The City licenses businesses and activities, and investigates complaints on private and public property to ensure compliance with bylaws.
Topic | Description | Bylaw |
Service Dogs – Refusal of Service | All businesses licensed by the City of Toronto must provide service to individuals with guide dogs or service animals. | |
Dog Bites | Dog owners are responsible for their dogs. When a dog bites, the City will take action to ensure that the public remains safe. | Animals Bylaw |
Dogs Off Leash | Dogs must always be kept on a leash unless they are in designated off-leash areas. | |
Holiday Shopping | Retail businesses in Toronto must close on statutory holidays (except in designated tourist areas). Some retailers are exempt from the bylaw. | Holiday Shopping Bylaw |
Clothing Drop Boxes | Clothing Drop Box operators are required to obtain and display a permit on each drop box, while maintaining the area around the box free from waste and litter. | Clothing Drop Boxes Bylaw |
Fireworks | A permit is required to sell fireworks in Toronto. | Fireworks Bylaw |
Graffiti and Postering | To help keep Toronto clean, residents and businesses should use the City’s public kiosks and message centres for posters, paper signs and remove graffiti vandalism within 72 hours. | |
Litter & Garbage | Also known as illegal dumping, it refers to leaving residential garbage on public (city boulevard, parks etc) or private property without the owner’s consent. | Littering and Dumping Bylaw |
Noise | Noise is prohibited at any time where it is likely to disturb others. Exemptions to noise requirements may be obtained for construction activities and special events. | Noise Bylaw |
Parks | Parks are shared spaces and everyone needs to be responsible and respectful of each other. The Parks Bylaw regulates the types of activities that are allowed in Toronto parks. | Parks Bylaw |
Fences | Fences can act as privacy screens between properties, and in the case of swimming pool fences, as barriers to entry. Exemptions for fence height and construction may be requested. | Fences Bylaw |
Turfgrass & Prohibited Plants | Residents are required to maintain their property to meet maintenance standards that focus on health and safety, including cutting turfgrass when growth exceeds 20 centimetres, keeping land free of prohibited plants, and ensuring plants do not obstruct sidewalks, roadways, or sightlines. | Turfgrass & Prohibited Plants Bylaw |
Right to Enter Neighbour’s Property for Repairs | Right-of-entry permits may be issued when there is no agreement between neighbours to access each other’s property, but repairs to the existing building are necessary due to health and safety reasons. | Building Construction and Demolition Bylaw |
Garage Sales | Residents are allowed to hold two garage sales per year. | Garage Sales Bylaw |
Abandoned Appliances | Refrigerators and other large appliances, which are left outside for disposal, must have doors removed to prevent young children from becoming trapped in them. | |
Water Supply | The Water Supply Bylaw defines the roles and responsibilities of both property owners and the City in order to protect the integrity of the water supply system. | Water Supply Bylaw |
Sewers | The Sewers Bylaw protects public safety, the environment and City infrastructure by setting strict limits on what can be discharged into the sewers system and natural watercourses. | Sewers Bylaw |
Election Signs | The City regulates the placement of election signs. | Signs Bylaw |
Low or No Heat/Vital Services | A landlord is responsible for providing heat to a minimum air temperature of 21 degrees Celsius from September 15 to June 1. | |
Taxis & Limousines | The Vehicle-for-hire By-law regulates the condition of the vehicle, short-fare refusal, driver behaviour, use of cell phone, route taken and fare. | Vehicle-for-hire Bylaw |
Private Transportation Companies (Uber and Lyft) | The Vehicle-for-hire Bylaw regulates the failure to display an identifier, pick-up at a cabstand or hail from the street, driver identification and the use of snow tires. | Vehicle-for-hire Bylaw |
Green Roof | Toronto is the first City in North America to have a bylaw to require and govern the construction of green roofs on new development. | Green Roof |
Solid Waste | There are a number of bylaws related to solid waste, including the collection of garbage, collection fees and more. | Solid Waste Fees Bylaw Packaging Bylaw Littering & Dumping Bylaw Residential Garbage Collection Bylaw Commercial Garbage Collection Bylaw Waste Transfer Station Bylaw List of Prohibited Waste Bylaw |
Multi-Tenant (Rooming) Houses | Learn about the current rules and regulations for multi-tenant (rooming) houses. | Multi-Tenant Houses Bylaw |
RentSafeTO Apartment Building Standards Program | The RentSafeTO: Apartment Building Standards Program applies to all residential rental apartment buildings that are three or more storeys tall and have 10 or more apartment units. | Apartment Building Bylaw |
Property Standards | Property standards include regulations for public and private property regarding fencing, long grass and weeds, zoning, multi-residential apartment buildings, and rooming houses. | Property Standards Bylaw |
Smoking and Vaping Legislation & Enforcement | Toronto Public Health enforces the Smoke Free Ontario Act (SFOA) to help reduce youth access to tobacco and protect the public from second-hand smoke. | |
Shisha Ban Enforcement | Hookah and shisha use is becoming increasingly popular in Toronto, as it is often considered a healthier option than cigarette smoking. However, both tobacco and non-tobacco shisha smoke pose serious health risks to smokers and individuals exposed to second-hand smoke. | |
Idling of Vehicles and Boats | The Idling Control Bylaw limits idling to no more than one minute in a 60-minute period. Vehicle emissions are a contributing factor in climate change. By reducing unnecessary idling to just one minute, we are helping to improve the quality of the air in Toronto. | Idling Control Bylaw |
Streets and Sidewalks | The Street Use Bylaw has a uniform set of regulations dealing with activities that occur in the public road allowance. | Streets Use Bylaw |
Winter sidewalk clearing – snow and ice | If snowfall accumulation is 2 cm or less in depth, it is up to residents and businesses to clear sidewalks adjacent to their property of snow and ice within 12 hours of the end of a snowfall. City crews start clearing all public sidewalks when the snow is 2 cm deep. | Snow and Ice Removal Bylaw |
Residential Front Yards and Boulevards Parking | An off-street parking permit is required to park in your front yard or on part of the City boulevard. With approval, residents may rent part of the City-owned boulevard to supplement space on private property. | Parking on Residential Front Yards and Boulevards Bylaw |
Temporary Closing of Highways | The City is responsible for the maintenance and inspection of more than 900 roads, pedestrian bridges and structures, including 510 bents of the F.G. Gardiner Expressway. | |
Temporary Signs | The Signs Bylaw regulates the size and location of all temporary signs (signs that are not permanently attached or fixed to a structure or surface) on private and public property. | Signs Bylaw |
Short-Term Rentals | Learn about the rules and register short-term rentals in Toronto | Licensing and Registration of Short-Term Rentals Bylaw |
Dust | Residents who have construction activities at their property must follow regulations to prevent the creation of dust. | Dust Bylaw |
Indoor Temperatures in Apartment Buildings | Information on how the City is addressing high indoor temperatures in apartment units. | Property Standards Bylaw Heat Bylaw Apartment Building Bylaw |