42OR - Zone
900.43OG - Zone
900.45OC - Zone
900.50UT - Zone
Chapter 970Appendices
Chapter 990Zoning By-law Map
Chapter 995Overlay Maps

Chapter 900 Site Specific Exceptions

900.4 RS - Zone

900.4.1 General

(1)RS Zone Exceptions
The regulations located in Article 900.4.10 apply only to the exceptions subject to the RS zone and identified with the corresponding exception number.

900.4.10 Exceptions for RS Zone

(1)Exception RS 1
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage for a detached house is 10.5 metres;
(B)The minimum lot frontage for a semi-detached house is 16.5 metres;
(C)The minimum rear yard setback is 7.5 metres;
(D)The minimum front yard setback is 3 metres;
(E)The minimum side yard setback is 0.6 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a road is 3 metres;
(G)All garages must be set back a minimum of 6.5 metres from the edge of the nearest sidewalk or a minimum of 7.5 metres from the nearest road curb where a sidewalk is not provided; and
(H)The maximum building height is 3 storeys.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(2)Exception RS 2
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A detached house is permitted, if:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 264 square metres;
(iii)the maximum lot coverage is 35%;
(iv)the minimum front yard setback is 6.0 metres;
(v)the minimum rear yard setback is 7.5 metres;
(vi)the minimum side yard setback is 1.2 metres; and
(vii)driveways on adjacent lots must be separated by a minimum distance of 6.0 metres; and
(B)A semi-detached house is permitted, if:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 14.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 400 square metres;
(iii)the maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(iv)the minimum front yard setback is 6.0 metres;
(v)the minimum rear yard setback is 7.5 metres;
(vi)the minimum side yard setback is 1.2 metres; and
(vii)driveways on adjacent lots must be separated by a minimum distance of 6.0 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(3)Exception RS 3
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.
Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 22.0 metres from the original centreline of Birchmount Rd.; and
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres for each side of a semi-detached house.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
[ By-law: 607-2015 ]
(4)Exception RS 4
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Former City of Etobicoke by-law 2788.
(5)Exception RS 5
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Former City of Etobicoke by-law 1980-208.
(6)Exception RS 6
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A detached house must comply with:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 12.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 465 square metres;
(iii)the maximum lot coverage is 33%;
(iv)the maximum building height is 9.5 metres; and
(v)the maximum floor space index is 0.45; and
(B)A semi-detached house must comply with:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 665 square metres;
(iii)the maximum lot coverage is 33%; and
(iv)the maximum building height is 11.0 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(7)Exception RS 7
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Former City of Etobicoke by-law 1979-262.
(8)Exception RS 8
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On 118 Wesley St., former City of Etobicoke by-law 1981-202.
(9)Exception RS 9
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)City of Toronto by-law 535-2005.
(10)Exception RS 10
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Former City of Etobicoke by-laws 1978-178 and 1980-135.
(11)Exception RS 11
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Former City of Etobicoke by-law 1997-133.
(12)Exception RS 12
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)City of Toronto by-law 823-2004.
(13)Exception RS 13
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The maximum number of dwelling units is 80;
(B)The minimum building setback from the front lot line is 4.5 metres;
(C)The minimum building setback from the rear lot line is 6.0 metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.61 metres;
(E)The maximum lot coverage is 45%; and
(F)The maximum building height is 10.5 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(14)Exception RS 14
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The only permitted building type is semi-detached houses and ancillary structures;
(B)The minimum building setback from the front lot line and rear lot line is 6.0 metres;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(D)The maximum height of all buildings is the lesser of 9.1 metres or 3 storeys above grade;
(E)Front yard hard surfacing must not exceed 60% of the front yard for each semi-detached house; and
(F)The maximum lot coverage for all buildings is 51%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(15)Exception RS 15
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Former City of North York by-law 25358.
(16)Exception RS 16
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of two dwelling units per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum front yard setback is 7.5 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres; and
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(A)On the lands known as 137 and 139 Painted Post Dr., Schedule "C" Exception 2, of former City of Scarborough By-law 9510. [ By-law: 801-2020 ]
(17)Exception RS 17
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of two dwelling units per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum front yard setback is 7.5 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres; and
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(18)Exception RS 18
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of two dwelling units per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 9.0 metres; and
(F)An attached or detached garage must be located a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(19)Exception RS 19
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(ii)minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 306 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)A detached house is permitted on a lot having:
(i)a minimum lot frontage of 9.0 metres; and
(ii)minimum lot area of 306 square metres;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is:
(i)2.4 metres without an attached garage; and
(ii)1.2 metres with an attached garage; and [ By-law: 451-2022 ]
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(20)Exception RS 20
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 16.5 metres per semi-detached house and 8.25 metres for each dwelling unit;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 557 square metres per semi-detached house and 278 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres; and
(iv)the minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Markham Rd. is 30.0 metres measured from the original centreline of Markham Rd.; and
(B)A detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 12.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 464 square metres;
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(iv)an attached or detached garage must be located a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line; and
(v)the minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Markham Rd. is 30.0 metres measured from the original centreline of Markham Rd.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(21)Exception RS 21
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336);
(B)A semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres per semi-detached house and 7.5 metres for each dwelling unit;
(ii)minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(iii)the minimum building setback from a lot line that abut Morningside Ave. is 22.0 metres from the original centreline of Morningside Ave.;
(iv)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres; and
(v)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres.; and
(C)A detached house must comply with the following:
(i)minimum lot frontage is 7.5 metres;
(ii)minimum lot area is 306 square metres;
(iii)the minimum building setback from a lot line that abut Morningside Ave. is 22.0 metres from the original centreline of Morningside Ave.;
(iv)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres; and
(v)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(22)Exception RS 22
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.
Site Specific Provisions:
(A)On 85 Keeler Boulevard, Clause and regulations, and and (3) do not apply to prevent the erection or use of a building, structure, addition or enlargement if it complies with (B) or (C) below;
(B)A semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)Minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres per semi-detached house and 7.5 metres for each dwelling unit;
(ii)Minimum lot area is 440 square metres per semi-detached house and 220 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(iii)In the case of a corner lot the shorter of the two lot lines abutting a street is the front lot line;
(iv)The required minimum side yard setback is 1.2 metres for a semi-detached house;
(v)The required minimum side yard setback for a semi-detached house is 2.5 metres to the side lot line that abuts the street;
(vi)The minimum rear yard setback is 7.0 metres where a lot does not directly abut a Park;
(vii)The minimum rear yard setback is 7.5 metres where a lot directly abuts a Park;
(viii)Maximum floor area 210 square metres;
(ix)An attached garage must be erected with each dwelling unit; and
(x)A sales office and model home, used exclusively for the initial sale of dwelling units is permitted.
(C)A detached house must comply with the following:
(i)Minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres;
(ii)Minimum lot area is 440 square metres;
(iii)In the case of a corner lot the shorter of the two lot lines abutting a street is the front lot line;
(iv)The required minimum side yard setback is 1.2 metres;
(v)The required minimum side yard setback for a detached house is 2.5 metres to the side lot line that abuts the street;
(vi)The minimum rear yard setback is 7.0 metres where a lot does not directly abut a Park;
(vii)The minimum rear yard setback is 7.5 metres where a lot directly abuts a Park;
(viii)Maximum floor area 240 square metres;
(ix)An attached garage must be erected with each dwelling unit; and
(x)A sales office and model home, used exclusively for the initial sale of dwelling units is permitted.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
[ By-law: 387-2015 ]
(23)Exception RS 23
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abut Kennedy Rd. is 22.0 metres from the original centreline of Kennedy Rd.;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres;
(D)The required parking space must be located in an enclosed building; and
(E)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(24)Exception RS 24
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336);
(B)A semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres per semi-detached house and 7.5 metres for each dwelling unit;
(ii)minimum lot area is 510 square metres per semi-detached house and 255 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(iii)the minimum building setback from a lot line that abut Midland Ave. is 22.0 metres from the original centreline of Midland Ave.;
(iv)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres; and
(v)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres; and
(C)A detached house must comply with the following:
(i)minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres;
(ii)minimum lot area is 325 square metres;
(iii)the minimum building setback from a lot line that abut Midland Ave. is 22.0 metres from the original centreline of Midland Ave.;
(iv)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres; and
(v)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Schedule "C" Exception 16, of former City of Scarborough by-law 9364 applies to the lots municipally known as 164 and 166 Park St.; and
(B)Schedule "C" Exceptions 6 and 9, of former City of Scarborough by-law 9364 applies to the lots municipally known as 454, 456 and 458 Midland Ave.
(25)Exception RS 25
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336);
(B)A semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres per semi-detached house and 7.5 metres for each dwelling unit;
(ii)minimum lot area is 510 square metres per semi-detached house and 255 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(iii)the minimum building setback from a lot line that abut Birchmount Rd. or Kennedy Rd. is 22.0 metres from the original centreline of Birchmount Rd. or Kennedy Rd.;
(iv)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres; and
(v)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 2.4 metres; and
(C)A detached house must comply with the following:
(i)minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres;
(ii)minimum lot area is 510 square metres;
(iii)the minimum building setback from a lot line that abut Birchmount Rd. or Kennedy Rd. is 22.0 metres from the original centreline of Birchmount Rd. or Kennedy Rd.;
(iv)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.45 metres; and
(v)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 2.4 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(26)Exception RS 26
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336);
(B)A semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres per semi-detached house and 7.5 metres for each dwelling unit;
(ii)minimum lot area is 510 square metres per semi-detached house and 255 square metres for each dwelling unit; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres; and
(B)A detached house must comply with the following:
(i)minimum lot frontage is 7.5 metres;
(ii)minimum lot area is 290 square metres;
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres; and
(iv)the minimum building setback from a side lot line on the south side of the lot is 0.6 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(27)Exception RS 27
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336);
(B)A semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres per semi-detached house and 7.5 metres for each dwelling unit;
(ii)minimum lot area is 510 square metres per semi-detached house and 255 square metres for each dwelling unit; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres; and
(C)A detached house must comply with the following:
(i)minimum lot frontage is 7.5 metres;
(ii)minimum lot area is 290 square metres;
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres; and
(iv)the minimum building setback from a side lot line on the north side of the lot is 0.6 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(28)Exception RS 28
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abut Midland Ave. is 22.0 metres from the original centreline of Midland Ave.;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres; and
(F)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(29)Exception RS 29
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abut Midland Ave. is 22.0 metres from the original centreline of Midland Ave.;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 50%; and
(G)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(30)Exception RS 30
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Victoria Park Ave. is 22 metres from the centreline of that street;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line where that side yard also contains a driveway, is 2.7 metres;
(C)A garage must not be located less than 0.45 metres from a side lot line;
(D)A semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit; and
(ii)minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit; and
(E)A detached house must comply with the following:
(i)minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres; and
(ii)minimum lot area is 305 square metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(31)Exception RS 31
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Victoria Park Ave. is 22 metres from the centreline of that street;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line abutting a street is 5.7 metres;
(D)A semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit; and
(ii)minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit; and
(E)A detached house must comply with the following:
(i)minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres; and
(ii)minimum lot area is 305 square metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(32)Exception RS 32
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line abutting a street is 4.5 metres;
(C)The required parking spaces must be located in the residential building;
(D)A semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)minimum lot frontage is 17.0 metres per semi-detached house and 8.5 metres for each dwelling unit; and
(ii)minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(E)A detached house must comply with the following:
(i)minimum lot frontage is 8.5 metres; and
(ii)minimum lot area is 305 square metres; and
(F)The elevation of the floor of the parking space in the building must not be more than 0.65 metres below the elevation of the sidewalk.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(33)Exception RS 33
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.
Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The maximum height of a building is 12.5 metres and 2 storeys;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(C)If the vehicle entrance to a building faces a street, the vehicle entrance must be set back a minimum of 5.7 metres from the lot line that abuts the street;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)If the common wall of a semi-detached house does not exist above grade the minimum separation between the main walls is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a rear lot line is 7.25 metres;
(G)Despite regulation (1) (C), in a rear yard a platform with a floor no higher than the first storey of the building above established grade may encroach into the required rear yard setback the lesser of 2.5 metres or 50% of the required rear yard setback, if it is no closer to a side lot line than the side yard setback;
(H)Despite regulation (1) (B), for lots with a lot frontage of 6.0 metres to less than 15.0 metres, a minimum of 35% of the front yard must be landscaping; and
(I)The lands zoned with the "(H)" symbol may not be used for any purpose other than those uses and buildings existing on the site as of October 1, 2015 until the "(H)" symbol has been removed. An amending by-law to remove the "(H)" symbol may be enacted by City Council when the following conditions have been fulfilled to the satisfaction of Council:
(i)A sanitary sewer analysis is completed to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services;
(ii)A water distribution analysis and skeleton model is prepared to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services;
(iii)A flow test on the municipal fire hydrant is carried out to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services; and
(iv)Make satisfactory arrangement for the completion of any and all system improvements including design, financing, and construction, identified through the analysis in 7a, 7b and 7c noted above, all to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
[ By-law: 1304-2015 ]
(35)Exception RS 35

The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.
Site Specific Provisions:
(A)Despite regulations and,the required minimum front yard setback is 3 metres except for the portion of main wall with vehicle access, which must be set back at least 6.0 metres;
(B) Despite regulation, the permitted maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(C)Despite regulation, the only permitted residential building type is a semi-detached house;
(D)On Area A as identified on Diagram 3 of By-law 1339-2015:
(i)Despite regulations (A) and (B), the required minimum lot frontage is 20.0 metres for a semi-detached house and 10.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(ii)Despite regulations and (3), the permitted maximum height is 11.0 metres and permitted maximum number of storeys is 2;
(iii)Despite regulation, the required minimum rear yard setback is 7.5 metres;
(iv)Despite regulation, the required minimum side yard setback is 1.2 metres from one side lot line and 0.6 metres from the other side lot line; and
(v)On the side with the 1.2 metre building setback, the required minimum side yard separation distance between buildings on abutting lots is 2.4 metres.
(E)On Area B as identified on Diagram 3 of By-law 1339-2015:
(i)Despite regulation, the front lot line is the lot line that abuts Kingston Road;
(ii)Regulation does not apply;
(iii)Despite regulation, the required minimum lot frontage for a semi-detached house is 20.0 metres with a minimum lot frontage of 11.0 metres for one of the dwelling units;
(iv)Despite regulations and (3), the permitted maximum height is 12.0 metres and permitted maximum number of storeys is 3;
(v)Despite regulation, the required minimum rear yard setback is 7.5 metres; and
(vi)Despite regulation, the required minimum side yard setback is:
(a)2.0 metres from a side lot line that abuts a street; and
(b)1.2 metres in all other cases.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:(None Apply)
[ By-law: 1339-2015 ]
(36)Exception RS 36
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing Bylaws and Prevailing Sections: [amended by By-law 580-2017]
Site Specific Provisions:
(A)On 357 Birchmount Road (north-east corner of Birchmount Road and Highview Avenue) regulations (7), (1), (1), (2) and clause, do not apply to prevent the erection or use of a building, structure, addition or enlargement if it complies with (B) below;
(B)These standards apply to the lands as a whole:
(i)the lot line abutting Birchmount Road is the front lot line;
(ii)the minimum lot frontage is 80.0 metres;
(iii)the minimum lot area is 3,360.0 square metres;
(iv)the minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Birchmount Road is 22.0 metres measured from the original centreline of Birchmount Road;
(v)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 2.4 metres;
(vi)the minimum rear yard building setback is 14.0 metres;
(vii)the minimum building setback for dwelling units from the north lot line is 30.0 metres;
(viii)a maximum of 4 semi-detached houses and 1 detached house are permitted on the lot;
(ix)the minimum separation distance between the side main walls of any adjacent building is 3.0 metres;
(x)despite what is shown on the Height overlay map, a detached house may have a maximum building height of 9.8 metres;
(xi)a minimum of 570.0 square metres of outdoor amenity space must be provided and may be in the form of landscaping;
(xii)a designated area with a minimum of 4 visitor parking spaces must be provided on the lot;
(xiii)a landscaping strip having a minimum width of 1.7 metres must be provided along the entire east lot line; and
(xiv)all waste and recyclable material must be stored in a wholly enclosed building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
[ By-law: 109-2015(OMB) ]
(38)Exception RS 38
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.
Site Specific Provisions:
(A)On 1629 Sheppard Avenue West, dwelling units in either detached houses or semi- detached houses may be constructed or used in compliance with (B) to (M) below.
(B)For the purposes of this exception, the lot comprises the lands delineated as Part A on Diagram 1 of By-law 980-2022.
(C)Regulation, respecting the number of residential buildings permitted on a lot, does not apply
(D)Despite Regulation, the permitted maximum gross floor area is 1,400 square metres.
(E)A maximum of 7 dwelling units are permitted.
(F)For the purposes of this Exception, established grade is the Canadian Geodetic Datum elevation of 168.30 metres.
(G)Despite Regulation and (3), the maximum height and storeys of a building or structure is the numerical value, in metres following the letters "HT" and "ST" on Diagram 3 of By-law 980-2022.
(H)Despite Regulation, respecting the height of main walls, the heights of the main walls shall be 9.83 metres above established grade.
(I)Despite Regulation and, the required minimum building setbacks in metres are shown on Diagram 3 of By-law 980- 2022.
(J)Despite Regulation respecting permitted encroachments and (I) above, the following may encroach into the required minimum building setbacks on Diagram 3 of By-law 980-2022 as follows:
(i)stairs in the front yard, 1.4 metres.
(K)Despite Regulation and, respecting building length and building depth, the lengths and depths are as shown in Diagram 3.
(L)Despite Regulation and Table a minimum number of parking spaces must be provided and maintained on the Lot as follows:
(i)1.0 residential occupant parking space for each dwelling unit within each integral building garage.
(M)Despite Clause (1), a minimum of 70% of the front yard must be landscaping, of which 50 percent must be soft landscaping
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Schedule 'D' Airport Hazard Map from City of North York Zoning By-law 7625. [ By-law: 980-2022 ]
(39)Exception RS 39
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.
Site Specific Provisions:
(A)Regulation, the permitted maximum lot coverage is 50 percent for a building with a transportation use;
(B)Clause regarding required minimum building setbacks does not apply to a building with a transportation use;
(C)Regulations and do not apply to a lot containing a transportation use;
(D)Despite Regulations and (3), the permitted maximum height of a building with a transportation use is 15 metres;
(E)Despite Regulation, a canopy, awning or similar structure may encroach into the full extent of a required minimum building setback that abuts a street;
(F)Article 10.5.60 regarding requirements for ancillary buildings and structures does not apply;
(G)Regulations and (8), regarding loading space requirements, do not apply to a building with a transportation use;
(H)Despite Clause, a driveway for a transportation use must have a minimum width of 3.4 metres; and
(I)None of the provisions of By-law 569-2013 will apply to prevent the erection or use of a construction office for the purpose of constructing a transportation use.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
[ By-law: 821-2022 ]
(42)Exception RS 42
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to each part of the building with a dwelling unit:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 10.5 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 301 square metres;
(B)The minimum side yard setback is 1.2 metres;
(C)The minimum building setback from a rear lot line is 3.0 metres;
(D)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(E)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 50%; and
(G)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(43)Exception RS 43
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to each part of the building with a dwelling unit:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 7.5 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 306 square metres;
(B)A lot with a detached house must comply with the following:
(i)minimum lot frontage is 7.5 metres; and
(ii)minimum lot area is 306 square metres;
(C)The minimum side yard setback is 1.2 metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Brimley Rd. is 6.0 metres;
(E)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(F)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 40%; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(44)Exception RS 44
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum side yard setback is 1.2 metres;
(B)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(C)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(D)A semi-detached garage may be located on the common lot line and in all other cases it must be 0.3 metres from all side lot lines; and
(E)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(46)Exception RS 46
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On 101 Cedarvale Ave., Section, of the former Borough of East York zoning by-law 6752.
(48)Exception RS 48
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)In all cases the following applies:
(i)the minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts St. Clair Ave. is 22.0 metres from the centreline on the original road allowance;
(ii)the minimum side yard setback is 0.45 metres;
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres;
(iv)the minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Birchmount Rd. is 22.0 metres from the centreline on the original road allowance; and
(v)except for lots fronting on Birchmount Rd. or Zenith Dr., an attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(B)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to the lot or lots containing the whole of the building:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 510 square metres;
(C)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to each part of the building with a dwelling unit:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 7.5 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 255 square metres; and
(D)A lot with a detached house must comply with the following:
(i)minimum lot frontage is 7.5 metres; and
(ii)minimum lot area is 255 square metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(49)Exception RS 49
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)In all cases the following applies:
(i)the minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Birchmount Rd. is 22.0 metres from the centreline on the original road allowance;
(ii)the minimum side yard setback is 0.9 metres;
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres; and
(iv)except for lots fronting on Birchmount Rd. or Zenith Dr., an attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(B)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to the lot or lots containing the whole of the building:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 613 square metres;
(C)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to each part of the building with a dwelling unit:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 9 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 306 square metres; and
(D)A lot with a detached house must comply with the following:
(i)minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres; and
(ii)minimum lot area is 306 square metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(51)Exception RS 51
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house is permitted per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum side yard setback is 2.4 metres; and
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(52)Exception RS 52
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one building being either one semi-detached house or one detached house, is permitted per lot, as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum side yard setback is 2.4 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres; and
(F)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts St. Clair Ave. is 22.0 metres from the centreline on the original road allowance.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(53)Exception RS 53
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)In all cases the following applies:
(i)the minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Birchmount Rd. is 22.0 metres from the centreline on the original road allowance;
(ii)the minimum side yard setback is 2.4 metres;
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres;
(iv)the minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Birchmount Rd. is 22.0 metres from the centreline on the original road allowance; and
(v)except for lots fronting on Birchmount Rd. or Zenith Dr., an attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(B)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to the lot or lots containing the whole of the building:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 613 square metres;
(C)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to each part of the building with a dwelling unit:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 306 square metres; and
(D)If a lot has a detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 12 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 464 square metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(54)Exception RS 54
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)In all cases the following applies:
(i)the minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Birchmount Rd. is 22.0 metres from the centreline on the original road allowance;
(ii)the minimum side yard setback is 1.2 metres; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres;
(B)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 613 square metres; and
(C)If a lot has a detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 306 square metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(55)Exception RS 55
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)In all cases the following applies:
(i)the minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Birchmount Rd. is 22.0 metres from the centreline on the original road allowance;
(ii)the minimum side yard setback is 1.2 metres; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres;
(B)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to the lot or lots containing the whole of the building:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 12.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 510 square metres;
(C)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to each part of the building with a dwelling unit:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 6.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 255 square metres; and
(D)If a lot has a detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 7.5 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 325 square metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(56)Exception RS 56
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to the lot or lots containing the whole of the building:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 12.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 510 square metres;
(B)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to each part of the building with a dwelling unit:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 6.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 255 square metres;
(C)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum side yard setback is 2.4 metres; and
(ii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres; and
(D)If a lot has a detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 7.5 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 325 square metres;
(iii)the minimum side yard setback is 1.2 metres; and
(iv)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(57)Exception RS 57
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to the lot or lots containing the whole of the building:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 21.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 882 square metres;
(B)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to each part of the building with a dwelling unit:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 10.5 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 440 square metres;
(C)A lot with a detached house must comply with the following:
(i)minimum lot frontage is 10.5 metres; and
(ii)minimum lot area is 440 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Birchmount Rd. is 22.0 metres from the centreline on the original road allowance;
(E)The minimum side yard setback is 0.9 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(G)The garage must be integrated into the residential building;
(H)Underground structures must be set back from a lot line the greater of 3.0 metres or a distance equal to the vertical distance between established grade and the floor of the structure; and
(I)The requirement of 1 parking space per dwelling unit does not apply to the principal dwelling unit.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(58)Exception RS 58
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to the lot or lots containing the whole of the building:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 613 square metres;
(B)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to each part of the building with a dwelling unit:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 306 square metres;
(C)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum side yard setback is 2.4 metres; and
(ii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres; and
(D)If a lot has a detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 12.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 464 square metres;
(iii)the minimum side yard setback is 1.2 metres; and
(iv)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(59)Exception RS 59
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house is permitted per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum side yard setback is 1.2 metres; and
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(60)Exception RS 60
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house is permitted per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum side yard setback is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 2.4 metres; and
(F)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Schedule "C" Exception "N", of former City of Scarborough by-law 9350.
(61)Exception RS 61
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum side yard setback is 0.45 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres;
(C)A detached house is permitted on a lot that has a minimum lot frontage of 6.0 metres; and
(D)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(62)Exception RS 62
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(G)All lands located within 3.0 metres of a lot line abutting Highway 401 must be used for soft landscaping purposes; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(63)Exception RS 63
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Pitfield Rd. and Brownspring Rd. is 7.5 metres;
(E)The minimum side yard setback is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres;
(G)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(64)Exception RS 64
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum side yard setback is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres;
(F)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(65)Exception RS 65
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A lot with a semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 20.0 metres per semi-detached house and 10.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 306 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(iv)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 2.4 metres; and
(v)an attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(B)A lot with a detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 10.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 306 square metres;
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(iv)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 2.4 metres;
(v)an attached or detached garage must be located a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line; and
(vi)an attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(66)Exception RS 66
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A lot with a semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres per semi-detached building and 7.5 metres for each dwelling unit;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 540 square metres per semi-detached building and 270 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(iii)the minimum building setback is 3.0 metres from the street line, including all projections except a roof overhang projecting a maximum of 0.5 m; except that portion of the front main wall with access to the garage, excluding bay window projections above the garage to a maximum of 1.55 m, must be set back to achieve a minimum driveway length of 6.0 metres, measured perpendicular from the street line to the main wall of the building with a garage door;
(iv)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(v)an attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(vi)the minimum rear yard setback is 10.0 metres; and
(vii)the maximum lot coverage is 40%; and
(B)A lot with a detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 12.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 265 square metres;
(iii)the minimum building setback is 3.0 metres from the street line, including all projections except a roof overhang projecting a maximum of 0.5 m; except that portion of the front main wall with access to the garage, excluding bay window projections above the garage to a maximum of 1.55 m, must be set back to achieve a minimum driveway length of 6.0 metres, measured perpendicular from the street line to the main wall of the building with a garage door;
(iv)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres from one side lot line and 0.6 metres of the other side lot line;
(v)an attached or detached garage must be located a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(vi)an attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(vii)the minimum rear yard setback is 10.0 metres; and
(viii)the maximum lot coverage is 40%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(67)Exception RS 67
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Former City of North York by-law 26360.
(68)Exception RS 68
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)City of Toronto by-law 676-2000.
(69)Exception RS 69
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Birchmount Rd. is:
(i)9.0 metres for a front lot line; and
(ii)5.7 metres for a side lot line;
(B)The elevation of the basement floor must be a minimum of 3.5 metres higher than the invert of Massey Creek;
(C)A lot with a semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 603 square metres per semi-detached house and 300 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres; and
(iv)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres; and
(D)A lot with a detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 280 square metres;
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres; and
(iv)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(70)Exception RS 70
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Birchmount Rd. is:
(i)9.0 metres for a front lot line; and
(ii)5.7 metres for a side lot line;
(B)The elevation of the basement floor must be a minimum of 3.5 metres higher than the invert of Massey Creek;
(C)A lot with a semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)a maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(ii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres; and
(D)A lot with a detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 12.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 464 square metres;
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres; and
(iv)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(71)Exception RS 71
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(D)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(E)A garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 40%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(72)Exception RS 72
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 603 square metres per semi-detached house and 300 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 300 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Kennedy Rd. is 24.0 metres measured from the original centreline of Kennedy Road; [ By-law: 451-2022 ]
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(H)A garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(73)Exception RS 73
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 15.5 metres per semi-detached house and 7.7 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 603 square metres per semi-detached house and 300 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 7.7 metres and the minimum lot area is 300 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Kennedy Rd. is 7.5 metres; [ By-law: 451-2022 ]
(F)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(G)A garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 40%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(74)Exception RS 74
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum side yard setback for each side of the building is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(E)The minimum rear lot setback is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(F)The part of main wall of the building with the access to the required parking space must be set back a minimum of 5.7 metres from a front lot line or side lot line that abuts a street;
(G)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 3.0 metres.
(H)There must be no encroachments into the required front yard or side yard;
(I)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street.
(J)The maximum lot coverage is 45%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(75)Exception RS 75
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum side yard setback for each side of the building is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(E)The minimum rear lot setback is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(F)The part of main wall of the building with the access to the required parking space must be set back a minimum of 5.7 metres from a front lot line or side lot line that abuts a street;
(G)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 45%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(76)Exception RS 76
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres per semi-detached house and 7.5 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 306 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 7.5 metres and the minimum lot area is 306 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(F)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(G)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(77)Exception RS 77
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres; and
(F)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(78)Exception RS 78
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 16.5 metres per semi-detached house and 8.2 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 510 square metres per semi-detached house and 255 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 8.2 metres and the minimum lot area is 255 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(F)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(79)Exception RS 79
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 16.5 metres per semi-detached house and 8.2 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 510 square metres per semi-detached house and 255 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 8.2 metres and the minimum lot area is 255 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(G)A semi-detached garage may be located on the common lot line and in all other cases it must be 0.3 metres from a side lot line; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(80)Exception RS 80
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 19.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.5 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 715 square metres per semi-detached house and 355 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.5 metres and the minimum lot area is 355 square metres;
(D)corner lots must comply with the following:
(i)minimum frontage for two dwelling units is 21 metres and for one dwelling unit 10.5 metres; and
(ii)minimum lot area for two dwelling units is 880square metres and for one dwelling unit 405 square metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(H)A semi-detached garage may be located on the common lot line and in all other cases it must be 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(I)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)9.0 metres where the side lot line abuts Bellamy Rd. or Invergordon Ave.; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases; and
(J)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(81)Exception RS 81
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(F)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(G)A semi-detached garage may be located on the common lot line and in all other cases it must be 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(H)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)9.0 metres where the side lot line abuts Bellamy Rd. or Invergordon Avenue; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(82)Exception RS 82
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Bellamy Rd. or Invergordon Avenue is 19.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(H)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(83)Exception RS 83
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 305 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Birchmount Rd., St. Clair Ave., Danforth Rd. or Kennedy Rd. is 22 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street; and
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(84)Exception RS 84
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres; and
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(85)Exception RS 85
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 770 square metres per semi-detached house and 385 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 385 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Midland Ave. is 22 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(G)The maximum building height is the lesser of 2 storeys or 9.5 metres; and
(H)The minimum building setback from a rear lot line is 20.0 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(86)Exception RS 86
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Midland Ave. is 22 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street; and
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(87)Exception RS 87
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres; and
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 2.4 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(89)Exception RS 89
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)In all cases the following applies:
(i)the minimum front yard setback is 3.0 metres;
(ii)the portion of main wall with the entrance to a parking space must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line abutting a street;
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres; and
(iv)the required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(B)If the lot has a detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 6.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 180 square metres; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres; [ By-law: 420-2023 ]
(C)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to the lot or lots containing the whole of the building:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 12.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 360 square metres; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres;
(D)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to each part of the building with a dwelling unit:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 6.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 180 square metres; and
(E)On the lands municipally known as 13 and 15 Magnolia Avenue, the minimum building setback from the front
lot line is 3.0 metres. [ By-law: 420-2023 ]
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(90)Exception RS 90
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)In all cases the following applies:
(i)the minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Birchmount Rd., St. Clair Ave., Danforth Rd. or Kennedy Rd. is 22 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street; and
(ii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 1.5 metres;
(B)If the lot has a detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 278 square metres; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.45 metres; [ By-law: 801-2020 ]
(C)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to the lot or lots containing the whole of the building:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 483 square metres; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres; and
(D)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to each part of the building with a dwelling unit:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 7.5 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 240 square metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(91)Exception RS 91
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)In all cases the following applies:
(i)the minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Midland Ave. is 22 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street; and
(ii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 2.4 metres;
(B)If the lot has a detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 10.5 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 325 square metres; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.3 metres; [ By-law: 801-2020 ]
(C)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to the lot or lots containing the whole of the building:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 613 square metres; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres; and
(D)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to each part of the building with a dwelling unit:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 305 square metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(92)Exception RS 92
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 12.0 metres per semi-detached house and 6.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 360 square metres per semi-detached house and 180 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 6.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 180 square metres;
(D)The minimum front yard setback is 3.0 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres; [ By-law: 801-2020 ]
(F)The portion of main wall with the entrance to a parking space must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line abutting a street; and
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(93)Exception RS 93
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is:
(i)8.0 metres for a detached house; and
(ii)12.0 metres for a semi-detached house;
(B)The minimum lot area is:
(i)250 square metres for a detached house; and
(ii)370 square metres for a semi-detached house;
(C)The maximum building height is 11.0 metres and 3 storeys;
(D)The maximum number of semi-detached houses is 5 and the maximum number of detached houses is 1;
(E)The maximum floor space index on a lot with a dwelling unit is 0.8 for the detached house and 0.65 for a semi-detached house;
(F)The maximum floor space index on a lot if a semi-detached house is 3 storeys and the first floor of the house contains a private garage is 0.95;
(G)The maximum floor area of an ancillary building is 10.0 square metres;
(H)The minimum front yard setback is 7.0 metres;
(I)The minimum rear yard setback for the detached house is 7.5 metres and for a semi-detached house is 9.0 metres; and
(J)The minimum side yard setback is 1.0 metre, and on a lot the abuts a non-residential use or a street is 2.0 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(94)Exception RS 94
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On these lands, Section 16(379) of the former City of York zoning by-law 1-83.
(96)Exception RS 96
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 12.0 metres per semi-detached house and 6.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 371 square metres per semi-detached house and 185 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 6.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 185 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 4.5 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Birchmount Rd., St. Clair Ave., Danforth Rd. or Kennedy Rd. is 22 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(G)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres; and
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 50%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(97)Exception RS 97
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 12.0 metres per semi-detached house and 6.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 371 square metres per semi-detached house and 185 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 6.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 185 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 4.5 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres; and
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 50%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(98)Exception RS 98
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)In all cases the following applies:
(i)the minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(a)22.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street, if the lot line abuts Birchmount Rd., St. Clair Ave., Danforth Rd. or Kennedy Rd.; and
(b)4.5 metres in all other cases;
(ii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 1.5 metres; and
(iii)the maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(B)If the lot has a detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 7.5 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 232 square metres; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.3 metres;
(C)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to the lot or lots containing the whole of the building:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 464 square metres; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.6 metres;
(D)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to each part of the building with a dwelling unit:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 7.5 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 232 square metres;
(E)On the lands municipally known as 118 Patterson Avenue, a multiple family dwelling is permitted if:
(i)there is one dwelling unit for each 99 square metres of lot area;
(ii)the building is set back a minimum of 4.5 metres from the front lot line; and
(iii)the building is set back a minimum of 1.2 metres from the side lot line; and
(F)On the lands municipally known as 52 Patterson Avenue, and on the lands municipally known as111 and 113 Leyton Avenue a green house use may continue and expand subject to the regulation of the zone in which it is located.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On the lands municipally known as 54, 65 and 58 Leyton Avenue, Schedule "C" Exception 8, of former City of Scarborough by-law 9812; and
(B)On the lands municipally known as 5, 6, 7 and 8 Medford Avenue, and on the lands municipally known as 10 Kimridge Avenue, Schedule "C" Exception 15, of former City of Scarborough by-law 9812.
(99)Exception RS 99
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)In all cases the following applies:
(i)the minimum building setback from a front lot line is 4.5 metres;
(ii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 1.5 metres; and
(iii)the maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(B)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to the lot or lots containing the whole of the building:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 12.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 371 square metres; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.3 metres;
(C)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to each part of the building with a dwelling unit:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 6.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 185 square metres; and
(D)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 6.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 185 square metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On the lands municipally known as the even number addresses from 28 to 38 Robinson Avenue, and on the lands municipally known as 64, 66 and 89 August Avenue, Schedule "C" Exception 8, of former City of Scarborough by-law 9812;
(B)On the lands municipally known as 44, 54 and 56 Pharmacy Ave., and on the lands municipally known as 70 Albion Avenue, Schedule "C" Exception 6, of former City of Scarborough by-law 9812; and
(C)On the lands municipally known as 44 and 70 Madelaine Avenue, Schedule "C" Exception 7, of former City of Scarborough by-law 9812.
(100)Exception RS 100
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)In all cases the following applies:
(i)the minimum building setback from a front lot line is 4.5 metres;
(ii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.3 metres; and
(iii)the maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(B)If the lot has a detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 6.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 167 square metres; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.3 metres;
(C)If a lot or lots has a semi-detached house the following applies to a lot or lots containing the whole of the building:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 12.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 371.0 square metres; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.3 metres. [ By-law: 580-2017 ]
(D)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to each part of the building with a dwelling unit:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 6.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 185 square metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(101)Exception RS 101
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 80%; and
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(102)Exception RS 102
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Military Trail is 7.5 metres;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(H)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(103)Exception RS 103
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 5.0 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 2.5 metres;
(G)The maximum height of all buildings and structures is the lesser of 2 storeys or 10.0 metres; and
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 46%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(104)Exception RS 104
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 2.4 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Bellamy Rd., is 7.5 metres;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(H)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(I)The maximum lot coverage is 40%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(105)Exception RS 105
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 16.5 metres per semi-detached house and 8.2 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 557 square metres per semi-detached house and 275 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 8.2 metres and the minimum lot area is 275 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 2.4 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Bellamy Rd., is 7.5 metres;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(H)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(I)The portion of main wall with the entrance to a parking space must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line abutting a street; and
(J)The maximum lot coverage is 40%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(106)Exception RS 106
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 600 square metres per semi-detached house and 300 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 300 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts McCowan Rd. is 7.5 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(G)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 40%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(107)Exception RS 107
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.4 metres;
(F)The required parking space must be located in a garage;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 43%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(108)Exception RS 108
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.
Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 610 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 305 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres; and
(E)The required parking space must be located in the residential building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On these lands, exception 28 of Exceptions List - Schedule "C" of former City of Scarborough zoning by-law 10048. [ By-law: 451-2022 ]
(109)Exception RS 109
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 12.0 metres per semi-detached house and 6.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 280 square metres per semi-detached house and 140 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 6.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 140 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts:
(i)Falmouth Avenue is 4.3 metres; and
(ii)Danforth Rd. is 4.0 metres;
(E)The portion of main wall with the entrance to a parking space must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line abutting a street;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(G)The minimum building setback from a rear lot line is 3.0 metres; and
(H)The maximum building height is the lesser of 3 storeys or 10.1 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(110)Exception RS 110
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 12.0 metres per semi-detached house and 6.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 280 square metres per semi-detached house and 140 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 6.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 140 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts:
(i)Falmouth Avenue is 4.3 metres; and
(ii)Danforth Rd. is 4.0 metres;
(E)The portion of main wall with the entrance to a parking space must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line abutting a street;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(G)The minimum building setback from a rear lot line is 7.0 metres; and
(H)The maximum building height is the lesser of 3 storeys or 10.1 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(111)Exception RS 111
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres; and
(F)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(112)Exception RS 112
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 305 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres; and
(F)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(113)Exception RS 113
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 720 square metres per semi-detached house and 360 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 360 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres;
(F)The required parking space for each dwelling unit must be located in the residential building; and
(G)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(114)Exception RS 114
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 464 square metres per semi-detached house and 230 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 230 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(F)The required parking space for each dwelling unit must be located in the residential building;
(G)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(115)Exception RS 115
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of two dwelling units per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres; and
(F)An attached or detached garage must be located a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(116)Exception RS 116
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of two dwelling units per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres; and
(F)An attached or detached garage must be located a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(117)Exception RS 117
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 14.4 metres per semi-detached house and 7.2 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 352 square metres per semi-detached house and 176 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(E)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line that abuts a street;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 50%; and
(G)gable and bay windows may encroach a maximum of 0.7 metres into a rear yard building setback or street yard building setback.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(118)Exception RS 118
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 4.5 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts:
(i)Lawrence Ave. is 12.0 metres; and
(ii)Manse Rd., Homestead Rd. or Coronation Dr. is 6.0 metres;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(E)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(F)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(G)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line that abuts a street;
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336);
(J)A lot with a semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit; and
(K)A lot with a detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 305 square metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(119)Exception RS 119
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(F)A garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from one side lot line;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 40%; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(120)Exception RS 120
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Galloway Rd., Morningside Ave., Manse Rd., Beechgrove Dr. or Old Kingston Rd. is 22.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres;
(C)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336);
(D)A lot with a semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 610 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres; and
(E)A lot with a detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 13.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot frontage for a corner lot is 15.0 metres;
(iii)the minimum lot area is 464 square metres; and
(iv)a garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from one side lot line.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(121)Exception RS 121
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres; and
(E)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(122)Exception RS 122
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres; and
(F)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(123)Exception RS 123
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 610 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is:
(i)1.2 metres, if the required parking space is located in the building; and
(ii)2.4 metres in all other cases; and
(D)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(124)Exception RS 124
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a rear lot line is 6.0 metres;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(H)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the front lot line, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from the front lot line;
(I)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(J)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(125)Exception RS 125
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Galloway Rd., Morningside Ave., Manse Rd., Beechgrove Dr. or Old Kingston Rd. is 22.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres;
(C)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336);
(D)A lot with a semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(ii)The minimum lot area is 610 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit; and
(iii)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres;
(E)A lot with a detached house must comply with the following:
(i)The minimum lot frontage is 12.0 metres;
(ii)The minimum lot frontage for a corner lot is 15.0 metres;
(iii)The minimum lot area is 464 square metres;
(iv)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres; [ By-law: 801-2020 ]
(F)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abut Lawrence Ave. is 22.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street;
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(126)Exception RS 126
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres; and
(F)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
(G)On 19 Glory Crescent;
(i)the minimum side yard building setback is 1.2 metres for a one storey building and 1.8 metres for a
two storey building; and
(ii)the portion of the building with a parking space must be located at least 0.3 metres from a side lot
line. [ By-law: 420-2023 ]
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
[ By-law: 420-2023 ]
(127)Exception RS 127
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(G)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(128)Exception RS 128
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 610 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres;
(E)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(F)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 40%; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(129)Exception RS 129
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 555 square metres per semi-detached house and 275 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(D)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(E)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(130)Exception RS 130
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 555 square metres per semi-detached house and 275 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres; and
(D)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(131)Exception RS 131
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres;
(B)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(C)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(132)Exception RS 132
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(B)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(C)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(D)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(E)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(133)Exception RS 133
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(B)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line that abuts a street;
(C)If the lot has a semi-detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 12.8 metres per semi-detached house and 6.4 metres for each dwelling unit;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 390 square metres per semi-detached house and 195 square metres for each dwelling unit; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres; and
(D)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(D)If the lot has a detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 6.4 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 195 square metres; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres on one side only.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(134)Exception RS 134
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house or one detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 3.0 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 50%; and
(G)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line that abuts a street.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(135)Exception RS 135
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house or one detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 3.0 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(G)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line that abuts a street; and
(H)The required parking space must be located in a building;
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(136)Exception RS 136
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house or one detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.5 metres;
(E)A semi-detached garage may be located on the common lot line and in all other cases it must be 0.3 metres from all side lot lines.
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(137)Exception RS 137
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house or one detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)18.0 metres where the front lot line abuts Sheppard Ave., Morningside Ave. or Neilson Rd.;
(ii)12.0 metres where the front lot line abuts Milner Ave. or Breckon Gate; and
(iii)7.5 metres where the front lot line abuts Murison Blvd.;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.5 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 metres where the side lot line abuts Sheppard Ave.; and
(ii)4.5 metres in all other cases;
(G)A semi-detached garage may be located on the common lot line and in all other cases it must be 0.3 metres from all side lot lines; and
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 40%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(138)Exception RS 138
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house or one detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Berner Trail, Greenspire Rd., or Malvern St. is 7.5 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)A semi-detached garage may be located on the common lot line and in all other cases it must be 0.3 metres from all side lot lines.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(139)Exception RS 139
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house or one detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)18.0 metres where the front lot line abuts Sheppard Ave., Morningside Ave. or Neilson Rd.;
(ii)12.0 metres where the front lot line abuts Milner Ave. or Breckon Gate; and
(iii)7.5 metres where the front lot line abuts Murison Blvd.;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 meters;
(E)The maximum lot coverage is 40%; and
(F)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(140)Exception RS 140
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house or one detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)18.0 metres where the front lot line abuts Sheppard Ave., Morningside Ave. or Neilson Rd.;
(ii)12.0 metres where the front lot line abuts Milner Ave. or Breckon Gate; and
(iii)7.5 metres where the front lot line abuts Murison Blvd.;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 meters; and
(E)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(141)Exception RS 141
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house or one detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)18.0 metres where the front lot line abuts Sheppard Ave., Morningside Ave. or Neilson Rd.;
(ii)12.0 metres where the front lot line abuts Milner Ave. or Breckon Gate; and
(iii)7.5 metres where the front lot line abuts Murison Blvd.;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 meters;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 40%; and
(G)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(142)Exception RS 142
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house or one detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 meters;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres;
(G)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(143)Exception RS 143
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres on one side only;
(E)The minimum building setback from a rear lot line is 1.5 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 meters;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(H)The required parking space must be located in a building;
(I)Detached garages may be erected in a street yard with a minimum building setback of 3.0 metres from the lot line and the internal road parallel to Neilson Rd. and Finch Ave. East;
(J)Cantilevered bay windows may project a maximum distance of 0.6 metres into all yards;
(K)No driveway access is permitted to Finch Ave. East or Neilson Rd.;
(L)The maximum height of a building or structure is the lesser of 12.0 metres or 3 storeys;
(M)A detached garage must be set back from the main walls of the residential building a minimum of 3.0 metres; and
(N)An parking space not located in a building may be located in the front yard.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(144)Exception RS 144
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 4.5 metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres on one side only;
(E)On a corner lot the minimum building setback from a side lot line is:
(i)3.0 metres where the side lot line abuts the street; and
(ii)1.0 metres from the other side lot line;
(F)The minimum building setback from a rear lot line is 6.5 metres;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(H)The required parking space must be located in a building;
(I)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line that abuts a street;
(J)Cantilevered bay windows may project a maximum distance of 0.6 metres into all yards; and
(K)The maximum height of a building or structure is 10.0 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(145)Exception RS 145
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 meters;
(F)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Neilson Rd., Finch Ave., Tapscott Rd. or the railway right-of-way is 7.5 metres;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 40%; and
(H)A semi-detached garage may be located on the common lot line and in all other cases it must be 0.3 metres from all side lot lines.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(146)Exception RS 146
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 meters;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 40%.
(D)A semi-detached garage may be located on the common lot line and in all other cases it must be 0.3 metres from all side lot lines.
(E)If the lot has a semi-detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit; and
(F)If the lot has a detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 305 square metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(147)Exception RS 147
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres;
(C)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 meters;
(D)The minimum building setback from a rear lot line is 6.0 metres;
(E)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(F)The maximum height of a building is 10.0 metres;
(G)Cantilevered bay windows may project a maximum distance of 0.6 metres into all yards; and
(I)The required parking space must be located in a building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(148)Exception RS 148
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres;
(C)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 meters;
(D)The minimum building setback from a rear lot line is 6.0 metres;
(E)The maximum height of a building is 10.0 metres;
(F)Cantilevered bay windows may project a maximum distance of 0.6 metres into all yards;
(G)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line that abuts a street; and
(H)The required parking space must be located in a building;
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(149)Exception RS 149
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 meters;
(F)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Neilson Rd., Sheppard Ave., Tapscott Rd. or Washburn Way is 7.5 metres;
(G)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(150)Exception RS 150
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 meters;
(F)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Neilson Rd., Sheppard Ave., Tapscott Rd., or Milner Ave. is 7.5 metres;
(G)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Schedule "C" Exception 33, of former City of Scarborough by-law 14402.
(151)Exception RS 151
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 meters;
(F)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Neilson Rd., Sheppard Ave., Tapscott Rd., or Milner Ave. is 7.5 metres;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(H)An attached or detached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(I)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Schedule "C" Exception 33, of former City of Scarborough by-law 14402.
(152)Exception RS 152
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 meters;
(F)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Neilson Rd., Sheppard Ave., Tapscott Rd., or Milner Ave. is 7.5 metres;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(H)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(153)Exception RS 153
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The maximum height is the lesser of 3 storeys or 10.0 metres; and
(H)The required parking space must be located in a building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(154)Exception RS 154
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is the lawful lot frontage that existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum lot area is the lawful area of the lot as it existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)27.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street, if the lot line abuts Lawrence Ave., Ellesmere Rd., and Kennedy Rd.; and
(ii)16.0 metres, , measured from the original centreline of the street, in all other cases;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres; and
(E)In addition to the types of residential buildings permitted in this zone, a duplex is also permitted.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(155)Exception RS 155
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 meters;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(H)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(156)Exception RS 156
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 3.0 metres;
(F)Nothing may encroach into a required yard setback;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(H)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(157)Exception RS 157
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 meters;
(F)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Berner Trail, Mammoths Hall Trail, or Malvern St. is 7.5 metres; and
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(158)Exception RS 158
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 meters;
(F)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Berner Trail, Greenspire Rd., or Malvern St. is 7.5 metres;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(H)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(159)Exception RS 159
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 3.0 metres;
(E)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line that abuts a street; and
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 50%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(160)Exception RS 160
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)City of Toronto by-law 700-2005.
(161)Exception RS 161
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.5 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)A garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a one side lot line; and
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(162)Exception RS 162
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(163)Exception RS 163
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(164)Exception RS 164
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(B)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(C)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(D)If the lot has a semi-detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres per semi-detached house and 7.5 metres for each dwelling unit;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 510 square metres per semi-detached house and 255 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(iii)for a corner lot the minimum lot frontage is 19.5 metres; and
(iv)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres; and
(E)If the lot has a detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 7.5 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 255 square metres;
(iii)for a corner lot the minimum lot frontage is 9.75 metres; and [ By-law: 801-2020 ]
(iv)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Schedule "C" Exception 5 of former City of Scarborough By-law 16762. [ By-law: 801-2020 ]
(165)Exception RS 165
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)6.0 metres where the rear lot line also abuts a street; and
(ii)5.1 metres in all other cases;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Steeles Ave., Warden Ave. or Kennedy Rd. is 7.5 metres;
(F)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(166)Exception RS 166
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 6.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(C)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(D)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(E)If the lot has a semi-detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit; and
(F)If the lot has a detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 305 square metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(167)Exception RS 167
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is:
(i)18.0 metres where the lot line abuts Steeles Ave., Warden Ave. or Kennedy Rd.; and
(ii)12.0 metres where the lot line abuts Pharmacy Ave. or Birchmount Rd.;
(G)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(168)Exception RS 168
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres;
(F)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from one side lot line; and
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(169)Exception RS 169
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres and nothing may encroach into that setback area; and
(F)The required parking space must be located in a building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(170)Exception RS 170
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres; and
(F)The required parking space must be located in a building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(171)Exception RS 171
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(D)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line that abuts a street;
(E)The required parking space must be located in a building;
(F)If the lot has a semi-detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres per semi-detached house and 7.5 metres for each dwelling unit; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 510 square metres per semi-detached house and 255 square metres for each dwelling unit; and
(G)If the lot has a detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 7.5 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 255 square metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(172)Exception RS 172
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(G)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line that abuts a street; and
(H)The required parking space must be located in a building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(173)Exception RS 173
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(C)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Steeles Ave., Warden Ave. or Kennedy Rd. is 7.5 metres;
(D)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(E)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(F)If the lot has a semi-detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 15.5 metres per semi-detached house and 7.7 metres for each dwelling unit; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 529 square metres per semi-detached house and 264 square metres for each dwelling unit; and
(G)If the lot has a detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 7.7 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 264 square metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(174)Exception RS 174
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(175)Exception RS 175
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(G)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(I)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line that abuts a street.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(176)Exception RS 176
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Braymore Blvd. is 7.5 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(H)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(I)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(J)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line that abuts a street.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(177)Exception RS 177
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 metres where the front lot line abuts Braymore Blvd. Or Dean Park Road.; and [ By-law: 451-2022 ]
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(G)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 40%; and
(I)The required parking space must be located in the residential building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(178)Exception RS 178
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(G)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 40%; and
(I)The required parking space must be located in the residential building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(179)Exception RS 179
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 17.4 metres for a semi-detached house and 8.7 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 400 square metres for a semi-detached house and 200 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 8.7 metres and the minimum lot area is 200 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a rear lot line is 7.25 metres;
(G)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 5.7 metres from a lot line that abuts a street;
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 55%; and
(I)The maximum height of a building is 12.5 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(180)Exception RS 180
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a rear lot line is 7.25 metres;
(C)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 5.7 metres from a lot line that abuts a street;
(D)The maximum lot coverage is 55%;
(E)The maximum height of a building 12.5 metres;
(F)If the lot has a semi-detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 17.4 metres for a semi-detached house and 8.7 metres for each dwelling unit;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 400 square metres for a semi-detached house and 200 square metres for each dwelling unit; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres; and
(G)If the lot has a detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 10.7 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 250 square metres; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres on one side and 0.6 metres on the other side.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(181)Exception RS 181
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one dwelling unit per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 4.5 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres on one side and 0.3 metres on the other side and nothing may encroach into that setback area;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(H)The maximum height of the a building is the lesser of 3 storeys or 9.5 metres;
(I)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line that abuts a street; and
(J)The required parking space must be located in the residential building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(182)Eception RS 182
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one dwelling unit per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The required parking space must be located in a building;
(E)The maximum height of the a building is the lesser of 3 storeys or 9.5 metres; and
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 50%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Schedule "C" Exception 24, of former City of Scarborough by-law 12077. [ By-law: 451-2022 ]
(185)Exception RS 185
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one dwelling unit in a semi-detached house per lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(D)If the common wall of the semi-detach house does not exist above grade the minimum separation between the mains walls is 1.2 metres;
(E)The maximum height of a building is 12.5 metres; and
(F)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 5.7 metres from a lot line that abuts a street.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(186)Exception RS 186
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one dwelling unit per lot shown on the registered plan and located in either a detached house or a semi-detached house;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(C)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 5.7 metres from a lot line that abuts a street;
(D)The maximum height of a building is 12.5 metres;
(E)A lot with a semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres; and
(ii)If the common wall of the semi-detach house does not exist above grade the minimum separation between the main walls is 1.2 metres; and
(F)A lot with a detached house, the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres on one side and 0.6 metres on the other side.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(187)Exception RS 187
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one dwelling unit per lot shown on the registered plan and located in either a detached house or a semi-detached house;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(C)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 5.7 metres from a lot line that abuts a street;
(C)A lot with a semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)a maximum of one dwelling unit per lot shown on the registered plan and located in a semi-detached house;
(ii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres; and
(iii)If the common wall of the semi-detach house does not exist above grade the minimum separation between the walls is 1.2 metres; and
(D)The maximum height of a building is 12.5 metres;
(D)A lot with a detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 220 square metres; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres on one side and 0.6 metres on the other side.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(188)Exception RS 188
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Former City of North York by-law 30967; and
(B)Schedule 'D' Airport Hazard Map from City of North York zoning by-law 7625.
(189)Exception RS 189
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Section 64.17(21) of the former City of North York zoning by-law 7625.
(190)Exception RS 190
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)In all cases the following applies:
(i)the minimum building setback from a front lot line that abuts Birchmount Rd., St. Clair Ave., Danforth Rd. or Kennedy Rd. is 22 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street; and
(ii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 1.5 metres;
(B)If the lot has a detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 7.5 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 260 square metres; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.45 metres; [ By-law: 801-2020 ]
(C)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to the lot or lots containing the whole of the building:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 483 square metres; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres; and [ By-law: 1774-2019 ]
(D)If a lot has a semi-detached house the following applies to each part of the building with a dwelling unit:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 7.5 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 240 square metres. [ By-law: 1774-2019 ]
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(191)Exception RS 191
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)The City of Toronto by-law 1207-2009; and
(B)On 115 Torbarrie Rd., Section 64.17(36) of the former City of North York zoning by-law 7625.
(192)Exception RS 192
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)City of Toronto by-law 276-2002.
(196)Exception RS 196
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a side lot line abutting a street is 3.0 metres;
(B)The maximum lot coverage is 45%;
(C)A lot with a semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres per semi-detached house and 7.5 metres for each dwelling unit;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 495 square metres per semi-detached house and 245 square metres for each dwelling unit; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres; and
(D)A lot with a detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 270 square metres;
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres on one side and 0.3 metres on the other side; and [ By-law: 451-2022 ]
(iv)the minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(197)Exception RS 197
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)A main wall of a garage must be set back a minimum of 8.5 metres from a lot line that abuts a street;
(C)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336);
(D)If the lot has a semi-detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 20.0 metres per semi-detached house and 10.0 metres for each dwelling unit; and
(ii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.8 metres; and
(E)If the lot has a detached house the following applies:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 10.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.8 metres on one side and 0.3 metres on the other side.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(199)Exception RS 199
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(F)For a garage the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.3 metres;
(G)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line that abuts a street;
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(I)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(J)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(200)Exception RS 200
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)26 metres where the front lot line abuts Midland Ave., Brimley Rd., Middlefield Rd. or McNicoll Ave., measured from the original centreline of the street; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(C)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 metres where the side lot line abuts Midland Ave., Brimley Rd., Middlefield Rd. or McNicoll Ave.; and
(ii)4.5 metres in all other cases where the side lot line abuts a street;
(D)The maximum lot coverage is 60%;
(E)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(F)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336);
(G)A lot with a semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres per semi-detached house and 7.5 metres for each dwelling unit;
(ii)on a corner lot the minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres; and
(iii)the minimum lot area is 510 square metres per semi-detached house and 250 square metres for each dwelling unit; and
(H)A lot with a detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 7.5 metres;
(ii)on a corner lot the minimum lot frontage is 10.5 metres; and
(iii)the minimum lot area is 250 square metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(201)Exception RS 201
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)26 metres where the front lot line abuts Midland Ave., Brimley Rd., Middlefield Rd. or McNicoll Ave., measured from the original centreline of the street; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 metres where the side lot line abuts Midland Ave., Brimley Rd., Middlefield Rd. or McNicoll Ave.; and
(ii)4.5 metres in all other cases;
(D)The maximum lot coverage is 60%;
(E)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(F)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336);
(G)A lot with a semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 10.5 metres per semi-detached house and 5.25 metres for each dwelling unit; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 510 square metres per semi-detached house and 250 square metres for each dwelling unit; and
(H)A lot with a detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 5.25 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 250 square metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(202)Exception RS 202
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)7.5 metre if front lot line abuts Middlefield Rd. or McNicoll Ave.;
(ii)for the odd numbered lots municipally known as 55 to 95 Treetops Ct., 127 to 137 Valley Stream Dr., and 27 to 33 Green Spring Dr., and the even numbered lots 28 to 30 Muirlands Dr., 200 to 202 Ingleton Blvd., 48, 50, 82 and 84 Green Springs Dr., the minimum building setback from the front lot line is 4.5 metres, but the portion of the main wall with an entrance to a parking space must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres; and
(iii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 metres where the side lot line abuts Middlefield Rd. or McNicoll Ave.; and
(ii)4.5 metres in all other cases;
(G)For a garage the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.3 metres;
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(I)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(J)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(203)Exception RS 203
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)7.5 metre if it abuts Middlefield Rd. or McNicoll Ave.; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 metres where the side lot line abuts Middlefield Rd. or McNicoll Ave.; and
(ii)4.5 metres in all other cases;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(H)For a garage the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.3 metres;
(I)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(J)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(204)Exception RS 204
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)7.5 metre if it abuts Middlefield Rd. or McNicoll Ave.; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 metres where the side lot line abuts Middlefield Rd. or McNicoll Ave.; and
(ii)3.0 metres in all other cases;
(D)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line that abuts a street;
(E)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(F)For a garage the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.3 metres;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336);
(I)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan; and
(J)If a lot has a detached house it must comply to the following:
(i)The minimum lot frontage is 6.0 metres; and
(ii)The minimum lot area is 209 square metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(205)Exception RS 205
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(E)For a garage the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.3 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(206)Exception RS 206
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)7.5 metres where the front lot line abuts Brimley Rd. or Midland Ave.; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 metres where the lot line abuts Brimley Rd. or Midland Ave.; and
(ii)4.5 metres in all other cases;
(G)For a garage the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.3 metres;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(I)The maximum lot coverage is 50%; and
(J)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(208)Exception RS 208
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house on a lot shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres on one side only;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(F)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line that abuts a street;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(H)The required parking space must be located in a building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(209)Exception RS 209
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 60%;
(D)For a garage the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.3 metres;
(E)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(F)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336);
(G)A lot with a semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres per semi-detached house and 7.5 metres for each dwelling unit;
(ii)For a corner lot the minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 10.5 metres for the dwelling unit abutting the flankage side yard; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 510 square metres per semi-detached house and 250 square metres for each dwelling unit; and
(H)A lot with a detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres for a corner lot and 7.5 metres in all other cases; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 250 square metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(210)Exception RS 210
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Sections 64.17(7), 64.17(16), and 64.17(23) of the City of North York zoning by-law 7625.
(211)Exception RS 211
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)City of Toronto by-law 159-2002 (OMB).
(212)Exception RS 212
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Section 64.17(11) of the City of North York zoning by-law 7625.
(213)Exception RS 213
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(B)The minimum front yard setback is 6 metres;
(C)The minimum rear yard setback is 7.5 metres; and
(D)The minimum side yard setback is 1.2 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(214)Exception RS 214
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On 339 1/2 and 339A Dawes Rd., Section, of the former Borough of East York zoning by-law 6752.
(215)Exception RS 215
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On 57-63 Chapman Ave., Section, of the former Borough of East York zoning by-law 6752.
(216)Exception RS 216
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On 45 and 47 Torrens Ave., Section, of the former Borough of East York zoning by-law 6752.
(217)Exception RS 217
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On 241 King Edward Ave., Section, of the former Borough of East York zoning by-law 6752. [ By-law: 607-2015 ]
(218)Exception RS 218
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On 127 and 129 Torrens Ave., Section, of the former Borough of East York zoning by-law 6752.
(219)Exception RS 219
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On 53-55 Rayoak Dr., Section 64.17(10) of the City of North York zoning by-law 7625.
(220)Exception RS 220
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On 264 Monarch Ave., Section, of the former Borough of East York zoning by-law 6752.
(221)Exception RS 221
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On 153 Torrens Ave., Section, of the former Borough of East York zoning by-law 6752.
(222)Exception RS 222
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Section 64.17(11) of the City of North York zoning by-law 7625.
(223)Exception RS 223
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On 189 Woodville Avenue, Section 12.1.34, of the former Borough of East York zoning by-law 6752.
(224)Exception RS 224
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On 551 Sammon Ave., Section 12.1.35, of the former Borough of East York zoning by-law 6752.
(225)Exception RS 225
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On 90 Leroy Ave., Section, of the former Borough of East York zoning by-law 6752.
(226)Exception RS 226
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On 54 Holborne Ave., Section, of the former Borough of East York zoning by-law 6752.
(227)Exception RS 227
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On 1141 Broadview Ave., Section, of the former Borough of East York zoning by-law 6752.
(228)Exception RS 228
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Section 16(201) of the former City of York zoning by-law 1-83.
(229)Exception RS 229
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(G)A garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(230)Exception RS 230
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 5.7 metres;
(F)A garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(G)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(231)Exception RS 231
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres per semi-detached house and 7.5 metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)The minimum lot area is 555 square metres per semi-detached house and 275 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 metres if the lot line abuts Kennedy Rd. or Finch Ave.; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(E)Despite (D) the side main wall of a garage must be at least 3.0 metres from a side lot line that abuts a street;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(232)Exception RS 232
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 meters where the lot line abuts Warden Ave.; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(G)A garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(233)Exception RS 233
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(G)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(234)Exception RS 234
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres per semi-detached house and 7.5 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 305 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(F)A garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(235)Exception RS 235
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 305 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(G)A garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(236)Exception RS 236
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(G)A garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(237)Exception RS 237
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)7.5 metres when the lot line abuts Davisbrook Boulevard; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(H)A garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(I)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(J)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(238)Exception RS 238
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 meters where the lot line abuts Warden Ave.; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(D)A garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(E)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(F)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(239)Exception RS 239
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 3.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(C)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line that abuts a street;
(D)The maximum lot coverage is 50%; and
(E)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(240)Exception RS 240
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 3.0 metres;
(B)If the vehicle entrance to a garage also faces the street, the entrance must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line that abuts a street;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(D)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336);
(E)A lot with a semi-detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres per semi-detached house and 7.5 metres for each dwelling unit;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 600 square metres per semi-detached house and 300 square metres for each dwelling unit; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres; and
(F)A lot with a detached house must comply with the following:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 7.5 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 300 square metres; and
(iii)the minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres on one side only.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(241)Exception RS 241
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)City of Toronto by-law 799-2004; and
(B)Schedule 'D' Airport Hazard Map from City of North York zoning by-law 7625.
(242)Exception RS 242
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Former City of North York by-law 31426; and
(B)Schedule 'D' Airport Hazard Map from City of North York zoning by-law 7625.
(243)Exception RS 243
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On 1150 Woodbine Ave., Section, of the former Borough of East York zoning by-law 6752.
(244)Exception RS 244
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On 41 to 63 Halsey Ave., Section, of the former Borough of East York zoning by-law 6752.
(245)Exception RS 245
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)For a semi-detached houses:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 11.0 metres;
(ii)the maximum height of a building is 11.0 metres and not more than 3 storeys;
(iii)the maximum floor space index is 0.94;
(iv)the minimum front yard setback is 3.0 metres;
(v)the minimum rear yard setback is 6.0 metres;
(vi)the minimum side yard setback is 0.6 metres, except the northerly most semi-detached house on a lot which the minimum north side yard setback is 3.0 metres;
(vii)the semi-detached house must front onto Wright Ave. or Gibson Ave.; and
(viii)the vehicle access to the parking spaces on the lots with semi-detached house must be from the public lane at the rear of the lots;
(B)religious residence must:
(i)be of a lot with:
(a)a minimum lot frontage of 45.0 metres on Pine St.;
(b)a minimum front yard setback of 4.0 metres;
(c)a minimum rear yard setback of 20.0 metres;
(d)a minimum side yard setback of 6.0 metres;
(e)only one driveway access and it must be on Pine St.; and
(f)a minimum of 12 parking space of which 1 must be an accessible parking space; and
(ii)be in a building that has:
(a)a maximum height of a building is 15.0 metres and not more than 3 storeys;
(b)a maximum floor space index of 1.15; and
(c)the maximum gross floor area for ancillary commercial and workshop uses in the religious residence of 950 square metres; and
(C)A portion of the lands at the rear of the semi-detached lots and the religious residence must be conveyed to the City of Toronto and dedicated by City by-law for a minimum 9.15 metre wide public lane. A 0.3 metre wide portion of land across the terminus of the public lane at Pine St. and the north limit of the lands must be conveyed to the City for reserve purposes.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(246)Exception RS 246
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum front yard setback from the street line of Jane St. is 6.0 metres; and [ By-law: 607-2015 ]
(B)The minimum lot frontage is 8.0 metres for a detached house. [ By-law: 607-2015 ]
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(247)Exception RS 247
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A detached house is permitted on a lot if:
(i)the maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(ii)the maximum height of a building is 9.3 metres to the mid-point of the roof;
(iii)the maximum floor space index is 1.0;
(iv)the minimum front yard setback is 6.0 metres;
(v)the minimum rear yard setback is 6.0 metres; [ By-law: 607-2015 ]
(vi)the minimum side yard setback is 0.6 metres on one side and 1.2 metres on the other side; and [ By-law: 607-2015 ]
(vii)the minimum lot frontage is 8.0 metres. [ By-law: 607-2015 ]
(B)A semi-detached house is permitted on a lot if:
(i)the maximum lot coverage is 45%;
(ii)the maximum height of a building is 9.3 metres to the mid-point of the roof;
(iii)the maximum floor space index is 1.0;
(iv)the minimum front yard setback is 6.0 metres
(v)the minimum rear yard setback is 6.0 metres; and
(vi)the minimum side yard setback is 1.2 metres; and
(C)Each dwelling unit must have a private garage.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(248)Exception RS 248
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On 65 and 67 Chapman Ave., Section, of the former Borough of East York zoning by-law 6752.
(251)Exception RS 251
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 610 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 305 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)A garage must be set back from a side lot line that does not abut a street a minimum of 0.3 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(H)Underground parking structures may be located in a required yard if they are set back from a lot line that abuts a street the greater of:
(i)3.0 metres; and
(ii)a distance equal to the distance between the elevation of the surface of the lowest floor of the parking structure and the elevation of grade at the front lot line; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(252)Exception RS 252
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 metres, where the lot line abuts Finch Ave., Placentia Blvd. or Middlefield Rd.; and
(ii)6.0 metres where the lot line abuts any other street;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(G)A garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(253)Exception RS 253
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 610 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 305 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is
(i)7.5 metres, where the lot line abuts Placentia Blvd. or Middlefield Rd.; and
(ii)6.0 metres where the lot line abuts any other street;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(G)A garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(I)Underground parking structures may be located in a required yard if they are set back from a lot line that abuts a street a distance equal to the distance between the elevation of the surface of the lowest floor of the parking structure and the elevation of grade at the front lot line; and
(J)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(254)Exception RS 254
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 metres, where the lot line abuts Placentia Blvd. or Middlefield Rd.;
(ii)6.0 metres where the lot line abuts any other street;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(G)A garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(255)Exception RS 255
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 metres, where the lot line abuts Finch Ave., McCowan Rd. or Middlefield Rd.; and
(ii)6.0 metres where the lot line abuts any other street;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(G)A garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(256)Exception RS 256
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 metres where the lot line abuts Finch Ave., Brimley Rd. or Midland Ave.;
(ii)6.0 metres where the lot line abuts Alexmuir Blvd., Cleadon Rd. or South Shields Ave.; and
(iii)3.6 metres where the lot line abuts any other street;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(G)A garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(257)Exception RS 257
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 557 square metres per semi-detached house and 277 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 277 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(F)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(G)Underground parking structures may be located in a required yard if they are set back from a lot line that abuts a street the greater of:
(i)3.0 metres; and
(ii)a distance equal to the distance between the elevation of the surface of the lowest floor of the parking structure and the elevation of grade at the front lot line; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(258)Exception RS 258
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 16.5 metres per semi-detached house and 8.25 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 557 square metres per semi-detached house and 277 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 8.25 metres and the minimum lot area is 277 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(H)Underground parking structures may be located in a required yard if they are set back from a lot line that abuts a street the greater of:
(i)3.0 metres; and
(ii)a distance equal to the distance between the elevation of the surface of the lowest floor of the parking structure and the elevation of grade at the front lot line; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(259)Exception RS 259
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 0.9 metres;
(E)A garage must be set back from a side lot line that does not abut a street a minimum of 0.3 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(260)Exception RS 260
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 metres where the lot line abuts McCowan Rd., Brimley Rd. or Brimwood Blvd.; and
(ii)6.0 metres where the lot line abuts any other street;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(G)A garage must be set back from a side lot line that does not abut a street a minimum of 0.3 metres; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(261)Exception RS 261
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(G)The portion of main wall with the entrance to a parking space must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line abutting a street;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(262)Exception RS 262
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(263)Exception RS 263
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres per semi-detached house and 7.5 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 510 square metres per semi-detached house and 255 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 7.5 metres and the minimum lot area is 255 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(G)The portion of main wall with the entrance to a parking space must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line abutting a street;
(H)The required parking space must be located in a building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(264)Exception RS 264
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 305 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(G)The portion of main wall with the entrance to a parking space must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line abutting a street;
(H)The required parking space must be located in a building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(265)Exception RS 265
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres;
(F)A garage must be set back from a side lot line that does not abut a street a minimum of 0.3 metres;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(266)Exception RS 266
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres per semi-detached house and 7.5 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 510 square metres per semi-detached house and 255 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 7.5 metres and the minimum lot area is 255 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres;
(F)A garage must be set back from a side lot line that does not abut a street a minimum of 0.3 metres;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(267)Exception RS 267
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 metres where the lot line abuts White Heather Boulevard, McCowan Rd. or Richmond Park Boulevard; and
(ii)6.0 metres where the lot line abuts any other street;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(G)A garage must be set back from a side lot line that does not abut a street a minimum of 0.3 metres;
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(I)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(J)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(268)Exception RS 268
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)9.0 metres where the lot line abuts Sandhurst Circle;
(ii)7.5 metres where the lot line abuts White Heather Boulevard; and
(iii)6.0 metres where the lot line abuts any other street;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres:
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)6.0 metres where the lot line abuts Sandhurst Circle; and
(ii)3.5 metres where the lot line abuts any other street;
(G)A garage must be set back from a side lot line that does not abut a street a minimum of 0.3 metres;
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(I)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(J)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(269)Exception RS 269
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)A garage must be set back from a side lot line that does not abut a street a minimum of 0.3 metres;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(270)Exception RS 270
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)A garage must be set back from a side lot line that does not abut a street a minimum of 0.3 metres;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(271)Exception RS 271
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)A garage must be set back from a side lot line that does not abut a street a minimum of 0.3 metres;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(272)Exception RS 272
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 metres, where the lot line abuts Finch Ave., McCowan Rd. or Sandhurst Circle; and
(ii)6.0 metres where the lot line abuts any other street;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(H)A garage must be set back from a side lot line that does not abut a street a minimum of 0.3 metres; and
(I)The required parking space must be located in the residential building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(273)Exception RS 273
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)12.0 metres where the lot line abuts Huntingwood Dr.;
(ii)18.0 metres where the lot line abuts McCowan Rd.; and
(iii)4.5 metres in all other cases;
(E)The minimum building setback from a rear lot line that abuts:
(i)Huntingwood Dr. is 12.0 metres; and
(ii)McCowan Rd. is 18.0 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(G)A garage must be set back from a side lot line that does not abut a street a minimum of 0.3 metres;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(274)Exception RS 274
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 19.5 metres per semi-detached house and 9.75 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 929 square metres per semi-detached house and 464 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.75 metres and the minimum lot area is 464 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)36.0 metres where the lot line abuts Finch Ave. or McCowan Rd.; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(G)A garage must be set back from a side lot line that does not abut a street a minimum of 0.3 metres;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(I)Underground parking structures may be located in a required yard if they are set back from a lot line that abuts a street the greater of:
(i)3.0 metres; and
(ii)a distance equal to the distance between the elevation of the surface of the lowest floor of the parking structure and the elevation of grade at the front lot line; and
(J)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(275)Exception RS 275
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Former City of North York by-law 12078.
(276)Exception RS 276
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Sections 16(13) and 16(17) of the former City of York zoning by-law 1-83.
(277)Exception RS 277
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units for each lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)18.0 metres if the lot line abuts Victoria Park Ave.;
(ii)7.5 metres if the lot line abuts Chester Le Blvd. and Pharmacy Ave.; and
(iii)6.0 metres from any other street;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(G)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(278)Exception RS 278
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres for a semi-detached house, and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 613 square metres for a semi-detached house, and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 305 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 metres if the lot line abuts Victoria Park Ave. or Chester Le Blvd.; and
(ii)6.0 metres from any other street;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(H)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(I)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(J)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(279)Exception RS 279
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units for each lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line; and
(G)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(280)Exception RS 280
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units for each lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(281)Exception RS 281
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units for each lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a Pharmacy Ave. or Warden Ave. is 7.5 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(G)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(282)Exception RS 282
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units for each lot on a registered plan;
(D)The portion of main wall with the entrance to a parking space must be set back a minimum of 5.7 metres from a lot line that abuts a street;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 45%;
(H)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(I)A garage must not have an interior width greater than 3.5 metres for each dwelling unit; and
(J)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(283)Exception RS 283
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A maximum of two dwelling units for each lot on a registered plan;
(B)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)7.5 metres if it abuts LaPeer Blvd.; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(E)The maximum lot coverage is 45%;
(F)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(G)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(284)Exception RS 284
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units for each lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 metres if the lot line abuts Birchmount Rd., Brookmill Blvd. or LaPeer Blvd.; and
(ii)6.0 metres from any other street;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(H)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(I)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(J)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(285)Exception RS 285
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres for a semi-detached house, and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)For a corner lot the minimum lot frontage is 21.0 metres for a semi-detached house;
(C)The minimum lot area is 557 square metres for a semi-detached house, and 278 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(D)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 278 square metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 metres if the lot line abuts Birchmount Rd., L'Amoreaux Drive; and
(ii)6.0 metres from any other street;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(G)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(H)The minimum building setback from a rear lot line is 6.0 metres;
(I)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(J)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(K)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(286)Exception RS 286
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres for a semi-detached house, and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 613 square metres for a semi-detached house, and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 305 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 7.5 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a rear lot line is 6.0 metres;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(287)Exception RS 287
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units for each lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 3.6 metres;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(288)Exception RS 288
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units for each lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)18.0 metres if the lot line abuts Finch Ave. or Birchmount Rd.;
(ii)7.5 metres if the lot line abuts Silver Springs Boulevard, Dancy Avenue, Kennedy Rd. or Wayside Avenue; and
(iii)6.0 metres from any other street;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(G)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(I)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(J)Underground parking structures may be located in a required yard if they are set back from a lot line that abuts a street the greater of:
(i)3.0 metres; and
(ii)a distance equal to the distance between the elevation of the surface of the lowest floor of the parking structure and the elevation of grade at the front lot line; and
(K)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(289)Exception RS 289
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres for a semi-detached house, and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres;
(C)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)18.0 metres if the lot line abuts Finch Ave. or Kennedy Rd.;
(ii)12.0 metres if the lot line abuts Silver Springs Boulevard, Dancy Avenue, Birchmount Rd.; and
(iii)6.0 metres from any other street;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(G)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(I)Underground parking structures may be located in a required yard if they are set back from a lot line that abuts a street the greater of:
(i)3.0 metres; and
(ii)a distance equal to the distance between the elevation of the surface of the lowest floor of the parking structure and the elevation of grade at the front lot line; and
(J)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(290)Exception RS 290
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres for a semi-detached house, and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 613 square metres for a semi-detached house, and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 305 square metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)18.0 metres if the lot line abuts Finch Ave. or Birchmount Rd.;
(ii)7.5 metres if the lot line abuts Silver Springs Boulevard, Dancy Avenue, Kennedy Rd. or Wayside Avenue; and
(iii)6.0 metres from any other street;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(H)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(I)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(J)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(291)Exception RS 291
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units for each lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)18.0 metres if the lot line abuts Finch Ave. or Birchmount Rd.;
(ii)7.5 metres if the lot line abuts Silver Springs Boulevard, Dancy Avenue, Kennedy Rd. or Wayside Avenue; and
(iii)6.0 metres from any other street;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(H)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(I)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(J)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(292)Exception RS 292
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 16.5 metres for a semi-detached house, and 8.25 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(E)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(F)Underground parking structures may be located in a required yard if they are set back from a lot line that abuts a street the greater of:
(i)3.0 metres; and
(ii)a distance equal to the distance between the elevation of the surface of the lowest floor of the parking structure and the elevation of grade at the front lot line; and
(G)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(293)Exception RS 293
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Sections 16(111) and 16(118) of the former City of York zoning by-law 1-83.
(294)Exception RS 294
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On 55 Hagar Avenue, Section 16(314) of the former City of York zoning by-law 1-83.
(295)Exception RS 295
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)7.5 metres if the lot line abuts Corinthian Boulevard; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(G)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(H)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(296)Exception RS 296
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 40%; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(297)Exception RS 297
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line 1.0 metres on one side only, and nothing may encroach into this required yard setback;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(E)The portion of main wall with the entrance to a parking space must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line abutting a street;
(F)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(I)The maximum height of a building is the lesser of 2 storeys and 9.0 metres; and
(J)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(298)Exception RS 298
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 22.5 metres per semi-detached house and 11.25 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 929 square metres per semi-detached house and 460 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 40%; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(299)Exception RS 299
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)5.7 metres for the portion of a main wall with the entrance to a parking space; and
(ii)6.0 metres for all other parts of the building;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line 1.2 metres;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)3.0 metres if the lot line abuts Pinemeadow Blvd. or Collingsbrook Blvd.; and
(ii)4.5 metres in all other cases;
(G)The minimum building setback from a rear lot line is 6.0 metres;
(H)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(I)The maximum lot coverage is 45%; and
(J)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(300)Exception RS 300
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 16.5 metres per semi-detached house and 8.25 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line 1.2 metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(E)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(F)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(G)The maximum lot coverage is 40%; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(301)Exception RS 301
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)36.0 metres if the lot line abuts Victoria Park Ave., Warden Ave., Kennedy Rd. or Sheppard Ave., measured from the original centreline of the street; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line 1.2 metres;
(E)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(F)Underground parking structures may be located in a required yard if they are set back from a lot line that abuts a street the greater of:
(i)3.0 metres; and
(ii)a distance equal to the distance between the elevation of the surface of the lowest floor of the parking structure and the elevation of grade at the front lot line; and
(G)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(302)Exception RS 302
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 15.0 metres per semi-detached house and 7.5 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)36.0 metres if the lot line abuts Victoria Park Ave., Warden Ave., Kennedy Rd. or Sheppard Ave., measured from the original centreline of the street; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line 1.2 metres;
(E)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(F)Underground parking structures may be located in a required yard if they are set back from a lot line that abuts a street the greater of:
(i)3.0 metres; and
(ii)a distance equal to the distance between the elevation of the surface of the lowest floor of the parking structure and the elevation of grade at the front lot line; and
(G)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(303)Exception RS 303
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line 1.2 metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(E)The portion of main wall with the entrance to a parking space must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from a lot line abutting a street;
(F)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 40%; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(304)Exception RS 304
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)18.0 metres if the lot line abuts Victoria Park Ave.;
(ii)7.5 metres if the lot line abuts Chester Le Blvd. or Pharmacy Ave.; and
(iii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line 1.2 metres;
(F)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 40%; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(305)Exception RS 305
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(306)Exception RS 306
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 40%; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(307)Exception RS 307
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum required lot frontage is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum required lot area is that which existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)A maximum of two dwelling units per lot on a registered plan;
(D)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(E)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(F)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(308)Exception RS 308
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line 1.2 metres;
(D)A garage must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(E)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 40%; and
(G)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(309)Exception RS 309
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On 1207 Roselawn Ave. and 80-88 Miranda Avenue, Section 16(356) of the former City of York zoning by-law 1-83.
(310)Exception RS 310
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)25.0 metres if the lot line abuts Lawson Rd., Colonel Danforth Trail, Meadowvale Rd., Centennial Rd. or Pickering Town Line, measured from the original centreline of the street; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(F)An attached garage must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line that does not abut a street; and
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(311)Exception RS 311
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)On 203, 205 and 207 Raglan Ave., Section 16(413) of the former City of York zoning by-law 1-83.
(312)Exception RS 312
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot area is 185 square metres for a detached house; and
(B)The minimum lot frontage is 6.0 metres for a detached house.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(314)Exception RS 314
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)There is a maximum of one semi-detached house per lot as shown on the registered plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this by-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this by-law;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 meters;
(F)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Washburn Way is 7.5 metres;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 40%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(315)Exception RS 315
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)A detached house may have along one side yard, a side yard setback of 0.0 metres if a maintenance easement of 1.0 metre is provided on the adjacent lot;
(B)Other than the permission in regulation (A) above, the minimum side yard setback is 1.0 metre;
(C)For flanking lots the minimum side yard setback is 3.0 metres unless a lot flanks onto Finch Ave. W. in which case the minimum side yard setback is 6.0 metres; and
(D)The building height must not exceed three storeys.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(317)Exception RS 317
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from the lot line that abuts a street is:
(i)22.0 metres, measured from the original centerline of the street if the lot line abuts Birchmount Rd.; and
(ii)16.0 metres from all other streets;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is:
(i)2.4 metres if the side lot line abuts a street; and
(ii)1.2 metres in all other cases;
(C)If the lot has a detached house then:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 13.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 464 square metres; and
(D)If the lot has a semi-detached house then:
(i)the minimum lot frontage for the whole of the building is 18.0 metres and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit in the building; and
(ii)the minimum lot area for the whole of the building is 613 square metres, and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(318)Exception RS 318
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
The lands subject to this exception must collectively comply with all the following:
(A)A maximum of two dwelling units on each lot as shown on the Registered Plan;
(B)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)7.5 metres if the lot line abuts Brimley Rd. or Midland Ave.; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is:
(i)4.5 metres if the lot line abuts a street; and
(ii)0.9 metres in all other cases;
(D)The part of the building with the parking space must be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line, if it is not fully attached to the part of the building on the abutting lot, that contains the parking space;
(E)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(F)The minimum building setback from a lot line for a below grade parking structures is the greater of:
(i)3.0 metres; or
(ii)a distance equal to half the vertical distance from the elevation of the surface of the lowest floor of the structure to the elevation of the average elevation of grade at the front lot line;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(319)Exception RS 319
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(B)The part of a main wall that has an entrance to a parking space must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from the lot line that it faces;
(C)A minimum building setback of 1.0 metre is required from one side lot line only and nothing may encroach into the required side yard;
(D)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(E)The maximum number of storeys is 2; and
(F)The required parking space must be located in a building.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(320)Exception RS 320
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 6.0 metres;
(B)A minimum building setback of 1.0 metre is required from one side lot line only and nothing may encroach into the required side yard;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(D)The maximum number of storeys is 2;
(E)The required parking space must be located in a building;
(F)The minimum lot frontage for each dwelling unit is 7.5 metres; and
(G)The minimum lot area for each dwelling unit is 340 square metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(321)Exception RS 321
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is:
(i)15.0 metres for a semi-detached house and 7.5 metres for each dwelling unit; and
(ii)9.0 metre for a detached house;
(B)The minimum lot area is:
(i)450.0 square metres for each semi-detached house and 225.0 square metres for each dwelling unit; and
(ii)270.0 square metres for each detached house;
(C)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(D)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(E)The part of a main wall that has an entrance to a parking space must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from the lot line that it faces;
(F)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that does not abut a street is:
(i)1.2 metres on one side and 0.6 metres on the other side for detached house; and
(ii)1.2 metres for a semi-detached house;
(G)The maximum number of storeys is 2;
(H)Despite regulations in this By-law to the contrary, the minimum dimensions for a parking space in an attached garage is 3.0 metres in width and 6.0 metres in length and a step having maximum dimensions of 0.31 metres wide by 0.92 metres long and 21 cm high is permitted to encroach within the area of a parking space; and
(I)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(J)Schedule "C" Exception 57, of former City of Scarborough by-law 9396.
(322)Exception RS 322
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 3.0 metres;
(B)The part of a main wall that has an entrance to a parking space must be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from the lot line that it faces;
(C)The minimum building setback from a rear lot line is 5.0 metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.0 metres;
(E)The maximum number of storeys is 2;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 50%;
(G)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(H)The minimum lot frontage for each dwelling unit is 7.5 metres;
(I)The minimum lot area for each dwelling unit is 290 square metres; and
(J)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(323)Exception RS 323
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum separation between the side main walls of two residential buildings is 1.8 metres;
(B)The minimum separation between a side main wall and a rear main wall of two residential buildings is 8.3 metres;
(C)The minimum separation between a side main wall and a front main wall of two residential buildings is 10.4 metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from the west lot line is 12.0 metres;
(E)The maximum number of storeys is 3;
(F)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336); and
(G)Parking spaces are two be provided at a minimum rate of 2.0 for each dwelling unit of which:
(i)a minimum of 2 surface parking spaces must be provided for detached houses where any portion of such detached house is situated within 15 metres of Scarborough Golf Club Rd.; and
(ii)in all other cases 1 parking space must be within a building and accessed by a driveway having a minimum width of 6.0 metres; and the second parking space may be located on a driveway in tandem with the enclosed space.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Schedule "C" Exception 46, of former City of Scarborough by-law 10010.
(324)Exception RS 324
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage:
(i)for a semi-detached house is 18.0 metres for the building and 9.0 metres for each welling unit; and
(ii)for a duplex building is 18.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a lot line abutting a street is 30.0 metres, measured from the original centre line of the street, if the lot line abuts Lawrence Ave., Ellesmere Rd. and Kennedy Rd.;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres; and
(D)In addition to the types of residential buildings permitted in this zone, a duplex is also permitted.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(325)Exception RS 325
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is the lawful lot frontage that existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum lot area is the lawful area of the lot as it existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)5.7 for that portion of the main wall with an entrance to a parking space; and
(ii)6.0 metres in all other cases;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(E)Attached garages may be erected not less than 300 mm from the side lot line, and if there is an unobstructed doorway leading from the garage to the rear yard;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 45%;
(G)In addition to the types of residential buildings permitted in this zone, a duplex is also permitted; and
(H)A garage serving a dwelling unit in a duplex building must not contain more than one parking space.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(326)Exception RS 326
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is the lawful lot frontage that existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum lot area is the lawful area of the lot as it existed on the date of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a street is 6.0 metres;
(D)The minimum building setback from a lot line that does not abut a street is 1.2 metres;
(E)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(F)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(G)The portion of the main building with the parking space may be located a minimum of 0.3 metres form a side lot line.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)None of the regulations of Clause and regulation (1) and (3) prevent the erection or use of a building, structure, addition or enlargement, if it complies with (B) to (F) below; [By-law 446-2017]
(B)Despite Clause, the only permitted residential building type for a dwelling unit is a semi-detached house; [By-law 446-2017]

(C)The maximum height of a building or structure is 10.0 metres; [By-law 446-2017]
(D)On Block A as identified on Diagram 3 of By-law 1020-2014, as amended, the following regulations apply: [By-law 446-2017]

(i)Maximum two dwelling units per lot on the Registered Plan with a minimum lot area of 322 square metres for each dwelling unit; [By-law 446-2017]
(ii)Minimum front yard setback is 3.0 metres; [By-law 446-2017]
(iii)Minimum side yard setback is 1.2 metres; and [By-law 446-2017]
(iv)Maximum 40 percent lot coverage. [By-law 446-2017]
(E)On Block B as identified on Diagram 3 of By-law 1020-2014, as amended, the following regulations apply: [By-law 446-2017]
(i)Maximum two dwelling units per lot on the Registered Plan with a minimum lot area of 249 square metres for each dwelling unit; [By-law 446-2017]
(ii)Minimum front yard setback is 5.0 metres; [By-law 446-2017]

(iii)Minimum side yard setback of 0.6 metres; and [By-law 446-2017]
(iv)Maximum 40% lot coverage; [By-law 446-2017]
(F)On Block C as identified on Diagram 1 of By-law 1020-2014, the following standards will apply: [By-law 446-2017]
(i)Maximum two dwelling units per lot on the Registered Plan with a minimum lot area of 198 square metres for each dwelling unit; [By-law 446-2017]

(ii)Minimum front yard setback is 3.0 metres; [By-law 446-2017]
(iii)Minimum side yard setback is 1.0 metre; and [By-law 446-2017]
(iv)Maximum 45% lot coverage; [By-law 446-2017]

Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
[ By-law: 1020-2014 ]
(328)Exception RS 328
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)Maximum two dwelling units per lot as shown on the Registered Plan;
(B)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law; and
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 2.4 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(329)Exception RS 329
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)If a lot has a semi-detached house, the lot must have:
(i)a minimum lot frontage of 15.0 metres measured at a distance of 4.5 metres along the entire length of the front lot line; and
(ii)a minimum lot area of 435.0 square metres;
(B)If a lot has a detached house, the lot must have:
(i)a minimum lot frontage of 9.0 metres measured at a distance of 4.5 metres along the entire length of the front lot line; and
(ii)a minimum lot area of 270.0 square metres;
(C)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)6.0 metres to the portion of the main wall that has a vehicle entrance to a parking space in the building; and
(ii)4.5 metres in all other cases;
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is:
(i)for a semi-detached house is 1.2 metres; and
(ii)for a detached house is 0.6 metres on the side where the garage is located and 1.2 metres on the other side;
(E)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 2.4 metres;
The maximum building height is 10.0 metres;
(F)The maximum gross floor area is:
(i)for a 235 square metres for a detached house; and
(ii)the lesser of 204 square metres and 0.8 times the area of the lot for a semi-detached house;
(G)For the purpose of this exception, lot frontage means the horizontal distance between side lot lines or the projection of the side lot lines, measured along a straight line drawn perpendicular to a line joining the midpoints of the front and rear lot lines at a point equivalent to the minimum front yard setback applying to the lot; and
(H)The maximum lot coverage is 50%.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(330)Exception RS 330
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)22.0 metres, measured from the original centre line of the street is the minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts Bellamy Rd., Danforth Rd., Brimley Rd., McCowan Rd. and Midland Ave.;
(B)The minimum side yard setback is 2.4 metres;
(C)The maximum lot coverage is 33%;
(D)The maximum building height is 9.0 metres;
(E)If the lot has:
(i)a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 306 square metres; and
(ii)a semi-detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres for the building and 9.0 metres for each lot with a dwelling unit; and
(F)If the lot has:
(i)a detached house the minimum lot area is 306 square metres; and
(ii)a semi-detached house, the minimum lot area is 613 square metres for the building and 306 square metres for each dwelling unit.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(331)Exception RS 331
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(B)The minimum lot area is that which existed on the day of the enactment of this By-law;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is:
(i)4.5 metres, if the side lot line abuts a street; and
(ii)1.2 metres in all other cases;
(D)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(E)The maximum building height is 9.0 metres;
(F)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(G)The portion of the building with the parking space may be set back a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line; and
(H)There must not be more than 2 dwelling units on a lot shown on the registered plan.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(332)Exception RS 332
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)If a lot has a semi-detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 16.5 metres and the minimum lot area is 557 square metres;
(B)If a lot has a detached house, the minimum lot frontage is 8.0 metres and the minimum lot area is 278 square metres;
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is 1.2 metres;
(D)The maximum building height is 9.0 metres
(E)A building may not contain more that two storeys;
(F)The maximum lot coverage is 40%;
(G)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is:
(i)12.0 metres from the street line of Lawrence Ave.;
(ii)9.0 metres from the street line of Manse Rd., Homestead Rd. and Coronation Dr.; and
(iii)6.0 metres from any other street line;
(H)The minimum building setback from a side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(I)The required parking space must be located in the residential building;
(J)The portion of a building with a parking space must be at least 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(K)A below grade structure must be set back from a lot line the greater of:
(i)3.0 metre; and
(ii)a distance equal to the distance between the elevation of the lowest floor of the structure and the average elevation of grade along the front lot line; and
(L)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(333)Exception RS 333
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from the side lot line that abuts a street is 4.5 metres;
(B)The maximum building height is 9.0 metres;
(C)If the lot has a semi-detached house the following regulations apply:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 613 square metres;
(iii)minimum building setback from a side lot line that does not abut a street is 2.4 metres; and
(iv)the minimum building setback from the easterly most lot line is 0.75 metres; and
(D)If the lot has a detached house the following regulations apply:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 13.0 metres;
(ii)the minimum lot area is 464 square metres; and
(iii)minimum building setback from a side lot line that does not abut a street is 1.2 metres.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(334)Exception RS 334
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 6.0 metres;
(B)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is:
(i)5.7 metres if the side lot line abuts a street; and
(ii)2.4 metres in all other cases;
(C)The portion of a building with a parking space may be located a minimum of 0.3 metres from a side lot line;
(D)If the lot has a semi-detached house:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 610 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(E)If the lot has a detached house:
(i)the minimum lot frontage is 9.0 metres; and
(ii)the minimum lot area is 305 square metres;
(F)The maximum building height is 9.0 metres;
(G)The maximum number of storeys is 2; and
(H)These lands must comply with exception 900.4.10(336).
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None Apply)
(336)Exception RS 336
The lands, or portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The maximum floor space index for a lot with a dwelling unit in a permitted building type is:
(i)the lesser of 0.6 times the lot area or 204 square metres, if the lot area is less than 408 square metres;
(ii)the lesser of 0.5 times the lot area or 279 square metres, if the lot area is 408 square metres to 697 square metres; and
(iii)0.4 times the lot area if the lot area is more than 697 square metres. [ By-law: 451-2022 ]
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:(None Apply)
[ By-law: 1054-2013 ]
(337)Exception RS 337
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)The minimum lot frontage is 18.0 metres per semi-detached house and 9.0 metres for each dwelling unit;
(B)The minimum lot area is 613 square metres per semi-detached house and 305 square metres for each dwelling unit;
(C)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 16.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street; and
(D)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is:
(i)5.7 metres if it abuts a street; and
(ii)2.4 metres in all other cases.
(338)Exception RS 338
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions:
(A)Maximum two dwelling units per lot as shown on the Registered Plan;
(B)The minimum building setback from a front lot line is 16.0 metres, measured from the original centreline of the street; and
(C)The minimum building setback from a side lot line is:
(i)4.5 metres if it abuts a street; and
(ii)2.4 metres in all other cases.
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections: (None)
(339)Exception RS 339
The lands, or a portion thereof as noted below, are subject to the following Site Specific Provisions, Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections.

Site Specific Provisions: (None Apply)
Prevailing By-laws and Prevailing Sections:
(A)Schedule 'D' Airport Hazard Map from City of North York zoning by-law 7625.
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