Oriole Parkway Road Resurfacing and Centre Median Greening
Artist rendering of Oriole Parkway at Hillsdale Avenue West, looking north
The City of Toronto is planning to resurface Oriole Parkway from Chaplin Crescent to Eglinton Avenue West in 2025.
Work will include road resurfacing, centre median greening, sidewalk and curb repairs, pedestrian safety improvements, as well as rehabilitation of an existing sewer pipe to extend its service life.
Project Area
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Project Overview
The City of Toronto is planning to make changes on Oriole Parkway as part of upcoming road resurfacing. The changes support the City’s commitment the Vision Zero Road Safety Plan. The Plan’s goal is to eliminate traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries by making our roads safer for everyone, especially for seniors, school children, and people walking and cycling.
The greening of the Oriole Parkway centre median supports the City of Toronto’s objectives to increase tree canopy coverage and will help provide local mitigation to climate change.
Planned Changes
The existing concrete centre median will be replaced with grass and trees to increase storm water infiltration and support street tree planting.
53 new street trees will be in the median. Street trees can contribute to local air quality improvements, mitigate extreme heat events, reduce traffic noise and traffic speeds.
The new design of the median will no longer allow direct access to driveways from both directions. Access to driveways will be right-in, right-out only.
In addition to existing intersections that can be used by residents to facilitate U-turn movements, three additional openings will be provided in the centre median to enable U-turns.
On-street parking will be reduced by approximately 12 spaces to better facilitate U-turn movements.
The total length of centre medians will be slightly reduced at intersections to improve access for emergency vehicles.
Pedestrian improvements will include curb radii reductions and curb extensions at intersections to provide more room for pedestrians, reduce pedestrian crossing distances, reduce vehicle turning speeds and improve sight lines.
Tactile plates will be added at pedestrian crossings for people who are visually impaired.
Existing conditions: View looking northward on Oriole Parkway near Hillsdale Avenue WestArtist rendering of planned changes on Oriole Parkway at Hillsdale Avenue West, looking north
In 2014 City Council authorized the use of section 37 funds from area development to contribute to streetscape improvements on Oriole Parkway.