Starting the week of July 7, our contractor will begin reconstructing the sidewalks between Linsmore Crescent and Greenwood Avenue.  This work is anticipated to take two weeks to complete (weather permitting).  During this period, traffic on Sammon Avenue within this limit will be converted to one-way eastbound.


The City of Toronto is planning road reconstruction and safety improvements along Sammon Avenue from Woodycrest Avenue to Linsmore Crescent.

Planned infrastructure and safety improvements include:

  • Widening the sidewalks on the north side and replacing any damaged sidewalks on the south side along Sammon Avenue from Woodycrest Avenue to Donlands Avenue;
  • Widening the north and south sidewalks along Sammon Avenue from Donlands Avenue to Linsmore Crescent;
  • Reducing the curb radii at all corners to reduce turning speed and improve visibility;
  • Installing curb extensions at most intersections along Sammon Avenue to narrow pedestrian crossing distances and improve visibility;
  • Adding new decorative planting areas at the intersections of Sammon Avenue at Wiley Avenue, Leroy Avenue, Kimbourne Avenue and Linsmore Crescent;
  • Newly marked pedestrian crossings and accessibility upgrades at all intersections;
  • Making comprehensive safety and accessibility improvements.

The Vision Zero Road Safety Plan calls for engineering improvements where there are most needed to protect vulnerable users of our transportation system – people walking, children, seniors and people cycling.

This project is part of the Council-approved 2024 Capital Works Program to renew aging city roads and sidewalk for current and future needs.

The construction area, illustrated below is Sammon Avenue from Woodycrest Avenue to Linsmore Crescent.

Map of Sammon Avenue from Woodycrest Avenue to Linsmore Crescent. Contact Nathalie Forde at or call 416-392-3556 if you require more assistance.

Local Construction Projects

Metrolinx Ontario Line will be constructing an evacuation facility at the southeast corner of Pape Avenue and Sammon Avenue. Visit to learn more about this work.

Schedule: Work is anticipated to begin in July 2024 and is expected to be completed by November 2024.  Construction phasing and timelines will be provided through a Construction Notice, two weeks before work begins.

Work Hours: Work will take place from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday to Friday, with work after hours and on weekends as required. Excavation activities and heavy breaking of concrete will be carried out at various times throughout the day. All concrete breaking activities will occur between 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Pedestrian Access: Pedestrian access will be maintained. Temporary pedestrian detours may be required.

Accessibility Accommodation: The City’s contractor must ensure safe and accessible walkways and entryways are maintained for everyone during construction. Any temporary access disruptions will be communicated as soon as possible. If you experience a disruption, have a specific access need or related request, please contact us via email or call 416-392-3556.

Travel impacts: Efforts will be made to manage traffic in the area for safety of workers, motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. People driving and cycling should expect delays and increased traffic on nearby major streets.

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