The City’s agencies provide a broad range of City services. Each agency has a different mandate and responsibility but generally fall into categories: service agencies, community-based service agencies, Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) and partnered agencies.

City Council establishes agencies under the authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006. Some agencies are established under other legislation including the Police Services Act, Health Protection and Promotion Act, 1990 and the Public Libraries Act, 1990.

The roles, responsibilities and authorities of City agencies are established through a range of legislation, the Toronto Municipal Code and Council-approved Relationship Frameworks.

Service agencies provide services such as public transit, library, police, parking and theatres. They are each governed by a Board with delegated decision-making authority from City Council. Council approves service agencies’ budgets, sets certain policies and generally owns their assets.

Service Agency Description
CreateTO Leads City-wide real estate portfolio and asset strategy, development planning, and major projects. Also develops City buildings and lands for municipal purposes and assists City divisions, agencies and corporations with real estate planning.
Exhibition Place Promotes and operates Exhibition Place as a park, entertainment, trade show, and business destination.
Heritage Toronto Interprets and advocates for Toronto’s built, archaeological, natural and cultural heritage.
TO Live Manages the City-owned Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts and Toronto Centre for the Arts and promotes theatrical, artistic and cultural programming.
Toronto Atmospheric Fund Provides funding and support to initiatives that improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution.
Toronto Investment Board Manages the City’s investments of funds that are not immediately required by the City.
Toronto Parking Authority Operates municipal off-street parking facilities, on-street metered parking and the Bike Share Toronto system.
Toronto Police Service In partnership with communities, keeps Toronto safe through crime prevention, law enforcement, assistance to victims of crime, public order maintenance and emergency response.
Toronto Public Health Promotes health and prevents illness through health education and disease prevention programs.
Toronto Public Library Provides Torontonians the tools and services to help them thrive in the digital age and global knowledge economy, including free access to technology, lifelong learning, diverse cultural and leisure experiences and each other in our 100 branches, in the community and online.
Toronto Transit Commission Manages, operates and maintains the City’s network of subways, streetcars, buses and Wheel-Trans, a specialized service for people who require accessible transportation, and constructs transit expansion projects.
Toronto Zoo Manages, operates, fundraises for, and maintains the Zoo, including conservation and sustainability programs to preserve endangered plants and animals.
Sankofa Square (formerly Yonge-Dundas Square)


Manages, operates, and maintains Sankofa Square and delivers public event production and coordination.

Community-based service agencies are governed by a community-based volunteer board.

These agencies rely on community involvement and volunteers to deliver services and programs to local communities. The City provides the capital budget and a range of administrative supports.

Arena Boards: Manage and operate eight of the City’s 48 indoor ice sport facilities and, in consultation with the General Manager of Parks, Forestry & Recreation, allocate ice time to users each year.

Association of Community Centres (AOCCs): Funded in partnership with the City, these 10 multi-purpose centres provide public space and locally controlled programs and services to communities across the City.

Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) are made up of commercial and industrial property owners and business tenants within a City Council designated geographical area who join together under a volunteer Board of Management.

BIAs oversee the improvement and beautification of streetscapes, promote local businesses, and organize community events. Their operating budgets are funded through a levy on all commercial and industrial properties within the BIA boundary.

Partnered agencies have a joint board whose governance, membership and funding are shared between the City and other bodies and whose City representatives are appointed by City Council.

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority: Develops and delivers programs to further the conservation, restoration, development and management of the natural resources within nine watersheds in the Greater Toronto Region.