Business Meeting No.2

Meeting Date: Friday, February 24, 2017
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: Scarborough Civic Centre, 150 Borough Drive Toronto, Ontario M1P 4N7
Room: Council Chamber
Chair: Ian Lord

Contact: Hsing Yi Chao
Phone: 416-338-2734

TLAB 2.1                             PRESENTATION                             RECEIVED

Panel Decision

The Toronto Local Appeal Body received a presentation from the Chair of the Toronto Local Appeal Body, Ian Lord, for information.

Decision Advice and Other Information

A presentation by Ian Lord, Chair of the Toronto Local Appeal Body to the Toronto Local Appeal Body Panel Members providing a brief overview of the Rules of Practice and Procedure, jurisdiction, conduct and service delivery, the anatomy of a proceeding, scheduling, hearings, decisions and orders and TLAB image.

Pitfalls & Pratfalls, Chair’s address

A presentation by the Toronto Local Appeal Body Chair to the Panel Members.

Background Information and Additional Resources
Presentation –  Pitfalls & Pratfalls


1. Motion to receive the presentation as information moved by Panel Member Gillian Burton (Carried)

TLAB 2.2                             PRESENTATION                             RECEIVED

Panel Decision

The Toronto Local Appeal Body received a presentation by Duxbury Law Trial & Tribunal Lawyers as information.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The Toronto Local Appeal Body received the following presentations from Duxbury Law Trial & Tribunal Lawyers:

Brian Duxbury provided an overview of Common Law, Statute Law, Administrative Law, Conducting a Hearing and Rules of Evidence.  The importance and application of each topic to the Toronto Local Appeal Body was reviewed using case law, anecdotal examples and hypothetical scenarios.

David T. Marshall outlined 4 key factors to consider when writing a decision including understanding and knowing your audience, the importance of editing, using structural devices to enhance readability and clarity and finally reducing prolixity.


A training presentation on:

Common Law
Statute Law
Administrative Law
Conducting a Hearing
Rules of Evidence
Writing a Decision

Background Information and additional resources

Training Presentation
Training Case Law Dissection


1. Motion to receive the presentation as information moved by Panel Member Sabnavis Gopikrishna (Carried)

Meeting Sessions

Session Date Session Type Start Time End Time Public or Closed Session
February 24th, 2017 Morning 9:04 AM 10:21 AM Public
February 24th, 2017 Recess 10:21 AM 10:36 AM
February 24th, 2017 Morning 10:36 AM 12:16 PM Public



Members were present for some or all of the time period indicated.

Date and Time Quorum Panel Members
February 24th, 2017

9:04 AM to 10:21 AM

(Public Session)

Present Present: Ian Lord (Chair), Susan Bryson, Gillian Burton, Sabnavis Gopikrishna, Laurie McPherson, Sophia Ruddock, Ted Yao
February 24th, 2017

10:36 AM to 12:16 PM

(Public Session)

Present Present: Ian Lord (Chair), Susan Bryson, Gillian Burton, Sabnavis Gopikrishna, Laurie McPherson, Sophia Ruddock, Ted Yao (via videoconference)