Since 2015, the City has regularly reviewed its rules for businesses and trades outlined in the Licensing Bylaw. The bylaw regulates more than 60 types of businesses and trades in Toronto, for example driving school operators, driving instructors, temporary sign providers, plumbers and transient traders.
The City continues to update the Licensing Bylaw, the business licence administration process, the approach to bylaw enforcement, as well as technologies that enable online and in-person business licence applications and renewals.
Stay informed regarding the City’s ongoing work to update the Licensing Bylaw and the business licence and permit application process.
Email to share your comments or questions.
The City is examining ways to modernize its licensing rules to meet today’s business environment, including considering whether to stop licensing certain business types and trades (including those who already require a business or trade licence from the Province or another regulatory body).
City staff will report to City Council in 2025 with a Business Licence and Permit Applications Action Plan, including recommendations and rationale for which businesses/trades City Council should consider removing from the Licensing Bylaw.
The Action Plan will also consider how to:
The City is examining ways to modernize its licensing rules to meet today’s business environment, including considering whether to stop licensing certain business types and trades (including those who already require a business or trade licence from the Province or another regulatory body).
Staff are looking for feedback from current licence holders of 21 specific licence categories.
If you hold at least one of the following licences, please share your perspectives on the bylaw review issue by completing a short survey. The survey closes on February 14, 2025.
Your participation is voluntary and anonymous. Choosing to participate (or not) will not impact your City licence in any way.
Survey results will be used by staff alongside other sources of information to create a final list of licence types for recommended removal from the Licensing Bylaw.
If City Council chooses to deregulate any of the proposed licence types, you may continue to run your business and/or practice your trade in Toronto. However, you may no longer be required to hold a City business licence.
To enhance the customer experience, the City implemented various changes to the Licensing By-law and its business licence and permit applications process including but not limited to:
Through the Province of Ontario’s City of Toronto Act, 2006, the City has the authority to adopt and enforce licensing and permitting requirements for businesses, trades, and occupations. The regulations aim to enhance the economic, social, and environmental well-being of the city, support health and safety, protect consumers and mitigate community nuisance.
Examples of rules in the Licensing Bylaw include but are not limited to paying licence application and renewal fees, following safety and health requirements and setting up businesses only in permitted areas of the city.
The bylaw is an amalgamation of the former boroughs’ respective licensing bylaws. Over the years, updates have been made to the document and the City periodically reviews the bylaw to modernize regulations and add in any missing information.
Municipal Licensing and Standards collects your personal email address under the legal authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, section 8, and Toronto City Council Item 2023.EC8.13, as confirmed by the City of Toronto By-law 1332-2023. The information will be used to confirm and administer a subscription to electronic notifications regarding Licensing Bylaw Reviews. Questions about this collection can be directed to Stakeholder Engagement Lead, Policy and Strategic Support, Municipal Licensing and Standards, City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, 16th Floor West, Toronto, Ontario, M5H 2N2, or by telephone at 416-395-7159.