Access to records held by the City of Toronto is regulated by the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). The public has a right to see most City records, and to get copies of them (fees for photocopying may apply). There are some exceptions to public access.

Records are made available by:

  • Routine disclosure: Divisions automatically make information available to the public when it is requested, and by publishing it online or in a printed form such as brochures and reports.
  • Freedom of information request: When information is not available routinely, the public may submit a freedom of information request to the City Clerk’s Office, Corporate Information Management Services.

Routine Disclosure Plan

Economic Development and Culture Division supports open, transparent, and accountable government through the establishment of routine disclosure practices for information it has created and holds about its program and services.

Routine disclosure information not on the website can be requested directly from the Division as outlined in the chart below.

If a request for information from the program or service area has been denied, or if you are unsure where to find/access information a formal freedom of information (FOI) request can be made through the City Clerk’s Office  Access and Privacy. If a freedom of information request is denied by the City, the decision can be appealed to the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.

Information which is protected through the MFIPPA (Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act) will not be disclosed.

Business Travel Expenses

Business travel expenses related to business travel, conferences and seminars, training, hospitality and protocol, and business meetings for the Economic Development and Culture division are published semi-annually.

Economic Development and Culture Division (EDC) Information

Economic Development and Culture Division (EDC) provides a wide range of information through its four main service areas described below:

A. Business Services includes:

  • Business and Industry Advice
  • Business Training and Events
  • BIA Support and Governance
  • International Alliance
  • Business Incentives

B. Entertainment Industries Services includes:

  • Entertainment and Industry Advice
  • Training, Engagement and Other Initiatives
  • Film Permitting
  • Visitors Economy Office

C. Art Services includes:

  • Culture Grants
  • City-Produced Festivals and Events
  • Arts, Activities, Classes, Exhibits and Events
  • Arts Venue and Public Art

D. Museums and Heritage Services includes:

  • Collections and Heritage Properties Conservations
  • Historical Museums, Collections and Heritage Properties
  • Museums Classes, Exhibits and Events

Economic Development and Culture delivers services and programs through the following sections:

Open Data

Open data is freely available to everyone to use and republish as they wish. There is an Open Data License posted on the City’s Open Data site that outlines the City’s and users’ obligations relating to this data. The City does not guarantee the currency or accuracy of the data posted on the site:

The Economic Development and Culture Division provides six data sets as ESRI Shapefiles – geospatial vector data format – for geographic information systems software. These are:

  • Business Improvement Area (ESRI Shapefile) – Boundaries for the active Business Improvement Areas (BIA) within the City of Toronto
  • Business Incubation (CSV) – The dataset comprises a list of organizations that provide programs and services focuses on advancing entrepreneurship in Toronto.
  • Cultural Hotspot – Points of Interest (ESRI Shapefile) – Cultural Hotspot spans a vast geographic area and many local neighbourhoods with unique features. This dataset contains information about points of interest for residents and visitors to enjoy including public art, murals, buildings with historic or architectural significance, green spaces, restaurants and more.
  • Cultural Spaces (ESRI Shapefile) – This database is a compilation of all spaces within the 44 City wards that were available for cultural use for a five year period up to the end of 2013. These include schools, community centres and other spaces available on a rental basis for cultural use, which includes performances, exhibitions, visual arts, screen based performances, heritage events etc.
  • Festival & Events (JSON) – This dataset lists all festivals, special events and exhibits (etc.) approved to appear on the City of Toronto Festivals and Events Calendar.
  • Hotel Association Member List for the Greater Toronto Area (ESRI Shapefile, Excel) – A list of all hotels in the GTA that are members of the Greater Toronto Hotel Association
  • Labour Force Survey (IVT) – The labour force survey is a household survey carried out monthly by Statistics Canada.
  • Place of Interest and Toronto Attractions ESRI Shapefile, Excel) – Provide a listing of attractions in Toronto, as determined by the Visitor Economy Office. This is not necessarily a comprehensive listing, and will continue to expand over time. This information has been gathered through research and day-to-day operations of the Visitor Economy Office.
  • Public Art and Monuments (ESRI Shapefile, Excel) – The dataset provides a complete map of the City of Toronto’s Public Art & Monuments Collection. The Collection includes 290 artworks and monuments installed throughout Toronto, both indoors and outdoors.
  • Toronto Economic Bulletin (Excel) – Data from various sources providing a monthly snapshot of the city/regional economy.


Type of information Brief description How to get the information
Business and Industry Advice Economic development professionals provide personalized, direct access to City Hall, other levels of government and industry initiatives through a wide range of business services.

City of Toronto Economic Development Officers contact information: Link to website

John Alderdice
Manager, Business Retention & Expansion
Tel: 416-392-1004

City of Toronto Business Incentives Information on City’s business incentives programs including links to each web page for detailed information on guidelines, process and contact information.

City of Toronto Incentives contact information: Link to website

General inquiries

Rebecca Condon
Tel: 416-392-0626

Neil Farmer
Tel: 416-396-4959

International Alliances Information on Toronto’s international partnerships, and information for Toronto’s businesses about export markets through marketing and international relationships.

City of Toronto Export Development contact information: Link to website

General inquiries
Tel: 416-392-3398

Key Industry Sectors Information on key industry clusters including business related statistics, industry profiles and reports and publications.

City of Toronto Key Industry contact information: Link to website

Leslie Fink
Manager, Sector Development
Tel: 416-338-1955

Entrepreneurship Services

Toronto Small Business Enterprise Centre offers a number of supports for those looking to start or grow their businesses.


StartUp Here Toronto provides supports to the innovation ecosystem.

Toronto Small Business Enterprise Centre information: Link to website

StartUp Here Toronto Information: Link to website

General inquiries

Email: Submit Your Inquiry

Phone: 416-392-6646
Monday to Friday – 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Scarborough Civic Centre
150 Borough Drive
Walk- In Service: Monday – 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

North York Civic Centre
5100 Yonge Street
Tuesday – 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Information and Statistics Publications and reports

  • The City and its partners maintain publications, reports and strategies, economic information and business-related statistics to assist business.

Economic Data Centre

  • Information on the City and regional economies, including data on key indicators, such as employment characteristics, real estate activity, social, financial, and demographic characteristics.

Toronto Economic Bulletin

  • Toronto Economic Bulletin provides a monthly snapshot of the regional economy, and includes data on labour market information, GDP estimates, real estate activity, retail sales, transportation and city rankings.

Information and Statistics contact information:

General inquiries


Publication and reports for Economic Development

Publication and reports for Culture & the Creative Economy

Link to Economic Data Centre 

Link to Toronto Economic Bulletin

Film, Television and Digital Media Provides one-stop concierge service for all film productions shot in Toronto. The Office co-ordinates all location filming within the city and provides industry development support to the local screen-based community.

Toronto Film, Television and Digital Media Office contact information: Link to website

General inquiries
Tel: 416-338-FILM (3456)

Business Improvement Areas (BIA) The City of Toronto’s BIA Office is your first point of contact, offering assistance in:

  • starting and expanding a BIA
  • developing budgets
  • improving neighbourhood safety
  • planning and delivering capital projects
  • supporting strategic planning
  • planning special events
  • providing annual general meetings assistance
  • providing professional advice and training
  • supporting marketing and promotion efforts

The City also provides the following programs:

The City of Toronto’s BIA Office contact information: Link to website

General inquiries
Tel: 416-392-1291

Toronto Music Directory The Toronto Music Directory is an interactive map and searchable catalogue of local music industry services, retailers, supporting organizations and venues.

Music Office contact information: Link to website

General inquiries

Mike Tanner
Music Sector Development Officer
Tel: 416-338-3255

Jaclyn Tam
Supervisor, Special Events (Music)
Tel: 416-392-3379

Event Planning


The Event Support Unit (ESU) provides support and consultation services to the hundreds of local, national and international festivals. ESU also supports conventions and sport tourism bids which occur in the City of Toronto.


Event Support Unit contact information: Link to website

General inquiries
Tel: 416-395-0490

Visitor Economy Office The Visitor Economy team fosters collaboration between the City, Tourism industry stakeholders and the local community, while providing valuable information services to visitors at the Toronto Tourist Information Centre (Union Station). The team is committed to creating community connections, providing industry support in navigating municipal services and enhancing the visitor experience.

Visitors Economy Office contact information: Link to website

For Visitor Information inquiries or to contact the Toronto Specialists at the Toronto Tourist Information Centre:
Tel: 416-392-9300

Arts Services

Arts Services provides community arts programming through partnerships that promote opportunities for artistic expression, audience development, arts education, and employment in the arts and cultural industries.

Arts Services operate four City-owned cultural centres and art galleries:

Art Services contact information: Link to website

Julie Frost
Manager, Arts Services
Tel: 416-338-1263

Cultural Partnerships Information about funding to cultural organizations in order to enhance the development and access to culture in Toronto.

Cultural Partnerships contact information: Link to website

Ben Macintosh
Manager, Cultural Partnerships (A)
Tel: 416-392-4012

Museums and Heritage Services

Staff manage 10 Toronto historic sites and offer a broad range of programs, events and exhibits.

EDC facilitates rental of all sites for a variety of business and social functions such as corporate meetings, weddings and birthday parties.

Museums and Heritage Services contact information: Link to website

Sonia Mrva
Manager, Museums
Tel: 416-338-0435

Collections and Conservation

EDC is responsible for the care, conservation and display of a large and significant collection of historic objects – 150,000 items such as furniture, clothing and documents – as well as roughly 1.1 million archaeological objects that are authentic and tangible reminders of Toronto’s history.

EDC acts as the steward of the City’s fine art collection, conserving the more than 2,500 moveable works of art, many dating back to the 19th century and making them available and accessible to the public.

Museums and Heritage Services contact information: Link to website

Armando Perla
Chief Curator
Tel: 416-392-7803