In 2017, City Planning initiated the Guidelines for Development Close to Rail Corridors & Yards Study (Rail Study) to research the issues, Federal and Provincial regulations and the role of municipalities in rail safety in relation to new development.

The objective of this Land Use Study was to assess and provide recommendations regarding the City’s practices with respect to reviewing development applications that are received for lands that are adjacent and or in proximity to rail infrastructure. The Study was conducted in two Phases and is now complete. The consultant’s Final Report is now available.

Based on the work completed through the Rail Study, City Planning developed a Terms of Reference for a city-wide Rail Safety and Risk Mitigation Study to be piloted on applications in proximity to rail infrastructure (corridors, spurs, and yards) as part of the City’s Development Review process.

The Pilot included project staff working with industry experts (rail report preparation/peer review consultants), applicants, rail operators, and community planners to gain a process based understanding of the rail safety study preparation, peer review and its impacts on the City’s development review processes.

The lessons learned from the Land Use Study and subsequent Pilot have informed the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment approach.
The draft amendments and approach to zoning are in the process of refinement. The Development in Proximity to Rail: Amendment to the Official Plan report and recommended Official Plan Amendment will be considered at the February 15, 2022 Planning and Housing Committee.


Learn about the study area, purpose and timelines.

Meetings & Events

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Information & Reports

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