February 10, 2021, 6:30 p.m. ‑ 8 p.m.
The City of Toronto Planning Division has undertaken the Development in Proximity to Rail study. The intent of the Study is to assess and provide recommendations regarding the City’s practices with respect to reviewing development applications that are received for lands that are adjacent and or in proximity to rail infrastructure. The Study was conducted in two Phases and is now complete.
The proposed amendments are the result of the Development in Proximity to Rail Study completed by the City in 2019 and the pilot of Draft Terms of Reference for a Rail Safety and Risk Mitigation Study for applications in proximity to rail infrastructure as part of the City’s Development Review process
Phase 1 public consultation process has come to a close. The feedback help develop a series of Toronto specific guidelines for development in proximity to rail operations.
The public meetings were held on:
Consultation Presentation (November 2017)